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Neue Trading Utilitys für MetaTrader 4 - 14

icon Unten finden Sie Handelsprogramme, die den Forex-Handel in MetaTrader 4 vereinfachen. Fahren Sie mit der Maus über ein Hilfsprogramm in der Liste unten, um seine Beschreibung und seinen Zweck zu lesen.
Do you think that in markets where the price can change in a split second, placing orders should be as simple as possible? In Metatrader, each time you want to open an order, you have to open a window where you enter the opening price, stop loss and take profit, as well as the trade size. EA Trade Assistant V for MT4 is an advanced tool that allows you to easily plan each transaction and manage them effectively.  If you are a scalper and need to quickly open and close trades without setting defe
Objective:              Mouse Crosshair Synchronization In multiple-charts.  Syncronization crosshair for other timeframes. Syncronization mouse for other timeframes. Use:        1. Download the program and put it in the dir (MQL5/Indicators or MQL4/Indicators).        2. Load this indicator to the charts that need to be synchronized. It just work.        3. Support the left and right keys of the keyboard. When the left and right keys move crosshair on a chart, the same symbol charts will also
You can send MetaTrader screenshot easily to your identified telegram channel via press the send button that on the chart. TelegramBotToken: Telegram API credentials. You can create API credentials on my.telegram.org web page ChatId: Your telegram chatId. Secreenshots will be sending this channel  - Please do not press the button repeatedly. This may cause your bot or ip address to be blocked. - You have to add telegram api address ( https://api.telegram.org ) in Option > Expert Advisors > Allow
Minutes 51
Joaquin Nicolas Metayer
On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untram
Statistics by magic pro
Tomasz Marcin Moleda
"Statistics by magic pro" is a program that provides statistics after entering a magic number. You can simultaneously track up to 10 statistics for different magic numbers in one chart window. The program is very easy to use. The program should be run on any free chart. In the EDIT field on the chart, you should enter the magic number. Entering "0" will erase the statistics in that window. The operation of the program can be stopped by selecting the statistics off option. After selecting it, the
Simple Trendline Trader is designed to simplify your trading activities and automatically open trade when the trendline you draw touched by the running price, You can choose to set EA to trade buy order or sell order when the trendline touched by running price, you can also set stoploss and takeprofit in pips, when using MM Lot it will automatically calculate your order lot based on the SL distance and set risk per trade from your current equity. This EA include : 1. Trade Mode, BUY or SELL mode
Simple HorizontalLine Trader is designed to simplify your trading activities and automatically open trade when the horizontalline you draw touched by the running price, You can choose to set EA to trade buy order or sell order when the horizontalline   touched by running price, you can also set stoploss and takeprofit in pips, when using MM Lot it will automatically calculate your order lot based on the SL distance and set risk per trade from your current equity. This EA include : 1. Trade Mode,
Сервис Бот MONEY CONTROLLER (MN Controller) представляет собой вспомогательную программу, разработанную на языке программирования MQL4, предназначенную для использования в торгово-аналитической платформе Metatrader 4 компании MetaQuotes Ltd. Бот имеет защиту и будет работать только на том торговом счёте, для которого вы приобрели лицензию. Использование на других счетах невозможно. Убедитесь что номер лицензии бота совпадает с номером торгового счёта на которым вы его устанавливаете. Основные фу
Handelspositionen und Backtesting-Tool: Das "Handelspositions- und Backtesting-Tool", auch bekannt als "Risiko-Rendite-Verhältnis-Tool", ist ein umfassender und innovativer Indikator, der entwickelt wurde, um Ihre technische Analyse und Handelsstrategien zu verbessern. Das Risikotool ist eine umfassende und benutzerfreundliche Lösung für effektives Risikomanagement im Devisenhandel. Mit der Möglichkeit, Handelspositionen einschließlich des Einstiegspreises, des Stop-Loss (SL) und des Take-Prof
If you need an advisor on any arrow indicator signals - this utility will definitely help you.  You will be able, with the help of this utility to form an unlimited number of EAs on YOUR signals , with your set of settings, with your copyright and complete source code . You will be able to use the resulting EAs unlimitedly , including adding them to the Market and other resources. Generated Martingale EA with the help of this script - here Free simple version of the generation script to help yo
FXO PRICE ACTION LEVEL NOTIFICATIONS Notes: 1. .ex4 must be loaded in EA folder (not indicator folder). 2. Activate MT4 application notifications by Tools/options/enable push notification. 3. Drag Overlapped Horizontal lines to desired levels at start. This is an Indicator file, it will not take trades by itself. For any query Support: admin@forexmarket.one Copyright: www.forexmarket.one
Martengl Panel
Hossein Ahmadi Beni
is highly helpful in both performing and assisting a successful trade. This program allows you to work in a real account and take advantage of its most important feature, the Back-Test feature.  is made up of two panels that work together to provide you with the best and fastest performance possible. The command panel is on the left, and the confirmation panel is on the right. The command panel is divided into four main categories: Buy/Sell, Lot, Distance, and Set Close. You make all the decisi
Reverse Hedging EA
Joaquin Nicolas Metayer
This EA is literally a reverse of Recovery Zone Assistance, as its name says ... It is an assistant, an expert advisor that monitors all the orders for the asset in which it has been placed, no matter if that order was by some other expert advisor or by the trader placed on the Manually, he will start his work after each order that is negative. Find  Recovery Zone Assistance on  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/68909 This Expert Advisor is based on this sistem on video "Recovery Zone" on
Market Break Lines is an utility tool to create a partition line at market openings/closings of Tokyo/London/NewYork sessions. This will help you to compare the market movements, volatility variations between the different markets. Inputs: Inputs are simple to feed the time of Tokyo/London/NewYork sessions as per your broker server time Change Color and width of partition lines You can enable or disable any line (Hide/Show). Please don't forget to support by giving handsome reviews/rating MT5
Introducing the Revolutionary   Trade Closing Assistant ! Are you tired of manually closing hundreds trades? Are you a   scalper ,   day trader ,   swing trader   and  you want to maximize your profits and minimize your losses by closing multiple positions at thesame time under different conditions? Are you a   Prop Firm Trader  who wishes to avoid hitting maximum daily drawdown? Search no further. This kit is the ultimate solution for all you. GUIDE TO USE THE KIT 1. Shows the total profit/lo
The Saz_Timer indicator belongs to the Saz_Forex suite of professional indicators designed by Traders, for Traders. This indicator will show minutes and seconds of real time on the chart window. The indicator uses the OnTimer() event so it can update even while no ticks received on the chart. The text is shown toward the bottom right of the chart, encircled red in the screenshot. Inputs: Text Colour, allows selection of the colour for the text.
FXO BROKER SPREAD INFORMATION Floating spreads are harmful for your trading strategy, even with Raw spread account. it makes a lot difference. Floating spread goes too high when it's news time or daily or weekend rollovers. this can affect trades's Expert Advisors, Pending orders and Stop losses. Therefore this tool is created to find right information about spread while rollovers. How to use :  download/paste the program file to Expert Advisor folder,  Open a chart of any instrument, Lo
This is a Semi Automated OTE EA based on the free teachings of ICT. One of the biggest challenges in trading is related to executing and managing trades. After analyzing charts, draw an OTE Fibonacci and turn on the EA. It will automatically execute orders based on the Fibonacci level of your placement and protect any open positions when in profit. Please review the documentation that accompanies this product.  Auto Lot Calculation Based on Risk Percent  Auto SL and TP  Auto BE Risk Per
This trading tool automatically applies stop loss, take profit, and breakeven levels to trades that are opened manually or with a specific magic number or comment. The stop loss is set in pips, and the take profit and breakeven levels are calculated as a multiple of the stop loss. This helps traders to manage their risk and protect their profits. Additionally, the tool also watches for the breakeven point, allowing traders to move their stop loss to break even once a certain level of profit has
Sing main main ea
I Kadek Cristian Angga Putra
Ea SING MAIN MAIN menggunakan strategy DUA CROS EMA yang anda dapat sesuaikan di pengaturan  sesuai dengan strategy anda masing masing ea   SING MAIN MAIN   juga sangat dapat membantu kita open posisi dan mengatur resiko yang kita akan gunakan karena sudah dilengkapi dengan  cut loss BY % cut loss BY $ ea   SING MAIN MAIN   ini juga dapat mengurangi resiko ketinggalan moment entry
Viktor Shpakovskiy
Dienstprogramm zur Verwaltung offener Positionen und ausstehender Aufträge. Der eingebaute Trailing Stop hat fünf Modi und sieben Tools. Es gibt einen virtuellen Stop-Loss und einen virtuellen Take-Profit, die frei im Chart verschoben werden können. Mit Hilfe des eingebauten Handelssimulators können Sie überprüfen, wie der EA im Strategietester funktioniert. Eine ausführliche Anleitung zu UTralVirtual finden Sie im Abschnitt „Diskussion“. Vorteile 5 Trailing-Stop-Modi: virtueller, normaler, tot
Darwin Reports Tool EA Außergewöhnlicher Einführungspreis!    35 USD BESCHREIBUNGEN: Darwin Reports Tool EA ist das neueste Produkt der Darwin-Reihe. Die Produkte von Darwin sind auf MQL5 für ihre Qualität und Leistung bekannt und berühmt. Diesmal ist es kein Expert Advisor, den ich Ihnen anbiete, sondern ein Dienstprogramm, das dazu bestimmt ist, Aufgaben zu automatisieren. Im Wesentlichen geht es darum, Berichte über Ihre Leistung zu erstellen. ERKLÄRUNGEN: Mit diesem Dienstprogramm kö
XLT Alert Longterm trend trading
Petrus Nicolaas Johannes Roets
XLT Alert EA identifiziert den langfristigen Trend und liefert Warnungen für mögliche Trades. EA zeigt nur Alarm an, aber dann kann der Händler entscheiden, die Order zu öffnen oder auf ein besseres Signal zu warten. Das Informationsfenster Trade Management zeigt die monatliche Trendrichtung, EA sendet nur eine Warnung, wenn das Signal dem Trend entspricht. Die Handelsverwaltung ermöglicht einen einfachen Zugriff auf die Schaltflächen „Kaufen“ und „Verkaufen“ sowie die Schaltfläche „Auftrag s
ICT Smc draw
2.5 (4)
Indicador SMART MONEY CONCEPTS DRAW Este indicador te permitirá dibujar de forma sencilla, rápida y fácil todos los conceptos de Trading Institucional e Smart Money Concepts basados en la terminología de The Inner Circle Trader (ICT) necesarios para realizar análisis técnico en tus gráficos de Metatrader. Este indicador ha sido desarrollado por el equipo de TradingForexTV y lo entregamos totalmente gratis para toda nuestra comunidad y seguidores de nuestro canal y redes sociales. Algunos de lo
Stealth Mode for TP SL and Trailing MQ4
Petrus Nicolaas Johannes Roets
1 (1)
Hide TP and SL from your broker. Set Use_TP_SL_Stealth_Mode to true to hide your TP or SL from the brokers. Stealth Trailing now avalable in updated version. Set Use_Stealth_Trailing to true   for profit trailing without your broker knowing. This EA can be used on any currency pair and will manage your open orders. Besides the stealth mode EA can also be used for normal order management where actual TP SL levels can be set. Also the EA can trail order by adjusting the Stoploss price.
Broker Desynchronization script MT4 is a script in the form of an EA. It will check the desynchronization of a BROKER's server compared to your time at your PC. Usually BROKER sets time forward to have some space to execute trades. If you wish to check how big the difference is, please load the EA to any chart. After loading, it will wait for the first tick to check the desynchronization. Information will be available for 10 seconds. NOTE! If market is closed, you get information to try again la
Prop Manager
Stefano Cocconi
Prop Manager allows you to automatically close trades once the max daily loss or profit target is reached so it's designed for the control and management of PROP FIRM ACCOUNT , but also live accounts. Prop Manager will allow you to manage prop accounts with maximum security, whether you want to do manual trading or algorithmic trading. It was created for people who want to be sure that their trading does not run into daily drawdown or total drawdown problems. The user is left with complete fr
Individual Order Manager is a manager that groups positions by symbol, for each symbol having one or more open positions, it creates a small panel with the following information : - Symbol name : Click to close all positions of this symbol. - Symbol market price  - Symbol position(s ) profit - Stoploss in amount value : All  positions of this symbol will be automatically closed when their loss reaches the sto ploss value set by user. - Takeprofit in amount value  : All positions of this symbol
Mini Trading Panel
Haxshm Alxsslybawy
Trading Panel for managing orders in one click ... for MetaTrader 4 . Market Order : Open Order Sell . Open Order Buy . Set Lot orders  .  Set stop loss, Take profit orders on the chart. closing all Sell positions. closing all Buy positions. closing all positions. Open Pending Order : Calculating pips on the chart Sell limt . Sell Stop . Delet Sell limt. Delet SellStop . Buy limt . Buy Stop . Delet Buy limt . Delet Buy Stop . Delet All ,Sell limt,Sell Stop,Buy limt,Buy Stop . Work in the back t
Viktor Shpakovskiy
A utility for managing open positions using virtual (invisible to the broker) stops. Virtual stop loss and virtual take profit can be freely moved around the chart. If the price touches the virtual stop line (TP, SL, TS), the EA will close all orders of the same direction on the current chart. Closing orders by virtual take profit is possible only if there is a profit. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can, in the strategy tester, see how the adviser works. Parameters Block
Magic MT4 to Telegram
Federico Giuliano Di Noro
5 (3)
"Magic MT4 to Telegram" ermöglicht die Verbindung zwischen MT4 und dem Messenger Telegram für Echtzeit-Aktualisierungen. Mit anpassbaren Einstellungen bestimmst du, welche Benachrichtigungen du bei Veränderungen in deinem Depot erhalten möchtest. Bei jeder eröffneten oder geschlossenen Position erhältst du Benachrichtigungen auf deinem Computer oder Mobiltelefon. Für die Einrichtung dieser Utility lesen Sie bitte diesen Beitrag . Folgende Features erwartet Sie: Ausgabe über Telegram Ausgabe übe
Control Panel MT4
Alessandro Grossi
Control Panel mette a disposizione una semplificata ed avanzata gestione dedicata per ogni singolo mercato Forex, CFD, Materie Prime, Indici Azionari, Metalli Preziosi, Prodotti Energetici, Azioni & Crypto Valute, dal trade pad si posso aprire posizioni e ordini pendenti, visualizzare tutti i dati relativi alla quantità delle posizioni Buy, Sell e di tutti i trade oltre alla quantità espressa in lotti anche per i posizionamenti hedge indicando il valore espresso in lotti relativo all’esposizion
Pip Counter Indicator Point
Miguel Angel Ramirez Alvarez
Pip Counter Indicator Point   This Panel is a great tool for Traders who open multiple orders and want to have detailed control of their operations, as well as traders who want to see the pips obtained at the end of their Trading session. This Panel reports on the buy and sell orders you have open, the pips traveled, pips generated and distance from the Stop Loss Long: Indicates the number of open buy orders. Short: Indicates the number of open sell orders. PIPS Counter: Indicates the real-time
Sergei Kiriakov
It is just an alternative fibo lines, because mt4 have is a very strange drawing of fibo lines A simple Box (Rectangle) graphic element with adjustable levels binding: it is possible to specify up to 17 custom levels, all rectangles on the chart with the given prefix in their name are processed. Levels are specified in % of the height of the rectangle. A convenient graphical element for analyzing charts by growth-correction levels. Enjoy your work!
RSI PHONE ALERT RSI Alert is an amazing tool to get alerted on your mobile phone when Overbought/Oversell levels reached on RSI indicator. So that traders who doing manual trading can execute their trades from mobile phone while following their RSI strategy, as most of the traders use RSI for entering their trades. New suggessions are welcome INPUTS RSI levels RSI period Start/End time of the tool Custom text message to get on mobile phone Enable/Disable mobile alert function available Do not fo
Clean up Market Watch from unused symbols. If you use multiple advisors and terminals on the same account your Market Watch windows may get filled with unused symbols from orders and positions opened on other terminals. Every symbol in the Market Watch consumes cpu power and bandwidth to get constantly updated and if you are on a vps you want to minimize resources consumption. Market Watch Cleaner helps you with that by periodically cleaning your Market Watch window from unused symbols. Param
A script to open and Close  charts of  multiple pairs instantly with custom template $30 for the next 25 downloaders, next price: $45 Features: Chart Opener : Open chart(s) of multiple pairs simultaneously Template Opener : Load any User specified template (.tpl) to the opened chart(s) Chart Closer : Close chart(s) of multiple pairs simultaneously Disclaimer: Any loss involving this trading tool is the sole responsibility of the User, and not the responsibility of the Creator of this trading
Spread Monitor
Muhammed Emin Ugur
The Spread Monitor indicator is designed to instantly show the seprads of currency pairs. Spreads of all pairs appear at the bottom of the screen as oscillators. The indicator has a spread level parameter. When you enter a value in this parameter, the ones below that value are displayed in green and the ones above it in red.  The spreads of 28 pairs appear on the indicator. Note: It does not work in test mode. In test mode, spreads show 0. Works in live mode To View Our Other Products Go to the
If you are good at market analysis this Semi-automatic EA will help you to manage trade for entry and take profit as you analyzed You job is set the zone for buying or selling by moving the lines on MT4 chart For Supply and Demand Strategy - Support & Resistance System.. Buy low sell high from potential reversal point For this tool you only need to set the Market zone for buy or sell Start lots should be small for low drawdown for 0.01 standard lots for each $200 or more Default setting is for t
EMA Alert Pro
Victor Perez Gonzalez
EMA Alert Pro v1.1 EMA Alert Pro warns you via sound and/or push notification in case the price approaches a given EMA of your choice. Drag & drop the EMA Alert Pro indicator to your chart. A small button will appear at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Turn it ON to trigger an alarm at the moment the price reaches the margin defined for your target EMA. While EMA Alert Pro is running, the button will inform about the difference in pips between current price and the target EMA. - Specify
Viktor Shpakovskiy
The utility for managing open positions can work with stops (take profit and stop loss) in money, percentages or points. The built-in trailing stop starts working from profit, the size of which can be set in currency or as a percentage. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can check how the utility works in the strategy tester. Benefits setting stop loss and take profit in the deposit currency, as a percentage of the account balance or by points; adding stop loss and take profit
Viktor Shpakovskiy
The utility for managing open positions can work with stops (take profit and stop loss) in money, percentages or points. The built-in trailing stop starts working from profit, the size of which can be set in currency or as a percentage. Trailing stop can work in three modes and for five instruments. With the help of the built-in trading simulator, you can check how the utility works in the strategy tester. Benefits setting stop loss and take profit in the deposit currency, as a percentage of the
Full Closer
Dmitrii Korchagin
Das Skript ist sehr nützlich für diejenigen, die mit einer großen Anzahl von Aufträgen arbeiten. Es kommt vor, dass es einen Gewinn auf dem Konto gibt und Sie alle Aufträge auf dem Konto einmal schließen müssen. dafür ist ein Full Closer-Skript erforderlich. Skriptoptionen: Close Type - Geben Sie den Typ der Aufträge an, die geschlossen werden sollen. Wenn Sie nur BUY-Aufträge schließen möchten. setzen Sie den Parameter in die Position Only BUY orders, und wenn Sie alle Aufträge schließen möch
TradeStops Manager EA is a simple, dynamic, volatility-adaptable stops-management tool that will help you to manage your open order's stops effectively according to your way.   The fact that most traders lose money in the markets is not really surprising if you consider that most traders do not know how to set up the right, dynamic, adaptable stops in the face of current volatility in the market. Do you want to close a specific order after a specified number of candles, StopLoss Level is reache
Trend Support and Resistant levels
Fawwaz Abdulmantaser Salim Albaker
Dear Friend ... I hope and Wish a happy new year to all of you .. as i told you < this is a simple Utility EA can helps you in your trading . he helps you to ensure that your decision is correct to enter the market . it is work on all currency pairs , stocks ,indices and crypto . its easy to install . no complicated inputs.  this EA works as follows : it's main work is to detect the highest price and the lowest price on H4 & H1 time frame and draw resistance and support and trend  every line has
History data loader
Florian Riedrich
5 (1)
================================================================================ The utility is useful when you have to load history data for many symbols and timeframes. It loads the symbol used in the market watch. One symbol is scanned for all timeframes. Then the charts will be closed and the next symbol is scanned. You cannot abort the operation. Wait till it is done. ================================================================================
Custom Ultimate Sniper Dashboard
Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
5 (2)
Das Custom Ultimate Sniper Dashboard ist ein EA-Upgrade des ursprünglichen Ultimate Sniper Dashboard-Indikators. Er arbeitet mit bis zu 98 verschiedenen Algorithmen, um sicherzustellen, dass er die wahre Natur eines Trends in einer Anlageklasse, mit der Sie arbeiten, einfängt. Es ist eine direkte Antwort auf viele Vorschläge und Ratschläge, die wir von den meisten unserer Kunden über mehrere Monate hinweg erhalten haben.   Diese benutzerdefinierte Version ist vollständig anpassbar. Sie wird von
Click Trade Manager
Hispraise Chinedum Abraham
5 (1)
Der Click Trade Manager ist unser bisher bestes Produkt! Die beste Lösung sowohl für Anfänger als auch für professionelle Prop-Firm-Händler! Schützen Sie Ihre FTMO/MFF-Prop-Firmen- oder Privatkonten vor dem Überschreiten von Drawdown-Limits. EA schließt automatisch alle Trades, so dass sie niemals Ihre Drawdown-Limits erreichen. Warnt Sie, wenn ein Handel Ihr Drawdown-Limit verletzen könnte. Schließt Geschäfte automatisch, wenn Ihr Gewinnziel erreicht ist. Kann so eingestellt werden, dass magi
Forward Alert Msg to Telegram
Nguyen Quoc Hung
3.67 (3)
This EA is fully automated , it is built based on  the method of catching the pop-up Alert event and forwarding them to Telegram Channel/Group. Parameters of the EA: -------- <EA Settings> -------- Magic Number:   The identifying (magic) number of the currently selected order. Bot name:   Name of the Expert Advisor. Allow forward Alert: Enable/ Disable Forward Alert. Do not send messages after the current time (seconds) . Number of rows to read from list (>= 4...| affect processing speed). --
The utility provides data on balance, equity and profit/loss on a trading account from the start of a trading day at a specified time. You no longer need to constantly check your VPS or computer. The utility features email and push notifications to the mobile platform version on your smartphone. Set the EA on any H1 chart. Configure parameters of your MetaTrader 4 for sending messages before usage. Parameters Send test notification - true/false - send a text message when launching on a ch
This Tool Allow you close all open Orders automatics when Equity reach to specific value:  - When Equity is less than  specific value - When Equity is greater than  specific value - And Allow you close all open orders in manual - It will notification to MT4 Mobile app when it execute close all orders. __________________________________________ It very helpful for you when you trade with prop funds. Avoid reach daily drawdown and automatics close all orders when you get target.
This EA is been tested on difference Prop firm including FTMO, MFF, TFF, Funding Next and E8.  The main focus of this EA is to provide you Risk Management, Trade Management.  It can calculate lot size for you in any market to make sure fix % risk per trade.  It has a partially close and brake even line you can place on the screen.  When the line is hit, EA will partially close the position can move the SL to entry to provide you a guarantee profit. One EA can trade all symbol.  Is a Prop Firm tr
这是一个简易的下单功能面板 不仅可以开市价多单和市价空单 当设置好止盈止损点数 就可以点击按钮开仓 除了市价单还可以挂限价多单和限价空单及突破多单和突破空单 认为不需要挂单的时候可以点击删除挂单按钮 。 面板还带有平仓多单和平仓空单及平仓后开反向单功能, 在面板的最上面有退出面板和隐藏面板功能。 在面板里边有参数输入功能:下单量、止损点数、止盈点数、多单挂单位置、空单挂单位置。 该面板是挂在什么货币对就执行当前图表上货币对下单功能,设置有订单识别码 也可以相同的图标货币对上挂2个以上的面板下单功能互不影响。 该面板显示在图标的右边角落,不会挡住当前行情方便操作。当前是最新版本 以后在运行当中会不断升级完善做到精益求精,给使用者带来良好的体验。
FOREXBOB AUTO CLOSER   is a very handsome tool for manual traders who doing :- Scalping  Correlation Hedging Those who use averaging methods etc. As this utility tool will help you by closing all your running trades when the universal floating P/L reaches a certain value that you will put in inputs. You may enable and disable the alert message on your mobile phone when auto closer close all the running deals on specified profit. You may add any message you want in notification.  This tool consid
Move to Breakeven Limited
Abdulfattah Yahya Mohammed Alhazmi
The main purpose of this expert advisor is to protect your hardly gained profits. Once the market goes in your favor, with amount of specified pips [configured via EA inputs], the EA will do the following: Move the Stop-loss of the profitable positions to Breakeven. Lock in some profits, i.e put the SL above/below your entry with specified pips  Will close part of position, % of lots, once the EA was triggered.  By default, the "Move to Breakeven EA" will modify all opened positions on the termi
Move To Breakeven
Abdulfattah Yahya Mohammed Alhazmi
The main purpose of this expert advisor is to protect your hardly gained profits. Once the market goes in your favor, with amount of specified pips [configured via EA inputs], the EA will do the following: Move the Stop-loss of the profitable positions to Breakeven. Lock in some profits, i.e put the SL above/below your entry with specified pips  Will close part of position, % of lots, once the EA was triggered.  By default, the "Move to Breakeven EA" will modify all opened positions on the termi
Scan watchlist
Pandya Dharmendra Prafulchandra
This is application readymade scanner for the traders, you can scan your watch list symbols,  explanation  timeinterval is the refresh rate of the symbols column height is the number of the symbols you want to scan,  high1 and high2 are the comparison of the last two candles low1 and low2 are the comparison of the last two candles l1 is the last candle and l2 is the previous candle. other things are self explanatory, you can message me for any explanation, this indicator is more than worth 300US
Vitaly Murlenko
Das Dienstprogramm ScriptForOrders dient dazu, Bestellungen mit dem erforderlichen Magicnumber-Parameter manuell aufzugeben! Manuell geöffnete Orders haben Magicnumber = 0. Expert Advisors eröffnen oft Orders mit einem anderen Magicnumber-Parameter als Null. Dies geschieht, damit der EA seine eigenen Aufträge von denen anderer unterscheiden oder unterschiedliche Steueralgorithmen auf unterschiedliche Aufträge anwenden kann. Früher oder später kommt ein Händler in eine Situation, in der er in
DYJ News Developers sind die grundlegenden Marktanalyseindikatoren für Kalendertransaktions-Tools und makroökonomische Ereignisse. Hier finden Sie die Finanznachrichten und-indikatoren der größten Volkswirtschaft der Welt – von den USA und der Europäischen Union bis zu Australien und Japan – in neun Wirtschaftsnationen mit mehr als 60 Währungspaaren. Erfassung von über 800 makroökonomischen Indikatoren und Ereignissen aus öffentlichen Quellen in Echtzeit. Jeder Indikator weist historische, akt
XA Risk Reward Ratio Tool MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.57 (7)
XA Risk Reward Ratio Tool MT4 tool is a professional algorithm, that calculates risk of every transaction before it is finalized. It allows you to precisely estimate gain and possible loss. The professional tool can estimate levels of Take Profit and Stop Loss incredibly precisely, making investments more effective and safer. Using Risk Reward Ratio Tool, you can with one click carry out transactions, cancel position, set position rate, set opening point, TP, SL and many other features.  List of
The GRat_OrderImport EA imports into MT4 on the symbol of its chart all trades that are exported by: GRat_IndiTrade - strategy builder for automatic trading using ANY available indicators; GRat_OrderExport (MT5) - manual trades or trades of other EAs from MT5; GRat_OrderExport (MT4) - manual trades or trades of other EAs from MT4; using the GRat Order Exchange library. To start importing trades for the required symbol, just launch the EA on the chart of this symbol and set the parameters: Magic
Trade Manager MT4 Mr Sam Gold
Leonardo Antonio Camacaro Armas
️ Discover the powerful Trade Manager for MetaTrader, a tool that will revolutionize your trading experience in the financial market. This innovative software provides you with efficiency and speed, allowing you to execute all your trades quickly and visually. ️ With just a click of a button, the Trade Manager creates three strategic lines: a blue line for order placement, a green line for take profit, and a red line for stop loss. These lines offer you a clear focus and enable you to manage
SmartDash Trader EA This is MT4 Semi Automated EA which trade using BUY, SELL and CLOSE Buttons to executes trade actions. You can use Auto Set SL/TP/Lot of your choice since the EA comes with only 0.01 lot and 0 for TP/SL. Set 10 pips for TP to take advantage of trades. NOTE: THIS EA DOES NOT BACKTEST. ITS BUTTON TRADER EA HOW THE STRATEGIES TO USE THE DASHBOARD TRADER Wait for a weaker or stronger currency means the currency strength meter should show less than 15% for SELL and more than 88% f
XP Forex Trade Manager MT4
Marzena Maria Szmit
4.5 (4)
Forex Trade Manager MT4 simplifies managing open orders in MetaTrader 4. If you open a new order, the manager automatically sets Stop Loss and Take Profit. When price will move, then the program could move Stop Loss to Break Even (stop loss = open price) or continuously moving Stop Loss (Trailing Stop) to protect your profits. Forex Trading Manager is able to control orders for only current symbols (where EA works) or for all opened orders (regardless symbol) and hide the Stop Loss and Take Prof
請點選copyright link跳轉至官方網站觀看詳細說明 https://www.ainstein.com.tw/ 由AInstein研發團隊獨立開發的全方位交易整合軟體,並獲得經濟部核可「智能交易系統軟體」智產權專利,提供協助交易者最專業的交易資訊軟體與諮詢服務。 由AInstein研發團隊獨立開發的獨創外匯智能交易系統,並持有經濟部智慧財產局頒發的專利證書新型第M598465號—智能交易系統,讓交易者能以玩遊戲的形式,輕鬆愉快地進行交易。 提供官方專屬的合作券商平台優惠方案,並依據個別需求,提供客製化策略方案設計及諮詢服務。 提供同業與異業間彼此推廣的商業合作策略方案設計及諮詢服務。 提供專業的客製化EA代寫,協助有策略但非程式專長的交易者,也能有專屬的量化交易工具。 提供與券商間互惠互利的合作,以及代理技術客製化培訓課程,協助代理專業交易知識與技術的提升。
Forex Trade Manager Grid MT4 helps you to managing orders and achieve the goal. You only need to place first order with Take Profit, run EA and set in params profit (pips) you want to get. EA will be managing your positions, as will gather appointed amount of pips. It’s a strategy for management of manual trades opened on current pair. The strategy adds positions to currently opened trades in a grid management (with chosen distance in pips between trades) - up to 15 trades (or less). First up to
STM Trade Panel
Biswarup Banerjee
Simple trade manager panel is a very usefull utility which gives the trader a flexibility to place orders and close them by profit and loss amount . It also helps in trailing the profit with amount.  It works seamlessly on mt4 terminal. It has features to close specific order type or close all trades Features in nutshell Stoploss ,Takeprofit and Lot size control Book Profit based on amount Cut Loss based on amount Trail Profit after some time Close specific order Type Close all orders
This Expert Advisor does not take positions, This EA is made just for: "Trailing Stop Loss".   Description The expert moves the SL by Moving Average value or by last candle's high or low(candle trailing).   Indicator Parameters Trailing Method (trailing by moving average value or candle trailing). MA Period (period of moving average). MA Method (simple, exponential, smoothed, linear weighted). Apply to (when you select "Trailing With MA" method, calculation and moving average based on close, op
Risk Management Panel is unique to tool calculate your risk quickly and place trades based on your account money. There are two options for the user  Account Equity Account Balance Tools like these is specially useful when you have to take a quickly decision about your trade but dont have the time to calculate the risk. It works with magic number. So the advantage is a trade placed by this panel could be manipulated by the other expert advisors as well
MFF FTMO risk management helps to close all orders when the balance falls below the previously set level. Input Parameters: Management Type:   Percent % Daily drawdown (MFF). Close all orders if Percent % drawdown based on equity: Set  Percent  with this  Management Type. Management Type : Set Equity Close all (FTMO). Number of Equity to close all orders:  Set Number with this  Management Type.

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