Neue Trading Utilitys für MetaTrader 4 - 19

Kopierer->Bequeme und schnelle Schnittstelleninteraktion, Benutzer können es sofort verwenden ->>>> Empfohlen zur Verwendung auf Windows-Computern oder VPS Windows Grundfunktionen: Die normale Interaktionsgeschwindigkeit beim Copy-Trading beträgt weniger als 0,5 Sekunden Signalquellen automatisch erkennen und eine Liste der Signalquellenkonten anzeigen Symbole automatisch abgleichen, 95 % der häufig verwendeten Handelssymbole auf verschiedenen Plattformen (Sonderfälle wie unterschiedliche

Close all your trades or some of them with this script. If you have multiple trades open on a symbol and you want to close all of them just drag the script onto the chart and close the trades without delay. The Script will ask you how many trades you want to remain open... In case you want to close all trades just click OK Say you want to leave 1 position open out of 7, just type in 1 and click ok. Script closes trades faster than EA because it does not wait for the market to move but rather

ขอบคุณ แรงบันดาลใจ จากโค้ชแพม ที่ทำให้เริ่มทำ Close all ตัวนี้ Close all and update profit Version 3.03 Full version Give you free
For MT5 Click
V3.03 Fix TPSL calculate USDxxx and xxxUSD or XXX/XXX and add Decimal Digi, 0 is default
Program function
Tab 1 Close order function and show break port
1.Can show and hidden all button
2.Update sell and buy total lots easy to manage order
3.Close all order and update all profit
4.Close all sell a

NFTrader Lite Displays Resistance / Support Lines Displays Take Profit and Stop Loss Easy adjust Take Profit/Stop Loss and Lot Size Open Buy/Sell with one click Displays Take Profit/Stop Loss in money value Easy to hide the panel when in trading Take your trading to the next step with easy to use panel display
For more information please visit us at

Jeder Trader weiß, dass er oder sie nie mehr als 5 % (oder 7 %) pro Trade riskieren sollte. Dies ist ein Money-Management-Gesetz und es sollte jedes Mal eine brauchbare LotSize berechnet werden, da ein Trader für verschiedene Trading-Levels einen anderen StopLoss-Wert verwenden muss. Dieser Indikator berechnet eine angemessene LotSize für den Moment, in dem Sie ihn auf das Diagramm setzen und jedes Mal, wenn Sie die „Stop-Loss-Linie“ in eine beliebige Richtung ziehen.

Verwalten Sie Ihr Risiko und handeln Sie mit höchster Präzision, seine Handelsfunktionen sind nicht nur auf jede Art von Anlage in Echtzeit beschränkt, sondern können auch im Strategietester verwendet werden, um jede Strategie zusammen mit den Indikatoren Ihres Interesses zu backtesten! , üben Sie Ihre Strategien jetzt ohne Risiko und drucken Sie die Ergebnisberichte aus, um ein Leistungsprotokoll zu erstellen!
Unser Trading-Assistent verfügt über ein interaktives Bedienfeld, mit dem Sie das R

Simple Assistant for Trading
Precise Risk Management in each
Automatic Money Management Visual Trading Open Position Management User friendly and practical
during 15 years of considerable experience in stock market, we have dealt with many professional traders who have been used profitable and unrivalled methods in this market but failed in the long term. The reason is undoubtedly the lack of standard in their manner during their trade. Standard means the accurate repetition of a process….

XP Trade Copier Copy From MT4 to MT4 Copy From MT4 to MT5 Copy from MT5 to MT5 Copy from MT5 to MT5 Note: You need to purchase the MT5 version to be able to copy from/to MT5 from/to MT4.
COPIER SETTINGS · Working Mode: There are 2 options: Provider and Follower. o Provide: In Provider mode the EA sends the trades to the follower. o Follower: in Follower mode the EA receives the trades from the provider. · Copier Identifier: You can use multi-instances from the EA as Provid

The utility is designed to save funds on your trading account. There is support for three levels of minimum equity and free margin. For each level, you can set partial (by a certain percentage) or complete closing of all market orders. The partial close percentage is applied for each order separately based on its current size (i.e. the size at the time the equity or free margin reaches the appropriate level). Upon reaching the last third level, the utility can close all charts, which will make i

Description of Monitoring_ExpertAdvisor+Balance_Equity Indicator: Monitoring Expert Advisor is an indicator that analyzes your Account MT4 elaborating the archived operation data in the order history. It is sufficient to connect it to any open and empty graphic window. The orders in the account database are identified by the indicator of their MagicNumber, divided in groups based on their strategy (Expert Advisor) to calculate complex efficiency Objectives: It has the main objective of monitor

Trade like a time traveler thanks to latency arbitrage Everyone knows that the best way to make money in the markets is by knowing the future. Have you ever wished to know the future price of something in advance? Even if it were just a few days, hours, or minutes ahead? What if it were possible to know it but with less than a second of advance notice? That's precisely what the PZ Latency Arbitrage EA robot does. PZ Latency Arbitrage EA is your personal time machine: but it can only travel into

Crossahair ist ein fantastisches Werkzeug, das unsere Chartanalyse vereinfacht, indem es die Preiskerzen perfekt mit den Indikatorwerten in den Unterfenstern in Einklang bringt.
Sie können es mit einem einzigen Druck auf die Taste "C" Ihrer Tastatur aktivieren und deaktivieren und es bietet einen Linealmodus für präzise Messungen, der mit der Taste "R" Ihrer Tastatur aktiviert und deaktiviert werden kann.
Bitte schauen Sie sich unser kurzes, unten eingebettetes Tutorial-Video an, um zu sehen,

A simple and convenient utility for closing orders. It can close both all orders together as well as buy, sell or pending orders separately. Has an intuitive graphical interface. MT5 version of the utility - If you like this utility, take a look at my other products -

The added video will show you the full functionality, effectiveness, and simplicity of this trade manager. Drag and Drop Trade Manager. Draw your entry and have the tool calculate the rest. Advanced targeting and close portions of a trade directly available in tool (manage trades while you sleep). Market order or limit order on either side with factored spread. Just draw the entry, the tool does the rest. Hotkey setup to make it simple. Draw where you want to enter, and the stop loss, the tool c

The best you can do is to protect your orders from turning into losses. You can now relax and let UR Basket take care of it. Advantages of using UR Basket: All parameters are dynamically changeable in the graphic panel on your chart - You DON'T need to restart the EA to change the parameters or recall what settings you used! You can track your orders through:
- Magic Number -1
- EA Comment
- Both of the above
- All of your trades at once UR Basket can track your profits through your CURRE

Das Price Action Toolkit EA ist in erster Linie für Scalper konzipiert, kann aber in allen Zeitrahmen verwendet werden, um schnell in den Markt mit korrekt berechneter Losgröße auf der Grundlage Ihres Stop-Levels einzutreten. Es ermöglicht Ihnen den schnellen Einstieg in Trades (sofort oder bei Kerzenhochs und -tiefs mit Pending Orders) und dann Stops anpassen und Gewinne mitnehmen, wenn sich der Markt bewegt.
Für eine vollständige Liste aller Funktionen, Einstellungen und Best-Practice-Strate

Handelspanel; „Assistent (A)“ hilft Ihnen, innerhalb kurzer Zeit Kauf-, Verkaufs-, Kauf-Stopp- und Verkaufs-Stopp-Orders für mehrere Paare zu platzieren. Der Vorteil dieses Panels besteht darin, dass Orders sofort mit Take-Profit-, Stop-Loss-, Trailing- und No-Loss-Einschränkungen platziert werden, was sich letztendlich positiv auf Ihren Gewinn, Ihr Los und Ihre Magik für Orders auswirkt, die Sie in den entsprechenden Parametern festlegen können das Panel, wenn Sie es zum Zeitplan hinzufügen. Bu

Very good tool for statistics, shows the moment and history, you can observe instant profit, profit - loss in pips, money, etc. I still have a lot of useful indicators for free, if anyone wishes you can write to me. You can keep your records by magic number, also only for a specific hour or year or day. For more information, welcome to our Telegram Group.

After purchase : - Please contact me at telegram This Smart Dashboard Penal Very Easy , Fast And Accurate to Enter And Exit Trade Manually... Unique features Close All Orders... Close All Sell... Close All Buy... Buy / Sell... Lot Size Change Option... Works on any account type and broker... Works with all times frames and currency...

The whole day there is no opportunity to monitor the terminal, but the phone is at hand. This is both an indicator and a utility for trading buttons from Telegram on a fixed lot. You can both scalp on M5 chart or wait for a good entry point on Daily chart. I decided to combine 3 projects into one (MTF Demarker values, profit calculating with cross orders and updating content-info in the buttons themselves), I wanted to make the functionality more easy and convenient than the standard Metatrader

Handelspanel; „Little Helper“ hilft Ihnen dabei, in kurzer Zeit sofort Kauf- oder Verkaufsaufträge für mehrere Paare zu erteilen. Der Vorteil dieses Panels besteht darin, dass Orders sofort mit Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Limits platziert werden, was sich letztendlich positiv auf Ihren Gewinn, Ihr Los und Ihre Magik für Orders auswirkt. Sie können die entsprechenden Parameter des Panels beim Hinzufügen festlegen zum Diagramm. Außerdem gibt es eine große Auswahl an Paneelfarben, eine Auswahl an Pa

XXXX ATR (Average True Range) Position Manager: ATR StopLoss, ATR Target, ATR Breakeven, ATR Trailing StopLoss, with Risk % Calculation / Position.
Fully automated advanced ATR EA is now available: Key takeaways One click does it all: SELL and BUY button automatically places ATR stoploss, ATR target, ATR breakeven, ATR trailing stop and Risk % calculation of equity Entire position is calculated based on ATR No more manual position calculations =

DESCRIPTION: The EA is a trade manager for managing manual or other trades by EA. It can place Stoploss, Takeprofit, Trailing, and Martingale/Average all open positions. Make sure to just place 1 type of open orders for each symbols (Examples: 1 Buy or 1 Sell). The EA will not open the initial trades, but can be backtested to see how it works.
FEATURES: Multicurrency or Single Pair Mode. Placing Stoploss / Takeprofit. Auto Martingale / Average Positions. Trailing for All Open Positions (Singl

The utility opens an order in the opposite direction from already open positions on the currency pair on which it is launched, creating a lock of orders. The utility has a simple interface and is easy to use. MT5 version of the utility - If you like this utility, take a look at my other products -

This utility shows the performance of the account (closed operations) in a graphical panel attached to a graph as an indicator. The purpose of the utility is to have a quick and clear view of the performance of transactions organized by different EAs or any desired combination.
The utility has the following features in the current version 1.0:
- Custom groups can be defined, to analyze and compare different performances within the account. The groups can contain filters of two types, filters

Sends notifications and a screenshot of the chart about all trading operations from the MetaTrader 4 terminal to the LINE Notify apps account
The EA sends notifications about all actions on the account:
Opening a position, placing orders, modifying orders, including pending ones, closing positions and deleting orders
Configure Metatrader to allow the EA to communicate with LINE Notify
In the MetaTrader4 application, click: "Tools" -> "Settings" -> "Expert Advisors"
In the bottom

Tetris remains one of the most fun and addictive pieces of software to ever grace the computing scene. That's right, everything that everyone loves about Tetris can now be experienced on MT4 platform. Its beautiful simplicity and surprisingly fast-paced gameplay make it an exceptionally easy thing to just pick up and play on short notice. This version comes with everything everyone loves about Tetris. It has all six of the classic tetrimino shapes, the steadily growing level of challenge tha

Der Local Trade Copier EA ist eine Lösung für Einzelhändler oder Kontomanager, die Handelssignale von externen Quellen ausführen oder mehrere Konten gleichzeitig verwalten müssen, ohne dass ein MAM- oder PAMM-Konto erforderlich ist. Es kopiert von bis zu 8 Master-Konten auf unbegrenzte Slave-Konten
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100% selbst gehostet Einfach zu installieren und zu verwenden
Kein Installer, Konfigur

Skript zum Schließen aller positiven Orders für MT4 - ermöglicht es Ihnen, alle profitablen Bestellungen auf dem Konto schnell zu schließen. Das Skript eignet sich für Momente, in denen Sie schnell alle profitablen Orders schließen müssen .
Das Skript hat den einzigen Parameter zum Einstellen von Profit_in_pips - darin geben Sie an, wie viele Gewinnpunkte auf der Bestellung liegen sollen, damit sie unter die Bedingungen zum Schließen der Position fällt. Das Skript ist sehr einfach

50% off. Original price: $60 Ichimoku Assistant is a multi-timeframe panel and alert system that scans all timeframes for multiple rules related to different ichimoku strategies. The Ichimoku indicator has 5 different lines, including Tenkan-sen, Kijun-sen, Senku Span A, Senku Span B and Chikou Span. This scanner checks the status of these lines compared to each other and gives alert based on your selected rules. If you are using ichimoku kinko hyo in your trading strategy, this scanner and its

Candlestick Pattern Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert system that checks all timeframes and currency pairs for different candlestick patterns that are formed in them. Scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the candlestick patterns in the most important areas of the chart to find breakout and reversal patterns in the price chart. Download demo version (works on M30,D1,W1 timeframes and 20 symbols of Market Watch window) Read the

This trading tool will help You to place your orders faster , specify its parameters easier and control your risks more clearly. It allows You to use lines on a chart to set the entry price, stop loss, take profit for any order, considering the specified percentage of risk from the deposit or a fixed lot, and place it in one click. It automatically detects a broker’s commission and takes it into account during calculations. It also calculates available for new order funds based on already opene

Set your Entry Stop-loss and Profit with Lot size calculator in one click. We designed this EA to calculate Lot size automatically based on Risk percentage on Account balance Reward options are alliable to 1:1 , 1:2 , 1:3
cancel not executed trader at one single click.
Don't need to go to any position calculator or any lot size calculator get your lot size based on candle price action.

Welcome to the World of our Trade Copier via Internet *whatever is the technology we can copy trades from/to MT4 platforms. You can trade manually from your mobile phone or you can attach your trading robots (EA) to your master account(s) and the trades will be copied to all your usersaccount(s). Our trade copier is not self-hosted, it means that you need to keep your computer or VPS running, everything is managed via internet.
Everything works Via Internet! ( Please add the address " h

Welcome to the World of our Trade Copier via Internet *whatever is the technology we can copy trades from/to MT4 platforms. You can trade manually from your mobile phone or you can attach your trading robots (EA) to your master account(s) and the trades will be copied to all your usersaccount(s). Our trade copier is not self-hosted, it means that you need to keep your computer or VPS running, everything is managed via internet.
Everything works Via Internet! ( Please add the address "

RELEASE PRICE - JUST 199$ Final price - 499$ For every 10 copies sold, price will increase 100$. This is an advanced semi automatic EA, that trades from level to level.
How does it work?
The user puts it the desired levels in settings that they want to trade from. When this is done, the levels appear on the graph. The levels is 5 support levels, 5 resistance levels and one neutral level. This EA trades only long over neutral and only short below neutral. On neutral, it trades both ways. Where

This is a multi-currency converter script that can convert the currency of the account history to another currency and output it. Since it supports multiple currencies, it is possible to exchange USD, EUR mutual conversion, JPY, GBP, AUD, or other minor currencies. Currency Exchanger can be converted to other currencies immediately by executing it once, so anyone can easily exchange currency. Let Currency Exchanger do the tedious work! The exchange result from the account history can be output a

Easy Copier Limited is utility tool to copy trade / Trade copier form one account (master) to other account (slave) . It works only with a single forex ( EURUSD ) .You can use this tool as local copier ( Terminals have to be in same PC / VPS ) as well as Remote Copier ( Terminals can be in different PC / VPS ). For remote copy you can use my server or it can be configured to your server. Trades are possible to copy from MT4 => MT4 MT4 => MT5 MT5 => MT5 MT5 =>

Das News Panel für MetaTrader ist ein Tool, das Wirtschaftskalenderdaten innerhalb der MetaTrader-Handelsplattform anzeigt. Das Tool ruft Wirtschaftsnachrichten und Datenveröffentlichungen von externen Quellen ab, beispielsweise von Finanznachrichten-Websites oder Datenanbietern, und zeigt sie in einem leicht lesbaren Format an. Mit dem Tool können Händler Pressemitteilungen nach Quelle, Zeitzone, Auswirkungsgrad, Währung und Benachrichtigungsmethode filtern. Es enthält außerdem eine Schaltfläch

Allzweckindikator, der die Handels-/Auftragshistorie eines beliebigen Live-Charts anzeigt, sehr ähnlich dem visuellen Modus des Strategietesters. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, die reale Handelsgeschichte eines bestimmten Symbols zu Bildungs-, Verbesserungs-, Reverse-Engineering- oder Diagnosezwecken zu untersuchen. Es kann sowohl mit dem Master- als auch mit dem Anlegerpasswort erfolgreich verwendet werden.
[ Installationsanleitung | Aktualisierungsanleitung | Fehlerbehebung | Häufig gestellte Fragen |

A small trading panel makes it easier for a trader to visually place pending orders, market, as well as trailing and unloading the grid of orders.
It is installed as a regular adviser. Parameters and description:
Lot Volume: 100 - in this field you can set, change the order volume at any time
Line UP - visual horizontal level for pending BuyStop and SellLimit orders
Line DN - visual horizontal level for BuyLimit and SellStop pending orders
Delete Lines - delete all lines from t

Money Management will help you to Easy Trade with One Click , instance and pending, set SL, and manage number of your TP . You can use this expert for different currency pairs, CFDs, cryptocurrency, and stocks .
The basic formula for calculating pip value and position size which has been used in this expert are:
Pipette Value = Position Size * (Exchange Rate (Base Currency) / Entry Price) * Contract Size * Digits Exp. Account Currency: USD Currency Pair: GBPJPY Position Size: 0.05 Lot = 5000

This tool is very helpful when trading and increasing the profits by placing certain trades (defined in the settings) with equal distances when you place Buy / Sell orders. It helps in securing the account by using the layering method. Once the price hits the first TP, the EA will move the SL to the entry level, then once the price hits the 2nd TP, the EA will move the price to the first TP level. All the TP and SL generated by the EA can be manually adjusted on the chart itself. It works on any

NEW : integration with Ofir Signals to send personalized alerts Ofir Notify is a tool which send alerts on trades to Telegram Alert on any event concerning a position : Opening, Closing, modification (SL, TP) Send alerts to Chats, Groups and Channel Alert on Equity change Display Risk, Reward and progress of profit/lost for each position Customization of alerts Sending charts screenshots with alerts Send signals from your indicators or experts Daily, weekly and monthly summaries Reply mode:

The adviser picks up all positions on any currency pair and in any direction of the transaction, on any time frame: the opening of the transaction is done manually, the adviser is installed separately on any chart window. Closes 5 goals automatically configured by you, call points and volume. You can also set a stop loss, and at what target it will shift to the value you have chosen. There is still a "breakeven" in the setup, which allows you to shift the stop loss by the volume of points you ha

NEW : integration with Ofir Signals to send personalized alerts Ofir Notify is a tool which send alerts on trades to Telegram Alert on any event concerning a position : Opening, Closing, modification (SL, TP) Send alerts to Chats, Groups and Channel Alert on Equity change Display Risk, Reward and progress of profit/lost for each position Customization of alerts Sending charts screenshots with alerts Send signals from your indicators or experts Multi-lingual NEW : version 2 brings integratio

This tool is for helping manual traders to automatically add TP, SL, and Trailing to opened orders. You can use One-Click-Trading button to add your orders and leave this tool to help you set Take Profit, Stop Loss, and Auto Trailing. Just open and leave orders to it.
Method of Installation Drop the EA to a chart of any currency pair at any time frame. All open orders in the same MT4 terminal will be managed.
Caution This tool is for manual trading account. If you have other EA running in the

Price Action Trade Panel MT4 berechnet den Saldo der Kauf-/Verkaufskraft jedes Symbols/Instruments basierend auf reinen Price Action-Daten der angegebenen (standardmäßig 8) vergangenen Kerzen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie die bestmögliche Marktstimmung, indem Sie die Preisbewegung von 32 Symbolen/Instrumenten überwachen, die auf dem Indikatorfeld verfügbar sind. Ein Kauf-/Verkaufsstärke-Niveau von über 60% ergibt ein recht solides Niveau für den Kauf/Verkauf des spezifischen Symbols (bei Verwen

Ein einfacher Handelsassistent, der es ermöglicht, mit der gewünschten Hebelwirkung einfach zu kaufen und zu verkaufen. Es wurde für den späteren oder unerfahrenen Trader entwickelt und von beliebten webbasierten Handelsplattformen wie eToro oder inspiriert. Es verfügt über eine Reihe von Handelsschaltflächen, die verschiedene Hebeloptionen implementieren, und eine zusätzliche Schaltfläche zum Schließen aller Trades. Alle Trades werden mit einem Stop-Loss entsprechend der verwendeten

NOTE: THIS IS DEMO VERSION Yoy can only replay in 1 week ago and replay for 20 bars. BUY FULL VERSION : __________________________________________________ This EA - Tool allow you replay bar in Meta Trader 4 for back test. This Tool can back test in multi timeframe in only one chart. This Tool is very useful for Price action trader. It can work with Indicators, some indicators cannot works. Main feature: Candlestick forward and backward to Backte

KlickTrader allows you to visualize your trade before you place it. Whether you want to Buy or Sell at market or as pending orders, see the deal levels (entry, SL and TP) before you risk it. You can move around the deal levels on the chart, while numbers for risk, potential profit and lotsize adjust automatically. You can klick on OrderType to easily rotate between Market, Stop, and Limit order. KlickTrader includes your choice between fixed lotsize and automatic lotsize calculation for easy mon

Advisor-assistant for those who like trading on Fibonacci levels. Automatically finds manually plotted Fibonacci Lines on the chart, and opens an order when the levels are broken. The Expert Advisor has 4 customizable levels and the ability to turn them off as unnecessary.
Parameters: Lot - order volume (lot); Requote - price slippage; Magic - individual number for all EA orders, works only with own orders; Name Fibo - set initial name of Fibonacci lines; Level parameters are ide

ONREX IV ONREX IV is a trading tool that be used to practise and enhance your manual trading skills. It's also Auto Trading Expert Advisor. Don't worry if your trades goes in the wrong direction, ONREX IV will take over and try to manage and control your risk management. ONREX IV offers a trading interface panel that allows traders to trade manually or opt FULL AUTO TRADING. It's also set to hide the Take Profit and Stop Loss. ONREX IV has its own Magic Number, please use trade button on the p

Objective: To automatically show the Fibonacci entries from last candle. Inputs: 1. Show/Hide the Fibonacci entries 2. Set where the Fibonacci will draw, 0 = current, 1 = last bar … (Default = 1) 3. Set the Fibonacci color 4. Set the line style 5. Set the minimum candle size automatically/manually in which the fib levels will appear 6. Set the candle size based on ADR/X Fibonacci levels: 23.6, 38.2, 50 Other Tools:

Waddah Attar Visual Candles Price Level
This utility shows you the last candle of every time frame in same scale . and show you the levels of fibo and pivot for this candles according to the big time frame . you can set then first big time frame by change time period for the chart .
the main benefits for this utility is you can see all last candles on the same drawing scale . and know where is the current price movements and directions area .
Thanks .

Objective: To show on the chart the current pip sizes of ADR, Spread, Bars, Day, Risk Reward and Shift Candle. Inputs: Select in which corner it will be displayed Set the X position of the indicator
Set the Y position of the indicator
Set the Font Style Set the Font Size Set the font color of current and last bar size Set the ADR font color
Set the Spread color
Set the day color
Show/Hide the normal maximum spread on some symbols, suggested risk reward ration and last shift candle size in p

Sie haben die Möglichkeit, dem Handelsalltag zu entfliehen und für kurze Zeit in die Welt der Magie einzutauchen. Ich präsentiere Ihnen das Spiel - Kartentrick. In der mql-Sprache können Sie nicht nur Expert Advisors, Indikatoren, Skripte, sondern auch solche kleinen Spiele erstellen. Ich bin nicht nur Trader und Programmierer, sondern zeige auch in meiner Freizeit gerne Kartentricks, da ich mich dazu entschlossen habe, einen meiner Lieblingstricks zu digitalisieren. Es war nicht einfach, da der

It is a simple fully customizable trading panel. It allows you to perform the simple trading operations on a trading pair / symbol, on the chart where it was placed: Buy, Sell, Close trades. The parameters are set in the panel: Lot size, Stop loss in points, Take profit in points. Thus, the panel allows you to open / close positions as quickly as possible with preset parameters. The panel is fully customizable and can be multilingual. When the panel is resized, all elements are resized automatic

Wicks Trade Panel Premium It's a Trade Panel include Order Management & Risk Management for serious trader. Especially for those traders who pay attention to important events like the CPI, NFP, and ADP. A one-of-a-kind faster technique to fix the Entry Price by simply pointing the mouse pointer at it. This is what I enjoy about it. Automatically closing 50% order size lots when setting TRUE on Breakeven Status. It's especially useful when trading on significant economic events like the CPI, NF

Waddah Attar Easy Positions Risk Management
This EA gives you a full ability to close one position or close all positions . Close buy or sell trades in any position . Close profit or loss position . by clicking on a command button on the chart with confirmation message . Show you a full information about your positions like : count - lots - average price - points - profit - profit % - used margin for this position and the risk percent . and also the scrolled table of trades that position has

Waddah Attar Visual MF RSI
this App show you RSI values and status for all frames in one chart .
Filled Triangle means current RSI Value . Framed Triangle means previous RSI Value . Up Arrow and Green Color means the direction of RSI is up . Down Arrow and Red Color means the direction of RSI is down .
when you move mouse cursor on frame column .. the full RSI chart will drawn .
you can change RSI Period in the app properties .. the default is 14 .
thanks and good luck .

Waddah Attar Dashboard
Simple App show you the most important information about your account , trades and history . Risk , Quality and Performance are the most important numbers you must watch them carefully . also the important thing you must do is Focus on the RED Color on the board . you can control the font name , font size , width , height and padding properties . the information is auto arranged on the chart . don't worry about it .
Thanks .
recommended product for position risk manage

迈达克论坛交易记录复盘工具。 运行平台:MT4 迈达克论坛有很多优质的信号,如果你需要研究学习这些优质信号的交易轨迹,可以用这个工具进行复盘。 适用方法: 1、选择优质信号 2、选择“交易历史记录” 3、交易历史记录标签页右下角选择 导出至CSV历史,导出历史记录 4、将导出导出的CSV历史记录文件存放到MT4安装目录下的 \ MQL4\Files文件夹中。 5、运行程序,在参数表中输入历史文件名称,并点击确定。 6、软件自动在所选图表中绘出涉及到当前交易品种的交易痕迹。 说明: MT4,MT5信号均可在MT4上进行交易痕迹绘制。 多单蓝色显示,空单红色显示。止损红色表示,止盈蓝色表示。 在具体使用中有任何问题,可以联系我的微信gaoqing001

Handelspanel zum Eröffnen von Aufträgen mit einem Klick! Um dem Händler zu helfen, werden Gewinnmitnahmen, Stop-Losses, ausstehende Stop- und Limit-Orders, Transfers zur Gewinnschwelle und Trails festgelegt. Es gibt auch einen teilweisen Abschluss der Bestellung in %
Alle Parameter sind anpassbar. Von Experten installiert!
Lose – 0,02 Lot StopLoss --- 700 Stop-Loss TakeProfit --- 400 Take-Profit UseBreekeven ---- false Breakeven Off

Close All Orders for MT4 script - closes absolutely all orders, whether pending or market ones.
Orders are closed at the current profit/loss indicators at the time of closing.
The script is suitable for moments when you need to quickly close all orders at the current indicators.
The script is very easy to use, just drag the script onto the chart and it will do its job.
Add me as a friend , I have many other useful products.

Trend following pending orders detect a group of orders opened by chart buttons and automatically follows market price.
Once your STOP or LIMIT orders are activated Trend following pending orders immediately adds STOP LOSS and TAKE PROFITS . Optionally you can add rule for closing all market orders when sum or price will reach your profit or loss. You can also enable trailing stop loss and traling take profit to market orders. It is a very handy tool in cases where you want to catch the perf

Wicks Trade Panel It's a Trade Panel include Order Management & Risk Management for serious trader. Especially for those traders who pay attention to important events like the CPI, NFP, and ADP. A one-of-a-kind faster technique to fix the Entry Price by simply pointing the mouse pointer at it. This is what I enjoy about it. Automatically closing 50% order size lots when setting TRUE on Breakeven Status. It's especially useful when trading on significant economic events like the CPI, NFP, and A

It's a smart utility signal analyzer on MT4 chart during 28 pairs ,It uses all technical and candlestick patterns for each pairs to analyze the final trend ,You can use it as base entry signal for each pairs, It's easy to use ,You must add the address ' ' in the list of allowed URL tab 'Advisors' , Added GlobalVariables for each pairs as buffer simulation to get data from any ExpertAdvasor for trading.
So to work with the server, you must add the U

Main features: I nforming via telegram buttons content and closing orders for one of the pairs or all necessary orders. Alert and information buttons to the telegram window when the specified percentage of profit is reached for each pair, or for two at once. The telegrams "sleep" while no profit we need, when a profit is reached, a menu of 5 buttons appears, in each button the profit will be displayed both in currency and in %%. When you click on the button, the direction of orders for this pa

The trend in the market can be predicted using trend lines but the problem is you don’t know where exactly the price is going to touch the trend line where you can put your pending orders on. Smart Channel Expert Advisor makes it possible to put an advanced channel around the price data, which can be configured to handle placing orders, opening and closing positions, managing risk per trade, spread, slippage, and trailing stop-loss and take-profit automatically. Features Money Management (Calcul
Ist Ihnen bekannt, warum der MetaTrader Market die beste Plattform für den Verkauf von Handelsstrategien und technischer Indikatoren ist? Der Entwickler braucht sich nicht mit Werbung, Programmschutz und Abrechnung mit Kunden zu beschäftigen. Alles ist bereits erledigt.

Sie verpassen Handelsmöglichkeiten:
- Freie Handelsapplikationen
- Über 8.000 Signale zum Kopieren
- Wirtschaftsnachrichten für die Lage an den Finanzmärkte
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