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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 4的付费技术指标 - 92

icon 下面列出的技术指标信号对MetaTrader 4平台的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。 指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测价格变化。
提供准确的 RSI 指标。 仪表板趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双 RSI。 双 RSI,即快速 RSI 和慢速 RSI 为什么需要第二个 RSI? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速 RSI 曲线 9TF 慢速 RSI 曲线 9TF实时RSI角度 9TF实时RSI值 9TF 实时 RSI 方向/相位 9TF 趋势栏 计算趋势条的新算法 开/关按钮。 只需单击一下即可显示/隐藏指标非常有用 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器 只能显示趋势栏 只能显示 RSI 曲线 只能显示仪表板 能够选择要显示的 RSI 曲线 能够选择趋势的箭头类型 能够选择 obos 线条样式 能够显示/隐藏图例 能够增加/减少栏的数量 能够选择配色方案级别 能够选择多达 10 种仪表板趋势栏配色方案 能够改变 RSI 曲线的颜色 该指标经历了一系列的试验。 编程代码是用心编写的。 使用最好的 DTSL 9TF 双 RSI 交易指标自信地入场。 立即获取并像专业人士一样进行交易。 谢谢你。
R Silver Trend 指标是一种趋势跟踪交易指标,直接在 Metatrader 4 活动图表上显示当前趋势。 它绘制两种类型的蜡烛: 蓝色代表看涨的价格行为。 红色表示看跌价格走势。 使用 R 白银趋势指标进行交易非常容易,即使对于绝对的初学者来说也是如此,并且可以用于剥头皮(M1、M5)、日内交易(M5、M15、M30)和波段交易(H1、H4、D1)货币。 基本交易信号 R Silver Trend 指标信号易于解读,如下所示: 买入信号:当指标在图表上绘制蓝色蜡烛时,建立买入头寸。 卖出信号:当指标在图表上画出红色蜡烛时,建立卖出头寸。 交易退出:当出现相反信号时关闭未平仓交易,或使用您自己的交易退出方法。 提示 要使用 R 白银趋势指标交易下跌和卖出策略,请在您的图表中添加一个长期趋势跟踪指标,并且仅在较长趋势的方向上开仓。 MT4 指标的特点 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 类型:图表 自定义选项:可变(风险、SSP、CountBars)颜色、宽度和样式。 计时:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4 小时、1
R 鳄鱼指标由 Bill Williams 引入,它在 3 条平滑移动平均线的帮助下跟随趋势。 默认情况下,使用以下值: 13 周期平滑移动平均线(称为 Jaw) 8 周期平滑移动平均线(称为牙齿) 5 周期平滑移动平均线(称为嘴唇) R 鳄鱼指标通过使用平滑移动平均线减少错误趋势交易的数量。 基本交易信号 R 鳄鱼指标是典型的交叉系统指标。 买入交易条件: 5 周期平滑移动平均线高于 8 周期平滑移动平均线和 13 周期平滑移动平均线 8 周期平滑移动平均线高于 13 周期平滑移动平均线 卖出交易条件: 5 周期平滑移动平均线低于 8 周期平滑移动平均线且低于 13 周期平滑移动平均线 8 周期平滑移动平均线低于 13 周期平滑移动平均线 特征 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 类型:图表形态指标 自定义选项:可变(下颌周期、下颌移位、牙齿周期、牙齿移位、嘴唇周期、嘴唇移位)颜色、宽度和样式。 时间范围:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4 小时、1 天、1 周、1 个月 类型:趋势
FRB Candle HighLow MT4
Fernando Baratieri
Candle High Low Indicator showing High and Low of X candles across a line. Settings Candle number for calculation (>= 1 ) - Define the number of candles for the indicator to find the maximum and minimum of that period of candles. Continuation of the line's display to the right - If you want the High and Low line to extend to the right edge of the graph Line High Color - Set line color Line High Style - Set line style Line Low Color - Set line color Line Low Style - Set line style
Supply and Demand Monster MT4
Tsog Erdene Borjigon Enkhkhudulmur
Supply and demand zones are at the heart of   supply and demand trading . These zones are areas that show  liquidity at a specific price.  The supply zone is also called the distribution zone, while the demand zone is called the accumulation zone.   Our indicator automatically draw supply and demand zones in Metatrader 5. It give opportunity to understand trading zone and avoiding risk.
Multi TimeFrame Moving Average MT4
Ahmed Alaaeldin Abdulrahman Ahmed Elherzawi
Unlock the power of the market with the Investment Castle Multi Time Frame Moving Average Indicator. Simplify your trading journey by easily identifying trends and pullbacks across multiple time frames on one convenient chart. This indicator is a must-have tool for any serious trader. Available for MT4 and MT5, and exclusively on the MQL5 market, customize your experience by adding as many indicators as you need on the chart, each with their own unique time frame or period. Enhance your strategy
R Wolfe Wave 指标分析价格行为并将累积数据转换为强大的 Wolfe Wave 图表模式技术工具。 从本质上讲,R Wolfe Wave 图表模式可以是看涨的也可以是看跌的,并且可以帮助交易者在没有任何滞后指标的情况下进行买卖交易。 关键点 识别强大的 Wolfe Wave 模式 对于高级交易者 适用于任何货币对 非常值得添加到您的指标集合中 该指标可以与任何现有的交易策略或系统一起作为趋势确认工具。 基本交易信号 买 当价格突破看涨的沃尔夫波浪技术形态时做多。 将止损设置在沃尔夫波浪交易模式下方。 为预定的利润目标退出买入交易。 卖 当价格跌破看跌的沃尔夫波浪技术形态时做空。 将止损设置在沃尔夫波浪交易模式之上。 为预定的利润目标退出卖出交易。 可调参数和设置 深度、偏差、退步、颜色、样式 随意探索指标的不同参数和设置以创建您自己的个性化指标设置。 特征 货币对:任何 交易平台:Metatrader 4 时间范围:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4 小时、1 天、1 周、1 个月 指标类型:价格行为
提供准确的 MACD 指标。 仪表盘趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双 MACD。 双 MACD,即快速 (MACD 1) 和慢速 (MACD 2) 为什么需要第二个 MACD? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速 MACD 1 曲线 9TF 慢 MACD 2 曲线 9TF实时MACD角度 9TF实时MACD值 9TF 实时 MACD 方向提供准确的 MACD 指标。 仪表盘趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双 MACD。 双 MACD,即快速 (MACD 1) 和慢速 (MACD 2) 为什么需要第二个 MACD? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速 MACD 1 曲线 9TF 慢 MACD 2 曲线 9TF实时MACD角度 9TF实时MACD值 9TF实时MACD方向/相位 9TF 趋势栏 计算趋势条的新算法 开/关按钮。 只需单击一下即可显示/隐藏指标非常有用 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器 只能显示趋势栏 只能显示 MACD 曲线 只能显示仪表板 能够选择要显示的 MACD 曲线 能够选择趋势的箭头类型 能够选择 obos 线条样式 能够显示/隐
提供准确的随机指标。 仪表板趋势栏智能级别 9TF 双随机。 双随机,即快速随机和慢速随机 为什么需要第二个随机指标? 使用额外的指标将使我们在实时交易中更有说服力 9TF 快速随机曲线 9TF 慢速随机曲线 9TF实时随机角度 9TF实时随机值 9TF 实时随机方向/相位 9TF 趋势栏 计算趋势条的新算法 开/关按钮。 只需单击一下即可显示/隐藏指标非常有用 实时 9TF 仪表板监视器 只能显示趋势栏 只能显示随机曲线 只能显示仪表板 能够选择要显示的随机曲线 能够选择趋势的箭头类型 能够选择 obos 线条样式 能够显示/隐藏图例 能够增加/减少栏的数量 能够选择配色方案级别 能够选择多达 10 种仪表板趋势栏配色方案 能够改变随机曲线的颜色 该指标经历了一系列的试验。 编程代码是用心编写的。 使用最好的 DTSL 9TF 双随机交易指标进行自信的入场。 立即获取并像专业人士一样进行交易。 谢谢你。
Fluctuation Bands
Francisco De A Vilar Enriquez
Shows the price fluctuation bands associated with a moving average. It is extremely accurate, and it's a wonderful visual guide. The indicator consists of 4 bands . The two bands closest to the price form the fluctuation channel , they mark the maximum calculated deviation of the price from the moving average. The outer bands mark the maximum overdeviation of the price with respect to the fluctuation channel, they are overbought or oversold areas. Features.  -The change of periods of the MA is d
该指标使用多个指标来生成高赢信号交易 R Signals 指标是一个完整的外汇交易系统,可在图表上打印准确的买卖箭头。 该指标在主 MT4 图表窗口中显示为绿色和红色箭头。 使用单个指标生成的信号在交易时可能会有风险。 这是因为仅使用一个指标进行交易会给出更多错误信号。 因此,许多外汇交易者使用三个或更多指标来过滤掉良好的交易设置。 交易信号 绿色箭头是买入信号。 红色箭头是卖出信号。 R 信号指标可用于交易进入和退出,或用作其他策略和系统的趋势确认信号指标。 该指标同样适用于所有货币对(主要货币对、次要货币对和外来货币对),如果使用得当,它会显示出可喜的结果。 指标规格和输入 货币对:适用于任何货币对 时间范围:适用于任何时间范围 交易风格:适用于剥头皮交易、日内交易和波段交易 输入参数:变量(输入选项卡)、颜色设置和样式 指标类型:信号 指标是否重绘? 不。 测试人员: https://youtu.be/g72EmGHXaMU 现场测试: https://youtu.be/KAt6cNRwIeM
Amazing Signal Entry
Muhammed Emin Ugur
This   Amazing Signal Entry   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not change. When the signal comes the arrows are put back one
For MT5 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Open Close Cross Alert R6.2 by JustUncleL" By "JayRogers". - This indicator does not support multi-time frame. - Hidden/Regular divergences supported. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
MT4 的 R 2EMA 颜色指标基于 2 个 EMA 的交叉提供可靠的交易信号。 关键点 当价格交叉并收于两条绿色 EMA 上方时,它会产生买入交易信号。 当价格交叉并收于两条红色 EMA 上方时,它会产生卖出交易信号。 R 2EMA Color Forex 指标使确定何时买卖变得更加容易 当 2 条 EMA 线变为绿色时,出现买入信号。 当 2 条 EMA 线变为红色时,出现卖出信号。 如何与之交易? 一旦两条 EMA 信号线从红色变为绿色,就开始买入交易,现在趋势是积极的。 一旦两条 EMA 信号线从绿色变为红色,就开始卖出交易,现在趋势是负面的。 当图表上出现相反的交易信号时退出交易。 随意使用您自己喜欢的交易方法通过 R 2EMA 颜色指标打开和关闭交易。 规格 交易平台:Metatrader 4 (MT4) 货币对:适用于任何货币对 时间范围:适用于任何时间范围 输入参数:快、慢、模式、价格、信号条、警报消息、警报声音、警报电子邮件、警报移动、颜色设置和样式 指标类型:价格行为
R Var 移动平均线指标是为顽固的趋势追随者设计的趋势跟踪指标。 它是股票交易者和商品交易者中非常流行的外汇交易指标,它的流行源于它能够向用户提供真正的赚钱信号。 该指标由放置在黄褐色线上的绿色和红色点组成。 绿点指向看涨信号,而红点表示看跌信号。 基本交易信号 买入信号:当指标的黄褐色线上的点变为绿色时,做多。 卖出信号:当指标的黄褐色线上的点变为红色时做空。 退出买入交易:如果在看涨趋势持续期间,指标的西耶娜线上出现红点,则关闭所有买入订单。 退出卖出交易:如果在看跌趋势持续期间,R Var 移动平均线指标的西耶纳线上显示绿点,则关闭所有卖出订单。 尖端 在使用 R Var 移动平均线指标时,利用适度的止损来防止错误信号。 将其用于各种交易方式,包括剥头皮交易和日间交易。 特征 平台:MetaTrader 4 货币对:任何 自定义选项:变量(periodAMA、nfast、nslow、G、dK、UseSound、SoundFile)、宽度和样式。 时间范围:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4 小时、1 天、1 周、1 个月 类型:趋势
UR Gamma
Krzysztof Jan Debski
UR伽瑪 (由機器學習系統中的類似計算提供支持) UR Gamma 是一種尖端的金融分析工具,它對經典的 WaveTrend 指標進行了全新改進。 通過結合先進的數字信號處理技術,UR Gamma 解決了傳統 WaveTrend 算法的一些局限性,並提供了一種更準確、穩健和動態的方法來識別和衡量價格行為的趨勢。 使用 UR Gamma 的優勢: 簡約設置 所有數據都在後台計算 - 用戶只有 1 個輸出 - 清晰整潔。 表明疲憊的背景水平 適應各種資產。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求! 為什麼選擇 UR Gamma? 目標是讓概率分佈在 -1 和 1 之間振盪,中間點為 0。 為實現這一目標,使用機器學習中稱為激活函數的技術來轉換數據。 一個這樣的函數是雙曲正切函數,它經常用於神經網絡,因為它保持 -1 和 1 之間的值。通過對輸入數據進行一階導數並使用二次均值對其進行歸一化,tanh 函數有效地重新分配輸入 信號進入 -1 到 1 的所需範圍。 UR Gamma 是交易者和投資者的強大工具,為他們提供對市場趨勢
R Wavy Dash 指标将价格数据转换为出色的趋势跟踪信号指标,适用于交易进入和退出。 它在主图表中显示为彩色信号线,可用作独立的交易工具。 R Wavy Dash 指标非常可靠、轻便,不会减慢您的交易平台。 关键点 趋势信号指标 新手友好 非重绘 非常值得添加到您的指标集合中 该指标可以与任何现有的交易策略或系统一起作为可能的趋势反转确认工具。 基本交易信号 来自 R Wavy Dash 指标的信号很容易解释,如下所示: 买 当绿色信号线开始在图表上绘制时,会发出新的买入信号。 将止损设置在支撑下方。 为预定的利润目标退出买入交易或等待卖出信号。 卖 当红色信号线开始在图表上绘制时,发出新的卖出信号。 将止损置于阻力之上。 为预定的利润目标退出卖出交易或等待买入信号。 随意探索指标的不同参数和设置以创建您自己的个性化指标设置。 特征 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 时间范围:任何 指标类型:趋势信号
All Moving Averages
Guillermo Pineda
The ALL MOVING AVERAGES custom indicator is your go-to tool for comprehensive technical analysis, featuring over 31 of the most popular moving averages. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting out, this indicator allows you to customize your moving averages to fit various trading strategies perfectly. With a range of input parameters to choose from, including periods and different price calculation types, you can easily tailor the indicator to suit your trading style. Additional Feat
Deviation Arrow
Thomas Bradley Butler
Deviation has a buy and sell input.  Figure out the number to trade by.  It is according to MACD.  Study the values of the past for inputs to trade by. Use in uptrend or downtrend and follow the bigger trend for entry points or reversals.  Use other filters or strategies to employ with the indicator for success.  - is buy  and + is sell. Trade on time frames according to your wish
Higher High and Lows
Biswarup Banerjee
This indicator is very useful to identify the most important patterns of price action strategy. It uses the fractal indicator to identify the highs and lows. It can identify the following four patterns to identify continuation and reversal of a trend Patterns shown in the chart Higher Highs Lower Highs Lower Lows Higher Lows These patterns are visible in the chart . and the most interesting part of this indicator is all of these patterns are stored in different buffer values. Developers can util
The R Show Ticks indicator for Metatrader 4 shows the up/down ticks in real-time on the main trading window. Key Takeaways A white arrow is an uptick . A red arrow is a downtick . The indicator works for any currency pair and time frame of your preference. Indicator Specifications Trading Platform: Developed for Metatrader 4 (MT4) Currency pairs: Works for any pair Time frames: Works for any time frame Input Parameters: Input symbol, style, color. Indicator type: Data How to edit the indicator
Ahmet Metin Yilmaz
An "Intraday" indicator makes no sense anymore above H1 !! VOHLC is calculated using the following formula: VOHLC= ( Price * Volume ) / Volume Where Price= ( Open + High + Low + Close ) / 4 Volume= Tick Volume   This indicator helps us to understand the current direction of the trend in the selected period. Typically, the indicator is calculated for one day, so there is no reason to use it on timeframes larger than the H1 timeframe.
This is a breakout Indicator for MT4 where you can open trades after a breakout has occurred. This indicator will draw blue boxes on the chart. You simply have to follow price until it breaks out of the box and make sure that the candle had closed above the breakout if its a buy trade and the candle must close below if its a sell trade. An alert will now pop up with suggested price entry and TP of 15 pips default. You can change TP Pis depending on your choice The indicator can trade almost any
R Delta RSI 指标根据快速 RSI(周期 14)和慢速 RSI(周期 50)的交叉以及信号水平绘制买卖彩色直方图。 红色直方图表示趋势看涨(买入信号)。 绿色直方图表示趋势看跌(卖出信号)。 灰色直方图表示趋势持平或区间波动(无信号)。 该外汇指标可以单独交易,也可以与其他趋势跟踪指标一起交易。 剥头皮交易者、日内交易者和波段交易者可以从这个出色的 RSI 交叉信号指标中受益。 快速 RSI、慢速 RSI 和信号水平的默认 R Delta RSI 指标设置可以从指标的输入选项卡更改。 随意尝试其设置以满足您的需求。 基本交易信号 来自 R Delta RSI 外汇指标的信号很容易解释,如下所示: 买入信号:当指标绘制红色直方图时启动买入交易头寸。 卖出信号:当指标绘制绿色直方图时启动卖出交易头寸。 持平信号:当条形图呈灰色时,保持当前买入/卖出位置。 交易退出:当出现相反信号时关闭未平仓的买入/卖出外汇头寸,或使用您自己的交易退出方法。 特征 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 自定义选项:可变(快速 RSI 周期、慢速 RSI 周期、信号水平)颜
UR Bands
Krzysztof Jan Debski
你的樂隊 (使用機器學習系統中使用的公式) UR Bands 是通過包含市場波動的公式得出的指標,原則上與機器學習系統中使用的指標相似。 這種市場狀況的數學表示提供了對價格趨勢和動態的精確分析,同時考慮了金融市場的固有波動性。 通過將波動率作為一個變量,該指標提供了更準確和可靠的市場狀況表示,使交易者和投資者能夠做出明智的決定並有效地管理風險。 此外,使用基於波動率的公式使該指標對市場變化具有高度反應性,為潛在交易或投資提供早期信號。 使用 UR 手環的優勢: 視覺上令人愉悅且易於理解的圖錶帶 適應各種資產和時間框架 樂隊總是顯示趨勢的頂部和底部 趨勢或反轉交易系統的重要補充和獨立指標 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求! 為什麼選擇 UR 樂隊? 提高準確性:將市場波動納入指標公式可以更精確地分析市場狀況。 更好的風險評估:通過考慮波動性,該指標可以幫助交易者和投資者更準確地評估市場風險。 早期信號:使用基於波動率的公式使該指標對市場變化具有高度反應性,為潛在交易或投資提供早期信號。 數據驅動的決策:該指標提供了更
RSI DIVERENCE INDICATOR RSI divergence is very powerful pattern which is often used to detect a strong trend reversal. it also indicates the weakening of strong signal. So some traders  want to use it as the exit criteria. This indicator works in all timeframe and send notification, alert or email to the user. It also show the Higher Highs and Lower Low Pattern with its corresponding RSI divergency. This indicator can be used in Expert Advisors as it has accessible buffers List of Inputs ______
FRB Time MT4
Fernando Baratieri
FRB Time - FRB Trader Indicator that shows the server's time of operation. You can edit the font color and size of the timetable. Settings font color Font size Background color To move the Timetable, just click on it and move the mouse to where you want to leave it. After placing the Time where you want it, click again or press "ESC" and the time will stay where you left it.
FRB Candle Time Mt4
Fernando Baratieri
FRB Candle Time  Indicator showing the time left for the next candle You can edit font color and size. Very important indicator for Traders. To move time, just click on it and move the mouse to where you want to leave it. After positioning the time where you want it, click again or press "ESC" and the time will stay where you left it. Settings font color Font size Background color
Shao Qun Lu
SPT是一个明确的趋势指标. 金十网站推出的交易大师版,SPT指标是最大的卖点. 它基于ATR指标进行编写,以明确的趋势线标明了趋势 正在 进行的方向和趋势转换位置. 不同手法的交易者对此指标的理解可能会形成两种不用的用途. 1.基于趋势的交易者会在趋势线转换时开始或者结束一段趋势交易, 2.基于震荡区间进行抄底摸顶的交易者会根据此指标标识的最后支撑或者阻力位进行区间交易.该指标的支撑阻力会随着趋势的进行而不断提升或者下降,使得以更小更合理的止损设定追随趋势的进行. 指标参数如下: Multiplier :ATR的倍数 Period  :ATR周期,此周期越小则指标越敏感,无效性也越高,但止损也越小 要安装MT4 Supertrend Line指示器,请遵循以下说明: 1.下载指标存档文件。 2.打开MetaTrader 4数据文件夹(通过文件->打开数据文件夹)。 3.打开MQL4文件夹。 4.将存档中的所有文件夹直接复制到MQL4文件夹。 5.重启MetaTrader 4或右键单击平台的导航子窗口并选择刷新,刷新指标列表。 为使本指标在各位朋友手中发挥更好的效力,请购买的后的
True Hero Oscillator
Muhammed Emin Ugur
The   True Hero Oscillator   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. This product uses 3 main indicators and many algorithms. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not c
Previous Period High Low . This indicator shows the previous Day, Week, Month and Years High and Low. It's great for price action strategies. : Provides clear and visible breaks in structure. : Easy to see breakout levels. : Easy to see gaps between previous high, low levels after breakouts have occurred.  The indicator works on every time frame. Multiple periods can be selected and be seen on the same chart. Every line can be customized to Your liking. Color, style and thickness.  Enjoy!
For MT5 version please click  here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView source: "Squeeze Momentum Indicator" By "LazyBear". - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - Buffers and inputs are available for use in EAs and optimization purposes. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading...
UR Vortex
Krzysztof Jan Debski
UR Vortex The Probabilistic UR Vortex Formula: An Accurate System for Predictive Market Analysis using Volatility and Standard Deviation Calculations. The   UR Vortex   indicator is a technical analysis tool that uses volatility and standard deviation calculations to predict potential tops and bottoms in a market. It measures the strength of a trend by calculating the distance between the current price and a moving average, and then standardizing this distance by dividing it by the average true
如果您经常因为只使用一种指标而亏损交易,那么请尝试此交易工具。 该交易工具使用多个指标。 我经常观察只使用 RSI 指标的交易者。 很多时候,市场超卖但仍然下跌,或者市场超买但仍然上涨。 因此,您需要使用多个指标。 隆重推出新版本 V 3.40 MTF PPAAF:多时间框架精确价格行为箭头过滤。 该交易工具使用各种指标来加强市场走势的方向。 该交易工具中使用的第一个指标是双随机指标。 在这里,我使用两种随机指标,即快速随机指标和慢速随机指标。 在快速随机指标中,有一条快速随机指标主线和一条快速随机指标信号线。 同样,在慢随机指标中,有一条慢随机指标主线和一条慢随机指标信号线。 主线和信号线的交叉/交叉将形成向上和向下箭头。 第二个指标是Double RSI,即快速RSI和慢速RSI。 两者相交将形成一个向上和向下的箭头。 第三个指标是Double CCI,即快速CCI和慢速CCI。 两者相交将形成一个向上和向下的箭头。 第四个指标是双MACD。 与双随机指标类似,这里有快速 MACD 和慢速 MACD。 在快速 MACD 中,有一条快速 MACD 主线和一条快速 MACD
UR PulseScalp
Krzysztof Jan Debski
UR PulseScalp  一個經過校準的交易指標,適用於在快節奏市場中尋求終極優勢的剝頭皮交易者 UR PulseScalp 是一種尖端的交易解決方案,適用於在快節奏市場中尋求終極優勢的剝頭皮交易者。 這一創新指標建立在經過科學校準的公式之上,該公式融合了波動率、資金流量和相對強度的力量,以創建高度準確和可靠的信號。 使用 UR PulseScalp 的優勢: 舒適的互動面板 在 M5 和 H1 上高度準確 為初學者推薦的 EURUSD 貨幣對 沒有設置 適應各種資產 不會趕上每一波浪潮——這就是它的美妙之處。 它會分析最佳條目,即使它必須等待它。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求! 為什麼選擇 UR PulseScalp ? 無論您是經驗豐富的剝頭皮交易者還是新手,“UR PulseScalp”都是在金融市場的波濤洶湧中航行的理想伴侶。 UR PulseScalp 是基於多年的交易以及一路上風險管理的最佳解決方案精心打造的。 它在視覺上也令人愉悅且易於使用。 在硬數據和統計分析的支持下,您將有能力進行快速、明智
Pattern 5W Scanner
Mihails Babuskins
3.8 (5)
Contact me after payment to send you the User-Manual PDF File. 5W Pattern  introduction The 5W pattern occurs when the price forms an alternating 5-wave cycle with its volatility. In fact, the 5W  pattern is a price series of alternating HH or LL (higher high or lower low), which is the main characteristic of a trend. The pattern of 5W should have the characteristic of non-overlapping waves, also the points of the pattern are usually formed in Fibonacci levels. The completed pattern of 5W actua
MP Colored MACD
Pierre Ksachikian
MACD (short for M oving A verage C onvergence/ D ivergence) is a popular trading indicator used in technical analysis of securities prices. It is designed to identify changes in the strength, direction, momentum, and duration of a trend in a security's price. History Gerald Appel created the MACD line in the late 1970s. Thomas Aspray added the histogram feature to Appel's  MACD in 1986. The three major components and their formula 1. The MACD line: First, "PM Colored MACD" employs two Moving
Signal trend indicator for scalping. Has three different sensitivity options It detects a trend change and   gives signals to open positions. Has built-in audio and visual trend change alerts. Can send notifications to your phone or email. Allows you to open positions in a timely manner in accordance with the direction of the market. Works on all timeframes, on all currency pairs, metals, indices and cryptocurrencies. Can be used when working with binary options. Distinctive features Does not
MACD Color for GOLD
Chitipat Changsamrit
黄金的 MACD 颜色 用于查看图表的走势和检查将要买入或卖出 看 trand 的颜色很容易看。 红色向下/蓝色向上。 可以在很短的时间内使用它 1. 多头交易:与时间框架 H1 / H4 / 每日一起使用 2.Short Trade : 使用时间框架 M5 / M15 / M 30 / H1 您可以通过查看此指标来了解何时打开或关闭订单 ---------------------------- 黄金的 MACD 颜色 用于查看图表的走势和检查将要买入或卖出 看 trand 的颜色很容易看。 红色向下/蓝色向上。 可以在很短的时间内使用它 1. 多头交易:与时间框架 H1 / H4 / 每日一起使用 2.Short Trade : 使用时间框架 M5 / M15 / M 30 / H1 您可以通过查看此指标来了解何时打开或关闭订单
Sniper Zones
Jared Anders Esguerra
Sniper Zones are our best kept secret for trading the forex markets profitably and extremely simple ! After years of profitable trading we are launching it to the public ! After thousands of hours of testing, we have developed an indicator that simplifies trading to the point where anyone can become a profitable trader. There exists certain zones and areas in the market that are used by institutions to move price and cause retail traders to lose their money ! We have done the hard work and made
RumahForexID Momentum Scalping Indicator is the best momentum indicator ever created, and why is that? The indicator works on all timeframes and assets, the indicator is made after 6 years of experience in forex. You know many momentum indicators on the internet are unhelpful, and difficult to trade, but RumahForexID Momentum Scalping Indicator is different , The indicator shows wave momentum, when the market is about to trend or consolidate, all that in one simple and clear indicator! RumahFo
OB Breakout is alert indicator that identifies when a trend or price move is approaching exhaustion(Supply and Demand) and ready to reverse. It alerts you to changes in market movement which typically occur when a reversal or major pullbacks are about to or have happened. The indicator identifies breakouts and price momentum initially, every time a new high or low is formed near a possible Supply or Demand level point. The indicator draws in a rectangle on Supply or Demand Zones.   Once price we
Key Level  Key Level is a MetaTrader 4 Indicator that uses a proprietary algorithm based on Price Retracement/Breakout Method to show the Entry-Line on your trading. Instead, it analyzes data of market and identify entry points and opportunities. (Price Retracement / Price Breakout) It's also a trading tool that be used to practice and enhance your manual trading skills. Key Level is an amazing tool for Scalping Trader. It also a trading tool that be used to practice and enhance your manual trad
Momentum Breakout Finder (MoBlast) is an indicator based on Volume to find the when the current pair is making breakout and when market are range bound. Oscillators Indicators like RSI, MACD   that works fine for an interval of the market, it fails to generate profitable signals when the market conditions change, and hence it produces wrong signals resulting in big losses. This indicator implements an volume logic algorithm that finds the best breakout of the symbol. When an arrow signal appears
Victor Golovkov
Valentines trend is an easy-to-use indicator that hides a powerful calculation math-system "under the hood". Attach the indicator to the chart and set the parameters. Period - period for tracking changes in quotes Amount of Bars - number of last bars to track You do not need to select any numerical parameters. The indicator will do everything for you automatically . Each signal is generated on the current bar, and in order not to miss it, use the built-in alerts and notifications system . The in
Современный индикатор паттерна Ключевой разворот. Имеет настройки таймфрейма. Можно настроить количество баров для отображения индикатора на графике. Индикатор предпочтительно использовать на часовом таймфрейме и выше, но работает и ниже. Подходит для использования с любой стратегией. Условие отображения: какой таймфрейм указали в настройках, галочку во вкладке отображение ставим там же. Для фильтра можно использовать скользящую среднюю.
Volume predictor
Luis Efren Macias Lopez
Volume predictor is an essential indicator if you trade with volumes, this indicator predicts the final volume of the current candle and increases it's precision as the time goes by. In order to predict the final volume the current volume and market conditions are used, the predicted volume adjust in real time.  You can change every individual color of the indicator to your liking, the default colors were assigned to be easy on your eyes while using a dark theme. Don't forget to leave your revie
"BUYUK SAVDOGAR" TM has developed this strategy to support all who trade binary options. This trading system determines the state of imbalance in the market based on volume analysis. The most convenient point for opening a trade is an imbalance situation. The trading system independently allocates an imbalance zone. Issues a warning (alert) in the desired direction. The terms of trade are very simple. We are waiting for directions. We open a deal on the current timeframe in the direction. It
Современный индикатор паттернов PinBar по торговой стратегии RAIT. Работает по тренду и без него. Имеет настройки таймфрейма для отображения. Можно настроить количество баров для отображения индикатора на графике. Используется несколько паттернов PinBar. Индикатор предпочтительно использовать на часовом таймфрейме и выше,   но работает и ниже   . Паттерны:  PinBar, InsPinBar, PinInside. Отображаются одной стрелкой.
Harmony Cross Signal
Muhammed Emin Ugur
This    Harmony Cross Signal     indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.     Features and Suggestions Time F
UGenesys MultiTrend
Odaine Ramon Mcmillan
PURCHASE THIS INDICATOR AND GET OUR SECRET BONUS! Why is TREND Important? This is one of the biggest questions asked by beginner traders.  Trend is important because that is primarily when the market moves the most. When a market has good volume, many banks, hedgefunds and large institutions are participating and driving price up or down in strong trends. THIS IS THE PERFECT TIME TO TRADE. The uGenesys Multi-Trend Indicator was specifically designed to identify when a trend has started in the ma
RSI with Moving Average Indicator
Petrus Nicolaas Johannes Roets
The RSI and Moving Average Indicator is a powerful tool for any trader looking to take their technical analysis to the next level. With the RSI as the main indicator, you will have access to a clear and accurate representation of the strength of the current market trend. The addition of the moving average line adds another level of insight, providing a smoothed view of the RSI that helps to identify longer-term trends and potential buying or selling opportunities. Whether you are a day trader, s
Super Magic Signal
Muhammed Emin Ugur
Super Magic Signal     indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.     Features and Suggestions Time Frame: H1 W
Sharp Transition is a new product that allows you to identify the current market phase (uptrend, downtrend or flat). Represents a typical investor strategy that usually indicates a trend change from bearish to bullish. A tool that allows you to determine the direction and strength of a trend. Unlike most indicators, Sharp Transition finds longer trends and gives fewer false signals. This indicator displays arrows of different colors depending on the current state of the market and thus signals
Your Trends
Yvan Musatov
If you do not have your own trading strategy yet, you can use our ready-made trading strategy in the form of this indicator. The Your Trends indicator tracks the market trend, ignoring sharp market fluctuations and noise around the average price. The indicator is based on price divergence. Also, only moving averages and a special algorithm are used for work. It will help in finding entry points in the analysis and shows favorable moments for entering the market with arrows. Can be used as a fi
The ORB The Opening Range Breakout or the OPR 'Open Price Range' MT5 Indicator is a powerful tool designed to enhance your trading experience by automatically tracking market openings range , custom ranges, sessions, and Asian ranges. This dynamic indicator is perfect for price action traders, offering unparalleled precision and accuracy without any manual effort. Key Features: London ORB   The Opening Range Breakout   : Automatically displays the London open price range. New York ORB   The Ope
Trend PT
Tatiana Savkevych
The Trend PT indicator tracks market trends, ignoring sharp fluctuations and market noise. The indicator can work both for entry points and as a filter. The Trend PT indicator displays information in a visual way. It will help in finding entry points in the analysis. Suitable for trading on low timeframes because it ignores sudden price spikes or corrections in price action by reducing market noise around the average price.
Pro Trader mt4
Natasha Diedericks
This indicator takes input from the RSI and a trend filter, and presents the output in a separate indicator window as a histogram. Great for scalping. Settings: No need to set up the indicator. Features Alerts. How to use: Simply attach to any chart Zoom chart in to get a better view of the histo color. Buy:  Blue histo color on multiple timeframes. (e.g,. M30-H1-H4) Sell: Red histo color  across on multiple timeframes. Or backtest and use as you see fit for your strategy. Best results on Major
Impulses Enter
Nadiya Mirosh
With the help of the Impulses Enter forex indicator algorithm, you can quickly understand what kind of trend is currently developing in the market. The Elephant indicator accompanies long trends, can be used without restrictions on instruments or timeframes. With this indicator, you can try to predict future values. But the main use of the indicator is to generate buy and sell signals. The indicator tracks the market trend, ignoring sharp market fluctuations and noises around the average price.
MR Trend Corrections 4
Sergey Khramchenkov
We publish the indicator as a useful tool in trading and call this indicator the "Swiss Army Knife" because it provides many possibilities and combinations to help understand the material on the "Masters of Risk" trading system. The indicator itself is not part of the tools used in the "Masters of Risk" trading system. The indicator consists of 3 separate multi-timeframe indicators, which in combination with each other help to reduce the "noise" of false signals. The first of the indicators are
Big movement indicator is a very simple indicator which draws a pattern of boxes where price has moved significantly on a particular timeframe. It also displays the number of candles the strong movement is continuing till now. This indicator work based on zig zag indicator when there is a minimum gap between the last 2 zigzag values we draw a box around this. We can also capture the point where it meet the criteria as buffer values
PTT mt4
Natasha Diedericks
This indicator takes input from the RSI and a trend filter, and presents the output in a separate indicator window as a histogram. Great for scalping. Settings: TrendPeriod RSIPeriod Features Alerts. How to use: Simply attach to any chart Zoom chart in to get a better view of the histo color. Buy:  Blue histo color on multiple timeframes. (e.g,. M30-H1-H4) Sell: Red histo color  across on multiple timeframes. Or backtest and use as you see fit for your strategy. Best results on Major Pairs, but
Hot Range
Leonardo Ciaccio
5 (1)
This indicator offers a unique perspective; it looks a lot like Envelopes but is totally different. The default parameters are the same as I use in my strategies, every day and with all pairs, although each pair has its own characteristic. By changing the parameters you can enter Fibonacci levels that you prefer, I use 0.5/1.0/1.5 which equals 50/100/150 . NO-REPAINT unlike other similar indicators Hot Range does not redraw level lines, I use a simple strategy, when the 1.5 level is reached
標準的相對強度指數 (RSI) 指標,我們在其中添加了電話和電子郵件通知功能。 在指標設置中,您可以指定指標的上限和下限,達到指標將向您發送通知到您的手機和電子郵件。 通知將以以下格式發送:貨幣對+時間範圍+通知時間。 如果您在交易策略中使用這個免費的標準指標,那麼我們改進的這個指標版本可能對您有用。 在指標設置中還有免費版本中的所有標準參數。您還可以在指示器中更改線條的顏色及其粗細。 這些參數在指標設置中可用。 指標設置: period - 指數計算的平均週期。 applied_price - 應用價格。 可以是 ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE 枚舉值之一。 最大值 - 當指標達到此值時,交易者會通過電話和電子郵件收到通知。 最小值 - 當指標達到此值時,交易者會通過電話和電子郵件收到通知。
SLT mt4
Natasha Diedericks
This indicator takes input from a trend filter and 2 oscillators, and presents the output in a separate indicator window as 2 lines and arrows. Great for scalping. Settings: No need to set up the indicator. Features Alerts. How to use: Simply attach to any chart Zoom chart in to get a better view of the lines. Buy:  Blue arrow. Best results when entering buys above the 0.00 level, and confirming on higher timeframes too. Sell: Red arrow. Best results when entering sells below the 0.00 level,   a
Market Performance MT4
Kambiz Shahriarynasab
5 (1)
You can identify the strength of the main forex currencies with this tool. You can combine it with different styles and get the best strategy out of it. It has very high power. It can be customized. MT5 version This indicator will have many updates and special settings will be added to it. You can contact us via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, email or here. We are ready to answer you.
Advanced MA Cloud
Constantin Daniel Zaharia
Introducing the Advanced MA Cloud  indicator for MetaTrader 4 - a powerful indicator system that will help you identify potential buy and sell opportunities, as well as potential trend reversals. Advanced MA Cloud indicator is a great trend following indicator based on three fully customisable Moving Averages. In addition, t he indicator can also act as a support and resistance using the two clouds formed by the moving averages.  Each moving average and each cloud changes its color according to
Cycle identifer
Mahmoud Helmy Sedik Mohamed Mansour
Support and resistance are the basic and widely used trading strategies in the financial trading world. The Support and Resistance indicator for MetaTrader is the best technical tool for identifying potential areas of a support or resistance zone. The indicator is a multi-timeframe indicator that automatically scans through different timeframes for support&resistance zones. It displays lines of the support&resistance zones of a specified period in all the time frames. This implies that the indi
Footprint Chart
Thomas Bradley Butler
我添加了一个要求很高的足迹图请求。 该指标非常基本,显示买入量和卖出量。 它不是信号指标,它只会显示蜡烛的交易量并显示过去的值。 Forex 没有集中交易量,但这打破了并显示了逐笔交易量。 卖出蜡烛将显示询价,买入蜡烛将显示出价。 可以作为单一分析系统或与其他因素一起交易。 如果从这个意义上观察市场,这可能是有价值的信息。 我希望增加具有更多功能和特性的指标来帮助分析,价格将反映需求和更多特性。 我添加了一个要求很高的足迹图请求。 该指标非常基本,显示买入量和卖出量。 它不是信号指标,它只会显示蜡烛的交易量并显示过去的值。 Forex 没有集中交易量,但这打破了并显示了逐笔交易量。 卖出蜡烛将显示询价,买入蜡烛将显示出价。 可以作为单一分析系统或与其他因素一起交易。 如果从这个意义上观察市场,这可能是有价值的信息。 我希望增加具有更多功能和特性的指标来帮助分析,价格将反映需求和更多特性。

MetaTrader市场是 出售自动交易和技术指标的最好地方。
