Is is true that Forex Market Never Sleeps?


There is no waiting for the opening bell. Monday morning opening in Australia to the afternoon close in New York, the forex market never sleeps. I love this Financial market!


Yup, it is true that Forex market never sleeps. The market is actually open 24 hours per day, from 5pm EST on Sunday to 4pm EST Friday. Main reason why the market is open 24 hours a day is that because currencies are in high demand.


That's true.. Currency is also needed around the world for international trade, as well as by central banks and global businesses.


"Unlike the set hours of operation for traditional stock exchanges, access to the inter-bank system is available 24 hrs a day (with the exception of week-ends)."


Yes, the forex market is open 24 hours for 5 days a week, but you have to be cautious and have a trading plan .. not all transactions carried out .. you have to be patient and choose trades strong


It is ready to help 24/7.


Forex market is closed for 2 days on weekends. In 5 days of the week it never sleeps , works 24 hours . There are different trading session that work on their time . Some times are very good for trading when market is overlapping with two trading sessions.


Depends what do you consider sleeping. Sideways market always makes me slleep


Yes, Forex market never sleeps.Currencies are traded 24 hours a day, from Sunday afternoon EST* (Eastern Standard Time) to Friday afternoon EST. Through this 5+ day week of market activity there is always at leastone financial center open for business. Indeed, as some markets close for the night, others open somewhere else. Since Forex trading hours overlap, currencies are being traded continuously. In other words, Forex almost never stops.


Yup. The forex market is 24h/day and 5 days/week. You free to open a position at anytime.


Yes It is true that Forex never sleeps. We can trade in 24 hour's of the day and there is no limit . You can trade it in 5 days of the week .