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Features of Custom Indicators Creation

Features of Custom Indicators Creation

MetaTrader 4Examples | 18 August 2005, 17:27
21 056 0

Creation of Custom Indicators in the MetaTrader trading system has a number of features.

  • For the program to be considered a Custom Indicator, it must fall under one of two definitions:

    #property  indicator_chart_window      // an indicator is drawn in the main chart window


    #property  indicator_separate_window   // an indicator is drawn in a separate window
  • To set the scale of a separate indicator window, the following definitions are used:

    #property  indicator_minimum Min_Value
    #property  indicator_maximum Max_Value

    where "Min_Value" and "Max_Value" are corresponding values. For example, these values must be 0 and 100 respectively for custom indicator RSI.

  • The number of indicator arrays necessary for drawing an indicator must be defined as follows:

    #property  indicator_buffers N

    where N can take on values from 1 to 8.

  • The color of lines in an indicator is set by the following definitions:

    #property  indicator_color1  Silver
    #property  indicator_color2  Red
    #property  indicator_colorN  <SomeColor>

    where N is the number of indicator arrays defined by "#define indicator_buffer".

  • There are functions allowing to control the process of indicator calculation and visualization. Custom Indicator of Ishimoku Kinko Hyo is used here to illustrate it:

    //|                                                     Ichimoku.mq4 |
    //|                      Copyright © 2004, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
    //|                              |
    #property copyright "Copyright © 2004, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
    #property link      ""
    #property indicator_chart_window
    #property indicator_buffers 7
    #property indicator_color1 Red
    #property indicator_color2 Blue
    #property indicator_color3 SandyBrown
    #property indicator_color4 Thistle
    #property indicator_color5 Lime
    #property indicator_color6 SandyBrown
    #property indicator_color7 Thistle
    //---- input parameters
    extern int Tenkan=9;
    extern int Kijun=26;
    extern int Senkou=52;
    //---- indicator buffers
    double Tenkan_Buffer[];
    double Kijun_Buffer[];
    double SpanA_Buffer[];
    double SpanB_Buffer[];
    double Chinkou_Buffer[];
    double SpanA2_Buffer[];
    double SpanB2_Buffer[];
    //---- span_a drawing begin
    int a_begin;
    //| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
    int init()
       SetIndexLabel(0,"Tenkan Sen");
       SetIndexLabel(1,"Kijun Sen");
       a_begin=Kijun; if(a_begin&lt;Tenkan) a_begin=Tenkan;
       SetIndexLabel(5,"Senkou Span A");
       SetIndexLabel(6,"Senkou Span B");
       SetIndexLabel(4,"Chinkou Span");
    //| Ichimoku Kinko Hyo                                               |
    int start()
       int    i,k;
       int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
       double high,low,price;
       if(Bars&lt;=Tenkan || Bars&lt;=Kijun || Bars&lt;=Senkou) return(0);
    //---- initial zero
          for(i=1;i&lt;=Tenkan;i++)    Tenkan_Buffer[Bars-i]=0;
          for(i=1;i&lt;=Kijun;i++)     Kijun_Buffer[Bars-i]=0;
          for(i=1;i&lt;=a_begin;i++) { SpanA_Buffer[Bars-i]=0; SpanA2_Buffer[Bars-i]=0; }
          for(i=1;i&lt;=Senkou;i++)  { SpanB_Buffer[Bars-i]=0; SpanB2_Buffer[Bars-i]=0; }
    //---- Tenkan Sen
       if(counted_bars>Tenkan) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
          high=High[i]; low=Low[i]; k=i-1+Tenkan;
             if(high&lt;price) high=price;
             if(low>price)  low=price;
    //---- Kijun Sen
       if(counted_bars>Kijun) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
          high=High[i]; low=Low[i]; k=i-1+Kijun;
             if(high<price) high=price;
             if(low>price)  low=price;
    //---- Senkou Span A
       if(counted_bars>a_begin-1) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
    //---- Senkou Span B
       if(counted_bars>Senkou) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
          high=High[i]; low=Low[i]; k=i-1+Senkou;
             if(high&lt;price) high=price;
             if(low>price)  low=price;
    //---- Chinkou Span
       if(counted_bars>1) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
       while(i>=0) { Chinkou_Buffer[i]=Close[i]; i--; }
  • "SetIndexStyle" function controls drawing parameters of an indicator array. The drawing mode of DRAW_LINE assumes that lines between values defined in a corresponding indicator array are drawn. The drawing mode of DRAW_HISTOGRAM having been applied to the main window indicator has its special features, as well. A histogram is drawn between corresponding values of two index arrays: an even one (here: SpanA_Buffer) and an odd one (here: SpanB_Buffer). At that, the color of the index array is used the value of which is higher.

  • "SetIndexDrawBegin" function specifies which element significant data of indicator array start at.

  • "SetIndexBuffer" function allows to declare any one-dimensional array of the "double" type as an index array. At that, the system will manage index arrays. It is for this reason that is not required to specify these arrays.

    //---- indicator buffers
    double Tenkan_Buffer[];
    double Kijun_Buffer[];
    double SpanA_Buffer[];
    double SpanB_Buffer[];
    double Chinkou_Buffer[];
    double SpanA2_Buffer[];
    double SpanB2_Buffer[];

    The ArrayResize function cannot be applied to indicator arrays, either, as it is useless. It is useless, as well, to apply the ArrayInitialize function to indicator arrays, especially as 'init' function, when indicator arrays have not been allocated yet. Indicator arrays are initialized automatically during memory allocation and reallocation. EMPTY_VALUE, or the value specified by SetIndexEmptyValue function, are used as initializing values. "Empty" values are not displayed.

  • The "SetIndexLabel" function sets the name to be displayed in tool tips and in data window along with the corresponding value (the "ValueN" is set by default, where N is the number of the index array). If NULL is transferred instead of a name, the corresponding value will be displayed neither in tool tips, nor in the data window. In the given case, clouds are hatched using a histogram and limited by a line. At that, the values of corresponding "line" and "histogram" arrays are the same, and it is possible to show only one of them.

  • The "IndicatorCounted" function allows to organize an economic calculation of an indicator. This function returns the amount of bars by the moment of the preceding launch of the indicator, i.e., the amount of bars having already been calculated (potentially, if there were no errors or early termination during the preceding launch) which do not need any recalculation. At reinitialization of the custom indicator or significant updating of history data, this amount will be automatically reset to 0.

  • Let us discuss one more example. The custom indicator named Accelerator/Decelerator Oscillator:

    //|                                                  Accelerator.mq4 |
    //|                      Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
    //|                              |
    #property  copyright "Copyright © 2005, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
    #property  link      ""
    //---- indicator settings
    #property  indicator_separate_window
    #property  indicator_buffers 3
    #property  indicator_color1  Black
    #property  indicator_color2  Green
    #property  indicator_color3  Red
    //---- indicator buffers
    double     ExtBuffer0[];
    double     ExtBuffer1[];
    double     ExtBuffer2[];
    double     ExtBuffer3[];
    double     ExtBuffer4[];
    //| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
    int init()
    //---- 2 additional buffers are used for counting.
    //---- drawing settings
    //---- 4 indicator buffers mapping
    //---- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
    //---- initialization done
    //| Accelerator/Decelerator Oscillator                               |
    int start()
       int    limit;
       int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
       double prev,current;
    //---- last counted bar will be recounted
       if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
    //---- macd counted in the 1-st additional buffer
       for(int i=0; i&lt;limit; i++)
    //---- signal line counted in the 2-nd additional buffer
       for(i=0; i<limit; i++)
    //---- dispatch values between 2 buffers
       bool up=true;
       for(i=limit-1; i>=0; i--)
          if(current>prev) up=true;
          if(current&lt;prev) up=false;
    //---- done
  • The "IndicatorBuffers" function specifies the amount of buffers to be used in indicator claculation. Generally, this function is called if more index arrays are used than it is necessary for drawing an indicator. At that, the system manages additional arrays.

  • The "SetIndexDigits" function manages the precision of information output. In this case, when the difference between two moving averages as well as the further difference between the result and the signal line is calculated, the standard precision of within 4 characters after point is obviously insufficient.

  • The "SetIndexDrawBegin" function determines the significant starting element of the indicator array. In our example, the signal line is calculated as simple moving average of another simple moving average. This is why the first 38 values of the indicator are considered as empty ones and are not to be drawn.

  • The "IndicatorShortName" function sets a so-called short name of the indicator to be displayed in the upper left corner of the indicator window and in "DataWindow". If the short name has not been set up, the custom indicator name will be used as the former one. In the given example, there is no need to use the SetIndexLabel function, because only one value is output. So, the name of the indicator is enough for output of a single value.

  • The "SetIndexStyle" function manages drawing parameters of an indicator array. The drawing mode of DRAW_NONE means that the line does not need to be drawn. The matter is that histogram of the indicator presented must be colored in 2 different colors. Data from ExtBuffer0 are allocated in two other arrays, ExtBuffer1 and ExtBuffer2. In order not to output doubling data in tool tips or in data window, the SetIndexLabel function having NULL parameter is used. The drawing mode of DRAW_HISTOGRAM being applied to the indicator of a separate window allows to draw histogram between zero value and the value of a corresponding array (compare with drawing of a histogram in the main window described above).

  • Input parameters used for calculation by custom indicators and functions must be defined as "extern" and may be of any type.

  • If input parameters have not been set the corresponding custom indicator will be called in the simplest format.

    double current_AC = iCustom( NULL, 0, "Accelerator", 0, 0 );

    The transfer of the first two values "NULL" and "0" means that the current chart will be used. The name of the corresponding file (without extension of mq4) is used as custom indicator name. If the last but one parameter is 0, it means that we are interested in the data from the very first indicator array. The last parameter being 0 means that we are interested in the value of the last element (i.e., the most recent, current value) of indicator array requested.

  • Parameters are transferred in the function of custom indicator calculation in the order they have been described. For example, custom indicator named "Ichimoku" and having parameters of (9,26,52) will be called as follows:

    iCustom( NULL, 0, "Ichimoku", 9, 26, 52, 0, shift );

    Strictly speaking, custom indicator parameters do not need to be necessarily transferred to the function. If no one extern variable is defined in the program, it is useless to trasnfer parameters. Or, if necessary, initial values can be used that are used in description of parameters. For example, the same custom indicator without parameters will be called as follows:

    iCustom( NULL, 0, "Ichimoku", 0, shift );

    This means that the values will be used that initialize variables "Tenkan", "Kijun", "Senkou", i.e., 9, 26, and 52. However, if one custom indicator having different sets of parameters is called in one Expert Advisor, default settings are highly not recommended to be used.

It must be noted that the surplus of custom indicators as well as incorrectly written ones can decelerate the work of client terminal significantly!

Warning: All rights for these materials are reserved by MetaQuotes Software Corp. Complete or partial reproduction is prohibited.

Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
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