适用于MetaTrader 4的技术指标 - 18

隆重推出 Ms. Fibonacci ,这是一款功能强大且免费的指标,旨在简化在图表上绘制和调整斐波那契水平的过程。该指标自动识别和标记新的最高和最低斐波那契水平,确保准确和精确的位置。 Ms. Fibonacci 的主要特点之一是它能够正确绘制斐波那契水平,点对点,并标记相应的价格水平。此功能可为您节省时间和精力,让您专注于分析市场而不是手动绘制斐波那契水平。 该指标包括最重要的斐波那契水平,例如 0、23.6、38.2、50.0、61.8、100.0 和 161.8。这些水平是识别市场潜在支撑、阻力和回撤区域的重要参考点。 Ms. Fibonacci 提供用户友好的参数,使您能够根据自己的喜好自定义指标。您可以调整线条样式、线条宽度、线条颜色和其他视觉元素等各个方面,以增强图表上斐波那契水平的外观和可读性。 通过激活或停用斐波那契水平线的绘制功能,您可以完全控制水平线出现在图表上的时间和位置。该指标还提供了自动调整斐波那契高位和低位的选项,确保它们随着市场的发展保持相关性和准确性。 此外,您可以指定柱数来搜索绘制斐波那契水平线,让您专注于图表的特定部分。 shift 参数允许您

9/12/2023 - If you are looking for the Spock EA, I don't sell it anymore. DM me for more info.
24/10/2023 - Check out my other products. Starting to roll out some EAs & indicators based on this range.
Currently there is no MT5 version. I am using MT4 myself.
So I will spend my time mostly to develop more extensive stats for the Stats version and maybe even an EA. But I might develop a MT5 version.
All depends on the demand. Meaning, the more people request it, the bigger the chan

The ChannelSgnals Indicator for MT4 is an effective Forex trading tool designed to track market movements. The MT4 signal point indicator effectively detects trend reversals after they have already occurred. The ChannelSgnals Indicator is a fully automated technical tool that includes a number of parameters to track market trends. It automatically examines the ever-changing price dynamics of the market, compares the information with earlier data and generates a trading signal. Because the

ADX Channel is an indicator that plots the channel depending on the values of the ADX (Average Directional Movement Index) indicator. The resulting channel is a little similar to the Envelopes, but its lines depend on the market volatility. The sell trade is usually executed fast when the price touches and bounces from the upper line of the channel, buy - from the lower. It is recommended to trade when there is no significant news. The recommended timeframes: M5 - H1. The indicator is not design

Version 1.6 ! Volume Strength 28 is better , easier to use and more awesome ! Based on complaint we got from the reviews, we understood many don't know how to really use the time frame setting on the input menu thus they have complaints of volatility, thus we have designed an Automatic Time Frame selection system that is suitable for novice traders.! The design of the indicator has been changed along with some calculation metrics. Based on complaints of high volatility we have been getting ,we

我知道每次都要点击属性来改变蜡烛的颜色、背景是浅色还是深色,以及放置或删除网格是多么令人厌烦。这里有一个一键式的解决方案。 三个可定制的按钮可以选择交易者想要的蜡烛样式。 一个按钮可以在白天和夜晚模式之间切换。 一个按钮可以在图表上显示或隐藏网格。 ***** 在设置中,你可以选择按钮在屏幕上的显示位置*****。 请考虑查看我的其他产品 https://www.mql5.com/en/users/javimorales.fer/seller
Javier Morales,交易算法的创始人。

平均每日范围显示了在一定时期内测量的外汇对的平均点范围。 交易者可以使用 ADR 来可视化平均每日变动之外的潜在价格行为。 当 ADR 高于平均水平时,意味着每日波动率高于平时,这意味着货币对可能超出其正常范围。
我们的 ADR 分析仪由 5 个主要功能组成:
Range (ADR) Screener:一种多币种 ADR 分析。 ADR 区域:显示 ADR 区域外价格上涨的日内预期市场范围。 X bar Zone : 显示用户指定的 X 根柱线的突破。 每日高点和低点区:识别前一天高点或低点的突破。 每周高点和低点区:确定一周的突破日高位或低位。
限时优惠:范围分析仪指示器仅适用于 50 美元和终身。 (原价 125 美元)
多币种筛选器。 ADR 区域突破 所有类型的警报(弹出、推送通知等) 支持所有货币。
所有带有警报文档(说明)和策略详细信息的范围分析器都可以在我们的 MQL5 博客的这篇文章中找到: 点击这里。
我们所有的指标都只能通过官方 Metatrader 商店(MQL5 市场

The "MTF Moving Average Panel" indicator is more of a helping tool than an indicator, it serves to help traders to spot the trend direction without having to change the timeframe and check all timeframes. It is best used with other indicators and signals, to help filter the signals according the trend based on multiple timeframes.
Indicator inputs : - Moving Average period : The period for the Moving Average. Default is set to 50 periods. - Moving Average method : The method of calculation of t

The indicator automatically builds Support/Resistance levels (Zones) from different timeframes on one chart.
Support-resistance levels are horizontal lines. As a rule, the market does not respond to a specific price level, but to a price range around the level, because demand and supply of market participants are not formed clearly on the line, but are “spread out” at a certain distance from the level.
This indicator determines and draws precisely such a price range within which strong positi

The indicator displays crossing zero level by Moving Average of Oscillator (OsMA) in the form of arrows. The indicator notifies about a signal by means of a pop-up Alert window, or sending notification to e-mail.
Parameters Fast EMA Period - fast EMA. This is an exponential moving average from a price with a short period. Slow EMA Period - slow EMA. This is also an exponential moving average of a market price but with a longer period. Signal SMA Period - MACD SMA. This is a signal line which is

The Fibonacci indicator automatically displays the Fibonacci retracement levels, representing significant support and resistance. The range for calculating the indicator can be taken from the previous day, week, month, year or user-specified session.
Levels 100 % (High) of the range from the previous session. 0 % (Low) of the range from the previous session. 76,4 % of the range from the previous session. 61,8 % of the range from the previous session. 50 % of the range from the previou

NextCandlePredictor 指标 NextCandlePredictor 是一种带有警报的信号指标,不会重绘,不会改变颜色,不会移动,不会消失且没有延迟。它将帮助您识别任何时间框架内的下一个或即将到来的蜡烛的方向。高度推荐用于纽约、伦敦或甚至两者重叠等高波动市场。 主要特征: 时间框架的多功能性: 提供在任何时间框架内快速准确的信号,从 M1 到 H1 及更长时间。 清晰的买入/卖出信号: 使用 ADX 的 DI+ 和 DI- 线生成清晰的买入和卖出信号,确保您做出最佳的交易决策。 直观的可视化: 信号直接显示在图表上,绿色(买入)和红色(卖出)箭头,允许快速和轻松的读取。 可自定义的设置: 根据您的偏好和交易策略调整分析的柱数和警报选项。请根据您希望使用的 TF 查看下面的建议表。 即时和蜡烛收盘时的可选警报: 默认情况下,警报会在满足 ADX 条件的同一蜡烛上发出,确保信号的及时性。您还可以选择在当前蜡烛收盘时接收警报以获得更多确认。 快速性能: 设计为高效运行,理想用于高频操作和快速决策。 不重绘: 一旦信号发出,它将固定在当前蜡烛上,不会移动、改变颜色或消失。 无延

EZ Risk Reward Ratio is a simple to use MT4 indicator that allows the user to automatically change the Risk Reward Ratio of an open trade simply by dragging the Take Profit or Stop Loss lines to desired positions on any chart. Risk to reward ratio is displayed in whichever corner you choose and can be changed by dragging TP and SL lines.
First, place the EZ Risk Reward Ratio indicator on the MT4 chart. Second, open a trade on the MT4 chart. EZ Risk Reward Ratio works on any currency pair and o

R 3MA 交叉指标是一种流行的趋势指标,具有基于 3 条移动平均线交叉的警报,它由较快、中等和较慢的移动平均线组成。
关键点 当较快的移动平均线向上穿过中等和较慢的移动平均线时,将出现买入警报。
如何与之交易? 只要图表上出现绿色 R 3MA 交叉箭头,就建立买入交易。 只要图表上出现红色 R 3MA 交叉箭头,就开始卖出交易。 当图表上出现相反的交易信号时退出交易。
随意使用您自己喜欢的交易方法通过 R 3MA Cross Forex 指标打开和关闭交易。
规格 交易平台:Metatrader 4
输入参数:更快的 MA、更慢的 MA、中等 MA、周期、偏移、颜色设置和样式
重绘? 不重新绘制图表上的彩色 MA 交叉箭头。

The BinaryFortune indicator has been developed and adapted specifically for trading short-term binary options. The algorithm of the indicator analyzes numerous factors before generating a signal. The indicator is installed in the conventional way. The indicator consists of an information window, which displays the name of the trading instrument, support and resistance levels, and the signal itself ( BUY , SELL or WAIT ). A signal is accompanied by a sound and a pop-up Alert. Advantages of the in

McS Super Trend -This is one of the most popular classic trend indicators. It has a simple setting, allows you to work not only with the trend, but also displays the stop loss level, which is calculated by this indicator. Benefits:
Instruments: Currency pairs , stocks, commodities, indices, cryptocurrencies. Timeframe: М15 and higher. Trading time: Around the clock. Shows the direction of the current trend. Calculates the stop loss. It can be used when working with trading. Three types of not

With this easy to set up indicator you can display and set alerts for the following candlestick formations: Bull Breakout, Bear Breakout, Hammer, Pin, Bullish Engulfing, Bearish Engulfing. I'd appreciate if you would review the indicator
Input parameters: ShortArrowColor: The color of the Arrows, displaying a Bearish candle formation LongArrowColor: The color of the Arrows displaying a Bullish candle formation BullishEngulfing: Disabled/Enabled/EnabledwithAlert BearishEngulfing: Disabled/Enab

BPR and SFP Indicator for ICT Trading on MT4 The BPR + SFP Indicator integrates two highly effective trading concepts: Breakout and Retest (BPR) and Swing Failure Pattern (SFP) . This combination enables traders to assess market strength and pinpoint optimal entry opportunities with greater accuracy. By analyzing price action and market reactions at significant levels, this indicator helps identify swing failures, breakouts, confirmations, and retracements. It offers clear visual alerts through

Pipfinite creates unique, high quality and affordable trading tools. Our tools may or may not work for you, so we strongly suggest to try the Demo Version for MT4 first. Please test the indicator prior to purchasing to determine if it works for you. We want your good reviews, so hurry up and test it for free...we hope you will find it useful.
Combo Razor Scalper with Trend Laser Strategy: Scalp in the direction of the trend Watch Video: (Click Here)
Features Scalping indicator using a confirme

Indicator ini berdasarkan Gain ADX - Follow Trend - Disertai Pivot, Support & Resistant Daily
Dengan indicator ini semoga menjadikan indicator yang porofit able, selama mengikuti signal yang tampil, apabila berwarna Hijau siap2 untuk Buy, dan berwarna Merah siap2 untuk Sell.
Akan tampil signal Sell/Buy di saat gain mencukupi, baik TF Kecil maupun TF Besar TF Besar / High TF adalah Trend Kuat TF Kecil / Low TF adalah Trend Lemah
Open Posisi pada High TF, signal akan menunjukkan Sell/Buy.

Check my p a id tools they work perfect please r ate Adjustable PIN BAR indicator is usefull tool alowing to search for pin bars you wish to find on the price chart, it has 2 parameters to filter out what type of pin bars you wish to search for: 1) MinTailProc 75% (default) which means to show pin bars that has minimum size of the Nose (Tail) as 75% of full candle size. If Upper Nose (Tail) size of the candle is minimum 75% of the candle size fully than candle is painted in RED. If Lower Nose

Simple Trading System Update !!! Follow this link to see our 2024 Strategy !!! ( Download the EAs scanner )
INTRODUCTION : The strength meter is an trading tool that is used to identify trending and consolidating markets based on the percentage rate.
You can use this indicator with Deal Trading Trend >> Click Here << To use this trading tool to identify trending and consolidating markets (the most important part)

极值突破信号 是一种基于价格突破关键支撑和阻力位的交易策略。当价格突破这些极值点时,通常意味着市场趋势发生变化,交易者可捕捉到新的上涨或下跌机会。 参数
extreme radius:极值半径(不同周期可以设置不同参数) 核心原理 支撑与阻力 :价格在支撑或阻力位附近往往受限,突破后可能引发新趋势。 突破确认 :突破后需确认有效性,通常结合成交量或其他指标。 信号类型 买入信号 :价格突破上方阻力位,可能进入上涨趋势。 卖出信号 :价格突破下方支撑位,可能进入下跌趋势。 应用 确认突破 :结合其他技术指标(如成交量、RSI、MACD)确认突破的有效性。 止损止盈 :止损设在突破前的支撑/阻力位,止盈根据市场波动设置。 优缺点 优点 :有助于提前抓住趋势初期,适用多种市场。 缺点 :假突破的风险较高,震荡行情中效果差。 总结 :极值突破信号有助于捕捉新趋势,但需要结合其他指标,避免假突破带来的风险。

Th indicator is a technical analysis tool that helps identify significant changes in price trends and filter out minor price fluctuations. It is used to highlight price swings and provide a clearer picture of market movements. The Pivots are found by checking if a certain candle is the highest/lowest in a given number of candles that come before and after it. This indicator has only one input, its period. The Higher the period, the more strict the indicator is about what constitutes a Pivot. Th

THE PRICE ACTION INDICATOR! This program finds candlestick absorption patterns and a false breakdown, after which it draws the entry points with arrows.
Input parameters:
1. PPR_Arrow The On parameter/Off display of the absorption model arrows. By default, it is set to true.
2. FB_Arrow Everything is the same as the first parameter, only for false breakdown models. By default, it is set to true.
Sincerely, Novak Production.

Crypto_Forex 指标“钩形模式”适用于 MT4。
- 指标“钩形模式”是价格行为交易的非常强大的指标:无需重绘,无延迟; - 指标可检测图表上的看涨和看跌钩形模式: - 看涨钩形 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 看跌钩形 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 具有 PC、移动和电子邮件警报。 - 指标“钩形模式”适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。 .................................................................................................................... // 更多出色的专家顾问和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

我將它們命名為“Adamant Levels”。

Using the indicator you can 1 Identify the trend and follow the large and small trends by drawing lines. When the price leaves the corridor of the lines, then with a high probability the price will go to the next line and reverse on it. 2 Long-line - Lay lines along the centers of fractals, the indicator can detect the fractal of the second point (Number bars analysis). Often the price can approach the line even after a week or a month and you can open a reversal trade. If the wave has passed w

The Free Pin Bar MT4 indicator identifies Pin Bars It will even give you sound or email alerts if want them. If you download it and like it please leave a review! It would be wonderful
Pin Bars are purely based on price action as reflected by the candle formations created by Forex price movements. input Parameters are maximum allowed body/length ratio for the Nose bar. Nose body should be position in top (bottom for bearish pattern) part of the Nose bar. tells the indicator that the Left Ey

Non-repaint price action pattern based indicator works on all timeframe the indicator is based on a 123 Triangle pattern that happens everyday on the market the indicator will point out the pattern for you and you can turn on Fib level to see your take profit. Blue triangle is a buy signal Red triangle is a sell signal horizonal blue and red lines is an indication to place your trail stop loss one price has reached that area only entry when the triangle has fully formed

Trend Lines Cross This indicator will alert you on any cross of a Trendline. You can draw up to two trend lines and form a channel, a pennant , a triangle or a simple trend and when the price crosses either trend line the indicator will provide you with alerts that you define plus an up or down arrow when the cross happened. How to: Draw the 1st trendline and name it tl1. Draw the 2nd trendline and name it tl2. Select which type of alerts you would like in the indicator properties and you a

ECM Elite Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific time algorithm, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market.
This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the channel theory is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market.
The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel, it's a trading opportunity.
The ind

XPointer is a completely ready trading system. It shows the trader when to open and close a trade. It works on all currency pairs and all time frames. Very easy to use and does not require additional indicators for its operation. Even a beginner trader can start working with XPointer. But it will also be useful for professional traders to confirm the opening of orders.
Features of the XPointer indicator It does not redraw its values. It works on all currency pairs and all time frames. It has al

Advanced Order Block Breaker The price has been reduced from 65$ discount to 35$!!!
Dashboard: Free scanner to monitor All pairs and timeframes here: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/59151 MT5 version Indicator: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/62769 Market structure changes as price reverses And filter with all import features built inside one tool. Breaker's smart algorithm detects the reverses, filters out market noise and gives entry signals with exit levels. Test the

This indicator allow you to measure Profit/Loss of current, closed or future trade in account currency and estimate margin level at the trade close point. Profit/Loss indicator is based on MT4 native Crosshair instrument and has following inputs: Trade Direction = Buy/Sell Lot size = 0.1 Font size = 8 Font color = DeepSkyBlue Offset horizontal Offset vertical

V1 Scalper is an easy to use tool designed for trend scalping. It tries to spot good entry points in a major trend by using swing high and lows formed along the trend . This tool can be used on Fx Pairs , Indices , Commodities and stocks. Not often but in some signals , the arrow might repaint on the current candle so extra confirmation tools are advised for tr

Please contact me after your full purchase for great bonuses.
Adaptive Reversal Star Expert Advisor and an additional indicator as a gift Info Panel are waiting for you. Adaptive Reversal Star is a new generation indicator with an advanced Adaptive algorithm , which additionally tracks potential reversal points and compares the values of the current market volatility when forming the main signals

This indicators automatically draws the support and resistances levels (key levels) for you once you've dropped it on a chart. It reduces the hustle of drawing and redrawing these levels every time you analyse prices on a chart. With it, all you have to do is drop it on a chart, adjust the settings to your liking and let the indicator do the rest.
But wait, it gets better; the indicator is absolutely free! For more information: https://youtu.be/rTxbPOBu3nY For more free stuff visit: https:

ATR Bands with Take-Profit Zones for MT4 The ATR Bands indicator for MT4 is designed to assist traders in managing risk and navigating market volatility. By using the Average True Range (ATR), it helps identify key price levels and set realistic stop-loss and take-profit zones. Key Features: ATR-Based Bands : The indicator calculates dynamic upper and lower bands using ATR. These bands adjust based on price volatility, helping to indicate potential support and resistance levels. Customizable Par

Symmetrical Triangle Pattern Indicator - Mastering Trend Recognition in MetaTrader Unlock the power of trend recognition with the "Symmetrical Triangle Pattern" indicator for MetaTrader. This innovative tool simplifies the identification of symmetrical triangle patterns, providing traders with clear signals for potential trend continuation or reversal. Elevate your trading strategies with this MQL offering. Key Features : Accurate Pattern Recognition : The Symmetrical Triangle Pattern Indicator

The ATR indicator is a helpful tool for measuring the range of bars. It quickly and easily helps evaluate the ATR's current spread (range), which is especially useful for VSA traders. The indicator for classifying the range of bars (candles) uses the moving average and its multiples. Accordingly, the area where the volume is located (relative to the moving average) is labeled as ultra-low, low, average, high, very high, or ultra-high. Our ATR indicator is rendered as a histogram. This indicator

A combination of trend, pullback, range breakouts and statistics in one indicator Mainly functions as an Entry indicator. Works in any pair and timeframe.
Suggested Combination Cluster Helix with Strength Meter Strategy: Confirm signals with ideal strength levels Watch Video: (Click Here)
Features Detects range breakouts on pullback zones in the direction of the trend Analyzes statistics of maximum profits and calculates possible targets for the next signal Flexible tool, can be used in many w

Trend Hunter is the indicator for filtering sideway and confirm trend to help your system trading. Indicator can use every currency pairs, every timeframe, and every broker. You can see trend and side way when color to change in candlestick.
Features Candlestick when the color changes to green: Uptrend. Candlestick when the color changes to red: Downtrend. Candlestick when the color changes to Yellow: Sideway.

ForexGumpUltra is a new and more advanced indicator of the ForexGump series. This indicator easily determines the price direction on any currency pair and any timeframe. The indicator draws its signals on the zero bar and does not redraw them (see the video). In the 34th second of the video it can be seen that this indicator uses new filters to determine the changes in price movement direction without delay, despite the market noise present at the moment (see the video on the 34th second). Once

Pattern Detector can detect the most common 1, 2 and 3 candlestick patterns and send notifications when detected. Demo version working on AUDNZD can be found https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/29189
How does it work Add the indicator to the chart you want to analyze and select which patterns to detect, the indicator will draw the detected patterns. You can also be notified via alert, app and email when a new pattern is detected.
Parameters Indicator Name - Used to draw the graphical object

Attention! Friends, since there have been many scammers on the Internet recently selling indicators called ForexGump, we decided to warn you that only on our page is the LICENSE AUTHOR'S VERSION of the INDICATOR sold! We do not sell this indicator on other sites at a price lower than this! All indicators are sold cheaper - fakes! And even more often sold demo versions that stop working in a week! Therefore, in order not to risk your money, buy this indicator only on this site!
Forex Gump Pro is

The indicator defines the buy and sell arrows with high performance and consistent results. Suitable for trend trading or following the trend. Automatic analysis of market opportunities ; Never repaints, recalculates or backpaints signals; This is FREE demo version of the indicator and works only on "EURUSD M15". Forex Trend Commander full version: All details about the indicator here : Works in all symbols + Multi Currency Scanner + SPECIAL BONUS .

Crypto_Forex 指标累积条形图模式适用于 MT4。
- 指标“累积条形图”是针对价格行为交易的非常强大的突破重点指标。 - 指标在 1 条期间检测窄区域内的价格累积并显示:突破方向、挂单和 SL 位置。 - 看涨累积条形图 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 看跌累积条形图 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 无需重绘,无延迟,高 R/R 比率(回报/风险)。 - 指标具有可调灵敏度参数。 - 具有 PC、移动和电子邮件警报。 - 指标“累积条形图”适合与支撑/阻力位结合使用。
// 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

ATR Pyramid ️:您的门票,助您堆积利润高过打了兴奋剂的叠叠乐塔 ,将市场波动转化为趋势冲浪 ️和加仓派对 ,只有第一笔交易有翻船风险 ,而您通过像电梯一样上移止损 来保护其余交易,创造一个舒适区,这是让您的外汇账户增长速度超过喝了浓缩咖啡的兔子的唯一真正途径!!! 注意了,所有利润堆积者和趋势冲浪者! ️ 这个 ATR Pyramid 指标是为那些喜欢建立金融金字塔的人准备的(我们保证是合法的那种 )。 你知道人们怎么说ATR只显示市场波动性吗? 好吧,情节转折 – 这不是全部! 这个巧妙的小工具实际上能比咖啡因上头的猎犬还快地嗅出趋势方向。 猜猜怎么着?我们用它来堆积利润,就像在自助餐厅一样。 ️ 但等等,还有更多! 要建立一个像吉萨金字塔一样宏伟,甚至更高的金字塔,我们建议您查看最大的做市商在做什么。怎么查?使用来自 glimpz.net 的 Glimpz 指标! ️️ 这就像有一个秘密窗口,可以洞察市场巨头的想法。不要逆流而上,要和大鱼一起乘风破浪!

This indicator can be used to show and evaluate the trailing stop algorithm "Trailing Stop with Inside Bars" that was proposed by the famous German trader and author Michael Voigt ("Das grosse Buch der Markttechnik") to capture robust gains when trading strong price moves. The trailing stop price is shown as a red line. You can start the trailing stop anywhere on your chart (bars or candles) by setting the "initialBarDateTime" input parameter to the open time of an arbitrary candle You can speci

MRBEAST Assistant El indicador MR BEAST Assistant para MetaTrader es un indicador multitemporal que se basa en tres indicadores estándar: el oscilador estocástico, el RSI (Índice de Fuerza Relativa) y el CCI (Commodity Channel Index). Muestra las direcciones de la tendencia actual para los marcos temporales M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1 y MN1. Cuando se sigue un indicador de este tipo se tiene una visión clara de las tendencias en todos los marcos temporales importantes. No imp

All in One package includes the Oscillator Predictor , MACD Predictor , Thrust Scanner and Advanced Fibonacci indicators which are mandatory for applying Dinapoli trade plans.
Please visit below links for detailed explanations of indicators. Advanced Fibonacci Indicator => https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52834 Thrust Scanner Indicator => https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52830 Overbought /Oversold Predictor indicator => https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52621
Macd P

指标在图表上找到脉搏波。 分析分形通道的击穿并建立脉冲电平。 此外,它还发现了所谓的虚假突破和流动性捕获的地方。 在设置中,您可以启用多币种仪表板并选择任何工具和时间表。 通知在当前计划或整个列表之间进行选择。 有单独的脉冲和假击穿信号。 Blog-Link - Retest and Fake Breakout with UPD1 。
交易模式: +按趋势重新测试 。 +假故障 。 +其他 。
EURUSD, GBPUSD, XAUUSD, ... M15, M30, H1 。
输入参数 。
主要的 。 Bars Count – 指示器的显示条数 。 Coeff Period – 蜡烛的数量来计算平均波浪大小。 Coeff - 无后坐力波的大小的系数,我们将考虑脉冲 。
图标视觉 。 Impulse End Arow – 显示波结束图标波结束图标 。 Impulse End Arow Code – 代码(Wingdings字体) 。 Impulse End Arow Indent Coeff – 压痕系数 。 Impulse End Arow Size - 图标大小 。

Crypto_Forex 指标“上吊线和倒锤线形态”适用于 MT4。
- 指标“上吊线和倒锤线形态”是价格行为交易的非常强大的指标:无需重绘,无延迟。 - 指标可检测图表上的看涨倒锤线和看跌上吊线形态: - 看涨倒锤线 - 图表上的蓝色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 看跌上吊线 - 图表上的红色箭头信号(见图片)。 - 带有 PC、手机和电子邮件提醒。 - 指标“上吊线和倒锤线形态”非常适合与支撑/阻力位和挂单结合使用。 ................................................................................................................. // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获得: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380/seller 这是仅在此 MQL5 网站上提供的原创产品。

动力之梯简介: 市场动力系统的应用,不是什么秘密,比如:量价背离、macd背离、缠论背驰等。但如何更正确地理解与计算,准确判断动力增减这点却是应用上的一个门槛,这个门槛很难用常规盯盘系统跨越。如何避免背了又背?如何多级别背驰并行计算?如何直观展现背驰的区间套?是几何结构服从于动力,还是动力服从于几何结构?区间套与几何结构的关系怎样? 正确计算一个走势的力度,是动力系统能被正确应用的基础。我们最常用来考察力度的方法有:1.使用macd指标高低点或面积; 2.走势的趋势线斜率等。这两种方式一般人都能够轻易学会并应用起来。我们表面上来看,这些力度比较评估的逻辑貌似都非常合情合理。实事上,这两种方式都存在重大缺陷,这些缺陷对于操盘来讲很可能会引起严重的后果。 Macd高低点或面积来评估力度是缠论学人的标准方式。这种方式的缺限是:在一个线段高低点之间,红绿柱往往是一部份在零轴之下,一部份在零轴之上,如果我们只将其中一部份拿来进行力度比较,那自然是不完整的。所以这种方案是一种极不准确的。拿着这个不准确的数值来评估走势的力度,就不可能获得可靠的结果,而这种不可靠结果不但会影响你对《缠论》应用的信心,

GT Trend M1/M5 trend system 这是专为在 M1 和 M5 图表上进行交易而设计的趋势指标。该指标非常适合喜欢日内交易的交易者。您可以将此指标用作您的交易系统的基础,或作为独立的交易解决方案。该指标易于使用。你只需要跟随信号。我还将免费向该指标的所有用户提供额外的指标,这将有助于尽可能有效地使用该方法。 该指标完美过滤了所谓的市场噪音,这将使您尽可能长时间地停留在趋势的右侧。祝您交易成功并盈利!指标信号不会重绘。无论您的经验如何,您都可以在您的交易中安全地应用此交易系统。该指标可用于任何交易工具,例如货币、黄金、指数、金属、股票等。 购买后,请务必与我联系以获取更多指标。还有丰厚的红利等着你!

This script generates a MACD with 6 color-coded histogram bars based on the position (above or below zero) and direction (rising or falling) of the histogram. It provides multi-time frame support , allowing users to view the MACD from different time frames on a single chart. The indicator uses customizable settings for MACD periods, histogram width, and vertical scaling. This script could be useful for traders who want a visually enhanced MACD with clearer trend and momentum representation acro

The Period Breakout Indicator is a versatile tool designed for traders seeking to identify breakout opportunities based on customizable time periods. This indicator automatically determines the highest and lowest prices within a user-defined period, allowing you to tailor it precisely to your trading strategy. Key Features
Customizable Time Periods: Define the start and end times based on your preferred trading hours or any specific period. The indicator will then calculate the highest

The indicator is specially designed for the trading utility Trade Shell (included Trade Shell SMC ) to get it working on visual strategy tester.
Backtest your trading ideas and indicators. Run Trade Shell on visual tester and then put this indicator on the chart. After that you will be able to control all functions of the Trade Shell as well as with live using! It does not work live! Use it with visual tester only. It does not require to set any setting on input parameters.
Have a good luck

指标 VR Calculate Martingale 是一个强大的工具,可以无风险地初步计算任何交易策略。由于该指标使用虚拟订单,交易者可以提前计算交易账户上事件的任何发展。您不再需要EXCEL表格和计算器,您不需要了解不同交易手数的多向头寸的平均公式。一切都会帮助你计算 VR Calculate Martingale. 设置、设置文件、演示版本、说明、问题解决,可以从以下位置获取 [博客]
您可以在以下位置阅读或撰写评论 [关联]
版本为 [MetaTrader 5] 该指标于 2015 年开发,旨在计算头寸网络中的交易,现已在全球范围内进行了重大更新。感谢大量的评论和建议,该指标得到了改进和更新。 计算器的基本功能 VR Calculate Martingale 创建虚拟订单,无交易风险 直接在图表上方便地编辑虚拟订单 网络上的仓位分组,最多可以创建 7 组订单 将虚拟订单附加到现有市场头寸 按订单组单独核算利润 止盈和止损水平的损益分开核算 虚拟市价订单和已平仓订单的利润分开计算 抵押品要求的计算 追加保证金水平显示 按价格和时间均匀分布持仓 能够设置您自己的存款金额、点值、

Pullback Viewer is designed to show valid pullback points in a bearish or bullish trend.
What is considered a valid pullback?
A valid pullback needs to have a body close outside the previous candle high (in a bearish trend ) or previous candle low (in a bullish trend ). If the candle wicks out the previous candle, it's not a valid pullback.
Pullback must liquidate the previous candle with a clean candle body close.
When is this indicator useful?
It's useful to understand and

信号交易指标既可以作为显示趋势通道的指标,也可以作为输入信号源之一,需要额外的滤波。 通过正确的方法,至少80%的成功交易。
大猩猩通道VZ的主要特点: 分析函数
它可以在任何货币对和时间框架上使用; 指标不重绘; 这是其他指标的一个很好的补充; 图形功能
占据图表上最小数量的位置; 柔性酊剂; 简单易学; 主要特点
打开/关闭警报的能力; 电子邮件警报,以消息和移动通知的形式; 发射大猩猩频道VZ: 启动指示器,调整最佳酊剂。
检查条-通道指示器大小(最佳值:150-200); 灵活性-信号调谐(最佳值:5-20); 偏差-通道宽度(最佳值:1.618-3); 中央线-显示中央虚线真/假; Cacl点-信号数(推荐全息触摸); 警报
警报消息-文本警报真/假; 警报声音-声音警报真/假; AlertEmail-发送警报到电子邮件true/false; AlertMobile-向智能手机发送通知真/假; 评论-上角左评论真/假;

The indicator trades during horizontal channel breakthroughs. It searches for prices exceeding extreme points or bouncing back, monitors night flat and defines targets using customizable Fibo levels with a sound alert, which can be disabled if necessary. The indicator allows you to create a horizontal channel between the necessary extreme points in visual mode quickly and easily. It automatically applies your selected Fibo levels to these extreme points (if the appropriate option is enabled in t

The Candle Countdown Timer for MetaTrader 4 (also available for MT5) is a vital indicator designed to help you manage your trading time effectively. It keeps you updated about market open and close times by displaying the remaining time before the current candle closes and a new one forms. This powerful tool enables you to make well-informed trading decisions. Key Features: Asia Range: Comes with an option to extend the range. Broker Time, New York, London Time: Displays the current broker time

SPREADEX e' un indicatore per MT4 e MT5 che indica la distanza dell'ASSET dal GP. il GP e' il prezzo del vero valore dell'ASSET sottostante ottenuto per stima. Il GP e' come una calamita, attira il prezzo dell'ASSET con alta probabilita' ed all'interno della stessa giornata di trading. Quindi SPREADEX indica quali sono gli asset piu distanti dal GP al momento in tempo reale. Fornendo un punto di vista al TRADER su quali asset concentrarsi e cercare eventuali segnali di inversione dei prezzi per

The Hi Lo Breakout is taken from the concept of the ZZ Scalper EA which exploits the inevitable behaviour of price fluctuations and breakouts. The fact that because market prices will always fluctuate to higher highs before ebbing down to lower lows, breakouts will occur.
But here I've added a few more filters which I see work well also as an Indicator.
Range Analysis : When price is within a tight range this Indicator will be able to spot this and only then look for price breaks. You

Royal Scalping Indicator is an advanced price adaptive indicator designed to generate high-quality trading signals. Built-in multi-timeframe and multi-currency capabilities make it even more powerful to have configurations based on different symbols and timeframes. This indicator is perfect for scalp trades as well as swing trades. Royal Scalping is not just an indicator, but a trading strategy itself. Features Price Adaptive Trend Detector Algorithm Multi-Timeframe and Multi-Currency Trend Low

The UNIVERSAL DASHBOARD indicator will eliminate the need of using dozens of indicators on dozens of charts. From one place you can monitor all the pairs and all the timeframes for each of the following indicators: MACD STOCHASTIC WPR RSI CCI You can also use any Custom indicator in the dashboard as long as it has a readable buffer. With a single click you can quickly navigate between charts, pairs and timeframes. Alerts will provide clear indication about what happens for your favorite pairs on

Индикатор iVeles_Perfect_Oscilator является опережающим и одним из самых лучших осциляторов на сегодняшний день, использует специализированный расчет текущих цен графика. Очень качественно и своевременно показывает смену направления, очень точный подход к уровням перекупленности и перепроданности, что позволяет своевременно принять решение по сделке. Работает качественно на любом ТФ и с любым инструментом. Параметры: period_Osc - период расчетов average_Osc - усреднение МА method_Osc - прим

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- 8,000+信号可供复制
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