Dollar index is on global bullish market condition for breaking 100.00 psy resistance level from below to above. And this level will be broken soon or later so R3 YR1 Pivot at 107.47 will be the next bullish target with this situation...
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10 December 2015, 18:34 #dollar index, stock market
Most oil stocks are ranging in market condition falling to the bearish area, and this tendency will be continuing in 2016. Most technology stocks are ranging waiting for direction which is more likely to be bearish as well...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 2426
9 December 2015, 21:34 #stock market
The oil pice is falling by breaking key support levels to below for the bearish trend to be continuing so let's review some oil stocks in the technical point of view. Most oil stocks are located on the ranging market condition waiting for direction: this is not up, but has not yet down...
Crude Oil
  • 1941
9 December 2015, 18:34 #Ichimoku, crude oil
The China reserves rose by $11.39 billion in October during short-time recovery it was decline in November because of the following: expectations of the US rate hike, and slowing economic growth. Forex reserves in China was falling by $87.22 billion to $3...
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9 December 2015, 15:34 #China
Recently Stephen Poloz said that Canadian central bank expands its emergency kit to defend the economy against major shocks - it can use lower interest rates in the event of a crisis...
  • 1680
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9 December 2015, 10:31 #usd/cad
Morgan Stanley is going to recruit Credit Suisse Group AG’s U.S. brokers for Latin America: recruitment bonuses will be offered to 35 CS brokers who are managing the clients in the different latin America's countries. This employment is expected in the first half of 2016...
  • 1188
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8 December 2015, 21:34 #stock market
The Royal Bank of Scotland estimated the most interesting pairs to trade and their directions of the price movement in a medium-term situation and for long-term in 2016. The EUR/USD price was estimated as a short in a medium-term and for 2016 as well: second pivot support level (S3 Pivot) at 0...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 1617
8 December 2015, 18:34
UBS banker Michael Stock was employed by the Credit Suisse. Michael Stock becomes the head of investment banking and capital markets for Australia and New Zealand...
  • 1133
8 December 2015, 15:34 #stock market
On Tuesday Brent futures crashed to $39.8 a barrel and WTI futures fell down to $36.6 a barrel - the weakest levels in seven years. Previous prices at nearly $108 a barrel in June 2014 has finally wiped out in 2015. The Dow dropped 117 points yesterday, with the energy sector its biggest drag...
Crude Oil
  • 1487
8 December 2015, 15:14 #WTI, Brent
Barclays Capital is considering selling NZD/USD into the RBNZ meeting, and this advice is based on fundamental analysis related to economists' view concerning RBNZ meeting on 9 December 2015: 2015-12-09 20:00 GMT | [NZD - Official Cash Rate] 2015-12-09 20:00 GMT | [NZD - RBNZ Monetary Policy Stat...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 1262
8 December 2015, 10:34 #nzdusd, technical analysis