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There are more than 54 490 topics available on forum

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New publications in CodeBase

  • Stochastic Fan A fan of Stochastic indicators, the period of which is defined by one of four types of progressions
  • ang_AZad_Css The trend indicator drawn in the form of a colored cloud
  • RSI Fan A fan of RSI indicators, the period of which is defined by one of the four progressions

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Bestsellers in the Market:

There are more than 54 410 topics available on forum

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New publications in CodeBase

  • MA Fan A fan of MA indicators, the period of which is defined by one of four types of progressions
  • SR_TLB An interpretation of Stieve Nisson's 'Three Line Break' strategy
  • Damiani_volatmeter The volatility meter with the indication in the form of a colored cloud
  • MQL4 to MQL5 compatibility library Version 1.2 - MQL5\Include\mql4compat.mqh
There are more than 3 530 codes published in Codebase

Published article "Money Management Revisited".

Money Management Revisited

The article deals with some issues arising when traders apply various money management systems to Forex trading. Experimental data obtained from performing trading deals using different money management (MM) methods is also described.

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New publications in CodeBase

  • JeromeClock The indicator displays the time in different time zones on a chart
  • XO The indicator without averaging of the data array, that is a Buy/Sell decision is made in one move.
  • Range Ratio An indicator for short term trading, it can be used as a signal for closing a position or as the filter to enter one.

Published article "Another MQL5 OOP Class".

Another MQL5 OOP Class

This article shows you how to build an Object-Oriented Expert Advisor from scratch, from conceiving a theoretical trading idea to programming a MQL5 EA that makes that idea real in the empirical world. Learning by doing is IMHO a solid approach to succeed, so I am showing a practical example in order for you to see how you can order your ideas to finally code your Forex robots. My goal is also to invite you to adhere the OO principles.

Published article "Alert and Comment for External Indicators (Part Two)".

Alert and Comment for External Indicators (Part Two)

Since I published the article "Alert and Comment for External Indicators", I have been receiving requests and questions regarding the possibility of developing an external informer operating based on indicator lines. Having analyzed the questions, I have decided to continue with the subject. Getting data stored in indicator buffers turned out to be another area of interest to users.

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There are more than 54 340 topics available on forum

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New publications in CodeBase

  • WildersDMI A complex trend indicator that uses ADX for calculations
  • Stochastic_HTF A stochastic oscillator with an option for selecting a timeframe for calculations, which may differ from the timeframe on which the indicator is applied
  • IINWMARROWS A semaphore signal indicator that uses Moving Averages

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Published article "Alert and Comment for External Indicators. Multi-Currency Analysis Through External Scanning".

Alert and Comment for External Indicators. Multi-Currency Analysis Through External Scanning

Alert for multi-currency and multiple time frame analysis of external indicators. The article deals with a method of getting event information in respect of events in external indicators, without having to attach indicators to a chart or open charts themselves. We will call it external scanning.

The most popular forum topics:

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New publications in CodeBase

  • AMA_SLOPE The oscillator shows the rate of change of the AMA indicator
  • OnChart_RSI The RSI oscillator located directly on the chart
  • OnChart_Stochastic A stochastic oscillator located directly on the chart

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There are more than 54 270 topics available on forum

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New publications in CodeBase

  • FX5_SelfAdjustingRSI The RSI oscillator with the boundaries of the overbought/oversold areas expressed by Bollinger Bands
  • RSICandle The RSI indicator implemented as a sequence of candlesticks
  • BBflat_sw A simple interpretation of the Bollinger Bands indicator in a separate window.

Bestsellers in the Market:

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New publications in CodeBase

There are more than 54 210 topics available on forum

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New publications in CodeBase

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Published article "MQL5 Cookbook: Developing a Multi-Currency Expert Advisor with Unlimited Number of Parameters".

MQL5 Cookbook: Developing a Multi-Currency Expert Advisor with Unlimited Number of Parameters

In this article, we will create a pattern that uses a single set of parameters for optimization of a trading system, while allowing for unlimited number of parameters. The list of symbols will be created in a standard text file (*.txt). Input parameters for each symbol will also be stored in files. This way we will be able to circumvent the restriction of the terminal on the number of input parameters of an Expert Advisor.

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