考虑 T. Demark 方法的趋势线指标
买家(“牛市力量”)和卖家(“熊市力量”)的角力可以使用趋势线表现。Thomas Demark 开发的客观方法是在趋势绘制的 TD-线上选择两个点(你可以在此处找到 T. Demark 有关技术分析方法的详细信息)。
在 T. Demark 看来,对交易者最重要的是市场的最后状态,在指标的建议版本中,趋势的最后方向用粗实线绘制,这对于分析当前状态以了解趋势之前最邻近的方向并不奇怪,其中趋势之前最邻近的方向以细虚线绘制。
该指标的 MQL4 代码中的一些特点
指标中使用了四个缓冲区。其中两个用于线条方向的箭头代码,两个用于 TD-线向左侧的延长。
前十个柱(在第二个 TD-点左侧)由指标的缓冲区绘制,颜色为 «aqua» 。
#property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 4 #property indicator_color1 Chartreuse #property indicator_color2 Tomato #property indicator_color3 Aqua #property indicator_color4 Aqua // ----- indicator_buffers double TrendUpBuffer[]; double TrendDownBuffer[]; double TrendLineBufferUp[]; double TrendLineBufferDown[];
int init() { //---- indicators SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_ARROW); // the type and the style of the indicator line SetIndexArrow(0,236); // the icon for the indicator line SetIndexBuffer(0,TrendUpBuffer); // the declaration of the unidimensional array SetIndexEmptyValue(0,0.0); // the size of the empty value of the indicator SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_ARROW); SetIndexArrow(1,238); SetIndexBuffer(1,TrendDownBuffer); SetIndexEmptyValue(1,0.0); SetIndexStyle(2,DRAW_LINE); SetIndexBuffer(2,TrendLineBufferUp); // for the rising line SetIndexEmptyValue(2,0.0); SetIndexStyle(3,DRAW_LINE); SetIndexBuffer(3,TrendLineBufferDown); // for the descending line SetIndexEmptyValue(3,0.0); //---- return(0);
int deinit() { // DelObj1(); // DelObj2(); return(0); }
void DelObj1() { ObjectDelete("TrDdown"); // Deleting of the object with the specified name. } void DelObj2() { ObjectDelete("TrDup"); }
我们来检查条件 #1(Max 柱的价格必须高于右侧和左侧柱的价格)。
for(int i=2;i<48;i++) // 48 hours - 2 days // i- index of the bar to be verified { if(High[i]>High[i+1]&&High[i]>High[i-1]) {
然后检查条件 #2(支撑价格最大值应高于两个柱以外登记前的收盘价格)。
以防条件 #1 和条件 #2 同时满足,我们置入了匹配计数器。
if(High[i]>Close[i+2]) { U++; // the counter of matches of the 1st and the 2nd conditions if(U==1) {
// The price of the First check point when the conditions #1 and #2 are fulfilled TD_up[1]=High[i]; index_up_1=i; // the index of the First check point Pr_up_Cl_1=Close[i-1]; // the close price of the bar that follows the check point time_up_1=iTime(NULL,0,index_up_1); // the time of the first check point
// this is an easy-to-follow time to control the operators processing Time_up_1=TimeToStr(time_up_1,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES); Print(" Up price of First check point = ",TD_up[1]," ; index = ", index_up_1," time = ",Time_up_1);
} if(U==2) { // The price of the Second check point when the conditions #1 and #2 are fulfilled TD_up[2]=High[i]; index_up_2=i; // the index of the Second check point time_up_2=iTime(NULL,0,index_up_2);// the time of the Second check point
Time_up_2=TimeToStr(time_up_2,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES); Print(" Up price of Second check point = ",TD_up[2]," ; index = ", index_up_2," time = ",Time_up_2);
现在我们有了两个 TD-检查点,需要检查下跌趋势的条件,即第一个检查点的价格必须低于第二个检查点的价格。
// the condition of the downtrend (the right TD-point must be lower than the left one) if((U==2 && TD_up[1]<TD_up[2])==false) { Print(" Up the conditions of the downtrend are not fulfilled "); U--; TD_up[2]=0.0; index_up_2=0; time_up_2=0; continue; }
如果不满足条件,我们将计数器降低 1 并将价格、指数和时间的值归零,返回循环开始,以继续搜索另一第二检查点。如果满足条件,则计算 TD-线下跌的速度。
else { Print(" Up the conditions of the downtrend are fulfilled "); // the calculation of the speed of TD_max falling by two discovered points V_up=(TD_up[2]-TD_up[1])/(index_up_2-index_up_1);//speed(pips/bar) // the calculated value of TD-line on the first bars which is to the right of Max Pr_Tr_up_1=TD_up[1]-V_up; // if we subtract the product of speed of TD-line falling times number of bars // from the price of the 1-st check point, we'll obtain the price of the Pr_Tr_up_0=TD_up[1]-(index_up_1*V_up); // downtrend on the "0" bar
现在我们来检验条件 #3(对于最后的支撑价格最高值,下一个(右侧)柱的收盘价格必须低于 TD-线下跌速度的计算值) - 这是确认下跌趋势的条件。
// let's check the condition #3 (for the last supporting price maximum the close // price for the next (to the right) bar must be lower than the calculated // value of the speed of TD-line falling) if((Pr_up_Cl_1< Pr_Tr_up_1)==false) { Print(" Up The condition of verity of downtrend is not fulfilled!"); i=index_up_1+2; TD_up[1]=0.0; TD_up[2]=0.0; time_up_1=0; time_up_2=0; index_up_1=50; index_up_2=50; U=0; continue; }
如果未满足下跌趋势的条件 #3,则应重新开始搜索 Td-点。为此,有必要对之前得到的所有变量归零,从第一个检查点首个发现值的左侧第二个柱开始搜索。
else { // if the condition #3 is fulffiled, the trend is true Print(" Up the conditions of Downtrend verity are fulfilled "); // memorize the values of variables for drawing the TD_Down line TDu1=TD_up[1]; // price of the 1-st point T_u1=time_up_1; // time of the 1-st point TDu2=TD_up[2]; // price of the 2-nd point T_u2=time_up_2; // price of the 2-nd point TrendDownBuffer[index_up_1]=TDu1+5*Point;// put the down arrow
现在用第二个检查点左侧的趋势线的 10 个值填充缓冲区。
// prices of 10 bars of the trend line to the left of TD-point for(int k=index_up_2;k<index_up_2+10;k++) TrendLineBufferDown[k]=Pr_Tr_up_0+k*V_up; Print(" exit from the cycle of searching, because 2 TD-points are found"); break; }
如果满足检验条件,将在第二个检查点左侧的 10 个柱上绘制趋势线。现在将使用 ObjectCreate() 函数在右侧绘制趋势线。为此,程序的最后包含一个趋势线绘制程序块。
在程序块中,前两个运算符控制 TD-线的粗度(STYLE_SOLID)在程序块中,前两个运算符控制 TD-线的粗度。我们绘制下降线并退出搜索 TD-点峰值的循环,初步删除之前存在的线。
//==================================================================================+ // for Min points (troughs) for(int j=2;j<48;j++) // 48 hours - 2 days // j- index of the bar to be checked { // let's check the conditon #1 (the price of the bar must be lower than the prices of the left and the right bars) if(Low[j]<Low[j+1]&&Low[j]<Low[j-1]) { // let's check the condition #2 (The supporting price Minimum must be lower than // the close price of the bar beyond two bars before the registration <to the left of Min>) if(Low[j]<Close[j+2]) { D++; // the counter of coincidences of the 1-st and the 2-nd conditions if(D==1) { TD_down[1]=Low[j]; index_down_1=j; Pr_down_Cl_1=Close[j-1]; time_down_1=iTime(NULL,0,j); Time_down_1=TimeToStr(time_down_1,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES); Print(" D price of the First check point ",TD_down[1]," ; index ",index_down_1, " ; Close to the right ",Pr_down_Cl_1," ; ",Time_down_1); } if(D==2) { TD_down[2]=Low[j]; index_down_2=j; time_down_2=iTime(NULL,0,j); Time_down_2=TimeToStr(time_down_2,TIME_DATE|TIME_MINUTES); Print(" D price of the Second check point ",TD_down[2]," index ",index_down_2, " time ",Time_down_2); // the condition of the rising trend (the right Min point must be higher than the left one) if((D==2 && TD_down[1]>TD_down[2])==false) { Print(" D The conditions of the Rising trend are not fulfilled! "); D--; TD_down[2]=0.0; continue; } else { Print(" D the conditions of the Rising trend are fulfilled"); // the calculation of the speed of TD_min rising by two discovered points V_down=(TD_down[1]-TD_down[2])/(index_down_2-index_down_1); // the calculated value of the line on the 1-st bar to the right of Min Pr_Tr_down_1=TD_down[1]+V_down; } // let's check the condition #3 (for the last (to the right) price minimum, // the close price of the next bar must be higher than the calculated value // of the speed of TD-line rising). if((Pr_down_Cl_1> Pr_Tr_down_1)==false) { i=index_down_1+1; TD_down[1]=0.0; TD_down[2]=0.0; time_down_1=0; time_down_2=0; index_down_1=50; index_down_2=50; D=0; continue; } else { // the condition #3 is fulfilled, the trend is true Print(" D the conditions of Rising trend verity are fulfilled "); TDd1=TD_down[1]; T_d1=time_down_1; TDd2=TD_down[2]; T_d2=time_down_2; // the calculated price of the trend line on the "0" bar Pr_Tr_down_0=TD_down[1]+(index_down_1*V_down); TrendUpBuffer[index_down_1]=TDd2-2*Point; // put the up arrow // the price of 10 bars of the trend line to the right of the Second check point for(int n=index_down_2;n<index_down_2+10;n++) TrendLineBufferUp[n]=Pr_Tr_down_0-n*V_down; Print(" D exit the cycle of searching, because two TD-points are found "); break; } } } } } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
绘制趋势线的程序块使最新的 TD-线以粗实线绘制(STYLE_SOLID),在它前面方向相反的线以细虚线绘制(STYLE_DOT。
可能会发生趋势长时间沿一个方向移动的情况。如果是这样的话,就不会找到相反趋势的第二个 TD-点,将价格、时间和指数的中间值写入变量。为了使中间值不影响趋势线的绘制,应该插入线条绘制条件过滤器:例如,如果未找到第二条 TD-线,价格值将设置为“0”,同时,第一个点的指数值将会固定,如果该值低于相反方向线的第一个 TD-点的值,则具有真参数的最后趋势线可以用其他线型和颜色绘制。这就是指定时间过滤器的原因。查看一下附件。
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ // the drawing of the trend lines to the right of the Second check point // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ if(TDd2==0.0) index_down_1=50; if(TDu2==0.0) index_up_1=50; else { Print(" TDd2 = ",TDd2," index_up_1 = ",index_up_1," > index_down_1 = ",index_down_1); Print(" Up We draw the Descending one and exit from the cycle of searching the peaks for the TD-points"); DelObj1(); // preliminary deleting the previously existed line ObjectCreate("TrDdown",OBJ_TREND,0,T_u2,TDu2,T_u1,TDu1); if(index_up_1>index_down_1) { // the previous direction of the trend is drawn with: ObjectSet("TrDdown",OBJPROP_COLOR,Yellow); ObjectSet("TrDdown",OBJPROP_WIDTH,1); // thin line and ObjectSet("TrDdown",OBJPROP_STYLE,STYLE_DOT);// dotted line } else { // the very last direction of the trend is drawn with: ObjectSet("TrDdown",OBJPROP_COLOR,Yellow); ObjectSet("TrDdown",OBJPROP_WIDTH,2); // thicker line ObjectSet("TrDdown",OBJPROP_STYLE,STYLE_SOLID); // solid line } } // ----------------------------- if(TDd2==0.0) index_down_1=50; else { Print(" TDd1 = ",TDd1," index_up_1 = ",index_up_1," < index_down_1 = ",index_down_1); Print(" D We draw the Rising one and exit from the cycle of searching the troughs for TD-points"); DelObj2(); // preliminary deleting the previously existed line ObjectCreate("TrDup",OBJ_TREND,0,T_d2,TDd2,T_d1,TDd1); if(index_up_1<index_down_1) { ObjectSet("TrDup",OBJPROP_COLOR,Yellow); ObjectSet("TrDup",OBJPROP_WIDTH,1); ObjectSet("TrDup",OBJPROP_STYLE,STYLE_DOT); } else { ObjectSet("TrDup",OBJPROP_COLOR,Yellow); ObjectSet("TrDup",OBJPROP_WIDTH,2); ObjectSet("TrDup",OBJPROP_STYLE,STYLE_SOLID); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ return(0); }
注意:几乎所有的 "Print(...)" 运算符都为程序执行的可视化控制服务,所以可以对其“注释”,字符串(TimeToStr())类型的运算符对于控制也是必不可少的。
本文由MetaQuotes Ltd译自俄文
原文地址: https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/1507