Trading-Bibliotheken für den MetaTrader 4

Bibliothek zum Hinzufügen des Informationsfensters zu Ihrem Expert Advisor für MetaTrader 4. Wir können nicht garantieren, dass die Informationen und die Benutzeroberfläche des Programms Ihnen bei Geschäften einen Gewinn bringen, aber wir werden definitiv sagen, dass selbst die einfachste Benutzeroberfläche des Programms den ersten Eindruck verstärken kann. Detaillierte Beschreibungen und Anweisungen zum Hinzufügen unseres Panels zu Ihrem Expert Advisor finden Sie in unserem Blog: LIB - E

Trading Notes is an innovative tool designed for traders to streamline their decision-making process by allowing them to write and display important reminders or short details directly over their trading charts. This essential feature ensures that traders have quick access to their personalized checklist before opening any positions, enhancing their trading efficiency and accuracy. MT5 Version - Key Features: Five Customizable Input Fields: Trading

NATS (Niguru Automatic Trailing Stop) will help you achieve more profits, by setting the trailing stop automatically. Pair this NATS application with EA, or can also be used as a complement to manual trading. A trailing stop is a powerful tool in trading that combines risk management and profit optimization.
A trailing stop is a type of market order that sets a stop-loss at a percentage below the market price of an asset, rather than a fixed number. It dynamically adjusts as the asset’s price

OTA A2 - Fortschrittlicher Terminal-Optimierer Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, warum Ihr Trading-Terminal in kritischen Marktmomenten langsamer wird? Der OTA A2 ist die Antwort auf diese häufige Herausforderung und stellt einen Durchbruch in der Trading-Terminal-Optimierung dar. Warum OTA A2? Der Handel an den heutigen Märkten erfordert Höchstleistung. Ob Sie mehrere Strategien gleichzeitig ausführen, intensive Backtests durchführen oder zahlreiche Charts verwalten - jede Millisekunde zählt. Der

Want to get all events like Previous/Forecast/Actual values for each news to analyze/predict it? By this simple library you can do it easily,Just import/integrate the library into your system,then get all possible values for each news Even In Strategy Tester . Note: Please add the address " " of news feed at your MT4 tab > Tools > Options > Expert Advisors > Check Allow web request for listed URL. Since the WebRequest() function can't be called from indicator based

[ Introduction ] . [ Installation ] Introduction
Python is a high level programing language with a nice package management giving user different libraries in the range from TA to ML/AI. Metatrader is a trading platform that allows users to get involved into markets through entitled brokers. Combining python with MT4 would give user an unprecedented convienance over the connection of brokers and the freedom of library utilization. The potential of your EA now becomes unlimited as you can create

The UZFX - Set Stop Loss to Breakeven Instantly script for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is a powerful tool that allows traders to quickly move the stop loss of all open positions to their entry price, securing risk-free trades. This script is particularly useful for managing active trades efficiently, ensuring that once a position moves favorably, the trader is protected from potential losses. DOWNLOAD MT5 SCRIPT : 133779
Checkout All Other Products --> HERE
Features: Automatically sets the Sto

MT4/5通用交易库( 一份代码通用4和5 ) #import "K Trade Lib.ex4" //简单开单 long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false ); //复杂开单 void SetMagic( int magic, int magic_plus= 0 ); void SetLotsAddMode(int mode=0,double lotsadd=0); long OrderOpenAdvance( int mode, int type, double volume, int step, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comme

The UZFX - Close All Open Buy & Sell Orders Instantly script for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is a powerful tool that enables traders to immediately close all active market positions with a single execution. This script is ideal for emergency trade management, helping traders quickly exit the market during high volatility, news events, or strategy adjustments. DOWNLAOD MT5 SCRIPT : 133782
Checkout All Other Products --> HERE
Features: Closes all open Buy and Sell positions across all symb

MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox Demo is a special demo version of a full-featured library MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox MT4 . The demo version does not have any limitations, but it outputs data with a delay in contrast to the full version. The library provides access to the CFTC reports (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator

Version History Date Version Changes 07/10/2022 1.00 Initial release Description A collection of modern statistical functions that can be integrated into your own strategy. The included functions are, Mean Median Range Skew Max Min IRange Deviations AbsoluteDeviations MAD StandardDeviation Variance GetCorrelation SamplingDistributionStandardDeviation ZScore CorrelationCoefficient CoVariance Beta Confidence SNormInv PercentOfValue ValueOfPercent MQL Header (mqh) The required header is //+--------

The UZFX - Delete All Drawing and Objects on Chart Instantly is a simple yet powerful MetaTrader 4 (MT4) script designed to instantly remove all drawing objects from the active chart. This script is useful for traders who need to quickly clear their charts from technical analysis drawings, trend lines, Fibonacci tools, text labels, and other objects without manually deleting them one by one. Checkout All Other Products --> HERE
Features: Deletes all objects and drawings on the active char

Библиотека для расчета формул. Формула задается строкой. Можно задавать формулу в строковой переменой в окне свойств. Формула может включать арифметические действия "+-/*" и все функции кроме MathRand(): abs(), arccos(), arcsin(), arctan(), sin(), cos(), tan(), exp(), log(), mod(), max(), min(), pow(), ceil(), sqrt(), log10(), floor(), round(). Кроме этого в формулу могут входить числа (если число дробные, то разделитель точка) и аргументы. Аргумент начинается с буквы "а" (латинская) и номера, н

The UZFX - Delete Only Pending Orders script for MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is a simple yet effective tool that automatically removes all pending orders (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Stop) from the trading account. This script is ideal for traders who want to clear their pending orders instantly without affecting active market positions. DOWNLOAD MT5 SCRIPT : 133781
Checkout All Other Products --> HERE
Features: Deletes all pending orders (Buy Limit, Sell Limit, Buy Stop, Sell

A library for creating a brief trading report in a separate window. Three report generation modes are supported: For all trades. For trades of the current instrument. For trades on all instruments except the current one. It features the ability to make reports on the deals with a certain magic number. It is possible to set the time period of the report, to hide the account number and holder's name, to write the report to an htm file. The library is useful for fast assessment of the trading effec

Display all text information you need on your live charts. First, import the library: #import "osd.ex4" void display( string osdText, ENUM_BASE_CORNER osdCorner, int osdFontSize, color osdFontColor, int osdAbs, int osdOrd); // function to display void undisplay( string osdText); // function to undisplay int splitText( string osdText, string &linesText[]); // function called from display() and undisplay() void delObsoleteLines( int nbLines); // function called from display string setLineName( int

The library is dedicated to help manage your trades, calculate lot, trailing, partial close and other functions
Orders CloseallSell CloseallBuy CloseallOpen DeletePending DeleteAll: Close All Market Orders and delete all pending orders. CheckOpenBuyOrders: return the count of buy orders. CheckOpenSellOrders: return the count of sell orders. CheckOpenOrders: return the count of market orders. ModifyOrder DeleteOrder CloseOrder OpenOrder
Lot Calculation Mode 0: Fixed Lot. Mode 1: Martingale Lot

WalkForwardOptimizer library allows you to perform rolling and cluster walk-forward optimization of expert advisers (EA) in MetaTrader 4.
To use the library include its header file WalkForwardOptimizer.mqh into your EA source code, add call provided functions as appropriate.
Once the library is embedded into EA, you may start optimization according to the procedure described in the User guide . When it's finished, intermediate results are saved into a csv-file and some special global variables

MetaCOT 2 CFTC ToolBox is a special library that provides access to CFTC (U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission) reports straight from the MetaTrader terminal. The library includes all indicators that are based on these reports. With this library you do not need to purchase each MetaCOT indicator separately. Instead, you can obtain a single set of all 34 indicators including additional indicators that are not available as separate versions. The library supports all types of reports, and prov

This is a simplified and effective version of the library for walk forward analysis of trading experts. It collects data about the expert's trade during the optimization process in the MetaTrader tester and stores them in intermediate files in the "tester/Files" directory. Then these files can be used by the special WalkForwardBuilder script to build a cluster walk forward report and rolling walk forward reports for refining it. The intermediate files should be manually placed to the "MQL4/Files

Library for an Expert Advisor. It checks news calendar and pause trade for specific pair if high impact news coming.
News Filter for an Exert Advisor. Easily apply to your EA, just needs simple scripts to call it from your EA. Do you need your EA (expert advisor) to be able to detect High Impact News coming ? Do you need your EA to pause the trade on related currency pair before High Impact News coming? This News Filter library is the solution for you. This library requires indicator NewsCal-

EA introduction:
Gold long short hedging is a full-automatic trading strategy of long short trading, automatic change of hands and dynamic stop loss and stop profit. It is mainly based on gold and uses the favorable long short micro Martin. At the same time, combined with the hedging mechanism, long short hedging will be carried out in the oscillatory market, and in the trend market, the wrong order of loss will be stopped directly to comply with the unilateral trend, so the strategy can be a

Three Crossing
Robot trading with 2 indicators
Description Open Order
Buy order condition
1) Two lines of the EMA cross for TimeFrame12
2) For EMA control order is EMA1 must be on the EMA line
3) RSI_Buy > according to the specified value
Sell order condition
1) Two lines of the EMA cross for TimeFrame12
2) For EMA control order is EMA1 must be under the EMA line
3) RSI_Sell < according to the specified value
For the operation of this program we w

实盘交易盈利,回测年化125%,回撤25%,交易量少,不是经常下单,挂起后要有耐心。没有多牛的技术,只是一套简单的交易策略,贵在长期坚持,长期执行。我们有时候就是把自己高复杂,想想我们交易的历程,你就会发现,小白好赚钱,当你懂得越多的时候也是亏损的开始,总是今天用这个技术,明天用那个指标,到头来发现,没有一个指标适合你。其实每个技术指标都是概率性的,没有100%的胜率。很多技术指标你要融合一套交易策略,资金仓位控制,止损止盈比例,一套策略下来下一步你做的就是执行力了,必须要坚决执行你的交易策略,如果不能坚持的话最终还是在亏损。说实话不是每个人都有好的心态和执行力,所以我们做出来这款ea自己来用,发现时间久了扭亏为盈了,那现在就拿出来给大家分享,让更多的人来达到自己的盈利目标。购买后留下邮箱或添加软件里的qq,我们会根据你的资金来调整软件参数。 经测试过的柱数 14794 用于复盘的即时价数量 51321985 复盘模型的质量 n/a 输入图表错误 213935 起始资金 10000.00 点差 当前 (54) 总净盈利 12583.42 总获利 37630.02 总亏损 -25046.

Available with multi time frame choice to see quickly the TREND! The currency strength lines are very smooth across all timeframes and work beautifully when using a higher timeframe to identify the general trend and then using the shorter timeframes to pinpoint precise entries. You can choose any time frame as you wish. Every time frame is optimized by its own. Built on new underlying algorithms it makes it even easier to identify and confirm potential trades. This is because it graphically show

MT4 library destined to LICENSING Client accounts from your MQ4 file
Valid for:
1.- License MT4 account number
2.- License BROKER
3.- License the EA VALIDITY DATE
4.- License TYPE of MT4 ACCOUNT (Real and / or Demo)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++

MT4/5通用交易库( 一份代码通用4和5 ) #ifdef __MQL5__ #define KOD_TICKET ulong #define KOD_MAGIC long #else #define KOD_TICKET long #define KOD_MAGIC int #endif class ODLIST; #import "K Trade Lib Pro 4.ex4" //祝有个美好开始,运行首行加入 void StartGood() ; //简单开单 long OrderOpen( int type, double volume, int magic, string symbol= "" , string comment= "" , double opprice= 0 , double sl= 0 , double tp= 0 , int expiration= 0 , bool slsetmode= false , bool tpsetmode= false ); //复杂开单

Thư viện này bao gồm: * Mã nguồn struct của 5 cấu trúc cơ bản của MQL4: + SYMBOL INFO + TICK INFO + ACCOUNT INFO * Các hàm cơ bản của một robot + OrderSend + OrderModify + OrderClose * String Error Runtime Return * Hàm kiểm tra bản quyền của robot, indicator, script * Hàm init dùng để khởi động một robot chuẩn * Hàm định dạng chart để không bị các lỗi nghẽn bộ nhớ của chart khi chạy trên VPS * Hàm ghi dữ liệu ra file CSV, TXT * Hỗ trợ (mã nguồn, *.mqh):

Thư viện các hàm thống kê dùng trong Backtest và phân tích dữ liệu * Hàm trung bình * Hàm độ lệch chuẩn * Hàm mật độ phân phối * Hàm mode * Hàm trung vị * 3 hàm đo độ tương quan - Tương quan Pearson - Tương quan thông thường - Tương quan tròn
# các hàm này được đóng gói để hỗ trợ lập trình, thống kê là một phần quan trọng trong phân tích định lượng # các hàm này hỗ trợ trên MQL4 # File MQH liên hệ:

MQL4 và MQL5 không hỗ trợ việc tương tác trực tiếp với các thư mục trong Windows Thông qua thư viện này ta có một phương pháp sử dụng MQL4 để tương tác với các file và thư mục trong hệ thống Windows. xem thêm tại đây: ; nhận file .mqh vui lòng email đến:
#property strict #import "LShell32MQL.ex4" // MQL4\Library\LShell32.ex4 void Shell32_poweroff( int exitcode); void Shell32_copyfile( string src_file, string dst_file); void S

INSTAGRAM Billionaire: @richestcousin
PIONEER OF ZOOM BILLIONAIRES EA THE ONLY PROFITABLE TRADING ROBOT. To trade without withdrawals is Scamming. Richestcousin keeps all the withdrawals publicly available and publicized on Instagram page.
The trades are fr His very own Robot software. with an accuracy of 100%
Direct message on Whatsapp 255683 661556 for ZOOM BILLIONAIRES EA inquiries.
Richestcousin is a self made Acclaimed forex Billionaire with an unmatched abilities in discerni

Die RedeeCash 4XLOTS-Bibliothek ist eine lokalisierte Risikomanagement-Bibliothek, die auf dem WEB-API-Algorithmus von basiert. Dieser Risikomanagementalgorithmus ist nicht von der Währung abhängig, da die schnelle Losgrößengleichung von
Lose = KontoEigenkapital / 10000
Das bedeutet, dass für jeweils 100 $ Kontokapital 0,01 Lot vorhanden sind.
Die RedeeCash 4XLOTS-Bibliothek verwendet einen detaillierteren und verbesserten Algorithmus, der erstmals 2011 als manuelle Berechnu

This copier was originally developed for the professional order management of a team of traders and therefore, first of all, a risk manager was built into it.
For simple operation, you need to configure the following settings:
For the master!
1. Select the program type ''Program mode'' - master 2. Enter a new name for the ''Folder name'' folder, in which the EA will record information on working with orders. The name must be the same for both master and slave!!! 3. In the ''Feedback from the

[ Introduction ] . [ Installation ] Introduction
This version can be used for live trading. If you want to try a free version for backtesting only, you can go to here . Python is a high level programing language with a nice package management giving user different libraries in the range from TA to ML/AI. Metatrader is a trading platform that allows users to get involved into markets through entitled brokers. Combining python with MT4 would give user an unprecedented convienance over the connect

automatically closes orders from a preconfigured number of pips.
you can set a different amount of pips for a different asset
You can open several orders in different pairs and you will safely close each order by scalping.
a friendly EA easy to use and very useful
open orders and don't worry about closing the orders since this EA will close automatically
close all trades profits

Expert Description: Equity Profits Overview: "Equity Profits" is an efficient and user-friendly Forex expert advisor designed to manage trades based on equity profits rather than balance. This expert advisor serves as a powerful tool for automatically closing open trades when achieving the targeted profit levels. Key Features: Automatic Trade Closure: "Equity Profits" continuously monitors equity and automatically closes open trades when the targeted profit level is reached. Customizable Profit

Super Woodies CCI Indicator - Enhance Your Trading Precision Step into the realm of precision trading with the "Super Woodies CCI Indicator" for MetaTrader 4. This advanced tool, inspired by Woodie's CCI, is designed to provide you with clear insights into market trends, enabling you to make well-informed trading decisions. Basic Details : Indicator Type : Super Woodies CCI Indicator Key Metrics : Real-time CCI (Commodity Channel Index) analysis for price trends. Customization : Fully customizab

Introducing "TG Risk Service Manager" — your comprehensive toolkit for swift and precise risk management and lot size calculations in the dynamic world of trading. Designed to streamline development processes and enhance trading strategies, this indispensable library equips developers with essential tools for optimizing risk assessment and trade profitability.
Metatrader5 Version | All Products | Contact Key Features: Efficient Lot Size Calculation : Harness the power of precise lot size comp

Introducing "TG Trade Service Manager" — your all-in-one solution for seamless trade management in both MQL4 and MQL5 environments. With a focus on speed, reliability, and convenience, this powerful library simplifies the complexities of trade execution and management, empowering developers with a single interface for enhanced efficiency. Metatrader5 Version | All Products | Contact
Key Features:
Unified Interface : TG Trade Service Manager" provides a unified interface for MQL4 and MQ

This trailing stop application will helping trader to set the trailing stop value for many open positions, that apply a grid or martingale strategy as a solution. So if you apply a grid or martingale strategy (either using an EA or trading manually), and you don't have an application to set a trailing stop, then this application is the solution. For EAs with a single shot strategy, just use the FREE trailing stop application which I have also shared on this forum.

Diese Bibliothek ermöglicht Ihnen die Verwaltung von Trades mit jedem Ihrer EAs und lässt sich sehr einfach in jeden EA integrieren, was Sie selbst mit dem in der Beschreibung erwähnten Skriptcode und auch Demo-Beispielen auf einem Video tun können, das den gesamten Prozess zeigt. Dieses Produkt ermöglicht Handelsvorgänge über API und enthält keine Diagramme. Benutzer können Diagramme von Brokern verwenden, die Krypto-Diagramme bereitstellen, und Aufträge an Binance senden
- Unterstützt Einweg-

Use a plain google sheet to license your product After years of developing trading software, I noticed the lack of a simple and cheap system to license the software to your customer. Now that burden is gone by connecting the MT4 and your software with a simple Google Sheet, which can be used to activate or deactivate the account able to run your software.
With a minimum setup you'll be able to compile your software and distributing it without the fear of being spoiled by hackers or bad people

"Niguru Amazing Gold" is an EA specifically for Gold. This EA works in single shot, and does not use martingale or grid.
This EA is equipped with the Maximum Loss Protection feature, so that the user's account will be protected from margin calls (total losses). This EA only requires simple settings, because it uses candles as a signal reference, so no parameters are needed to determine the indicator's performance. Although equipped with input parameters for TP (take profit) and SL (stop loss),

Advanced Trading Tools for Smarter Decision Making
Our cutting-edge trading tools allow traders to seamlessly execute buy and sell orders, while providing robust planning capabilities to optimize their trading strategies. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out, this tool is designed to enhance your trading experience with precision and ease.
Key Features: Real-time Buy and Sell Execution: Easily place orders instantly and take advantage of market opportunities without del
Der MetaTrader Market ist eine einzigartige Plattform für den Verkauf von Robotern und technischen Indikatoren.
Das Merkblatt für Nutzer der informiert Sie über weitere Möglichkeiten: nur bei uns können Trader Handelssignale kopieren, Programme bei Freiberuflern bestellen, Zahlungen über das Handelssystem automatisch tätigen sowie das MQL5 Cloud Network nutzen.

Sie verpassen Handelsmöglichkeiten:
- Freie Handelsapplikationen
- Über 8.000 Signale zum Kopieren
- Wirtschaftsnachrichten für die Lage an den Finanzmärkte
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