Chuvashov 的叉子机械交易系统
Thomas DeMark
Stanislav Chuvashov 提出了一种利用“Chuvashov 的叉子”形态的外汇交易技术。 在该技术中,市场分析的方法跟 DeMark 为最近的时间间隔绘制趋势线的方法有一些共同之处。
1. 绘制“Chuvashov 的叉子”形态线的方法
绘制“Chuvashov 的叉子”时使用了分形指标。 绘制的主趋势线经过两个邻近的分形 1 和 2,如价格图表所示(参见下图)。 主上涨趋势线基于下分形绘制,主下跌趋势线基于上分形绘制。
图 1 绘制“Chuvashov 的叉子”形态
主趋势线在趋势的反方向突破后形成类似的分形 3 之前,我们应该等待。 所绘制的经过分形 2 和 3 的侧线和主趋势线一起形成了“Chuvashov 的叉子”(CF)形态。 这是由发明者 Stanislav Chuvashov 给定的名称。
CF 形态的主要要求是叉子的侧线必须跟趋势方向一致。 穿越侧线会产生信号:在上涨趋势卖出以及在下跌趋势买入。
下面是“Chuvashov 的叉子”形态的形成过程,以 EURUSD 在连续 4 天内的 H1 上为例。
图 2 “Chuvashov 的叉子”形态的形成
图 2 显示了上涨趋势中“Chuvashov 的叉子”形态的产生,表示趋势的终结或趋势即将走平。 РњРўS 打开了卖出头寸。
图 3 新的 CF 形态
6 个柱(小时)以后,形成了开口更宽的新 CF 形态(图 3),确认了之前所提示的趋势反转或走平。
机械交易系统在获利水平关闭了上一个卖出头寸并在 CF 形态条件下再次打开一个卖出头寸。
图 4 CF 形态确认
图 4 显示,在 10 月 11 日的趋势反转之后,趋势将转为向下,它于 10 月 12 日开始时由指向下方的 CF 形态进行确认。
在当天中午,新的反转趋势开始形成,因为价格向 CF 侧线移动。 在交叉侧线以后,可以关闭当前的卖出头寸并打开买入头寸。
图 5 趋势逆转
从图 5 可见, 10 月 12 日的剩余时间和 10 月 13 日的开始时间保持了向上的趋势。 在接近 13 日中午时,形成了向上的 CF 形态。 在 10 月 13 日的中午,另一个趋势反转开始出现。 按照形成的信号,机械交易系统将关闭买入头寸,并打开卖出头寸。
上面的形态形成过程,可以在可视模式下使用策略测试程序慢速测试随附作为 Expert Advisor 的 Fork_Ch_ExpertH1_v2.mq4 文件进行跟踪。
图 6 交易信号
图 6 对用于打开和关闭头寸的信号提供了一些说明。
2. 在 MQL4 中“Chuvashov 的叉子”建议代码的一些特点
注意:一些变量包含在主程序函数 Start() 中,因为它们在每次价格变动时应该进行归零。
我们开始搜索沿着(例如)下降趋势的最后三个连续分形。 在该情况下,我们得到一个朝下的叉子。 如果向上穿越侧线,就可以打开买入头寸。
// =================================================================== // Loop for searching for the last three consecutive fractals (BUY case) // lying along the DOWNtrend for the Chuvashov's Fork construction // ==================================================================+ for (i=M;i<=N;i++) {//loop if(High[i]>High[i+1] && High[i]>High[i+2] && High[i]>High[i-1] && High[i]>High[i-2]) { VFN++; // counter of the found fractal. // -------------------------------------------------------------+ if(VFN==1) // if the 1st fractal is found, store the following values: Max[i], candlestick no.[i], time[i]: { // f1 Vnf1=i; // store the Max bar number of the found fractal. VMF1=High[i]; // store the Max value of the 1st found fractal. tim1=iTime(NULL,0,i); // store the time of the 2nd reference point. } //-f1 // --------------------------------------------------------------+ if(VFN==2) // if the 2nd fractal is found, store the following values: Max[i], candlestick no.[i], time[i]: { VMF2=High[i]; // store the Max value of the 2nd found fractal. if(VMF2>VMF1) // if the Max value of the 2nd fractal is higher than that of the 1st fractal (i.e. directed downwards), { Vnf2=i; // store the Max bar number of the found fractal. tim2=iTime(NULL,0,i); // store the time of the 2nd reference point. } } // --------------------------------------------------------------+ if(VFN==3) // if the 3rd fractal is found, store the following values: Max[i], candlestick no.[i], time[i]: { VMF3=High[i]; // store the Max value of the 3rd found fractal. if(VMF3>VMF2) // if the Max value of the 3rd fractal is higher than that of the 2nd fractal, {Vnf3=i; // store the Max bar number of the 3rd fractal. tim3=iTime(NULL,0,i); // store the time of the 3rd reference point. } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------+ if(VFN==3) break; // all three fractals are found, exit the loop. // ------------------------------------------------------------------+ } }//-loop
在上面的循环中,我们找到三个以特定方式排布的分形,即第一个分形低于第二个分形,第二个分形低于第三个分形。 第三个和第二个分形是构建主趋势线的参考点,并成为其中的基础。
图 7 参考点位置的改善
// ------------------------------------------------------------------+ if(VMF3>VMF2 && VMF2>VMF1) { // Let us define whether the lateral (2) trend line is HIGHER than the projection of the MAIN(1) // trend line? For this purpose, we calculate the price value of the projection of the MAIN(1) trend line // on the vertical of the Max value of the 1st fractal: V_down1=((VMF3-VMF2)/(Vnf3-Vnf2)); // speeds of falling of the MAIN(1) trend line over 1 bar. PricePrL1_1f=VMF2-(Vnf2-Vnf1)*V_down1; // price of the projection of the MAIN(1) trend line on the vertical of the 1st fractal. // now compare the price value of the 1st fractal with the price of the projection of the MAIN(1) trend line // on the vertical of the Max value of the 1st fractal, and if the Max price of the 1st fractal is higher than the price of the projection of the // MAIN(1) trend line on the same fractal, then the Chuvashov's Fork construction requirements are met. if(VMF1>PricePrL1_1f) // if the pattern for opening a Buy position has emerged { V_down2=((VMF2-VMF1)/(Vnf2-Vnf1)); // speeds of falling of the lateral trend line over 1 bar. PricePrL2_1b=VMF1-Vnf1*V_down2; // price of the projection of the Lateral(2) trend line on the current 1st BAR. PricePrL1_1b=VMF2-Vnf1*V_down1; // price of the projection of the MAIN(1) trend line on the current 1st BAR // keep in mind that the pattern for opening a Buy position has emerged patternBuy = true; patternSell = false; // pattern for opening a Buy position has emerged // draw marks and lines of the "Chuvashov's Fork" pattern DelLine(); CreateLine(); CreateArrow(); // draw marks and lines having deleted the preceding ones } } // ==================================================================+
如果第一个分形的最高价格高于 MAIN(1) 趋势线在同一个分形上投影的价格,就符合 Chuvashov 的叉子的构建要求。
已经确定了“Chuvashov 的叉子”形态之后,我们可以在图表上绘制相应的形态标记和线。
// ==================================================================+ // Opening BUY positions + // ==================================================================+ if(OrdersTotal()<1) // we place one (or 2..3..etc.) orders { //open a position // ------------------------------------------------------------------+ if(patternBuy==true) { //patternBuy
如果最后 25 个柱上的价格范围至少有 50 个点,则会更好。
我们来添加额外条件,例如,在最近 24 或 48 个小时(柱)上的 150 周期移动平均线将朝下,价格将低于该指标(Fibo89s 水平)89 个点。
// 1st additional condition - price range over the last 25 bars is at least 50 points. if((High[iHighest(Symbol(),Period(),MODE_HIGH,25,0)]-Low[iLowest(Symbol(),Period(),MODE_LOW,25,0)])>=50*Point) {// price range // 2nd additional condition e.g. if the price is lower than 89 pip below the level of Ma144 (MA of 12 squared) if(Bid<Ma144_1-89*Point && // price is lower than Fibo89s level (Ma144_1-Ma144_48)<0) // Ma144 slope is negative {//2nd additional condition
if((High[1]>PricePrL2_1b || // Max of the candlestick is higher than the lateral projection of the 1st Bar Close[1]>PricePrL2_1b || // any candlestick closed above the projection of the 1st Bar (Open[1]<Close[1] && Close[1]>PricePrL2_1b) || // white candlestick crossed the projection of the 1st Bar Bid>PricePrL2_1b) && Bid<PricePrL2_1b+3*Point) // not higher than 3 pip of the price of the projection of the 1st Bar {
此外,我们来定义止损和获利参数。 将止损设置等于从“0”柱到第二个分形柱的间隔上的最小价格值,即第一个分形的最低水平。 将获利设置在价格范围的 0.6 水平。
因为该策略根据上涨趋势的下分形进行跟踪,我们将获利设置为大于两个最小价格范围,例如 100 - 200 点。
{// opening a Buy position. // Calculate Stop Loss as the Min price value over the interval from the "0" bar to the bar of the 2nd fractal. SL_B=(Bid-Low[iLowest(Symbol(),Period(),MODE_LOW,Vnf2,0)])/Point; if(SL_B<StopLevel) SL_B=Bid-(StopLevel+2)*Point; // if SL_B is less than StopLevel TP_B=120; Print(" OP_BUY Chuvashov's Fork"," VMF1 = ",VMF1," < ",PricePrH1_1f); Op_Buy_Ch(); return; }//- opening a Buy position.
//+=======================================================================+ // proceed to TRACING opened positions + //+=======================================================================+ for (i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i--) // loop for selection of BUY orders {//loop for selection of positions Buy if(!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {Print("Order selection error = ", GetLastError()); } if(OrderType()==OP_BUY ) // if the Buy order is placed { //2-type_Buy
如果打开买入头寸时已经出现上涨趋势形态,意味着价格已经反转并开始下跌。 应该关闭买入头寸。
//+=======================================================================+ //| Conditions for closing BUY positions + //+=======================================================================+ if(patternSell==true) // a pattern for opening a Sell position emerged { Print(" closing the BUY position as the opposite pattern has emerged"); Close_B_Ch(); // close the position SELL return; } //+=======================================================================+
修改过程分为三步。 第一步,绘制较靠近‘零亏损’的止损线。 第二步,当价格达到大于或等于止损的正利润后,将止损移动到开仓水平。
// ---- 1st stage ------------------------------------------ 1st stage ---+ // The first modification stage: when the price reaches the profit // equal to the Stop Loss value, we move SL_B by 1/2 value of Stop Loss // i.e. closer to the position opening level. (+StopLevel) if((Bid-OrderOpenPrice())>SL_B*Point // if the difference between the price and the opening value is >SL_B && OrderStopLoss()<OrderOpenPrice()) // and if Stop Loss is less than the position opening level. {// modif-1 OrderModify(OrderTicket(), // order #. OrderOpenPrice(), // opening price. OrderStopLoss()+(SL_B/2)*Point, // New value of Stop Loss. OrderTakeProfit()+1*Point, // New value of Take Profit. 0, // Deferred order expiration time. Red); // Color of modification marks (dashes). return; }//-modif-1 // --- end of 1st stage -----------------------------------------------------+ // ---- 2nd stage ------------------------------------------ 2nd stage ---+ // The second modification stage: when the price repeatedly reaches profit // equal to the Stop Loss value, we move SL_B to the 'zero-loss' // level, i.e. to the position opening level (+StopLevel). if((Bid-OrderOpenPrice())>SL_B*Point // if the difference between the price and the position opening value is >SL_B && OrderStopLoss()<OrderOpenPrice()) // and if Stop Loss is less than the position opening level {// modif-1 OrderModify(OrderTicket(), // order #. OrderOpenPrice(), // opening price. OrderStopLoss()+(SL_B+StopLevel)*Point, // New value of Stop Loss. OrderTakeProfit()+1*Point, // New value of Take Profit. 0, // Deferred order expiration time. Magenta); // Color of modification marks (dashes). return; }//-modif-1 // --- end of 2nd stage -----------------------------------------------------+
当价格达到超过止损值 1.5 倍的利润时,我们将 SL_B 绘制到最近的下分形,它应该高于之前的止损并继续沿着上涨趋势的上升下分形。
// ---- 3rd stage --------------------------------------- 3rd stage ------+ // When the price reaches the profit of more than 1.5 times the Stop Loss value // draw SL_B to the nearest lower fractal that should be higher than the preceding Stop Loss if((Bid-OrderOpenPrice())>=(SL_B+SL_B/2)*Point // if the difference between the price and the opening value is >SL_B+SL_B/2 && OrderStopLoss()>=OrderOpenPrice()) // and if Stop Loss is already at the 'zero-loss' level. {// modif2 // move SL_B to the level of the nearest lower fractal, // for this purpose, find the nearest lower fractal: for (k=3;k<=24;k++) {//loop-M if(Low[k]<Low[k+1] && Low[k]<Low[k+2] && Low[k]<Low[k-1] && Low[k]<Low[k-2]) { // fractal Low VlFl_L=Low[k]; // Min value of the nearest fractal if(VlFl_L>OrderStopLoss()) // fractal that should be higher than the preceding Stop Loss {// fractal higher than SL_B tim1_L=iTime(NULL,0,k); // Time of this fractal /// string Time1_L=TimeToStr(tim1_L,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES); /// Print(" Modif-2 ====== "," Fractal = ","Frak"+k,VlFl_L," time = ",Time1_L); // shift Stop Loss to the formed lower fractal Min value level OrderModify(OrderTicket(), // order # OrderOpenPrice(), // opening price VlFl_L+2*Point, // New value of Stop Loss. // in zero-loss OrderTakeProfit()+1*Point, // New value of Take Profit. 0, // Deferred order expiration time. Aqua); // Color of Stop Loss and/or Take Profit modification arrows if(VlFl_L!=0) break; // if the fractal is found, exit the loop return; // --- end of 3rd stage ------------------------------------------------------+
所描述的技术可供交易者作为交易系统的组成部分。 但是,在打开头寸的过滤器方面,还需要进一步的开发。 上面提到的过滤器可以根据该技术的发明者 Stanislav Chuvashov 的建议进行改善。
Stanislav Chuvashov 的建议可以参阅其书籍 17 free lessons(俄语)。
- Fork_Ch_ExpertH1_v1.mq4 - “Chuvashov 的叉子”机械交易系统
- Fork_Ch_MTS_v2.mq4 - “Chuvashov 的叉子”机械交易系统,程序文本中没有注释。
本文由MetaQuotes Ltd译自俄文
原文地址: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/1352