MQL5网站上有大量高质量的信号,学习他们是拓宽思路和提高自己很好的途径。 信号的交易记录可以下载,以csv文件格式保存 下来,但观看这些文本信息是很困难的。 Signal Analyzer有2种使用模式: 1. 可以导入下载下来的csv文件,并将他们在 MT5的图表窗口中显示出每条交易记录。 2. 设置好参数后,使用策略测试器进行历史文件回测。 *** SignalAnalyzer 使用方法如下: *** 1. 从MQL5网站下载csv格式的交易记录。 *** 2. 将下载的csv文件放入MT5终端公共文件夹的Files文件夹中。 *** 3. 启动MetaTrader 5 终端,打开需要分析货币对的图表。 *** 4. 将 'SignalAnalyzer' 附加的图表上,设置如下参数: *** 1) file name: csv 文件名称,如12345.positions.csv。 *** 2) symbol filter: 需要分析的货币对名称,如EURUSD(留空表示当前货币对)。 *** 3) hour offset: 时间偏移量。当时区不一致时使用。
信息 - NETTING 帐户的面板 主(顶部)行显示当前交易的当前利润(亏损) - 通过 计算 确定。 图上。第 1 位:在顶部,自交易开始以来的盈亏。在示例中:5,536.97。该金额按照计算工具抵押品金额(保证金要求金额)的方法计算。在示例中: FORTS 期货模式 - 在 FORTS 上交易期货合约的保证金和利润计算。 底线显示有关整个交易的信息。这些信息是从历史中收集的。在示例中买入 1/- = 买入 1 份合约。例如,如果 买入 2/1 = 输入两个,则部分关闭(一个)。 按钮“所有订单”和“Fin.res”。 :显示当前持仓数据和历史中的所有订单(针对当前交易)。该示例包含一个变化边距(清算):var.marg。价格(保证金收盘)固定利润 5722.57。此外,从清算价格 153270 开始计算。 在图的最上面一行。 #1 入场价格不取决于清算。因此,符合当前仓位利润-185.59 和计算利润+ 5536.97。在这种情况下,第二行总结了当前仓位的利润和清算利润。
设置选项: 英语、俄语 背景颜色、文本、利润、损失 图表显示开盘价线 可自定义的工具信息列表:(
Local Trade Copier EA 是针对需要从外部来源执行交易信号或需要同时管理多个账户的个人交易者或账户经理的解决方案,无需 MAM 或 PAMM 账户。它可以从多达 8 个主帐户复制到无限的从帐户
[ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ]
100% 自托管 容易安装和使用
不使用安装程序、配置文件、服务器、内存管道或 DLL
1000 次激活可永久使用 EA
适用于所有经纪人和 DD/NDD/ECN/STP 执行
适用于具有不同帐户货币的帐户 在真实账户和模拟账户之间工作不明显 支持主从账户中的符号名称后缀
按幻数和订单评论过滤 不会干扰其他交易
可选择复制 SL 和 TP 水平
可选择复制挂单 支持符号翻译
- 固定地段
- 乘数
- 成比例的
- 与乘数成比例 EA 可以使用投资者或任何账户的主密码复制交易。
Potential loss on all active and pending trades: if SL levels will be reached (or the current floating loss if the SL level is not set) My #1 Utility: 65+ features, including this indicator | Contact me for any questions | MT4 version In the input settings you can adjust: Calculateion method : account currency / pips / points / % of the balance Position on the chart: bottom left / bottom right / top left / top right corner
Font: color, size and style Optionally you can include
1) 指标必须在指标文件夹中。
2) 您必须仔细选择指标提供的买入和卖出缓冲。
3) 选择是要进行所有操作还是只进行 BUY 或 SELL 类型的操作。
4) 根据您的操作,选择您希望如何关闭操作,是按 SL 和 TP 还是按到期时间。
5) 根据选择,填写时间字段或 SL 和 TP 字段。
6) 仅当您需要时,填写 Volume、Comments、Magic 和 Deviation 字段。
7) 只有当您想管理指标给出的输入时,您才能设置最大利润和最大损失,启用并填写 EARNING MANAGER 字段
8) 启用或停用追踪止损,仅当价格超过入场价且在您配置的距离时才会启用。
MASS DESTROYER-MANUAL Most scalping robot open several positions in a matter of time.
In emergency situations where say over 30 positions are running at the same time and all these trades are going negative,
manually closing all of these positions can make your losses even bigger because of spreads and other market conditions This is where DEST001 comes in.. This robot has been designed such that positions are closed in a matter of microseconds.
The trader can chose some parameters as f
This trading tool will help You to place your orders faster , specify its parameters easier and control your risks more clearly. It allows You to use lines on a chart to set the entry price, stop loss, take profit for any order, considering the specified percentage of risk from the deposit or a fixed lot, and place it in one click. It automatically detects a broker’s commission and takes it into account during calculations. It also calculates available for new order funds based on already opene
This Utility is created to close Open Trades on the go by filters.
If you want any custom feature or want to remove something from this product for your personal use. Please send me a personal message, I'll be happy to do so for you.
Buttons & their Tasks :
CLOSE ALL TRADES : Close all open trades CLOSE ALL BUY : Close all Buy trades CLOSE ALL SELL : Close all Sell trades CLOSE ALL PROFIT : Close all trades that in Profit CLOSE ALL LOSS
The EA Protection Filter ( MT4 version here ) provides a news filter as well as a stock market crash filter, which can be used in combination with other EAs. Therefore, it serves as an additional protective layer for other EAs that do provide such filters. During backtest analysis of my own night scalpers, which already use a stock market crash filter, I noticed that the historic drawdown, especially during stock market crash phases like 2007-2008, was reduced significantly by using such a fil
Sends notifications and a screenshot of the chart about all trading operations from the MetaTrader 5 terminal to the LINE Notify apps account
The EA sends notifications about all actions on the account:
Opening a position, placing orders, modifying orders, including pending ones, closing positions and deleting orders
Configure Metatrader to allow the EA to communicate with LINE Notify
In the MetaTrader 5 application, click: "Tools" -> "Settings" -> "Expert Advisors"
In the
EquityProtect provides hidden StopLoss, TakeProfit or TrailingStop based on the account equity. All orders of all symbols can be closed or just the chosen currency and/or just buys or sells or pending orders deleted. EquityProtect closes all or just defined orders when the account equity falls under or rises over a certain level. Besides EquityProtect can use the account equity as trailing stop. A comment in the chart shows the equity where the robot will react. An Alert can be activated and ope 到 MT5
从 websocket 到 Metatrader 5 的实时烛台流
它是 OHCLV(高开低收真实交易量)实时汇率数据
交易者,如果在一分钟图表中,OHLC 数据不正确,那么它可能会在技术图表研究中给出错误的分析,该产品确保它提供实时准确的数据,有助于手动分析
1. OHLCV 数据
3. 您需要添加 websocket 和 api URL,如工具 > 选项 > 允许来自 URL 选项卡的 Webrequest 并勾选 Allow Webrequest 复选框
- Websocket
4. 图表绘制于 GMT+0 时区( 的服务器时间)
5. 不进行 DLL 调用
This is Boleta Long & Short NT-HDG, an Expert Advisor created with the function that will make operations carried out in Long & Short much easier.
> With just one click it is possible to mount a position in two assets simultaneously, further accelerating your actions right after the decision has been made.
> With it, it is also possible to operate in Hedge accounts, being able to set up positions in the same asset, for those who have strategies for this purpose.
> Can be used in multiple
1. 这是什么 这是一个用于实时显示资金曲线的工具。MT5软件的历史订单只有表格的,当你的订单很多时,它看起来很麻烦。这个程序可以把你的历史交易订单以资金曲线图的形式画出来。这样你可以一目了然自己的交易水平怎么样,以及在哪里地方出的问题。 同时,MT5的策略回测虽然有资金曲线图,但是它并没有与价格一一匹配。所以使用起来非常麻烦。这个程序让价格曲线与资金曲线一一匹配,使用非常方便。 2. 特色 可以 把你的历史交易订单以资金曲线图的形式画出来,它可以根据不同的时间框画出不同的资金曲线。 它可以用于策略回测,用于实时显示你的EA策略怎么样。 它分为 三条资金曲线 。一条为仅显示做多,一条为仅显示做空,一条为包括所有。 以指标形式编程,不影响叠加其他的EA或指标。 3. 参数说明 InitDeposit = 5000; // Initial Deposit Inp_StartTime = 0; // History start time, 0 - all time Inp_ProfitNorm = false; // Is corrected position to 1.0 lots, de
XP Trade Copier Copy From MT4 to MT4 Copy From MT4 to MT5 Copy from MT5 to MT5 Copy from MT5 to MT5 Note: You need to purchase the MT4 version to be able to copy from/to MT4 from/to MT5.
COPIER SETTINGS · Working Mode: There are 2 options: Provider and Follower. o Provide: In Provider mode the EA sends the trades to the follower. o Follower: in Follower mode the EA receives the trades from the provider. · Copier Identifier: You can use multi-instances from the EA as Provi
The utility is designed to save funds on your trading account. There is support for three levels of minimum equity and free margin. For each level, you can set partial (by a certain percentage) or complete closing of all market orders. The partial close percentage is applied for each order separately based on its current size (i.e. the size at the time the equity or free margin reaches the appropriate level). Upon reaching the last third level, the utility can close all charts, which will make i
Painel informativo para day trade. Funciona em conta NETTING ou conta HEDGE. Tem a possibilidade de separar as infomrações dos trades conforme o número mágico de cada EA. Foi desenhado para melhor funcionamento no mercado futuro da B3. Durante as operações, o painel faz a plotagem das linhas de preço, stoploss e takeprofit (gain). Possui informações de volume, preço médio, lucro e stops. Mostra o histórico de ganhos diário, semanal, mensal e anual.
Risk Management Trading Panel calculates the volume of a position based on Account Balance , Currency , Currency Pairs , Synthetic Indices (Deriv Broker) once the user places stop-loss level ,and risk tolerance (set in percentage points of current balance). It also Displays reward/risk ratio based on take-profit and it shows recommended risk per trade based on current balance.
Trailing Stop your positions and Applying Breakeven with a push of a button has never been easier and you can also set
Once again, We Nailed It! Imagine a faster and smoother way to recalibrate ANY Indicator using just obvious and intuitive mouse clicks, realtime, real fast, real results on your chart just right after the Click... Instead of the boring "Open Settings dialog / Change one setting / Click OK / See what happens on Chart...", then repeat this process endlessly until you kill yourself!
Well... No More... Welcome to the Minions Labs Recalibrator tool!
Now you can Study, Trial, Experiment and Play wi
This EA Can work on any pair and make grids .
Is consistent in working and make comfortable trades.
This have SL and TP well defined and Approx amount you need to out a trade too.
For any information you can contract the developer .
Please try once and let me know the reviews. this will show how many trades are Open for BUY and SELL at a time and How much PL you are at right now .
This EA is there to take your trade closing stress away. Quickly close as many trades as you have opened at the click of a button, INCLUDING PENDING ORDERS. This works on the MT5 platform whether it be currencies, Indices, stocks or Deriv synthetic indices. I have saved it under utilities as it is a utility, however, to install this, you have to save the file in you "EA" folder. That is; Go to "File", then "Open Data Folder", "MQL5" and then "Experts". Paste this file there. Restart MT5 and you'
Traders Toolbox Overwatch - 是所有 Traders Toolbox 运行实例的监控实用程序。
它是一个简单的图表切换实用程序和所有 Traders Toolbox Running 图表的市场观察。
1. 可定制的按钮颜色、行和列。
2. 三种信号类型(持有 - 黄色 / 卖出 - 红色 / 买入 - 绿色)
3. 根据 Traders Toolbox 的新实例或已关闭实例动态更新按钮列表
5. 买入和卖出信号以与您的 Traders Toolbox 图表信号匹配的百分比显示其信号强度。
请注意:该实用程序只能与 Traders Toolbox / Traders Toolbox Lite 结合使用,不能独立运行。
单击此处加入我们自己的社交网络,通过 Traders Toolbox 交换有关交易的想法
我们还有一个推荐经纪人列表,可以在我们的链接树上找到。 Linktree here.
This EA allows you to manage support and resistance zones on MetaTrader 5…but not only: To your buying and selling zones (you can configure 2 sellings zones and 2 buyings zones),
you can add 3 options (2 with multiframes) to enter a position:
Option 1: this is the option that enters a position without a signal: as soon as the price reaches the zone, the robot sends a trade.
Option 2: here the robot will wait for a break in the selected timeframe. Example: you put your zones on an H4 graph
Remove comments from MQL5 and MQL4 code with a few mouse clicks using this utility. The utility processes all files in the root directory and in all folders of your project at once. Use the "Remove Comments" to protect your source code before compilation, when you publish the next version of your product in the MQL Market, or when you give an executable file to your customer. You can work with the actual source code of your project in the \MQL5\EXPERTS\ or \MQL5\INDICATORS folders. At th
show live chart spot All symbol binance If you want to get this product with a 99% discount, send a message to my Telegram admin and rent this product for 1 $ per month or 10 $ per year. Even if you do not like the way the chart is displayed, you can tell the admin in Telegram how to display it so that your own expert is ready.
Didi Trend Scanner is an indicator for scanning market watch and detect market direction for each Time Frames and give signals for each pair
You can make decision of making trades by this scanner that specify market trend direction for you For each time frame you can add and remove any pairs you want to scan the scanner send alert via push notifications and email
Утилита TemplateSwitcher позволяет автоматически переключать набор используемых на графике индикаторов и объектов в зависимости от текущего таймфрейма графика и/или символа. Часто бывает так, что на графике старшего таймфрейма используется индикатор с одним периодом расчета, а для младшего таймфрейма этот же индикатор необходим с увеличенным периодом расчета. Можно, конечно же, открыть два графика разных таймфреймов с нужными периодами индикатора. Но что, если мы не можем позволить себе дублиров
Get one complete tool, multiple application tools in one tool A tool for trading and risk management A tool for analyzing charts and graphs A tool for viewing patterns and visualizing market forecasts A tool for viewing visual and beautiful trading records A tool for everything, tell us everything you need
Special features of this tool:
The First tab of the panel : STATISTICS View trading records. Graphically. Linear and bar charts.
View your trading history and Win Rate. You can see
With this indicator you have displayed on the chart the optimal lot size for the forex pair. No need for manual calculations or losing time on websites where you have to input the values to get the optimal lot size. When adding the indicator to your chart change the values for maximum risk percentage (lossPrc) and for maximum loss in pips (lossInPips). If you like to try first the indicator you can download by clicking on this LINK . ATTENTION: This only works with forex pairs and it doesn't wor
Fibo + Elliott + CME
The Expert Adviso r is designed as an assistant for manual trading. Ready-made trading system based on Elliott waves and Fibonacci retracement levels . It is simple and affordable. Display of the marking of Elliott waves (main or alternative option) on the chart. Construction of horizontal levels, support and resistance lines, a channel. Superposition of Fibonacci levels on waves 1, 3, 5, A Display data from CME (CME - Chicago Mercantile Exchange Chicago Mercantile Exch
用于控制移动平均线指标的按钮允许您使用鼠标滚轮直接在图表上轻松更改指标周期。 无需多次将屏幕从图表切换到指标设置。 现在,您可以用鼠标控制指标周期。 只需点击按钮并滚动鼠标滚轮即可增加或减少移动平均线周期。 按钮可以放在任何方便的地方,一键固定使用。 您可以在一个图表上设置多个指标,并同时单独或全部管理它们。 界面尽可能方便,实际上不需要手动干预。 这个组件非常适合那些经常在交易策略中使用移动平均线指标的人。
-将"Button_MA"设置为图表。 将出现一个按钮来控制指示器和线本身. 您可以在一个窗口中设置多个指标,将为每个指标创建一个按钮。
-按钮出现在一排,一个接一个,但你可以将它们移动到主图表上的任何方便的地方。 一旦按钮固定到位,它们就不能移动。
-当按下按钮时,相应指示器的控制模式被激活。 与此同时,图形滚动模式被禁用。 当鼠标向前滚动时,MA周期增加,向后减少. 如果按下多个按钮,则多个指示器一次更改。 当按钮关闭时,指标停止变化,图表滚动模式恢复。
Trade News EA is a semi automatic expert advisor designed for trade news event. News Calendar uses the built in calendar of MT5 terminal.
Expert advisor explanation : Click here | Free News Reminder : Click here
Parameters input: 1. Manage Open Positions + Trade Buy : Allow buy + Trade Sell : Allow sell 2. Show news + High importance : Show high importance news + High importance color : Color of high importance news + Medium importance : Show Medium importance news + Medium import
This EA is a trade management tool for Mt5 and Mt4. Mt4 version will find the Mt4 section here: +Market+MT4+Utility+New+Rating006. It was to make a way for the trader to make the initial decision of when and which direction to enter. The trader decides in advance whether he wants the robot to take or stop an order. He also decides what new lot size, percent size or money size to use on each trade. On a live chart you can place
Now you can trade using hotkeys, "z" to buy, "x" to sell and "c" to close positions/orders. You can open positions at market by pressing the buttons on panel and add your orders to the book when press the hotkeys. Also, the open price, stop loss and take profit are shown to you in chart when the hotkeys are pressed.
This panel can be used in netting and hedge accounts.
Fast, Efficient and Precise. With the Calculator from PhipsProduction you have your risk under control with just a few clicks. Thanks to the easy handling and the visual risk area, the calculator is not only perfect for experienced traders, its also a must for new market participants. The program is suitable for all Account Currencys and common MetaTrader markets. (except bonds of all kinds)
To the Deluxe Edition:
This tool will assist all those who trade the forex market manually. It will help them in a sense that it will calculate the required margin in order to initiate a trade. This calculator is so simple to use that a that the user only inputs only 2 pieces of information. which are Price and Lot size the trader wishes to take. All other information needed to calculate the calculator will work it out by itself. It will run or calculate on the current opened chart. As the name suggest it's
AUTOMATIC TRADE COPIER for local * use . (copy trades between several metatrader terminals on the local computer/ *or GLOBALLY after setting your network /server !)
Can copy trades from one or several main MT5 accounts to several MT5 and MT4 accounts (no limit). For MT5 to MT4 copy you have to also get version for Metatrader 4 here : - very fast execution (theoretically up to 5ms delay, depends on computer speed)
- user can set speed of co
Welcome to TradeX Chart Trading
This utility allows you to send orders quickly and easily. With it you can operate directly from the chart using the shortcut keys SHIFT to buy and CTRL to sell. It is also possible to set Stop Loss and Take Profit, in price or points, directly on the TradeX. Use one of the four risk options (0,5%, 1,0%, 2,0% or 4,0%) to get the pending order volume according to the size of the last closed candlestick and the account balance. Once positioned, it offers Breakeven
EMA - The exponential moving average (EMA) is one of the most commonly utilized forex trading tools. Traders use the EMA overlay on their trading charts to determine entry and exit points of a trade based on where the price action sits on the EMA. If it is high, the trader may consider a sale or short sale, and conversely if it is low, a buy.
SSL - Known as the SSL, the S emaphore S ignal L evel channel chart alert is an indicator that combines moving averages to provide you with a cl
Evening Scalper Pro is the state-of-the-art mean-reversion trading system that operates during all trading session. It's very different from most other scalping systems, since it uses a unique trading logic on cross pairs that have a strong mean-reverting tendency with high profit targets. EA not enters the market with market orders, it does not open trades. In terms of a trade duration, it's classical scalping: in and out of the trade within a few hours at the most. The EA uses a number of adv
Best for Technical Analysis
You can set from one key shortcut for graphical tool or chart control for technical analysis. Graphic design software / CAD-like smooth drawing experience. Best for price action traders.
Sync Drawing Objects
You don’t need to repeat drawing the same trend line on the other charts. Shortcuts do that for you automatically. Of course, any additional modifications of the object immediately apply to the other charts too.
Colors depend on Timeframe
Organize drawings
Trade script for placing pending orders Buy Stop, buy limit, sell stop and sell limit. In addition, by marking the level of stop orders, the script calculates the size of the open position on the basis of 1% of the risk per trade. A trade consists of two deals opened in one and the same point. This is achieved by splitting the obtained value into two trades. And the position size (two deals) is calculated due to the three known (the level of opening a deal, stop order and deposit size) and the
Automatic lot calculator for MT5
1,Settlement by currency
2. All purchase settlement and sale settlement for each currency
3, Batch closing of all positions
4, Batch change of TP/SL 5, Multiple batch setting of limit and stop loss 6, De repurchase / de resale 7, Automatic calculation of the number of lots based on the allowable loss amount 8, Stop-limit orders at equal intervals 9, Bulk deletion of stop-limit orders
Display of aggregate histogram of trades based on 10,1 minutes
Fast, Efficient, Precise, simply DELUXE. With the Calculator from PhipsProduction you have your risk under control with just a few clicks. Thanks to the easy handling and the visual risk area, the calculator is not only perfect for experienced traders, but also a must for new market participants. The program is suitable for all MetaTrader account currencies and common markets. (except bonds of all kinds)
Many new functions await you with the Deluxe Calculator. -Thanks to the new pre-calculati
Gold instrument scanner is the chart pattern scanner to detect the triangle pattern, falling wedge pattern, rising wedge pattern, channel pattern and so on. Gold instrument scanner uses highly sophisticated pattern detection algorithm. However, we have designed it in the easy to use and intuitive manner. Advanced Price Pattern Scanner will show all the patterns in your chart in the most efficient format for your trading. You do not have to do tedious manual pattern detection any more. Plus you
Gold Wire Trader MT5 trades using the RSI Indicator. It offers many customizable RSI trading scenarios and flexible position management settings, plus many useful features like customizable trading sessions, a martingale and inverse martingale mode.
The EA implements the following entry strategies, that can be enabled or disabled at will:
Trade when the RSI Indicator is oversold or overbought Trade when the RSI comes back from an oversold or overbought condition Four different trading behav
Gold trend scanner MT5 a multi symbol multi timeframe dashboard that monitors and analyzes Average True Range indicator value in up to 28 symbols and 9 timeframes in 3 modes :
It shows the ATR indicator value in all pairs and timeframes and signals when the ATR value reaches a maximum or minimum in a given duration. Short term ATR/Long term ATR ratio: It shows ratio of 2 ATRs with different periods. It's useful in detecting short term volatility and explosive moves. ATR Value/Spread ratio:
A triangular arbitrage strategy exploits inefficiencies between three related currency pairs, placing offsetting transactions which cancel each other for a net profit when the inefficiency is resolved. A deal involves three trades, exchanging the initial currency for a second, the second currency for a third, and the third currency for the initial. With the third trade, the arbitrageur locks in a zero-risk profit from the discrepancy that exists when the market cross exchange rate is not aligned
Gold index expert MT5 Wizard uses Multi-timeframe analysis. In simpler terms, the indicator monitors 2 timeframes. A higher timeframe and a lower timeframe. The indicator determines the trend by analyzing order flow and structure on the higher timeframe(4 hour for instance). Once the trend and order flow have been determined the indicator then uses previous market structure and price action to accurately determine high probability reversal zones.
Once the high probability reversal zone has be
Golden Route home MT5 calculates the average prices of BUY (LONG) and SELL (SHORT) open positions, taking into account the size of open positions, commissions and swaps.
The indicator builds the average line of LONG open positions, after crossing which, from the bottom up, the total profit for all LONG positions for the current instrument becomes greater than 0.
The indicator builds the average line of SHORT open positions, after crossing which, from top to bottom, the total profit for all
Do you want an EA with small stoploss? Do you want an EA that is just in and out of market?
Gold looks at several MT5 It is ONLY buying when the market opens and with a window of 10 minutes or less.
It uses pre-market price so be sure your broker has that.
This strategies (yes, it is 2 different strategies that can be used with 3 different charts) have tight stoplosses and a takeprofit that often will be reached within seconds!
The strategies are well proven. I have used them manually
Скальпирующий алгоритм полностью автоматической торговли на FORTS для фьючерсов Сбербанка и Газпрома Московской биржи. Рабочий таймфрейм 5 минут. Алгоритм анализирует:
1) Импульсное изменение цены в моменте и на истории сопряженных активов. 2) Глубину рынка на наличие повышенных объемов в стакане. 3) Роботизированные и айсберг заявки в стакане. 4) Потенциальные ценовые и фрактальные уровни. 5) Историю на хорошо отработавшие паттерны прайс экшен. В случае когда алгоритму удалось выбрать подходя
Definition : Market View is a dashboard (scanner) to view price graphs of all symbols and all timeframes at a glance. The utility is designed user friendly and added a wide range of customization options.
Main features of Market View : Visual settings window on the chart Customizable list of symbols and timeframes Different shapes : Real Candles, Schematic Candles, Arrows Customizable number of candles Changeable size of dashboard (scanner)
Highlight timeframes with gaps on candles Open appr
This EA takes trades based on a configured RSI level. At each candle close, it will resume a position if the one closes above the previous one.... The SL and TP are positioned and it is the sum of all the trades initiated that will close the positions: Either in % of capital, or in pips. IMPORTANT :
it is the magic number that allows the EA to properly close positions. so be sure to put different magic numbers on each graph. Important : have a good money management with this type of EA (lit
Important : have a good money management with this tpe of EA (little lot size....and avoid margin call)
The EA takes a trade when 2 conditions are met: The achievement of an RSI level, and the break of a moving average of your choice.
When the trade is initiated: the SL is positioned (in pips) the TP1 can be: the kijun, or another moving average, you can configure a value approaching the TP1 (which avoids the price shift of brokers) the partial close is done the SL after TP1 can be configur
该实用程序通过滚动鼠标滚轮来控制任何指标的任何参数。 如果您购买或租用了一个指示器,您可以使用这个实用程序更改它的界面. 任何具有至少一个整数参数的指标都适用于此。
如果您首先想尝试它的工作原理,请下载免费的 Standart 滚动条指示器,以控制标准终端交付的指示器。
运作原理 该实用程序通过滚动鼠标滚轮进行更改来控制您选择的参数之一。 滚动模式激活是通过将光标悬停在按钮上或单击它来启用的。 按钮自动在图表上设置。 对于长时间加载的指示器,按按钮使用滚动模式. 在这种模式下,只有在按钮关闭后,指示器才会加载。
安装工程 在图表上加载您的指标,记住您要控制的参数的值。 它必须是一个整数。 将通用滚动条上传到图表。 在"设置"窗口中,同步两个指标-为此,请在"参数"字段中输入指标中的值。 例如,如果指示器的参数等于14,请在通用滚动条设置中设置参数14。 单击确定。 按钮出现在图表上后,您可以将其拖动到任何方便的地方,它会记住它的位置。 指示器已准备好使用。 只需将鼠标悬停在按钮上! 申请表格 将光标悬停在按钮上并旋转鼠标滚轮。 您选择的参数将随着您在设置窗口中设置的步
Strategy description can be seen in the attached video( ).
This hedging strategy strictly follows what is presented in the video.
The strategy works on any pair of forex, crypto, indices and other derivatives.
Through the settings, you can customize the size of lots, add pairs for operation, and profit and loss points.
The distance between sell and buy orders must be configured according to the number of decimal places of the pairs that will be
As you know, the logarithmic chart is essential for any Technical approach. This Expert Advisor create a customize symbol for any symbol you want and it plot logarithmic chart for that. You can easily switch between logarithmic and arithmetic charts. the Expert provide crosshair for last and actual price and you can add your personal LOGO to chart. also you can set individual zoom for each Time Frame. Important: The Expert Advisor doesn't work on Demo version. because Demo version work only on S
The ATRStopLoss Expert Advisor determines where best to put a stop relative to the current price.
How it works ATRStopLoss gets the size of ATR for the selected period ATRStopLoss draws Stop-Loss levels from the current price with the size of the ATR. As the price and the timeframe change, ATRStopLoss also adjusts the Stop-Loss levels. Settings MA_Period - period of the ATR MA_Timeframe - ATR timeframe
The LevelsDetector Expert Advisor identifies the strongest levels on the chart.
How it works LevelsDetector collects data on all the prices of Japanese candlesticks for the selected period LevelsDetector considers the top levels, which often touched the price. As the price and the timeframe change, the LevelsDetector also corrects the levels. Settings candlesCount - Number of candles for the analysis maxLevelsCount - Number of levels to display magic_number - Unique number of the Expert Advis
SLTPSetter - StopLoss Take Profit Setter HOW DOES IT WORK? Risk and account management is a very critical aspect of trading. Before entering a position, you must be fully aware how much you will be willing to loss both in percentage and value. This is where SLTPSetter gets you covered.
All you need to do is attach the indicator on the chart and PRESS BUY OR SELL automatically, all parameters needed for placing the trades will be provided at the top left corner of the screen. Feel free to adjus
What is this indicator? This indicator plots a customized text object as a note at any point on the chart. To plot the text object, press the hotkey and then click at any point on the chart. You can also add your favorite words and sentences to the template and plot them.
How to stick a note 1. Press the hotkey to enter sticky mode. 2. Click any point to stick. 3. Edit the text of the text object plotted as a note.
About sticky mode
This mode is for plotting a text object as a note. If
What is this indicator?
This indicator controls the visibility of graphic objects on the chart when the hotkey is pressed. If you switch on, the graphic objects will be hidden. If you switch off, the graphic objects will be shown. You can specify the object to control with object type.
List of supported object types - Vertical Line - Horizontal Line - Trendline - Trendl By Angle - Cycle Lines - Arrowed Line - Equidistant Channel - Standard Deviation Channel - Linear Regression Channel - An
What is this indicator? This indicator stamps any customized number at any point on the chart. To stamp any number, press the hotkey (0–9) and then click at any point on the chart. You can also stamp a series of numbers to indicate a chart pattern. (Each number synchronizes modification)
How to stamp any number
1. Press the hotkey (0–9) to enter stamping mode. 2. Click any point to stamp.
How to stamp a double top/bottom pattern 1. Press the hotkey to enter stamping mode. 2. Click any p
This Pro version of the LotSizePanel let's you set the stoploss with a line. Instantly the ea will calculate the lotsize based on where you drag the line on the chart. Press the "Show Line" button again, and the line dissappears and the ea reverts back to calculating the lot size from an ATR based stoploss again.
I can't see how I would ever trade manually without this panel again.
Remember that autotrading needs to be turned on to place orders with the buttons.
What is this indicator? This indicator draws a customized vertical, horizontal, or trend line at any position on the chart. To draw each line, press the hotkey and then click at any point on the chart. Each drawn line is synchronized with other charts by timeframe. (Each chart requires this indicator to be installed)
How to draw a vertical or horizontal line 1. Press the hotkey to enter drawing mode. 2. Move the mouse to any point. 3. Click to draw the line.
How to draw a trendline 1. Pr
What is this indicator? This indicator draws a customized Fibonacci retracement or expansion at any position on the chart. To draw the object, press the hotkey and then click at any point on the chart. Each anchor point magnets to the high or low price of the nearest bar on the chart.
How to draw
1. Press the hotkey to enter drawing mode. 2. Click any point to draw. 3. Drag and drop each anchor point to adjust if needed.
About drawing mode
This mode is for drawing a Fibonacci retracem
本地跟单交易 OSW
要配置 Expert,您必须执行以下步骤:
1) 验证SLAVE终端中是否启用了自动交易。
2) 验证 EA 在 SLAVE 终端中是否具有交易权限。
3) 将 Expert 添加到 MASTER 图表并配置为 MASTER。
4) 将 Expert 添加到 SLAVE 图表并配置为 SLAVE (1,2,3,4,5)
5) 如果您想要在从属设备中使用个性化卷,则必须选择卷类型:固定、作为主设备、每 1000 个余额、乘数或作为主设备的风险。
最后这个,如果MASTER账户有1000美元发送0.01,而SLAVE 1账户收到10000美元,就会以0.10开仓。
6) 如果资产有前缀或后缀,您可以在 MASTER 和 SLAVE 中添加它们。
此文本是英语的机器翻译。 英文版 News Explorer 是一种允许在价格图表上的经济日历事件之间导航的工具。 终端中的全功能经济日历。 日历事件之间的快速图表导航。无需打开日历网站、复制粘贴日期、手动将图表滚动到这些日期。通过单击带有事件的行,图表上的所有内容都可用。 市场反应被计算为公告时间内的最大价格行为,这比大多数日历使用的 3 分重要性分类要准确得多。这正是与新闻交易相关的内容。 事件列表可按计算的市场反应排序。只有数千个事件中真正的市场推动者才会显示在表格的顶部。 时间、国家、货币、标题过滤器允许仅探索必要的事件。 启动程序。它将图表设置为 M1,检查并加载价格历史记录,刷新日历,根据可用数据计算市场反应并显示表格。按“刷新”按钮手动更新日历数据。电子表格可按事件的预定时间(“时间”列)和市场反应(“变化”列)排序。单击行以在图表上从一个事件导航到另一个事件。 更改图表最大柱线限制(工具 >> 选项 >> 图表 >> 重新启动 metatrader)并将“图表数据预加载”设置为 true 以下载和探索深层历史 程序实时请求新闻数据,但在策略测试器中不起作用。 尝试 演示
you don't have to monitor your trades all the time. save yourself screen time and leave management of your trades to Dynamic Trades Manager. Dynamic Trades Manager is a trading assistant tool. it has automated capabilities to break even, take partial profits, trails stops and to set your risk to reward ratio . it does not take trades on its own but only performs the aforementioned functions when the user has already conducted their analysis and opened a trade. this would save you the time of ha
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