Once again, about the lokas. - page 18

moluskor >>:

Хотя чисто математически он не имеет смысла, но мы ж не компы с вистой в башке, так ведь?

Write to MTS. It's sobering.

Ooh... there's a war going on here :)

It's all over the place... I don't get it at all - why all this rattling with empty pots?
And one camp and the other - together repeating the same thing - the lock is needed for the averaging and martin, in all other cases, it makes absolutely no sense.
This is shouting from both trenches, spraying foam at each other. Without hearing what the other side is shouting :)
We have already come to a mutual conclusion.
If you're sure (and everyone can be sure of anything, and this right cannot be taken away) - close and that's it.
If you are not sure and you are averaging in hope of a pullback - the lock is yours.
And if your head was ripped off in childhood, and your head is not a brain, and a big cockroach named Martin - the GREAT LOCK is in your hands ... (and a rope and soap as well)...

So it's just an argument over nothing at all... It's spring... Hormones in the blood .... :)
lexandros >>:
У-у... да тут уже война прям:)

Причем на пустом месте... Я че то не пойму вообще - к чему этот звон пустыми кастрюлями?
И один лагерь и другой - хором повторяют одно и то же - лок нужен для усредния и мартина, во всех других случаях в нем смысла нет абсолютно никакого.
Это орут из обоих окопов брызгая пеной изо рта друг в друга. При этом не слыша то чего орут с другой стороны:)
Пришли же уже к выводу обоюдному.
Если уверен (а каждый может быть уверен в чем угодно, и это право не отнять) - закрывайся и все.
Если не уверен и усредняешь в надежде на откат - лок тебе в руки.
А если башню оторвало еще в детстве, и в голове не мозг, а большой таракан которого зовут Мартин - то ВЕЛИКИЙ ЛОК тебе в руки... (ну и веревку с мылом тоже в нагрузку)...

Так что перебранка на пустом месте совершенно... Весна штоль... гармоны в крови буянят.... :)

Let's not generalise.

Now consider the two great evils together - Martin&lock.

And assuming that in a certain sense the market is 70% flat and only 30% trending.

Is it possible to apply this evil if we estimate the probability of going into a trend low?

Well sort of fundamentals are lacking... ;)


I bet $100 to anyone that lock adds to the survivability of the TS based on a martin. I.e. when a margin without a lock is lost, a margin with a lock continues the 'struggle for profit'.

sever29 >>:

спорю на 100$ с любым, что лок придает живучесть ТС, основанную на мартине. Т.е. когда мартин без лока сливает, мартин с локом продолжает "борьбу за профит".

How can you prove it?

If the inputs and outputs are from spoils, the result is known. ;)

avatara >>:

А утверждение SProgrammer'а, что лок увеличивает убытки всё же требует доказательства.

What's there to prove? What's not obvious?

Do you always open lots on the same day? The total swap is negative, that's all. The result: there is no position, but there is a loss in the form of withdrawal of funds from the account.

Good luck.

avatara писал(а) >>

How can you prove it?

If the inputs and outputs are from spoils, the result is known. ;)

On the example of an avalanche :) or a swing (whatever). Entry at random. Exit on reaching a profit.

VladislavVG >>:

А че там доказывать то ? Что там неочевидного ?

Вы всегда локи одним днем раскрываете ? Суммарный своп отрицательный - вот и все. Результат: позиции нет, а убыток в виде списания средств со счета есть.


;) Thank you!

Technically you are right. But swaps are usually neglected in trading.

Or are you using a carrykesh strategy?

sever29 >>:

на примере лавины:) или качель (кому как). Вход от балды. Выход по достижению профита.

To the free will, and to the saved Heaven.

Good luck with that. ;)

avatara >>:

давайте не будем обобщать.

А теперь рассмотрим два великих зла вместе - Мартин&лок.

И если предположить, что в определённом смысле рынок 70% флэт, а только 30% тренд.

можно ли применять это зло если вероятность перехода к тренду нами оценивается низко?

Ну типа фундамендальных факторов не хватает... ;)

Absolutely agree on one thing... That the market is much more often in a flat than in a trend. But no one can predict when there is a flat and when there is a trend.... (at least until now)... Maybe on the next tick it will go in a 1 000 point trend... or maybe it will be flat for a couple more weeks.

And this is the essence of both of these evils... averaging as well as martin...
Or rather, averaging is not such an evil... I often use it myself... And sometimes the averaging gives a good result... If you use the averaging thoughtlessly and without thinking - then it is no better than martin...

Well, speaking of horses... I've written MTCs using both averages and martins - both in combinations... For myself and as an order...
If it works on a flat, then the instantaneous release of one of these signals may cause some disturbance. If it works on the flat, it will instantly lose on a strong trend and vice versa... I think everyone knows it.

That's why it's evil... Because any such MTS (or hand trading) - it will definitely sell out sooner or later, with 110% probability.
Combine both methods - no one has yet succeeded ... for if they succeed - it will be a grail.... (Maybe someone has succeeded, but he's sitting quietly somewhere on his own island, making trillions, and won't tell anyone the secret).

That is why I do not consider loki "evil incarnate". sometimes, i repeat sometimes - you can lock yourself in. When you're not sure it's time to close, when you're hesitating. And only with your hands... No robot will assess the situation correctly... (or vice versa wrong). You tell it to lock, it locks... ...and it stalls in a deep drawdown. And that's the end of the lamb. That's why MTS based exactly on locks is an inherent evil. Not the lots themselves, but MTS based on them. Because it's guaranteed to sell out.
Absolutely sure about it, until someone proves otherwise. i.e. show profitable MTS based on lots (without billions of initial deposits and paltry profits) which won't lose at least 5 years of history.