On Tuesday prices of crude oil fell steeply after Iran and six world powers struck a nuclear deal allowing it to pour more oil into already oversupplied market...
Crude Oil
  • 657
14 July 2015, 13:00 #OPEC, WTI, Brent
On Tuesday the European currency and stocks pulled back from Greece-inspired gains...
Market News
  • 762
14 July 2015, 11:29 #Stoxx Europe 600, dax, stocks
Iran and six major powers have reached a historic nuclear agreement, Reuters reported citing an Iranian diplomat. The news sent oil prices lower...
  • 611
14 July 2015, 09:26 #crude oil
On Tuesday the Australian dollar was higher against its U.S. counterpart, pushed higher by upbeat business confidence data from Australia. The euro was pressured by the news of a third bailout deal for Greece...
  • 509
14 July 2015, 09:09 #forex news, EUR/USD
U.S. stocks began the week on an upbeat note, with the main indices rising Monday, after eurozone leaders reached an agreement for a third bailout program for Greece...
Market News
  • 1267
  • 1
13 July 2015, 16:23 #Janet Yellen, Nasdaq, stocks
Analysts at Mitsubishi consider that this week gold traders should closely watch the Iran nuclear talks and Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen's testimony which could move gold in either direction...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 903
13 July 2015, 15:50 #FOMC, metals, Fed
On Monday the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries trimmed 2015 demand forecast for its oil...
Crude Oil
  • 629
13 July 2015, 14:11 #OPEC, crude oil
European shares surged in early trade Monday after European Council President Donald Tusk said euro zone leaders reached a unanimous agreement following all-night talks in Brussels to move forward with a bailout loan for Greece...
Market News
  • 718
13 July 2015, 11:56 #dax, stocks, EUR/USD
This week will bring a slew of economic data worldwide. Although a deal between Greece and its creditors has been reached Monday, the negotiations will continue this week...
Analytics & Forecasts
  • 851
13 July 2015, 11:04 #economic calendar
On Monday oil prices fell by as much as 3 percent as Iran and six world powers were close to concluding a nuclear deal...
Crude Oil
  • 596
13 July 2015, 10:25 #WTI, Brent, crude oil