Once again, about the lokas. - page 42


But it's time to score an arrow. Otherwise it will never end.

Build lockers against the wall, count them, add Niroba and tratatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatatas.

Of course, you can add Paukas, because everything is always his fault, but he will get away with it.

Mischa. I had the same idea that the essence of the idea with the loki is to gather all the morons and that... ...and the cat. In short, as Pushkin said: Drown them all.

Eugenics, my ass... Sparta in the 21st century.


But it's time to get the ball rolling. Otherwise it will never end.

Do you need it?

Of course, we can add Paukas, because everything is always his fault, but he will get away with it, so we don't have to try.

He'll score for the Franklins and still be in the black :)

Oh, please. You've been here a long time. Don't you understand where the discrepancy comes from? )))

Mm-hmm. This is all very, very serious indeed...

You can check, they are there regardless of your understanding, as a medical fact.

If the client is standing in a full lok, the funds can both decrease and increase depending on the price move.


3. there is no third! Psychological comfort? Ha!!! So that's the point of the MC, so you're like a grouse, you can't smell anything. No. There is no psychological comfort. I mean, there is, but not until you realise you've been fucked.

The desire to see the process as this:

Whereas in reality, it looks like this:


Will score for the Franklins and still be on the plus side :)
Ohh. Yes . I wouldn't be surprised if five minutes before the firing squad, he manages to sell the convicts some crap at a discount and sell them a loyalty card.

You can check, they are there regardless of your understanding, as a medical fact.

If the client is standing in a full lok, the funds can both decrease and increase depending on the price move.

Tired of it. Well, you don't understand where it's coming from, and that it's an illusion, so what the hell. I don't care.
I'm sick of it. You don't understand where it's coming from and that it's an illusion, so what. I don't care.
You don't get it. Means are not an illusion.
It is you who do not understand. Means are not an illusion. They can be removed.
Take them off. You don't understand exactly where the discrepancy is coming from.
It is you who do not understand. Means are not an illusion. They can be removed.

You, with your talent for filming something, maybe you can. But we're condemned to work

You can check, they are there regardless of your understanding, as a medical fact.

If the client is standing in a full lok, the funds can both decrease and increase depending on the price move.

Paukas, you mean the case where the lock on pairs that do not include the deposit currency and the point price might be slightly different at different points in time?