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Neue Trading Utilitys für MetaTrader 4 - 21

icon Unten finden Sie Handelsprogramme, die den Forex-Handel in MetaTrader 4 vereinfachen. Fahren Sie mit der Maus über ein Hilfsprogramm in der Liste unten, um seine Beschreibung und seinen Zweck zu lesen.
G Labs Trade Manager
Garry James Goodchild
Trade manager  Auto calculates % risk per trade  Manual lot size input  $ Risk amount  Displays profit to loss ratio  Shows value of stop loss and take profit in pips and dollars  Shows Balance equity and open profit and loss  On screen trade entry lines with entry stop loss and take profit . All with lots size , pip value dollar value and  price level of line  The value of these lines is also displayed in the panel  Buttons on panel for  Close Winners, Close all, Execute .  Trade panel has func
Ultimate Trader Panel
Marta Rodriguez Ruiz
Ok, let's go :) Never again open a trade exceeding your risk with this ea. Settings: Corner Boton: Here you can chose where to place the panel. Position X Position Y: Both are to fine the position Width buttons: Here you can chose the width of the buttons. Heigt buttons: To chose the high of the buttons. Font Size: Changes the font size. Border color: to change the border color of the buttons. Reverse color: to change color of the Reverse button. Partial color: to change color of the Partial but
OneClick Close All MT4
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
5 (2)
A utility to close all orders with one simple click at once. Various options are available to filter or select orders : Type of orders : Buy / Sell / Buy Limit / Sell Limit / Buy Stop / Sell Stop Symbol Selection : All / Chart Symbol / Custom Symbols. You can enter custom symbols separated by comma. (for example you can enter EURUSD,GBPUSD,AUDJPY) Order Open Type : Manual Opened / Opened by EA Magic Number : You can enter more than one magic number separated by comma. (for example you can enter
Semi Auto Recovery Zone
Sirinya Pakkaman
5 (1)
Details of each condition Type 1. Set no use Hedging Martingale, to open the order by yourself only through the push button. TP and SL follow setting. Set Setting_Hedging =false;     Use_Signal =false;  Type 2. Semi Auto Recovery Zone You have to open the order by yourself only through the push button. If in the wrong direction and Set true on Hedging Martingale, EA will fix the order with the zone system by use Hedging Martingale Set Setting_Hedging =true;     Use_Signal =false;  Type 3. Use
PRODUCT description: Market Data Logger   PRO  is a utility tool specially created for the sole purpose of logging your Broker's market data to a text file. With this tool, you will be able to record and export metrics from your MT4 Broker such as the "MT4 Market Watch Time", "Bid Price", "Ask Price", "High Price", "Low Price" and various measures of "Spread". This tool may be of interest to traders, data scientists wanting to capture and analyze market data, entrepreneurs, archival purposes,
Manual Trade Panel EA MT4
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (5)
Manual Trade Panel EA MT4 ist das einfachste und am einfachsten zu bedienende Handelspanel, das Sie für MT4 finden können. Es hat alle Optionen und Funktionen in einer Oberfläche, ohne dass zusätzliche Fenster oder Paneele geöffnet werden müssen. Es ist ein Auftragsverwaltungs-, Risikorechner-, Teilschließungs- und Kontoschutz-Dienstprogramm, alles in einer äußerst benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche! Durch die Verwendung des Manual Trade Panel EA MT4 können Sie um ein Vielfaches schneller und gen
PRODUCT description: Market Data Logger is a utility tool specially created for the sole purpose of logging your Broker's market data to a text file. With this tool, you will be able to record and export metrics from your MT4 Broker such as the "MT4 Market Watch Time", "Bid Price", "Ask Price", "High Price", "Low Price" and various measures of "Spread". This tool may be of interest to traders, data scientists wanting to capture and analyze market data, entrepreneurs, archival purposes, hobbyi
Nina Yermolenko
5 (6)
The utility places a grid of pending orders. You can select the number of orders in the grid, the step between orders, multiplier for the order size, SL and TP levels and the magic number. MT5 version of the utility is avaliable by the link -  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/73489 If you like this utility, take a look at my other products -  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/nina_yermolenko/seller
Trade Panel with Loss Breaking for MT4 Multi-instrumental trading panel with the function of transferring the stop loss of positions to loss breaking. Has the following distinctive properties: All trading parameters and panel operation are set in the settings. The traded position volume (lot size) is quickly changed. The required margin and the percentage of the required margin of the current deposit for the specified lot size are displayed. Shows profit when take profit is triggered and losses
The smart EA Copy trade for VPS / PC Designed for MT4, it easy it super fast, it full of features, for the tutorials you can see on the uploaded photo Parameter input: Select timer setting: select between milisecond / second timer (some broker will conflict on milisecond). Select role: select the role as master or client, but leave it default you can change later on the dashboard. Master key: input the key, ensure the key are same between master and client, you can set more than master in one
Chemical rockets   are the most common type of high power rocket, typically creating a high speed exhaust by the   combustion   of   fuel   with an   oxidizer . The stored propellant can be a simple pressurized gas or a single   liquid fuel   that disassociates in the presence of a catalyst ( monopropellant ), two liquids that spontaneously react on contact ( hypergolic propellants ), two liquids that must be ignited to react (like kerosene (RP1) and liquid oxygen, used in most   liquid-propella
PZ Custom Trader EA
3 (3)
Automate your trading with any custom indicator Would you like to automate your trading using a custom indicator of your choice? This EA trades using almost any custom indicator. It offers fully customizable settings, flexible position management, customizable trading sessions and weekdays, an inverse mode and a martingale mode. All the robot needs from you are two inputs: The filename of the indicator to trade The signal buffer or the buy/sell buffers to call That's it! The signal buffer or th
This TraderMaster EA is super helpful for professional trader.  Input Parameter Section: 1) Allow trader to set different line style, such as color, width; 2) Apply our chart style, if set false, it will not change the chart style; 3) Select different panel mode 3.a) Simple Mode, for trader immediately place a market order, pending order, delete and close orders; 3.b) Draw Line Mode, for price action traders who want to trade for trend and reverse in his trading plan; 3.c) Advanced Mode, includ
Super simple and powerful with full feature Trade Panel manager This is the finest trade tool for your metatrader4, the best option for your daily trading activity with full powerfull inside. Input parameters: Magic Number : Define your magic number. Entry Comments : Define your entry comments. Main Dashboard Features: Buy & Sell button: Protected with confirmation pop-up before entry deliver to the system, incase miss press the button. Pending order (Limit & Stop) with check option: press
News Scalping Executor is an utility which helps to trade high impact and huge volatility   news . This utility helps to create two opposite orders with risk management and profit protection. It moves automatically stop loss level to avoid losses as much as possible by using many different algorithms. It helps to avoid trading the news if spread suddenly becomes very huge. It can lock profit by moving stop loss or partially closing of orders. To be profitable with this type of trading you sho
News Scalping Executor Pro is an utility which helps to trade high impact and huge volatility   news . This utility helps to create two opposite orders with risk management and profit protection. It moves automatically stop loss level to avoid losses as much as possible by using many different algorithms. It helps to avoid trading the news if spread suddenly becomes very huge. It can lock profit by moving stop loss or partially closing of orders. To be profitable with this type of trading you
The  Expert Advisor   is designed for quick and easy one-click trading to close market and pending orders in all pairs .  there is one click button to close all market pending orders and one click button to close all pending orders .  in the settings you have an options to adjust the corner and the width and front type and front color and front size .  it is an easy EA that help you to delete pending orders and close market orders . 
This utility is specifically designed for No Nonsense Forex traders. What it does:- Let traders add or remove symbols to trade Editable boxes in panel for updating inputs Automatically applies money management to the trades Places all orders with a single click  How it calculates:- Two trades are opened per symbol By default max risk per trade is 1% By default total risk is 6% which can changed in inputs tab(recommended to keep it 6 or below)  On addition of symbols the total risk will be divide
Safe Fund MT4
Nguyen Phuc Hung Thinh
We use Price Action and Japanese Candlesticks at important price zones and standard times to open positions and use Risk/Reward: 1/2 - 0.2%/trade. Recommended symbol:    EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDCAD, USDJPY, GBPJPY, EURJPY. Contact me: Gmail: fifund.cuscare@gmail.com,   Facebook , Twitter , Instagram . Product: Metatrader4 , Metatrader5 . Broker references:  Exness ,  ICMarket ,  FBS .
Display rectangles and trendlines list from  Trading box  Technical analysis tool. Objects are ordered in the list by pip distance that is difference between object price and Bid price. With this tool you will know which chart to look for next trading opportunity. No more switching between charts and searching for trades where price is close to rectangle zone or trendline support resistance level. Sorted Rectangles and Trendlines by pip distance -  If you are trading on multiple charts, then th
It Calculates Lot size for Manual Money Management. If you want any custom feature or want to remove something from this product for your personal use. Please send me a personal message, I'll be happy to do so for you. Inputs :  Account Balance  Risk Percent  StopLoss in Pips How to Use it :  Put it on the Chart of Currency Pair which wanted to be Calculated  Fill up All three Input fields with Desired Details  After filling inputs Click the "Calculate !!" Button   And then Results will b
Open Risk Profit  shows your current risk or possible profit of all open positions. Total open risk   is your loss if all positions run into the stop loss. Total open profit   is your profit if all positions reach your take profit. Total float   is your current profit or loss of all positions. The program also breaks down the information into the individual symbols. For example, you can monitor how much is your current profit and your potential risk in EURUSD, no matter how many individual posi
Skin for EA MT4
Nina Yermolenko
5 (1)
This utility is a graphical shell for other Expert Advisors that do not have their own graphical shell or whose graphical shell you do not like. Just run the utility on a free chart of any currency pair, specify in the input parameters the "Magic Number" of the advisor to which you want to connect the utility, and a graphical shell will appear on the graph, containing information about the traded currency pairs, current positions and trading results of your advisor. If you like this utility, ta
This script was created for the best and easiest manual trading execution with automatic money management and TP/SL prices. Magic number included. Use the Buy, Sell, Stop and Limit scripts for a complete manual trading execution system. Parameters are self-explanatory. Take Profit and Stop Loss are measured in points for 5-digit brokers and pips for 4-digit brokers.
This script was created for the best and easiest manual trading execution with automatic money management and TP/SL prices. Magic number included. Use the Buy, Sell, Stop and Limit scripts for a complete manual trading execution system. Parameters are self-explanatory. Take Profit and Stop Loss are measured in points for 5-digit brokers and pips for 4-digit brokers.
This script was created for the best and easiest manual trading execution with automatic money management and TP/SL prices. Magic number included. Use the Buy, Sell, Stop and Limit scripts for a complete manual trading execution system. Parameters are self-explanatory. Take Profit and Stop Loss are measured in points for 5-digit brokers and pips for 4-digit brokers.
This script was created for the best and easiest manual trading execution with automatic money management and TP/SL prices. Magic number included. Use the Buy, Sell, Stop and Limit scripts for a complete manual trading execution system.Parameters are self explanatory. Take Profit and Stop Loss are measured in points for 5 digit brokers and pips for 4 digit brokers.
This script was created for the best and easiest manual trading execution with automatic money management and TP/SL prices. Magic number included. Use the Buy, Sell, Stop and Limit scripts for a complete manual trading execution system. Parameters are self-explanatory. Take Profit and Stop Loss are measured in points for 5-digit brokers and pips for 4-digit brokers.
This script was created for the best and easiest manual trading execution with automatic money management and TP/SL prices. Magic number included. Use the Buy, Sell, Stop and Limit scripts for a complete manual trading execution system. Parameters are self-explanatory. Take Profit and Stop Loss are measured in points for 5-digit brokers and pips for 4-digit brokers.
Shahrulizam Bin Abdul Rashid
POPITPROS V2 MUTLTI ORDER SCALPING SYSTEM FOR MT4 The legendary scalper is on the market!.  Great For Scalping. PopitPros allows you to open multiple positions at the same price as well as close multiple positions at the same price. It allows you to setting multiple Trailing Stop Loss at the same price and has Breakeven feature as well. The setting is very simple. Set the value number of orders that you would like to open/trade and also the lot size. Keep in mind don't over leverage your accoun
Marina Filippova
Советник основан на максимально быстром закрытие сделок от заданных параметров.Это можно так сказать разрульватель просадок.. У него встроено 3 окошка на панели.с полным мониторингом вашего терминала по всем парам. вы можите оценивать свои ситуации по разным парам. всегда можите любую ситуацию закрыть в ручную простым нажатием на экране по кнопке.. При наведении курсора мыши на ниже перечисленные столбцы, осуществляется подсветка поля:  Бай профит Селл профит Прибыль Закрыть только "+" Закрыть
Auto SL TP Trailing Stop
Auto SL and TP   is a simple program that add StopLoss and TakeProfit automatically, so you don't need to worry about it anymore. Trailing Stops also included. The program checks at any time if StopLoss and TakeProfit are set correctly!!! You can enter your values via the input parameter. This is for those who trades based on fundamentals specially like expecting big moves on the market and doing manual trading, this is for you. Input-Settings Auto SL = (x)pips Auto TP =  (x)pips Use Trailing
FEATURES: -Current total SL & TP -Allowed Risk per Trade -Maximum Daily Loss Alert -SL level to matc Risk per Trade Input: MoneyOrPercent >> True=MoneyRisk, False=PercentRisk Money Risk per trade  >> Fixed $$ per trade Percent of Account Balance per trade >> Fixed  % of Account Balance per trade Max losing trades per day >> Max daily loss limit Font Type SL TP Label Positions SL TP Font Type and Size
Market Screener for MT4
Sergey Batudayev
5 (1)
Mit diesem Screener können Sie Vermögenswerte identifizieren, die innerhalb eines ausgewählten Zeitraums ( Zeitrahmen) mehr als gewöhnlich überkauft (% Wachstum) oder überverkauft (% Rückgang) sind. Der Markt wird vom Gesetz regiert, kaufen Sie billiger, verkaufen Sie teurer, aber ohne einen automatischen Scanner wird es für Sie sehr schwierig sein, Währungen / Aktien zu identifizieren, die überkauft oder überverkauft sind, sagen wir innerhalb der aktuellen Woche oder der aktuelle Stunde oder M
Der EA öffnet und schließt neue Aufträge rechtzeitig. Es kann verwendet werden, um Handelsszenarien beliebiger Komplexität zu implementieren, indem eine Liste von Aufgaben erstellt wird. Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, die Aufgabe zu erledigen Die Aufgabe wird zum angegebenen Datum und zur angegebenen Uhrzeit ausgeführt - sie wird einmal ausgeführt und aus der Liste entfernt. Die Aufgabe wird mit Wiederholung am angegebenen Wochentag und Uhrzeit ausgeführt - die Aufgabe mit Wiederholungen wird nic
Sergey Batudayev
5 (5)
EasyTradingPanel ist ein Handelspanel für den manuellen / halbautomatischen Handel. Mit Positionen und Aufträgen arbeiten, Money-Management mit einem Klick berechnen! Das Panel wird Ihnen auf jeden Fall helfen: Eröffnen Sie einen Trade mit dem genauen Risiko, das Sie selbst in % oder in der Währung der Einzahlung angeben Sparen Sie den Gewinn, indem Sie den Stop-Loss auf keinen Verlust setzen Durchschnitt des Handels durch Glättung der Marktvolatilität Fügen Sie eine Position entlang des Tren
Arbeitslogik Das Stop-Out-Dienstprogramm ist ein einfacher, aber sehr praktischer Indikator, der anzeigt, wie viele Punkte bis zum Stop-Out-Level verbleiben / Sein Vorteil liegt in der Tatsache, dass viele Trader das Risiko beim Handel auf Gewinnstreben bewusst überschätzen, die verfügbare Margin maximal nutzen, und für diesen Fall ist es sehr wichtig zu wissen, wo der Broker Ihre Positionen zwangsweise schließen kann. Platzieren Sie einfach den Indikator auf dem Chart und abhängig von der o
Main Trading Info
Sergey Batudayev
MetaTrader-Dienstprogramm MTI (Main Trading Info) – zeigt die grundlegenden Handelsinformationen für einen Händler, nämlich: durchschnittliche und aktuelle Spreadgröße Swap-Größe für Short- und Long-Positionen Kosten von 1 Pip für 1 Handelslos Stop-Level-Größe (Mindestabstand zum Platzieren von Pending Orders) Zeit bis zum Ende der aktuellen (rot) und Zeit bis zum Beginn der nächsten (grau) Handelssitzung Die Zeit bis zum Ende der aktuellen Handelssitzung wird in Rot angezeigt, die Zeit bis zur
Pips Calculator
Ezinne Judith Orji
5 (1)
A simple Utility Trading Tool for calculating your profits automatically. once your  orders are active, it calculates your profit or loss in pips value and displays it at the bottom right corner of the screen. ADVANTAGES - shows order movement graphically - Helps you calculate profit and loss percentages per trade in each asset. - Shows progress of each trade - Easy trading  - Helps you meet daily profit targets - Professional trading
Pro Close Panel
Fatemeh Ameri
3.33 (3)
This is a very simple yet useful tool to close positions with different conditions and methods. You can use panel buttons to close positions or set multiple rules to close all positions. Panel has two main tab, Active Order and Pending Orders: Active Tab: You can set profit or loss target to close all positions. You can set equity target to close all positions, You can set a special time to close all positions. Moreover, by panel buttons you can close only buy/sell positions or only negative/pos
Forex Expert Advisor (Dienstprogramm) „Virtual Stop Loss, Trailing Stop“ ermöglicht Ihnen die Festlegung eines virtuellen (versteckten) Stop-Loss und Trailing Stop. Gleichzeitig ohne die Verwendung von Standard-Stop-Loss- und Trailing-Stop-Orders. Wenn der Berater also ein Geschäft eröffnet, sehen Ihr Broker und das Meta Trader-Terminal keinen Stop-Loss oder Trailing-Stop oder setzen ihn nicht, aber der Berater kontrolliert die Parameter des von Ihnen angegebenen TP SL TSL und zeichnet die ents
Risk Manager for MT4
Sergey Batudayev
4.6 (10)
Expert Advisor Risk Manager für MT4 ist ein sehr wichtiges und meiner Meinung nach notwendiges Programm für jeden Trader. Mit diesem Expert Advisor können Sie das Risiko in Ihrem Handelskonto kontrollieren. Die Risiko- und Gewinnsteuerung kann sowohl monetär als auch prozentual erfolgen. Damit der Expert Advisor funktioniert, hängen Sie ihn einfach an das Währungspaardiagramm an und legen Sie die akzeptablen Risikowerte in der Einzahlungswährung oder in % des aktuellen Guthabens fest. PROMO B
RedFox Copier Pro
Rui Manh Tien
4.73 (11)
Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To Mt4 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT4 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT4 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt4   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to mt4 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
Dieses Skript dient dazu, Gewichtungen in verschiedenen Fensterfunktionen auszuwerten. Ein auf diesen Fensterfunktionen aufgebauter Indikator kann unter https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/72160 heruntergeladen werden Eingabeparameter: iPeriod – Indikatorperiode. iPeriode >= 2 iCenter ist der Index der Referenz, wo sich die Mitte der Fensterfunktion befinden wird. Standardmäßig ist dieser Parameter 0 - die Mitte des Fensters fällt mit der Mitte des Indikators zusammen. Mit 1 <= iCenter <= iP
Sergey Batudayev
Das Panel hat die intuitivste Benutzeroberfläche, mit der jeder Anfänger umgehen kann. In der Spalte SLp müssen Sie die SL-Größe in Pips angeben. Wenn der Wert grau wird und gleichzeitig auch die Bay / Sell-Buttons inaktiv sind, dann haben Sie einen SL-Wert angegeben, der niedriger ist als der zulässige, bevor er von Ihrem Broker festgelegt wurde. In der Spalte TP% - geben Sie TP in% des Kontostands an. In den Einstellungen können Sie auswählen, wie dieser Indikator berechnet wird, nach Eigen
CJ Flash Order MT4
Nguyen Duc Tam
5 (6)
Trading has never been easier! Let's check this out! MT5 version:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/72120 The story:  How I boost up my trading speed without any "Invalid SL or TP" error NOW ALL YOU NEED TO DO IS Drag the lines Press Open Order button Enjoy! With this tool, you will no longer have to enter prices manually, which can cause many mistakes and you could miss the trade! From the board, we have: Risk Amount : the risk you want to apply for your trade Risk Unit : USD : If sele
FXTHORA SEMI-AUTOMATED FOREX TRADING ROBOT - ADVANCED SEMI-AUTOMATED TRADING ASSISTANT FOR ALL CONDITIONS. It's a semi-automated Forex trading assistant that helps the trader buy or sell the market, based on the trader's initial analysis, and identification of the market direction or trend. This system requires help from the trader to actually identify the direction of the market. After the direction of the market or trend has been determined by the trader, the robot trades the market in the d
Stop and Reverse Martingale EA
Joaquin Nicolas Metayer
4 (1)
Stop and Reverse Martingale EA is an expert advisor that integrates the following inputs within it: Start lot size Lot multiplier Take profit distance in points Take profit distance in points *this input is a stop loss, is misspelled within the code of the EA Magic number A and B Start cycle with round number The distance of round number  Daily maximum orders per cycle and close all Daily loss (maximum orders per cycle when this last order hit the stop loss the EA close all orders in the same m
The indicator shows support and resistance levels as horizontal lines. It shows the highs and lows of former days, weeks and month in every chart.  How to work with support and resistance levels show the EA  Limit Scalper and   the Universal Moving Average Expert Advisor (UniMA EA) .   When the tip of the coursor is on a line (mouseover) it shows the real value of the level and which high or low is shown, see explanation below. The indicator must be installed like an   expert advisor !  To se
Trade Assistant Pro 36 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.95 (19)
Multifunktionswerkzeug: 65+ Funktionen, einschließlich: Lot-Rechner, Price Action, Risiko/Gewinn-Verhältnis, Trade Manager, Angebot und Nachfrage Zonen Demo version   |   Anwenderhandbuch   |    MT5 Das Dienstprogramm funktioniert nicht im Strategietester: Sie können die   Demoversion HIER   herunterladen, um das Produkt zu testen. Bei Fragen kontaktieren Sie mich / Verbesserungsvorschläge / im Fall eines gefundenen Fehlers Vereinfachen, beschleunigen und automatisieren Sie Ihre Handelsprozess
Account Info Manager MT4
Nina Yermolenko
5 (1)
Account Info Manager (AIM)   ist ein Dienstprogramm, das entwickelt wurde, um Informationen über die Ergebnisse der Arbeit von Beratern auf einem Handelskonto anzuzeigen. Das Dienstprogramm kann Orders nach ihrer Magie oder ihren Kommentaren gruppieren, wodurch es möglich ist, die Ergebnisse der Arbeit jedes Expert Advisors, der auf dem Konto gehandelt hat, separat zu analysieren. Mit diesem Dienstprogramm können Sie Informationen über die Anzahl der vom Berater eröffneten Orders, den Prozentsat
Automatische Berechnung eines Handelslots unter Berücksichtigung des Stop Loss (in Pips) und des Risikoprozentsatzes aus dem Kontostand. Das Expert Advisor-Panel befindet sich oben links im Diagramm. Auf dem Panel des Beraters können Sie die Höhe des Stop-Loss in Pips und den Prozentsatz des Risikos aus dem Saldo auswählen. Bei Pending Orders können Sie die Abweichung vom aktuellen Preis in Pips einstellen. Die rote Farbe zeigt den Betrag in der Einzahlungswährung an, den Sie verlieren können,
Countdown Clock MT4
Alexandre Borela
4.78 (9)
Wenn Sie dieses Projekt mögen, hinterlassen Sie eine 5-Sterne-Bewertung. Dieser Indikator zeichnet eine kompakte Countdown-Uhr der Zeit-Remaning für die Kerzen schließen und: Es kann auf jeder Ecke des Diagramms positioniert werden; Mehrere Zeitrahmen; Sie können es zu einem Anzeigefenster hinzufügen, indem Sie es aus dem MT5-Navigator ziehen. Unterschiedliche Farbe, wenn die Kerze 10 Sekunden zu schließen. Anpassbare Farben für eine bessere Integration mit dem Diagramm.
Spread and Swap
Makarii Gubaydullin
5 (1)
Zeigt die aktuellen Marktinformationen mit einer Aktualisierung pro Sekunde an. Verbreiten größe; Swap-Größe: für Short- und Long-Positionen; Ortszeit (optional); Mein # 1 Assistent:   enthält 38+ Funktionen /   Kontaktieren Sie mich , wenn Sie Fragen haben In den Einstellungen des Indikators können Sie konfigurieren: Schriftgröße; Textfarbe; Wählen Sie die Positionierung: linke / rechte Ecke des Diagramms; Lokale Zeit: ein / aus; Die Programmdatei muss im Verzeichnis "Indikatoren" abgelegt wer
This EA allows you to send alerts to your Telegram Groups or Channels. As simple as opening or closing trades on MT4 and alerts are automatically sent to Telegram. Alerts will also be sent when you modify the SL or the TP Updates and possible improvements will be sent to buyers I will send you a tutorial to get your Telegram Api key and chat id          You must enter your API key and Chat ID of the Group or Channel 
Posh Sessions
Theresia Yovitha Herwanda
Posh Sessions is indicator which displays sessions in broker time or your local time. You can set up to 5 sessions, assign name, start time, end time and color of each session. There is session's range to help you make a chart analysis. Settings for a session: Show:  To show or not the session on chart Title:   The title/name of the session Timezone:   Select between broker or local time to implement the session's period Start time:   The session start time End time:   The session end time Colo
Alexander Lasygin
VSAsGradient это утилита предназначена компенсировать ограниченные возможности оформления рабочей области терминала МТ4. Позволяет задать цвет окон графика (индикатора) в виде цветового градиента, установить классические обои или фотографию любимой девушки, семьи. Предварительных настроек, которые имеют значение только две: Set Gradients- выбераем насколько настройки будут индивидуальны. Default Set- только для данного типа инструмента. Individual Set- инструмент+ период графика. Hide Panel- сво
Target Profit Magic
Mr Nukool Chanchingchit
What is a tool ? Used for monitoring profit by magic number, From parameter magic number and profit target. The tool will automatically close orders to the same magic number. When your profits meet the target set. How to use Place the tool on any pair any timeframe and set input your parameter. Pair   : Any Timeframe   : Any Input Parameter Magic Number (0 for manual order)   Meaning   : Input your magic number here, Set 0 for manual order. Summary profit of this magic number ($)   Meaning   :
Simple Account Information
Joaquin Nicolas Metayer
Show the account information on the chart, change the color automatically depending on the background, it adjusts to each chart and is updated every time the price moves a tick, that's why it is an expert advisor even if it is used as an indicator. Cannot change size. You can see my other products here: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/joaquinmetayer/seller
Close All Pendings
Joaquin Nicolas Metayer
Close All Pendings is a simple script that, when thrown on the graph, closes all pending orders that are open, ONLY pending orders, orders already open will not be closed, no matter in which pair it is thrown ... it will close all. It has no inputs, just throw it on the chart and it will run. You can see more of my products here: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/joaquinmetayer/seller
Buy and sell buttons
Markus Christer Ekengren
Simple buy and sell buttons to execute orders instant with automatically stop loss and take profit levels. Stop loss and Take profit- levels can be changed in settings. Free version, only for US30- market. Feel free to send direct message for improvements or other ideas.. ---------------------- Payed version comming soon (for all markets/ timeframes).
News Filter EA that send you a Push notification to your MT4 phone APP and TURN OFF MT4 Automatically Before News.  This EA doesn't work in backtest From 1.7 version  the EA have  Close all trades before news functions added. You only need to allow that url in MT4 options: To see the url and how to add it to MT4, visit this post: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/754402 When Metatrader is turned off, it saves the status of all the charts, indicators and Expert Advisors that you have in them
Trader Evolution MT4
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (2)
" Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT5 Advantages 1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel 2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size 3. Simplifies
DLT Display Local Time
Theresia Yovitha Herwanda
DLT (Display Local Time) is an INDICATOR which displays local time using GMT timezone that can be easily switched. Support non standard timezones eg. -3:30, +4:45 Useful when you trade in your local market hours, or to evaluate candles in different time zone. This is for MT4 version. For   MT5   version click here:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/71656 There is very useful info for candle: Range, Upperwick, Body, Lowerwick. You can get this when custom crosshair is enabled. Sessions will
This is a panel dedicated to closing positions. In trading, we often have the need to close all current orders, or close the positions by category. But sometimes the type of order, the quantity of the order, and the messiness of the order make it difficult for us to sort out in a short time. And trading opportunities are fleeting, and in just a few seconds, there may be uncertain results. So we need a small tool specifically for closing positions. You can close long positions, short positio
Target Profit All
Mr Nukool Chanchingchit
5 (1)
What is a tool ? Used for monitoring profit summary in your portfolio, by setting profit target. The tool will automatically close all open orders. When the profits meet the target set. How to use Place the tool on any currency pair, any timeframe and set profit target. Easy... Currency Pair : Any Timeframe : Any Input Parameter Summary profit for auto close all orders ($) Meaning : Input your profit target here. Visit my products Target Profit Magic Target Profit All The Profit Tracker Currenc
The Profit Tracker
Mr Nukool Chanchingchit
What is a tool ? Tracking your profit from the present - the past 30 days, Presented profit summary and movement is greater or less than 0 only. notice : must select show all history at account history tab. How to use Place the tool on any currency pair, any timeframe and set magic number to track your profits. Currency Pair   : Any Timeframe   : Any Input Parameter Track from Magic number (Manual order set 0)   Meaning   : Input the magic number to tracking the profit from present - the past 3
Auto SLTP Maker MT4  is an assistant for all those who forget to set Stop Loss and Take Profit in deal parameters, or trade on a very fast market and fail to place them in time. This tool automatically tracks trades without Stop Loss and Take Profit and checks what level should be set in accordance with the settings. Input Parameters: Set Take Profit: True is On. Take Profit points:  Number Point. Set Stop Loss:  True is On. Stop Loss points: Number Point.
Questa utility di base non agisce in automatico, ma supporterà il trader, ti aiuterà nella gestione dei lotti tramite: possibilità di impostare la size possibilità di   impostare TP e SL (in pip) Consiglio: Questo EA ti aiuterà nella gestione dei tuoi ordini ed è  ottimo abbinarlo a delgi indicatori (trovate nel nostro store molti indicatori utili, fra cui il RaysFX Strategy )

MetaTrader Market - der einzige Shop, in dem man Handelsroboter als Demoversion herunterladen und testen sowie anhand historischer Daten optimieren kann.

Lesen Sie die Beschreibung und Bewertungen anderer Kunden über das gewünschte Produkt, laden Sie es direkt ins Terminal herunter und erfahren Sie, wie man einen Handelsroboter vor dem Kauf testet. Nur bei uns können Sie ein Programm testen, ohne dafür zu bezahlen.