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Новые технические индикаторы для MetaTrader 5 - 46

icon На основании сигналов технических индикаторов принимаются решения относительно открытия или закрытия сделки на фондовом и форекс-рынках. Суть индикаторов заключается в математическом преобразовании цены и/или объемов финансового инструмента для прогнозирования изменений цен в будущем. Протестируйте технические индикаторы, чтобы лучше предсказывать поведение рынка и зарабатывать на этом.
Moving Average Trend Alert is a triple MA indicator that helps traders to identify potential market trends based on 3 MAs alignment and crossover. Moving Average Trend Alert features: Customizable short-term, medium-term, and long-term MAs. Option to filter signals based on a minimum distance between moving averages to avoid premature MAs alignment. Optional Filter of signals with RSI indicator overbought/oversold levels. Optional Filter of signals with ADX indicator. Popup, email, and phone no
The Indicator show Daily Pivot Points. It is possible to specify the number of days to display. For forex it doesn't consider the sunday session data. It is possibile to modify the color, style and  width for every level. It is better to use this indicator with timeframe not higher than Н1. 4 Levels of support and resistance with also Intermediate Levels that is possible to hide.
Indicator introduction: The indicator draws wave lines and histograms, It has small price lag, and the signal will not drift. The indicator can send emails, alerts and notifications to you when previous k line has an up arrow and it is under the histogram sections or it has a down arrow. you can choose whether or not to send the two kind of alerts, the alerts repetition times can also be changed. If the indicator appears red and green histograms, this is a buy zone. It can be used to analyze mar
Indicator introduction: The indicator is calculated by volumes and prices, It is a single side indicator, only has up arrow signals. It is better to use it in conjunction with other trend indicators, and you need to find the most efficient time to use it in order to acquire a high winning probability. The indicator can send emails, alerts and notifications to you when the indicator before k line has an up arrow. The indicator's parameters can be changed, including the computation period of the
FIRST: I am NOT a coder ! I am a TRADER that was forced to code, because i needed some special tools! So i am sorry for minor graphic-bugs and so on... ############################################################################# - simple Price Action Indicator - we   recommend   it for   CURRENCY   and GOLD Trades - NON Lagging ! the Alert shows instantly whats happening --> thats why the ARROW   appears   at the MOMENT the REVERSAL-Candle gets   EXCEEDED SETUP: -   recommended   SETUP is: 3 C
- simple Price Action Indicator - a  3 Candle Pattern (1. Direction-Candle / 2. the TRAP / 3. Trigger-Candle)    BUT every Signal needs ATTENTION to check for a clean Range - NON Lagging ! the Alert shows instantly whats happening - recommended SETUP is: - there is a VOLUME-Filter (in points for the   1. candle ) to avoid alerts with tiny Candles during a NON-VOLUME-Time - 10% off the Boobietrap-Candle as the ALERT-Level --> can easily be adjusted - user defined - recommended Timeframe: M30 (we
FIRST: I am NOT a coder ! I am a TRADER that was forced to code, because i needed some special tools! So i am sorry for minor graphic-bugs and so on... ############################################################################# - simple Price Action Indicator - NON Lagging ! the Alert shows instantly whats happening - there is a VOLUME-Filter (Candle-Size in points)  to avoid alerts with tiny Candles during a NON-VOLUME-Time plus you have a RANGE-Filter-Option (to make sure you get only the h
Adrian MOROSAN (2011) examined the same set of data using both traditional and modified RSI. He also incorporated trading volume in the method's calculating formula. Finally, findings acquired using the indicator's traditional form will be compared to those obtained using the modified version. He found that, in comparison to the original form, his version resulted in a greater advantage when a different, even opposing interpretation was used. And, in the alternative case, it resulted in much lar
- simple PRICE Action Indicator/ Tool  -   SELF-Adjusting - you choose the UPPER Border of your RANGE ( Resistance) - you choose the LOWER Border of your RANGE ( Support) # Alert happens when the PRICE    TOUCHes    1 of these Borders # (we release a CLOSED above/below - Version too)  - popup Alert or custom sound  - PUSH notification ( no email - that tool is for quicker action) - once a Border got hit -->   it doesnt disappear   --> it goes a selectable amount of POINTS ( RANGE(new) ) above/b
- simple PRICE Action Indicator/ Tool  -   SELF-Adjusting - you choose the UPPER Border of your RANGE ( Resistance) - you choose the LOWER Border of your RANGE ( Support) # Alert happens when the PRICE    CLOSES    above/below 1 of these Borders # (we released a TOUCH - Version too)  - popup Alert or custom sound  - PUSH notification  - eMAIL notification - once a Border got crossed(closed candle! )-->   it doesnt disappear   --> it goes a selectable amount of POINTS ( RANGE(new) ) above/below t
This indicator is based on a mathematical formula which gives you the possibility to seek and find the right frequency of the movement, and to determine its key level; just adjust the frequency parameter! Simple and highly effective; using this indicator you can easily predict the next support and  resistance    levels of the day. Also, this indicator determines the range and the next two importants levels of the movement outside this range so far. SGFL3 and RGFL3  are levels with high certainty
One for All Trend Scanner is a trend following multi-symbol indicator that can be used with any input: forex, stocks, commodities,... The panel shows three indicators and six symbols with the trend for every pair (symbol/indicator): up, down or no trend. The indicators are: Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) Relative Strength Index (RSI) You can choose which indicators will use for entry/exit and can adjust the parameters of each indicator sepa
The Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE) indicator is derived from Wilder’s famous Relative Strength Index (RSI). In essence, the QQE is a heavily smoothed RSI. Modification of this version: ( converted from tradingview script by Mihkell00, original from Glaz) So there are Two QQEs. One that is shown on the chart as columns, and the other "hidden" in the background which also has a 50 MA   bollinger band   acting as a zero line. When both of them agree - you get a blue or a red bar.
FX Probability (Price) Features 1. Displays Probability and Key Price Levels. 2. Key Price Levels: Calculated as (Buy + Sell) × (Limit + Stop) = 4 Lines, shown when Probability > 55%. 3. Time Frame Dependency: Each timeframe has different OHLC prices, affecting Probability calculations. 4. Breakout Condition: If the price breaks the historical Highest or Lowest, Probability may reach 99%. 5. Parameter: PatrolPoints = 6 : The indicator recalculates only when the price moves 6 points (reducing
This indicator draws a trend line and a trend tunnel on the chart. You can choose several calculation methods, alerts, notifications, and other settings. It can also draw trendlines from another TimeFrame. You can also use this indicator for your ExpertAdvisor. The current values of the lines are stored in the memory buffer from where the EA can load them. You can trade the price bounce from the upper and lower lines .   Settings TimeFrame – trend timeframe Description – show description of line
It's a indicators that computes volatility-adjusted momentum. The problem with the  momentum indicator  is that it's absolute and it's hard to interpret its value. For example, if you'll change the timeframe or instrument value of Momentum will be very different. We tried to solve that by expressing momentum in  volatility  . This way you can easier spot overbought/oversold values. You can choose to use Standard Deviation or ATR for adjustments. Our method is base on Momentum and the Cross-secti
Key level wedge MT5
Presley Annais Tatenda Meck
The   Key level wedge MT5   indicator automatically draws rising wedge pattern and falling wedge pattern for you on the chart. This pattern is really good when used as a confirmation entry at key support & resistance, supply & demand and reversal zones. Advantages  The   Key level wedge MT5   block DOES NOT RE-PAINT, giving you confidence when a signal appears and also helps when looking back.  The   Key level wedge MT5   includes an on/off button on the chart to easily keep the charts clean
* Исправлен и ускорен зигзаг. (Вы можете изменить диапазон) * Зигзаг обновляется с каждой новой свечой/баром. * Если вы хотите, активировав кнопку, только при нажатии кнопки он ищет шаблон. Если вы делаете это автоматически, он выполняет поиск при каждом обновлении диаграммы. * 17 часто используемых гармонических паттернов и специальный паттерн, в котором вы можете определить свои собственные пропорции. * Вы можете сделать график простым с отображением цены. Вы можете сделать представление треу
Multi Timeframe VWAP
Carlos Gomez Zorrilla Amate
The multi VWAP indicator will plot on your chart up to 7 different VWAPs: daily, weekly, quarterly and yearly plus up to 2 customizable intraday sessions. It will also plot the closing level of the previous period for each of the VWAPs displayed e.g. during the month of November you will see the VWAP closing level of October or during Q3 you will see the Q2's closing VWAP price. All levels can also display an optional label. Besides, in order to improve the indicator precision, it will automatic
Thunder Scalper
Mr Fares Mohammad Alabdali
Индикатор целей покупки и продажи       Он состоит из трех строк: первый зеленый цвет обозначает цели покупки, второй красный цвет — цели продажи, а третий синий цвет — среднюю цену.       Есть два способа войти -       Метод 1: Точка входа, когда средняя цена пробита длинной свечой снизу и остается выше синей линии с зеленой свечой, считается покупкой.       Когда средняя цена пробивает вершину красной свечой, это считается продажей.       Второй способ: путем достижения целей, например, при до
После долгого ожидания мой первый продукт наконец-то появился на рынке. Мой индикатор Supertrend дает четкие сигналы на вход и выход. Индикатор основан на волатильности и по своей функции является скорее индикатором следования за трендом. Благодаря индикатору ATR, который интегрирован в расчет Супертренда, ценовые разрывы также рассчитываются и не упускаются из виду. Это позволяет рассчитать более точные значения. При измерении волатильности за основу берется среднее значение текущей цены.
Get FREE Advanced Online Course and Learn About Our Advanced Trading System, Link in the Bio!  Click Here.  Our Mission and Vision:   Why Am I Even Here? Here is The Deal Brother, We Offer:Premium Quality Indicators: The Highest Quality Possible Algorithms. Unlimited Activations: Can be used on Unlimited number of Computers, MT4s and MT5s for lifetime. Inexpensive Prices: 30$ is the lowest price possible, Knowing that more than 50% of our Indicators are 100% FREE. But Why Am I telling You this?
Индикатор отображает сигналы по системе Джейка Бернстейна MAC (Moving Average Channel - Канал скользящих средних) ---------------------------------------- Система предусматривает несколько способов открытия позиций, в индикаторе реализован только один - открытие позиции по окончанию (закрытию) бара. Подробно об этой системе можно узнать из бесплатных уроков Джейка Бернстейна https://www.youtube.com/@JakeatMBH/videos Стрелочкой показывается бар, на котором открывается позиция,  крестик - уровень
The XR Gartley Pattern MT5 is an indicator which displays and alerts Gartley pattern detected on the candlestick chart. It also displays potential trade with calculated Take Profit and Stop Loss. After purchasing XR Gartley Pattern Indicator, you can immediately download this indicator from the MT4-MT5 Market and start using it because all features are set to default, is not necessary to change any parameter. In addition, we have created a  private group  for customers who have purchased one of
Short description : TAMA is, at its core, a novel method for correcting moving averages (MAs) during trends. | This usually also results in better smoothing and a significantly lower time delay (lag) of the MAs. | The indicator can additionally be used for price forecasts and band formation, also combined. | TAMA received an award from VTAD in 2022. | Honored with the VTAD Award 2022 (VTAD = Association of Technical Analysts Germany, German branch of IFTA).   Core Features : Classic MAs are
Description:  The "Trend Finder Multi Time Frames multi pairs" indicator is a new technical analysis tool designed to assist traders in identifying and confirming trends across multiple timeframes and multiple pairs at the same time. By combining the strengths of various timeframes, this indicator offers a comprehensive view of the market's direction, helping traders make more informed decisions. Features: Multi-Timeframe Analysis: The indicator analyzes trends on different timeframes (e.g., M1
Bonginkosi Innocent Khumalo
A Metatrade 5 technical Indicator made of the best trading strategy, very easy to use and to understand. Providing  good and reliable signals for scalping and  swing trading. Always killing the shower on any pair , whether currency’s, stock’s, index, community , Deriv synthetics and many more. TransitKiller is a very useful technical indicator system, that analyze the market using a unique technical strategy so that it can give accurate signal’s for buying or selling , and the bull’s and bear po
The   key level supply and demand indicator   is the first supply and demand indicator with options to change settings to show different zones, giving you the choice to pick the zones you see are being respected the most and saving the settings. Advantages  The   key level supply and demand   DOES NOT REPAINT unlike other supply and demand currently in the market. This gives you a massive advantage to scroll back and see how price reacted on previous levels. The   key level supply and demand  
A pin bar pattern consists of one price bar, typically a candlestick price bar, which represents a sharp reversal and rejection of price. The pin bar reversal as it is sometimes called, is defined by a long tail, the tail is also referred to as a “shadow” or “wick”. The area between the open and close of the pin bar is called its “real body”, and pin bars generally have small real bodies in comparison to their long tails. The tail of the pin bar shows the area of price that was rejected, and t
An “inside bar” pattern is a two-bar price action trading strategy in which the inside bar is smaller and within the high to low range of the prior bar, i.e. the high is lower than the previous bar’s high, and the low is higher than the previous bar’s low. Its relative position can be at the top, the middle or the bottom of the prior bar. The prior bar, the bar before the inside bar, is often referred to as the “mother bar”. You will sometimes see an inside bar referred to as an “ib” and its m
The Hull  Butterfly  Oscillator (HBO) is an oscillator constructed from the difference between a regular  Hull Moving Average  (  HMA  ) and another with coefficients flipped horizontally . Levels are obtained from cumulative means of the absolute value of the oscillator. These are used to return dots indicating potential reversal points . This indicator draw line in separate window, plus blue dot (for buy signal) when hull oscillator is peak and red when sell signal. It  also includes integrate
A simple indicator to help showing the remaining time until the candle closes for all pre-defined chart periods with the following formats depending on which timeframe the chart is on. DD:HH:MM:SS - in case of W1, and MN period HH:MM:SS - in case of other periods Included with some of configurations as follows (please see attached inputs screenshot) X/Y distance to the upper right corner of the chart window Text size Text color Show/hide
To download MT4 version please click here . Metatrader users are limited to few moving average types. Therefor I decided to create a package consisting of all MAs I knew. This package suggests 12 different types: { SMA, EMA, DEMA, TEMA, WMA, VWMA, SMMA(RMA), HullMA, LSMA, ALMA, SSMA, TMA } You can configure them via input tab. This is a non-repaint indicator with light load. To implement them I referred to standard  libraries of pine script.
This indicator helps to identify market sessions, It's High/Low, Open Range (OR), range of the sessions in pips and percentage of previous day (change%) under OHLC.   It is also editable for any brokerage market watch time. For traders who use session trading strategies such as Mark B. Fisher ACD it can be super effective, where they can edit OR from the settings to either line or box.  We tried to make the settings easier to edit, for traders' use on different markets, charts and brokerage ti
This is a two in one indicator implementation of Average Directional Index based on heiken ashi and normal candles. Normal candles and Heiken Ashi is selectable via input tab. The other inputs are ADX smoothing and DI length. This indicator lets you read the buffers: +di: buffer 6 -di: buffer 7 -adx: buffer 10 Note: This is a non-repaint indicator with light load processing. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
MA Histogram   is MT5 Indicator for beginners which plot a histogram after Moving Average Crossover of 2 MAs. The Indicator does not have arrow or alert. It will simply plot on chart the potential Up and Down trend when trend is beginning or ending. It will show a Blue color for potential up trend and Gold color for potential down trend.  Recommended Pairs: ALL Pairs including Indices for MT5 FOREX BROKERS  Recommended Pairs On Deriv:  BOOM 1000, Boom 500, Boom 300 and CRASH 1000, Crash 500, Cra
To download MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "QQE mod" By "Mihkel00". - It can be used to detect trend direction and trend strength. - Gray bars represent weak trends. You can set thresholds to achieve better accuracy in detecting trend strength. - There is buffer index 15 to use in EA for optimization purposes. - The indicator is loaded light and non-repaint.  - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.  
Multicolor moving average (8x). Define period, color, line width. Set period =0  to off  moving average. The moving average (MA) indicator is one of the most used technical indicators for forex traders. It's   a formula used to calculate the averages of a market's movements over a longer time period (usually weeks or months rather than days) to identify trends , which is vital for a good forex trading strategy.
- This is an implementation of OCC ==> open close cross - This indicator applies twelve different averaging methods to open and close prices separately to signal the trend switching. - All MA methods are set as input as well as period and different offsets applied to linear regression and ALMA averaging. - Buffers 16 and 17 can be used in EAs to detect trend direction. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
A super-trend indicator is plotted on either above or below the closing price to signal a buy or sell. The indicator changes colour, based on whether or not you should be buying. If the super-trend indicator moves below the closing price, the indicator turns green, and it signals an entry point or points to buy.  If a super-trend closes above, then the indicator shows a sell signal in red. You will also note that at the point where buy or sell signal is generated is the crossover point. At the p
Trend Follower   predicts the possible start of a trend, the indicator uses as a basis for the closing high possibility of the indicators to identify a possible entry or low possibility, the indicator just an entry parameter which can be the period . Input parameters Period : A positive integer that indicates the period for number Alert:   Sends an audible signal when a signal occurs Check out other products:   https://www.mql5.com/en/users/junioredj16/seller
В настоящее время праздничная скидка составляет $399! Цены могут вырасти в будущем. Читайте описание ниже!   Представляем Ultimate Dynamic Levels - ЛУЧШИЙ индикатор входов для Ultimate Sniper Dashboard! Чрезвычайно низкий риск своевременных входов и высокий RR!!! Найдите Ultimate Sniper Dashboard ЗДЕСЬ. Самая важная способность как для начинающих, так и для профессиональных трейдеров - точно определить, где и когда рынок, скорее всего, развернется, и как безопасно войти в рынок и выйти из него
Индикатор разрыва справедливой стоимости для MetaTrader 4. Разрыв справедливой стоимости — это модель ценового действия с тремя свечами, которой научил известный трейдер с умными деньгами, трейдер внутреннего круга, также известный как ICT. По сути, это гэп, остающийся открытым на графике, когда цена движется слишком быстро. Это область тела средней свечи, на которую не накладываются тики левой свечи и правой свечи рядом с ней. Когда цена оставляет гэп на графике, мы должны помнить о двух веща
Рыночные структуры - это те, которые при прорыве на более высоком таймфрейме могут помочь трейдеру очистить тренд. 1. Этот индикатор нарисует ZigZag только до 2 последних структур (предыдущий максимум и минимум ZigZag), а новый бар ZigZag будет сформирован только тогда, когда произойдет разрыв структуры. 2. Он дает Терминал и Push-уведомление о нарушении структуры 3. Увеличьте и уменьшите Extdepth зигзага с помощью клавиш [ и ] для регулировки колебания 4. Измените цвета линий AB BC и CD. 5
Supertrend — относительно непопулярный технический индикатор, разработанный, как указано выше, Оливье Себамом, чтобы помочь трейдерам определять тренды и знать, когда покупать или продавать финансовый актив. Индикатор не найден по умолчанию в TradingView и MetaTrader. Тем не менее, вы можете найти на рынке специальные индикаторы Supertrend. При нанесении на график индикатор супертренда отображается двумя цветами. Хотя их можно изменить, цвета по умолчанию обычно красный и зеленый. Когда он зел
This is the Chandelier Exit trend indicator applied to heiken ashi candles based on "G TREND GUNBOT" by "LUIS_GANDATA_G_TREND" on tradingview. The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms.(make sure to disable heiken ashi mode to get the same results as the screenshot.) Heiken ashi candles filter out many of the chops and therefore as an input to Chandelier Exit you achieve well filtered Buy and Sell signals. Also you can choose
Symbol Changer this Indicator for make more easy when change Chart pair, this more usefull if trader make deal with many pair. Property Input Indicator Custom Unique ID : Indicator have Id for make different. Show Profit Loss : Adjustable for Show or no Profit and Loss Option Horizontal/Vertical button : Button can change Horizontal or Vertical. Option Window : Adjustable in main Chart as window or buttom chart as Window 1, 2 Main Pairs Preset / Own Pair : available group  pair for make easy hav
Сигнал "Чудесный осциллятор" Билла Вильямса из книги "Торговый хаос 2" на барах. Как правило используется для добавления позиции после входа по сигналу "Отклоняющийся бар" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Пожалуйста убедитесь, что вы правильно понимаете систему Билла Вильямса прежде чем рисковать настоящими деньгами используя этот индикатор. Идеальный сетап для входа: 1) Дивиргенция с переходом через нулевую линию 2) Откл
AMPV Reversals — идеальный индикатор как для начинающих, так и для опытных трейдеров. Благодаря простоте и удобству каждый пользователь может попробовать его и выбрать тот паттерн, который ищет. Индикатор анализирует структуру рынка и определяет модели свечевых паттернов, чтобы помочь трейдерам найти лучшие точки для входа в сделку. Рекомендую использовать в паре с индикаторами тренда для достижения наилучших результатов.       Преимущества:      Работает на всех парах и таймфреймах      Не
The indicator returning pivot point based trendlines with highlighted breakouts . Trendline caculated by pivot point and other clue are ATR, Stdev. The indicator also includes integrated alerts for  trendlines  breakouts and foward message to Telegram channel or group if you want. Settings ·          Lookback bar: Default 200 is number of bar caculate when init indicator. ·          Length:  Pivot points  period ·          Slope Calculation Method: Determines how this lope is calculated. We supp
Robotizz Indicator is a powerful trading indicator using price action and moving averages. Robotizz indicares with arrows on long trades ir short trades, showing some TP and SL points too. It works with any symbol, even on forex markets or B3 Brazilian markets. You can configure moving averages periods, besides simple or exponential moving averages. Also it is possible to configure arrow position. Try Robotizz for one month and take a boost on your manual trades.
Bonginkosi Innocent Khumalo
TransitHazard is a trading indicator system's that use one of the best trading strategy. The indicator system have input options so that you can adjust or set the strategy to work the way you would like by allowing you to set the period and other adjusting set inputs and the indicator system has color settings to set your own preferred colors. Works on all the time frames and on all the pairs. Green colored candles give a buying signal and an alert after one bar will be given so that you don't m
To download MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "B-Xtrender" By "QuantTherapy". - It is an oscillator based on RSI and multiple layers of moving averages. -   It is a two in one indicator to calculate overbought and oversold zones for different RSI settings. -  This indicator lets you read the buffers for all data on the window. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
Bonginkosi Innocent Khumalo
5 (1)
TransitBlueOcean is indicator system that uses ocean wave's pattern, to help one to know when to buy and when to sell. The indicator system is very powerful like the ocean waves. Join the mql5 channel for TransitBlueOcean  https://www.mql5.com/en/channels/transitblueocean   How to use: Zoom in so that the Ocean will appear on your chart. Buy when you see the candles, the candle will be above the ocean wave (buying signal). Sell when you can't see the candles, the candles will be inside the wav
300 downloads without review ? !!!! If continued. I will not share any product for free. :( Small and very simple timer next to the current price to show the end time of the current candle Very useful and important for scalpers and those who work on price action.   We assure you that we welcome any suggestions to improve this indicator and make the necessary changes to improve this indicator. You can contact us via Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, email or here. We are ready to answer you.
Standard Deviation Pivot Point will enhance your trading and highlight great trade opportunities with the Support and Resistance levels that professionals use based on volatility of market. Standard Deviation Pivot trading is a simple effective method for entry and finding targets that are statistically on your side, highlighting market key levels has been used by professionals for decades and is effective on all symbols: Forex, Crypto, Stocks, Indices. Standard deviation is a measurement if vol
BUY INDICATOR AND GET EA FOR FREE AS A BONUS + SOME OTHER GIFTS! ITALO TREND INDICATOR  is the best trend indicator on the market, the Indicator works on all time-frames and assets, indicator built after 7 years of experience on forex and many other markets. You know many trend indicators around the internet are not complete, does not help, and it's difficult to trade, but the Italo Trend Indicator is different , the Italo Trend Indicator shows the signal to buy or sell, to confirm the signal t
Auto Fibo MT5
Rodrigo Arana Garcia
4.4 (15)
Auto Fibo   - это индикатор, разработанный для улучшения вашей ручной торговли. Он автоматически рисует золотое сечение, экономя ваше время и облегчая торговлю. Прикрепите индикатор к графику, и он автоматически построит точную золотую пропорцию, избавив вас от необходимости искать критическую точку. Интерфейс настраивается в зависимости от вашего компьютера на приблизительные высокие и низкие точки диапазона. Этот индикатор исправит большинство ошибок выбора начальной и конечной точек. Для каж
BUY INDICATOR AND GET EA FOR FREE AS A BONUS + SOME OTHER GIFTS! ITALO VOLUME INDICATOR  is the best volume indicator ever created, and why is that? The Indicator works on all time-frames and assets, indicator built after 7 years of experience on forex and many other markets. You know many volume indicators around the internet are not complete, does not help, and it's difficult to trade, but the Italo Volume Indicator is different , the Italo Volume Indicator shows the wave volume, when market
ПРОгрессивный индикатор нового поколения от INFINITY. Predictor PRO использует собственную стратегию расчета входа и выхода. Индикатор без перерисовки сигналов! Это очень важно для реальной торговли. Индикатор можно использовать для любых валютных пар, металлов, криптовалют или индексов. Лучшее время графика Н1. В отличии от других индикаторов    Predictor PRO показывает точку входа Buy/Sell и точку выхода Close. Расчет профита всех сигналов в пунктах на панели  помогает подобрать оптимальные на
Индикатор строит текущие котировки, которые можно сравнить с историческими и на этом основании сделать прогноз ценового движения. Индикатор имеет текстовое поле для быстрой навигации к нужной дате. Параметры : Symbol - выбор символа, который будет отображать индикатор; SymbolPeriod - выбор периода, с которого индикатор будет брать данные; IndicatorColor - цвет индикатора; Inverse - true переворачивает котировки, false - исходный вид; Далее идут настройки текстового поля, в которое можно ввес
Индикатор - Price Channel состоит из двух независимых ценовых каналов и уровней ценовых зон - (А / B). Индикатор постоянно следя за поведением и движением цены, а также за пробоями уровней каналов - (А / B), переставляя уровни и фиксируя новые зоны экстремумов максимумы и минимумы. Для анализа предыдущих и текущих зон максимума и минимума, не зависимо указывается количество баров в каждом канале - (А / B). На графике индикатор выводит полезную информацию для каждого канала - (А / B): 1. Количес
Разворотный отклоняющийся бар Билла Вильямса с ангуляцией. В качестве угла используется угол между зелёной линией и вершиной/низом бара, что в принципе соответствует обновлённым рекомендациям от Джастин Вильямс  Angulation for the Wiseman Bullish and Bearish Divergent Signal Bar - YouTube . Настройки по умолчанию угол 85 и 10 баров с момента пересечения линии Губ Аллигатора работают достаточно хорошо. ВНИМАНИЕ! С другими настройками, например с углом меньше 85 появляется слишком много сигналов,
This indicator will mirror the assets in use in another metatrader, being able to choose the timeframe and a template. This is the Metatrader 5 Client, it needs the Metatrader 4 or 5 Server versions: Metatrader 4 Mirror Chart Server:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88644 Metatrader 5 Mirror Chart Server: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88652 Details of how it works in the video.
This indicator will mirror the assets in use in another Metatrader, being able to choose the timeframe and a template. This is the Metatrader 5 Server, it can work with Metatrader 4 or 5 Client versions: Metatrader 4 Mirror Chart Client:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88649 Metatrader 5 Mirror Chart Client:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/88650 Details of how it works in the video.
A supply and demand indicator designed with a minimalist trading strategy based on the nature of the market. Indicator type: Price Action indicator The Bull zone is a strong support area, and the Bear zone is a strong resistance area. When a Bull zone was breakout, it becomes the "base" of the Bears and vice versa. When the price meets these areas, there is a high probability that the price will reversal , so we call them Obstacles. It is a suitable indicator for traders interested in manual pr
The Black Swan Trading Panel was designed and built to make trading as easy as possible. Track any trading instruments with multiple time frames on one chart and thus have a complete overview of the market situation. The Black Swan Trading Panel uses three custom indicators that will give you a clear overview of the market situation regarding trend, price deviations and support/resistance zones. This indicator is highly customizable and therefore suitable for every type of trading. With this too
Hello ! If you scroll in one chart, all charts will be scrolled If you change the time frame in one chart, it will change in all charts Of course, you can turn this feature on or off All the charts in which you want changes to be applied are specified through ID in the indicator settings You can scroll the charts of different time frames in two ways at the same time 1: Coordinated based on time That is, 1 hour candle is 60 candles one minute back 2: scroll in the form of number of candles That i
Hush mt5
Iurii Plokhov
4.33 (3)
Hush mt5   это  передовой индикатор, который дает сигнал о перекупленности или перепроданности рынка в определенный период времени Hush mt5  плюсом данного индикатора является то, что он не исчезает после сигнала на графике Подходит для любой торговли : форекс, акции, крипто валюта, металлы Hush mt5  можно использовать на любом временном периоде.Cигнал идет на начало следующей свечи после стрелки Hush mt5  показал себя лучше всего на периоде H1,H4,daily Его можно использовать помимо форекса, в
The value of the MMCCI indicator is calculated based on the "Minors" and "Majors" currency pairs and is based on the original CCI algorithm. This gives us a more accurate result than if we only observed the value of the current currency pair. You can request alerts when the CCI value crosses or returns from the specified level or crosses zero. All settings can be saved in a template. Setting options: Basic signals that can be enabled separately for the current and the previous candle: Overboug

MetaTrader Маркет - торговые роботы и технические индикаторы для трейдеров, доступные прямо в терминале.

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