Introducing Smart Signals - Your Ultimate Expert Advisor for Precise Market Analysis and Trading Automation
Are you tired of spending countless hours analyzing market charts, looking for profitable trading opportunities? Look no further! Smart Signals is the expert advisor you've been searching for. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, Smart Signals empowers traders to make informed decisions and automate their trading strategies effortlessly.
Key Features:
1. Multipl
The EA is a supervisor that is offering monitoring and control at the account level. It is working even when market is closed.
Here are the main functionalities: set an account stoploss level set an account takeprofit level send notifications ( push, email, telegram ) about new opened / closed trades send notifications ( push, email, telegram ) about daily's performance at the end of day shows today's profit percent shows current live profit percent shows total positions shows today's calen
The TradeMetrics Pro indicator enhances trade analysis and performance evaluation by presenting trade history and metrics directly on the chart. It accomplishes this through three key features:
Summary Trade Panel: The Summary Trade Panel provides a concise overview of open and closed trades. It organizes trade summaries by symbol, lots traded, pips gained or lost, profit, and advanced statistics. This panel enables quick assessment and comparison of trade performance across different symbols
Equity Defense是由Trading Toolkit设计的一款强大的风险管理工具,旨在保护您的交易账户免受大幅回撤的影响。该工具密切监控您的账户资产净值,在交易日内达到预设的资产净值损失百分比时自动关闭所有未平仓交易。Equity Defense工具确保您的每日损失不超过预设的损失阈值,帮助您安心交易。 主要特点: 每日损失限制:为每个交易日设定资产净值损失的最大限制。一旦超过此限制,所有未平仓交易将被关闭,并且在当天的其余时间不会开启新的交易。 交易关闭:一旦达到每日损失限制,自动关闭所有未平仓交易,防止进一步损耗资产净值。 警报通知:当达到最大每日损失限制时,您将立即收到声音通知。该功能确保您始终了解您的账户状态。 图表标签:当超过每日损失限制时,Equity Defense在您的图表上显示一个标签,指示资产净值损失的百分比。 新的一天重置:随着新的交易日的开始,每日损失限制和警报状态将被重置,为您准备另一天的安全交易。 风险管理是成功交易的基石。通过定义最大每日损失限制,Equity Defense确保糟糕的一天不会变成灾难性的一天。这个工具特别适用于管理多个头寸或运行
What is this indicator? This indicator synchronizes the chart position of multiple charts with hotkey, drag and drop or date input. That function is also part of the FX verification software " Knots Compositor " that can be installed on MT5. If you synchronize with hotkeys, the common vertical line will be drawn at the chart shift position.
Prameter 1: Alignment line properties
- Color:
The color of the common vertical line. - Width:
The width of the common vertical line. - Style:
What is this indicator? This indicator changes the height of the top and bottom padding of the chart. The padding you set does not change even if you scroll the chart. That function is also part of the FX verification software " Knots Compositor " that can be installed on MT5. Even if you manually change the price scale of the chart, you can also restore the padding to its original height using the hotkey.
Prameter 1: Padding properties - Enable:
If the value is true, the padding setti
What is this indicator? This indicator always displays a gauge on the chart that is at the height of the specified value in pips. That function is also part of the FX verification software " Knots Compositor " that can be installed on MT5. You can set the height, style and display position of the gauge. The width of the gauge is equal to the width of the candlestick on the chart.
Prameter: Gauge properties - Enable: If the value of this variable is true, the gauge will be displayed on the
Простая утилита для быстрого копирования сделок с ведущего счета (Master) из терминала МТ5 в терминал/ы МТ5 через Интернет. Копирование на подчиненный счет происходит в реальном времени с помощью бесплатной утилиты Z Internet Copy Client . Важно: В меню терминала необходимо добавить сервер для копирования: "Tools" - "Options" - "Expert Advisor" - "Allow WebRequest for listed URL:" - ""! Настройки: Если на счете имеется суффикс в наименовании инструментов, то его необходимо добавить
"One Click Trade" is the most faster risk manager of times! With Auto Mode, I don't even need clicks, only TWO keys to activate trades and send my order. Mouse movement does it ALL, with Auto Mode enabled!
Basic instruccions: ''Tools/Options/Experts Advisor/Allow automated trading'' box should be checked In ''Common'' tab, check ''Allow live trading'' box
In ''Inputs'' tab, set ''Money Risk'', set ''Risk/Reward Ratio'', click on ''Accept''
Press ''A'' and move the mouse on chart (to have S
Hi everyone im pleasure to give you an EA who can get economic news
- U can choose ur Timezone in GMT - Prevent Paused trading before news economic Setting how many minutes u want Prevent paused before and after news
- U can choose what news u want
Filter by Low , Medium or Hight impact.
Very good if u have a prop firm with a restriction of the news economic for hight impact
[Translated with ChatGPT]
如果您是一位追求快速高效开仓和平仓的剃头交易者,您需要一个强大的工具来帮助您实现目标。这就是为什么我们创建了Deriv Scalp Manager EA,这是一个智能且易于使用的专家顾问,可以自动化您的交易过程,为您节省时间和金钱。
通过Deriv Scalp Manager,您无需担心计算止损或获利水平,也不需要手动关闭交易。您只需输入您愿意承担的风险金额和期望的风险与回报比例,让EA来处理剩下的事情。EA将使您能够一键关闭所有交易、仅关闭盈利交易或仅关闭亏损交易。
目前,Deriv Scalp Manager EA仅与Booms和Crashs兼容,适用于任何时间框架。
Hello :') I am a trader who trades many currency pairs: Forex, Metals, Indices. And I trade multiple timeframes using demand supply zones. As a result, each trade I have to recalculate lot sizes because my stop loss distance is not the same depending on the zone size.
So I created this EA to help calculate each of my trades. By choosing whether to set the risk as a dollar amount or Percent Risk and then drag Entry line, SL line, TP line to the desired prices. The EA will automatically calcula
Display the Fibonacci Retracement Levels on the Comments of MT5 Chart View. User customizable. User to put in 6 different retracement levels, default is 23.6%, 38.2%, 50%, 61.8%, 78.6% and 88%. All levels are calculated for M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 and D1 timeframes simultaneously. The period for each timeframe can be adjusted individually. Also shows a timer until new bar for current timeframe. User can choose what to show and hide.
Trade Cypher Bot精确地执行和管理Cypher谐波形态交易,为您节省宝贵的时间,使您能够专注于做出充分知情和有利可图的决定。
如何使用Trade Cypher机器人 | Cypher策略教程
只需在你的图表上点击四下,Trade Cypher Bot就能处理所有重要的交易管理任务。它确保模式验证,监测市场变化,并提供各种资金管理策略,让你有信心安心交易
体验交易记忆的便利性,它安全地存储每一笔交易,并提供一键访问高级统计数据。轻松地回溯测试你的交易理念,并继续关注令人兴奋的更新,如策略优化和最大跌幅分析。今天就加入我们,用Trade Cypher Bot像专家一样进行交易,它是你精确自动化交易的可靠伙伴。
四键选择Cypher,自动下单 自动调整SL和TP水平 多种资金管理策略:每笔交易的风险百分比、每笔交易的固定资金数额、每笔交易的固定手数 验证Cypher策略以避免无效的模式 保存交易历史,用于高级统计和分析 通过选择过去的Cyphers和生成符号和时间框架的数据分析,轻松进行回测 分析包括交易数量、胜率、利润、目标命
# 如果您有任何其他需求或對合作感興趣,請聯繫。 Flash Trade (FT) 最友善的手動交易工具。 使用最直觀的操作來確保您的資金。
FT的特點 點擊任意位置快速交易 FT支持市場訂單和掛單 兩次點擊完成訂單並設置SL和TP 三次點擊完成掛單並設置SL和TP 自動將每個訂單的止損金額設置為您設置的餘額百分比或固定金額 下訂單時實時預估利潤 超簡單的界面和操作 支持拆分訂單
市場訂單: 點擊圖表決定止損價位 點擊Buy或是Sell鈕
掛單: 點擊圖表決定入場價位 選擇掛單類型 點擊圖表決定止損價位
暫停FT: 點擊右上方的"On/Off"按鈕來切換開關 當按鈕從綠(On)變為紅(Off),代表FT已被停止 點擊"Off"按鈕再次開啟FT
如果有任何疑問、改善建議或是bug回報都可以聯繫e50310@gmail.com或留下評論 功能將持續於未來的版本推出
Our selling bot envisions a seamless and efficient selling experience for clients. We understand the importance of optimizing the selling process and maximizing sales potential. With our bot, clients can effortlessly list their products, services, or assets, and attract buyers through intelligent pricing strategies and targeted promotions. Our vision is to provide clients with a user-friendly interface where they can easily input all the necessary details for their listings. We aim to simplify t
This utility is capable of closing trades automatically when profit % or loss % set by the user is reached. There are two options for the funtionality 1. Close trades when all open trades in the account reaches the desired %Profit or % Loss 2. Close trades when each trade reaches the desired %Profit or %Loss This should be helpful to traders who prefer to use this method in managing their positions. NOTE: Extra modifications can always be added based on request.
This tool allows you to catch possible entries from the M.A.R.B indicator by entering the trades at a click of a button(use link for details on M.A.R.B * *).M.A.R.B Trader shows a maximum of 4 different possible trades all with different Take profits and different Risk to Reward ratios and you can choose from one by clicking a button.M.A.R.B Trader also allows you to enter Buy stop,Sell stop and Market trades using buttons.
The Trailing with Levels utility is designed for trailing a profitable position with different coefficients, depending on the degree of deviation of the current trading symbol from the opening price of the transaction.
The closer the current price is to the trade opening price, the further the stoploss is set from the current price, and vice versa, if the current price is far from the trade opening price, the closer the stoploss is.
Advisor options:
TrailingStart - minimum distance as
Inputs Available
Partial Close %
You can change lotsizes as you require
On an open chart click once to select chart to be able to use hotkeys on specific chart.
All Pairs can be used with this expert
We created this expert to be able to still trade C300 with a 0.06 Lotsize
If you enter a 0.6 lot and close 0.90% you can trade with 0.06 Lot
Keys to be used:
B -Buy S -Sell C -Close Profitable D -Breakeven (Note if stoploss is set it won't break even) P -Partial close
Big Boss EA MQL5平台的专家顾问是一个强大的工具,可以独立管理多达6个图表。它可以为每个图表以及整个账户设置目标利润和亏损限制。此外,它能够计算浮动盈利、回撤,并追踪每日、每周和每月的盈利情况。该工具具有直观的界面,方便比较不同策略和专家顾问。对于FTMO、Earn2Trade或Rebels Funding等资助账户的用户来说,它是一个必备工具,因为它还可以根据特定的回撤规则停止交易。 MQL5平台的专家顾问是一个强大的工具,可以独立管理多达6个图表。它可以为每个图表以及整个账户设置目标利润和亏损限制。此外,它能够计算浮动盈利、回撤,并追踪每日、每周和每月的盈利情况。该工具具有直观的界面,方便比较不同策略和专家顾问。对于FTMO、Earn2Trade或Rebels Funding等资助账户的用户来说,它是一个必备工具,因为它还可以根据特定的回撤规则停止交易。
在 MT5 中绘制精确的水平趋势线可能具有挑战性,但使用此指标,您可以轻松地以适合您偏好的颜色创建它们。
请随时与我们分享您的想法。 .......................................................................................... ..........................................................................................
Introducing the Ultimate Market Panel: Revolutionizing Order Management on MT5
The Ultimate Market Panel is a groundbreaking marketplace designed to provide you with a seamless and efficient experience for selling your products. This innovative panel offers a comprehensive range of functions, empowering you to execute various trading strategies effortlessly. Let's delve into its exceptional features:
1. Comprehensive Order Options: With the Ultimate Market Panel, you have complete control o
Attention All ICT Students! This indispensable tool is a must-have addition to your trading arsenal...
Introducing the ICT PD Arrays Trader: Empower your trading with this innovative utility designed to enhance and simplify your ICT trading strategy and maximize your potential profits.
How does it work? It's simple yet highly effective. Begin by placing a rectangle on your trading chart and assigning it a name like 'ict' or any preferred identifier. This allows the system to accurately ide
Global crosshair for spotting levels and positions on multiple chart (timeframes). Features: Toggle with middle click (replace default MT5 crosshair). Toggle with HotKey shortcut and on chart button. Multi instance feature. (every chart can draw separate instance). Customizable Display Style. (color / line style / ex.) Global crosshair for spotting levels and positions on multiple chart (timeframes).
Clean Any Chart Script Hides or Shows all Drawings And Indicators
--------------------------------------------------------------------- Traders use objects and indicators to analyze any chart. This process makes chart look messy and hides price action. Unfortunately, MT5 Platform doesn't have the option to hide and show drawing and indicator. That's why, I created this tool to help you clean your chart quickly and easily. When you buy this product, you get: 3 scripts: 1st- Hide Drawings only |
This utility is capable of opening multiple positions at once based on the users input. There is also an inbuilt feature to close all trades at once. The panel is user-friendly, minimizable and moveable. This will allow users open and manage all their positions quickly. For more information on the bot, you can reach out to the developer NOTE: Extra modifications can be added based on request
Отличный помощник для тех кто грамотно распоряжается своими рисками. Данный помощник просто не заменим если у вас всегда должен быть фиксированный риск на сделку. Помогает автоматически высчитывать лот в зависимости от вашего риска. Теперь можно не беспокоиться о том каким будет ваш Stoploss, риск всегда будет одинаковый. Считает объем сделок как для рыночных ордеров так и для отложенных. Удобный и интуитивно понятный интерфейс, так же есть некоторые дополнительные функции для упрощения вашей то
У стандартного трейлинга на FORTS две проблемы и обе связанны с клирингом. 1. Во первых при клиринге закрываются/открываются позиции, после чего цена открытия позиции становится каждый раз равной цене клиринга. Это можно исправить двумя способами. a) Сохранить цену открытия позиции в трейлинге, для этого нужно просто установить утилиту Trailing FORTS до клиринга. b) Но если цена уже изменилась после клиринга, то можно задать цену вручную. 2. Во вторых во время клиринга может происход
Expert advisor that automatically closes all open positions when a specific profit amount or loss amount is reached. The profit and loss amounts are configurable inputs and can be set when attaching the EA to a chart. This EA has proven to be useful in high quantity trading strategies to control and minimize risk. The EA works for all account currencies and is designed to close out all trades once the desired profit or loss is hit.
使用可定制的配色方案个性化您的图表分析。从背景、轴、比例、OHLC 线、体积等的多种颜色选项中进行选择。根据您的喜好定制图表,并创建一个具有视觉吸引力的工作空间,以增强您的交易决策。
图表定制器实用程序的多功能性扩展到重要信息的显示。显示 OHLC 值、买入线和卖出线、最后值、周期分隔符、网格、
Dedicated for FTMO and other Prop Firms Challenges 2020-2024
Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Best results on GOLD and US100 Use any Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading before US HIGH NEWS, reopen 2 minutes after
Close all deals and Auto-trading before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3 Friday Recommended time to trade 09:00-21:00 GMT+3 For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector ------------------
Pending orders system is a small trading panel created for quick setting of hidden pending stop orders.
Its functionality is simple and at the same time very necessary in the day-to-day work of a trader. The main function of this panel is to set hidden pending stop orders with one click of the mouse at the desired place on the chart. If necessary, the user can pre-register lot, stop loss and take profit in the corresponding fields. If the lot is not specified, it will be set at the level of the
Orion Telegram Notifier Bot allows the trader to receive trade notifications in his Telegram whenever a position is opened or closed.
The EA sends notifications showing the Symbol, Magic Number, Direction, Lot (Volume), Entry Price, Exit Price, Take Profit, Stop-Loss and Profit of the position. How to setup Orion Telegram Notifier? Open Telegram and Search for “BotFather” Click or Type “/newbot” Create a nickname and username (Example: nickname: MT5trades - username: MT5TelegramBot) *The us
Signals Executor for Telegram is a Utility that allows you to execute and manage positions from messages sent in Telegram Chats. Chat messages are processed to check for the existence of commands, and the command will be executed if its parameters are valid. You need the Telegram Bot Token and Chat Id to configure the input parameters. It is possible to restrict the sending of commands through the User Id, which must be configured in the input parameters. Valid Commands: Buy and Sell: Market or
It is a utility that posts customized messages on Telegram based on account trading activity. Once the utility is on the chart, with each new position opened from the same chart symbol the utility is added, a customized message will be sent to the Telegram group defined in the input parameters. The utility will post to the Telegram group if a new position is opened and if it is the same symbol as the chart the utility is running on. If you are using an Expert Advisor for Buy and Sell and want to
MT4 版本
• 提高成功率
• 是交易方法或自给自足策略的出色补充
• 可以提供任何方向(上升、下降或横盘)的信号
• 多时间框架
• 无重绘
• 轻量级和优化的代码库
• 手机、电子邮件、声音和视觉警报
• 可应用于任何金融资产
• 面向专家和初学者
Vice 交易面板是一款综合性交易工具,旨在增强 MetaTrader 5 平台内的交易体验。 它提供了广泛的特性和功能来帮助交易者执行交易、管理头寸和监控账户活动。 Vice 交易面板的主要功能包括: 交易执行:该面板提供了一个用于执行交易的用户友好界面。 交易者可以从可用选项中选择所需的工具并指定交易规模(手数)。 他们还可以通过单击相应的按钮来选择交易方向(买入/卖出)。 订单类型:交易者可以访问各种订单类型,包括市价订单、限价订单、止损订单等。 他们可以直接从面板上设置特定的交易进入和退出水平,例如止损和止盈水平。 持仓监控:面板显示未平仓合约的实时信息。 交易者可以查看重要的详细信息,例如交易规模、入场价格、当前价格、利润/亏损以及相关的止损和止盈水平。 这样可以快速方便地监控交易。 交易修改:交易者可以直接从面板轻松修改现有订单。 他们可以调整止损以达到盈亏平衡并全额收回部分利润,甚至将挂单移动到新的价格水平。 只需点击几下即可完成这些修改,为交易者提供了管理交易的灵活性。 交易平仓:该面板允许交易者部分或全部平仓。 通过点击相应的按钮,交易者可以快速平仓,根据需要实现利
The KT Trade Manager is a powerful tool to enhance trade execution and position management. With its user-friendly interface, traders can easily oversee and control their trades. This comprehensive solution encompasses various aspects of trading, including risk management and position management. Integrating these crucial elements enables traders to navigate the financial markets more effectively, making informed decisions and optimizing their trading strategies. As global markets evolve, effic
Auto Lots MT5
Auto Lots MT5 is an innovative and powerful application designed for traders on the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform. The application offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface, allowing traders to efficiently manage their positions, set precise entry levels and apply advanced risk management.
Key features: 1. Creation of SL/TP zones on the chart: The application allows users to create two customisable rectangles directly on the chart, making it easy to adjust entry points, ta
Trader Assistant MT5帮助每个交易者根据他的余额管理每笔交易的风险,并且它有一些方便的工具。 注意力。 该应用程序在策略测试器中不起作用。 如何下载演示。 交易助理: 它使用特殊的流畅面板 - 元交易平台上没有该面板。您可以在建立交易前查看盈利和亏损金额。它还具有一些方便的工具,如下所述。
风险回报率面板. 该面板类似于交易视图平台。 您可以将 RR Ratio 设置为固定数字,例如 1:2 或 1:3 或...。此外,您还可以将止损设置为固定的点数。 交易量计算. 交易量可以通过三种模式计算。 第一个是您可以批量设置的固定体积。第二种是基于固定现金止损。 第三个是基于您的止损余额/净值的百分比。
工具菜单. 它有每个交易者都需要的四个方便的工具。 规模修复。 只需单击一下,您就可以比平时放大图表。 蜡烛定时器。 它显示蜡烛关闭之前的剩余时间。 整数价格。 它显示了最接近的整数的 12 个价格水平。 世界交易时间会话。 该面板根据“您的当地时间”显示四个主要交易时段 - 纽约、伦敦、东京和悉尼。 重要的. 该 EA 将在未来版本中具有额外的功能特性,从而
Introducing TEAB Builder - The Ultimate MT5 Expert Advisor for Profoundly Profitable and Customizable Trading! Are you ready to take your trading to the next level? Meet TEAB Builder, an advanced MT5 Expert Advisor designed to provide unparalleled flexibility, high-profit potential, and an array of powerful features to enhance your trading experience. With TEAB Builder, you can effortlessly trade with any indicator signal, allowing you to capitalize on a wide range of trading strategies.
It has never been so easy to manage the risk of your account until now, this tool will allow you to have full control of your capital and manage your entries in the synthetic index derivative markets, in an easy, practical and safe way. The available input and configuration parameters are as follows : RISK MANAGEMENT 1. Value of your account: Here as its name says you will place the value corresponding to the size of your account, for example if your account is 150 dollars the corresponding val
It has never been so easy to manage the risk of your account until now, this tool will allow you to have full control of your capital and manage your entries in the synthetic index derivative markets, in an easy, practical and safe way.
The available input and configuration parameters are as follows : RISK MANAGEMENT 1. Value of your account: Here as its name says you will place the value corresponding to the size of your account, for example if your account is 150 dollars the corresponding
Whether you're a seasoned forex trader or just starting, Telegram Signal Sender is a must-have tool for anyone looking to start their telegram channel as a forex signal provider. With its user-friendly interface and advanced features, you can easily set up your signals and watch as your followers start to grow. So, what are you waiting for?
Comprehensive Trading Solution:
With Telegram Signal Sender, you get a complete trading solution that generates stop loss and three target levels for y
使用革命性的交易时间管理器轻松控制您的交易程序。这个强大的工具可以在指定时间自动执行订单,从而改变您的交易方式。 为不同的交易行为(从购买到设置订单)制定个性化任务列表,所有这些都无需人工干预。 交易时间管理器安装和输入指南 如果您想获取有关 EA 的通知,请将我们的 URL 添加到 MT4/MT5 终端(参见屏幕截图)。 MT4版本 MT5版本 告别人工监控,拥抱精简效率。直观的界面允许您设置精确的参数,包括交易品种、执行时间、价格、止损 (SL)、止盈 (TP) 点和手数大小。 该工具的灵活性通过与市场行为相匹配的适应性重复选项来凸显。通过视觉主题个性化您的体验,并减少长时间交易期间的眼睛疲劳。 摆脱手动交易程序,拥抱“交易时间管理器”的强大功能。提高交易的准确性、组织性和自由度。简化您的日常工作并重新体验交易。
Click here to see my best trading robot: Prosperity MT5 !
Prosperity MT4 version
Some EAs we use are great, but sometimes they don't have built-in drawdown limiters internally that just affect the EA. Other DD limiters operate on the whole account, this one is designed specifically so one EA (designated by the magic numbers it uses) can be monitored and closed off if it reaches a certain DD limit.
1. Find the magic numbers the EA uses . Normally (including for martingale / grid EAs) the
在金融市场领域,熟练的资本管理至关重要。它不仅仅是为了保护你的初始投资,还要增加它。手工计算的时代已经过去。最大化你的回报,最小化你的风险,以前所未有的方式释放金融市场的潜力。通过交易面板掌控你的交易旅程。 如果你是一名高频交易者,需要快速执行交易,我们的交易管理面板提供了所有必要的工具。通过简单点击“买入”或“卖出”按钮,设置固定的订单参数并迅速执行交易。你可以通过一个按键关闭所有头寸,或选择特定类型的挂单,或仅平仅盈利或亏损交易。 体验一种新的便捷、高效和盈利的水平。
如何使用Trade Panel MGH MT4 Version
• 跟随止损 - 当你的交易获利时,程序会保护利润的另一部分
• 部分平仓 - 当价格向有利方向移动,你的交易达到更多中间目标时,程序会通过平仓来实现利润
• 保本 - 你的交易既不赚也不亏的点位
• 无风险 - 如果你选择了止损位为零,将是无风险的
• 3个精确的手数选项
• 在图表的角落看到有关TP、SL、买入盈利、卖出盈利、交易品种和时间框架的信息
• 一键下挂单
Missing entry opportunities,profitable exits or the chance to make profitable set ups on the chart can be very frustrating for a trader.This tool will help you by giving you alerts if your criteria or conditions have been fully met.It will send you alerts based on conditions you have set and send them through email and mql5 notifications (laptop and mobile devices). 1.Creating Alerts In order to create an alert you must first give the alert its name and how frequent it send you those alerts if c
Just key in your equity target
step 1: drag/ Double click ''Auto Close EA for Prop Firm "
step 2: Allow modification of signals settings & Allow Algo Trading
step 3: Key in your equity target
step 4: Turn on Algo Trading
*you can add some buffer, example: 8% for 10,000 acc, key in 10805 / 10801 / 10810 and etc
The information provided in this communication is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice.
Trades are closed in a loop, not s
Title: News History Downloader with Filters for MetaTrader 5
Enhance your trading analysis with the News History Downloader script for MetaTrader 5. This powerful tool allows traders to effortlessly download historical news data from the MQL5 news feed directly into a convenient CSV file. Make informed trading decisions by filtering news events based on country and importance (impact level), focusing on crucial data for comprehensive market analysis.
Key Features:
- Effortless Historical
“Time Sessions MT5”是外汇交易者的另一个便捷工具,显示全球主要的四个交易时段。
时间场次: 该工具中的时间会根据您的当地时间自动设置。 它有一个移动时间标志,每秒向左移动并向您显示实时时间。 该面板包含漂亮的图形,引人注目。
我是一名 MQL 语言程序员,三年来我一直在做各种项目。
赛佩尔外汇。 微量润滑集团 .....................................
Chart Notes = MULTI LINE TEXT INPUT ON CHART FOR MT5 is finally here! # sticky notes This indicator is a powerful text editor for placing notes on chart, similarly like the feature on Tradingview.
There are 2 types of messages: anchored (on screen ) and free (on chart).
1. Anchored = stays on the same place on screen (x point, y point) -this text can be EDITED on click (first line is for dragging the message around- this line is edited via right clicking- >properties) -move the messages by
Fast / Reliable / Multi Functions / Simple To use local MT5 to MT5 | MT5 to MT4 platform copier , it will copy all your Master account orders into any Slave accounts very fast , no delay, Also it supports any kind of orders/ExpertAdvisors such as Buy / Sell / BuyStop / SellStop / BuyLimit / SellLimit / Smart Partial Closing / opened in Hedge mode / opened in Martingale mode / Modifying Pending orders / Modifying StopLoss-TakeProfit .using it is simple , Just drop the EA on Master account which y
Symbol remove: quickly clean up your 'Market Watch' list.
The script allows you to remove the Symbols from the "Market Watch" list if their trading mode is ''Close only".
Keep in mind that Symbol can’t be removed from the market watch if you have any existing trade on it, or if it’s used on any chart. The program file must be located in the "Scripts" directory. My #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions | Contact me if you have any questions
Take control of your operations efficiently at trading, mannaging by an smart way the risk of your positions. Whit this tools, you can:
Estimate the potencial profits or losses from your operations, either in money or pips. You also can visualize profits or losses by substracting the spread cost previusly configured in the tool’s input parameters. Calculate the lot size or margin required for your orders. Estimate the risk/reward ratios of your positions. Study the negative impact of the sprea
Safety Control: Your Ultimate Balance Management Solution for Prop Firm Challenges Overview Tired of manually monitoring your trading activities in prop trading challenges? Meet Safety Control, an advanced Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 5 that will change the way you trade forever. This proprietary software aims to help you manage your balance effortlessly during prop firm challenges. Features Automated Drawdown Control : Safety Control continuously monitors your account's balance and equity in r
O SupRes Master é ferramenta essencial para traders, fornecendo alertas instantâneos sempre que o preço de um ativo fecha acima de uma resistência crucial ou abaixo de um suporte vital.
Além disso, ele simplifica a análise técnica ao destacar esses níveis críticos no gráfico, usando cores distintas para identificar níveis de suporte em azul e níveis de resistência em vermelho.
Essa abordagem visual torna mais fácil para os traders identificarem oportunidades de entrada ou saída, melhorando s
Important Note: Before using it in a real account test it in your demo account.
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Optimum_Lot_Size.mq5 | //| Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd. | //| | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2023, MetaQuotes Ltd." #propert
This EA will automatically close all open order when profit or loss is reached according to users setting. You need to select close by percentage or close by amount. If close by percentage or close by amount is set to true the EA will exit. When the setting is set to true, the value of profit and loss can not be 0. Please set to true the option for Close Order with Same Symbol or Close All Order.
The Wall Street Player (Master version). This EA tailored as a Discipline, Money and Risk Management tool is a powerful Trade Station utility designed for Forex, Cryptos, Commodities, Shares, Deriv synthetic pairs and any CFDs Market. It is designed to fit your strategy as a winner, and take your Edge of the market to the NEXT-LEVEL. The only thing to do is to get It on your chart and appreciate the possibilities and chart management abilities it has to offer for realizing that discipline and a
Trade Many Indicators is a tool that enables you combine and use 30 plus indicators at the same time without the confusion or cluttering up your chat . You receive a bullish signal when most of the indicators you turned ON indicate bullish and you receive a bearish signal when most or the indicators you turned ON give a bearish signal. All the indicators are customizable to your own needs.
It also includes a tool to automatically calculate your lot-size and open positions depending on how you p
啟用TrailingTrader腳本後 報價視窗的交易品種 將會進行移動止損
設定參數 Symbol 設定需要移動止損的持倉品種 中間需要以","分隔 Magic 輸入需要移動止損的持倉單是別號 不需要識別時輸入-1 Comm 輸入 需要移動止損的持倉單是備註 不需要識別時不做任何輸入 TrailingDistance 啟動移動的點數 TrailingCallBack 移動止損的回調點數
工作原理 持倉單在獲利的條件下 市價超過設定的點數時 腳本自動設定止損線在市價回調的點數位置 當市價繼續往獲利的方向運行時 止損線會持續往運行方向調整 直到市價回調到止損線時獲利平倉 當同一品種持有多張持倉單時 移動止損會分開運行 當盈利超過一定的範圍時 移動止損線會形成同步狀況
特點 當交易員習慣手動開單 又無法長時間盯盤時 可以啟用移動止損 當持倉單一旦觸發工作 就可以確認該單會在獲利的條件下出場 可以跟EA交穿插使用 根據EA設定的Magic或Command做介入式管理
起用條件 需要使用MT5交易的電腦全天候開機運行 可以啟用腳本後 再同步到官方VPS 此時同步的腳本可以全天
SCALP [H] is a panel-shaped robot designed to help the trader [scalper] trade on the Step Index, Step Index 200, Step Index 500, Multi Step 2 Index and Multi Step 4 Index assets [from broker]. From the dashboard, the trader can open new market orders and lock in the stop loss and take profit instantly. On the panel we have: the buttons to open new market orders; the buttons to select the points previously set in the inputs for stop loss and take profit and finally, the button for close
FxStrike999_SPT_bot prop helper 者,独机器人也,专为有心理学者与有心者设之。 孰不止损,孰不利,终丧存款。 然有吾机器人,将有所决! 有FxStrike999_SPT_bot,君将及新,存款将稳步增长 君将不复忧君头寸,机器人身置止损分定利 (3個獲利回吐級別,能夠為每個級別設置固定百分比), 它還會在突然反轉的情況下拖網您的止損,以便 盡可能多地保存您的利潤:)此外,只需按一下,您就可以關閉所有虧損交易或所有盈利交易, 甚至一鍵完成所有交易。控制面板顯示所有最必要的功能,可以一鍵關閉所需的百分比 通過在框中輸入 1 到 100% 之間的值來定位(有 3 個這樣的框,您可以在每個框中輸入您的固定百分比。願你安好。維護機器人開發團隊!
This is a simple utility which will put automatic Stop Loss and Take Profit on all your open trades based on ATR indicator values. Whenever you open a trade, it will put ATR times Stop Loss and Take Profit automatically. Stop loss and take profit are two important tools used by traders to manage risk and set profit targets in financial markets. The Average True Range (ATR) indicator can be a valuable tool in helping traders determine appropriate levels for these orders. Here's an explanation of
This utility tool helps us to open trades and set orders very simply by just double-clicking on the chart. The volume of the positions and orders can be a constant lot size or determined based on a risk of equity. Take profit limit of the positions can be determined based on a Risk to Reward Ratio or simply by just a double-click.
For Positions: 1- At first, you need to double-click on the SL price. (For a buy position, you need to click on a price below the live price, and for a sell posit
您是否正在寻找一种更高效、更有利可图的外汇市场交易方式?我们有您正在寻找的解决方案! 隆重推出我们创新的入场均价 EA,这是一款革命性的工具,旨在最大化您的利润并最小化您的风险。 是什么让我们的 EA 脱颖而出? 答案很简单:自动计算平均价格。想象一下,您能够管理不同手数和价格水平的多个未平仓交易,并让您的 EA 为您完成所有繁重的工作。借助我们的 EA,您可以摆脱手动计算的复杂性,并依赖自动化的准确性和效率。 它是如何运作的? 我们的 EA 会考虑您所有的未平仓交易,实时智能地计算新的盈亏平衡点。它为您提供关于您的购买平均入场价格、您的销售以及同时考虑购买和销售的附加行的清晰简明的信息。这使您能够在每一步中做出明智的战略决策。 但这还不是全部。我们的 EA 还配备了可简化您交易的附加功能。只需点击几下,您就可以调整所有交易的参数,设置止盈和止损,在入场点保护您的交易并快速轻松地关闭多个交易。 想象一下你手中这个工具的威力。您将不再需要担心执行繁琐的计算或做出冲动的决定。借助我们的 EA,您可以专注于真正重要的事情:更高效、更有利地运营。 不要再浪费时间来了解我们的 EA 如何改变您的
Risk Oracle - Expert Advisor Description Risk Oracle is a sophisticated yet user-friendly Expert Advisor (EA) designed for risk management and trade execution. This utility tool is tailored to assist traders in executing orders at optimal prices while managing risk efficiently, without the need to manually calculate volumes and other parameters. By automating these critical aspects, Risk Oracle simplifies the trading process and allows traders to focus on strategy and market analysis. All Produc
//--- indicator settings input string Custom_Symbol_SetName = "Nayuta"; Custom_Symbol_SetName 参数将作为你自定义图表的品种名称,该名称下自定义的图表将在你激活服务后记录你的账户净值变化,有助于你分析你的交易,已经持仓变化统计,以蜡烛图的方式展现在你的电脑图表上,更直观,更直接的分析你的交易历史,及账户风险变化等,5毫秒每次的记录频率,将能完全记录你的资金变化,没有任何遗留,当然着将建立在你启动该服务之后。
- 免费交易应用程序
- 8,000+信号可供复制
- 探索金融市场的经济新闻