Once again, about the lokas. - page 54

Though off-topic, I will add that no "fixed idea" belongs to anyone's True Ego.

To add is to add.

Discourse is the jamming of two or more Egos

Now that's on topic :)
Yes, when a person appears in a thread clearly dominating the topic - it's already a trend ))))

My favourite subjects? Are you out of your mind?

I don't give a fuck about these topics and their authors and apologists. Because they're not people anymore, they're brainless zombies. I've tried to get through to their brains sometimes but I haven't done it since some time. Go on jerking each other off comfortably. That is, without brains and without me.


My favorite topics? Are you out of your mind?

I don't give a fuck about those topics and their authors and apologists. Because they are not people but mindless zombies. I tried to get through to their brains sometimes, but I've stopped trying to since some time ago. Go on jerking each other off comfortably. That is, without brains and without me.

aaahhhh... monotonous and boring.

locke, locke, yay locke.

ps. stop spewing your bile in topics you don't like.


aaahhhh... monotonous and boring.

locke, locke, hello locke.

ps. stop spewing your bile in topics you don't like. go around them.

No, let him talk. Holding it in is not good for the neuroses.

aaahhhh... monotonous and boring.

locke, locke, hail locke.

ps. stop spewing your bile in topics you don't like.

Fuck you. To zombieland.

aaahhhh... monotonous and boring.

locke, locke, yay locke.

ps. stop spewing your bile in topics you don't like.

Don't you think? Vladimir, there's something wrong with the pig - he reacts too painfully to the word "I won't traumatise him again" - some kind of "mental" attachment! Say "...." 3 times and he'll show up! :))
Fuck off. Leave me alone, you morons.
I have already said that there are chains of opposing orders with varying volume where the expected, final result cannot be repeated by netting.

Don't you think? Vladimir, there's something wrong with the pig - he reacts too painfully to the word "I won't traumatise him again" - some kind of "mental" attachment! Say "...." 3 times and he'll show up! :))
Maybe you overpowered him with uralkali?