President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has made a notable intervention into the Greek impasse in what looks like desperate, last-gasp bid to prevent the country ploughing out of the eurozone, says the Guardian...
  • 597
29 June 2015, 14:59 #Troika, ECB
Switzerland’s central bank intervened in the currency markets Sunday night to stabilize the strong franc after the concerns over Greece’ potential exit from the eurozone spurred strong demand in the Swiss currency...
  • 952
29 June 2015, 14:16 #eur/gbp, forex news, EUR/USD
“We see Q3 as the weakest quarter for gold, given rate hike expectations and weak price floor,” analysts at Barclays said in a research note published last week, adding that later on they expect gold to mildly recover...
  • 573
29 June 2015, 13:14 #metals, gold
European stocks dropped on Monday as Greece swayed on the verge of default after bailout talks broke down last week. Greece imposed capital controls and its lenders are to remain shut till July 6...
Market News
  • 790
29 June 2015, 10:40 #Stoxx Europe 600, dax, ECB
The euro was sharply lower as Greece has set stage for a nervous week having failed to reach a deal with its lenders, taking it a step closer to a debt default that could force its exit from the euro zone...
  • 846
29 June 2015, 09:00 #dax, FTSE 100, IMF
The possibility of China’s currency to become the IMF's global reserve currency is set to trigger a huge sell-off of the dollar and a massive flood of cash into the yuan. Investors now need to plan for a flood of wealth undermining the dollar and moving into the yuan...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 957
27 June 2015, 16:11 #IMF, China, gold
Gold and mining stocks could benefit in the atmosphere of increased bond market bubble and higher inflation which are expected to be driven by global monetary easing, says one European fund...
  • 968
  • 1
26 June 2015, 14:53 #QE, silver, metals
The dollar slipped lower against the yen on Friday, after the release of upbeat economic reports from Japan and as mounting concerns over Greek debt talks supported safe-haven demand...
  • 911
26 June 2015, 09:24 #CPI, IMF, usd/jpy
There is "something different" about the bond market, but there is not yet a "precise and convincing explanation of exactly what has happened," said Federal Reserve Governor Daniel Tarullo during a speech at the Council of Foreign Relations in New York...
  • 1071
25 June 2015, 16:37 #Fed
While many analysts suggest the greenback has topped out, currency analysts at Barclays consider there will be a long-term strength in the dollar, especially against the euro...
  • 1459
25 June 2015, 16:04 #forex news, EUR/USD