General - page 636

Hello trader? I found this old thread and felt the need to raise some rational thoughts on the forum. The agenda is: Do you have any other stable source of income other than forex? I figured that some people enter the forex market to try their 'luck', while
I have buy an Indicator and this is not working well for me. I want to give it back and want to become my money back, beacouse I will not use it
Is there any way to get a freelancer answer your messages (within a project ) other than an arbitration? I have an open job, now running for something like 4 months instead of 4 days and i really want to get this done rather sooner than later, so thanks for your replies
I closed my browser window and now I can't find what topic my last post was in, return the search for recent posts from the profile, at least theirs as it is implemented in
Where do we report bugs??? Is there someone we can talk with directly
To Service desk. Kindly cancel my payment since when i try this indicator on demo accoount it trade ok but upon purchase and use it on live account it did not working well the bix is stuck on yesterday h1 chart and not performing. I DO NOT WASTE MONEY which the seller did not response on my message
Hi, Got error message: Virtual Hosting: 6063273 imported DLL "wininet.dll" not allowed on the hosting server. Any go around available? thnx, L.
Hi, i was not able to publish my own signal. When i try to publish it again the server told me that there is already a signal published with that account number. The problem is that, for sure, something went wrong but i'm not able to edit the account information. Any help? Thanks
Hello everyone, I am wondering if you know if there is a utility available that helps you work out easily take profit chart price levels based on your stop loss and risk % for Meta Trader 4. For example I might set my investment risk amount to 3% for the trade. I input my stop loss price. I set how
How can I tell if the user has clicked on the 'X' icon button in the Dialog Box Title bar
  Should i worry ?  (24   1 2 3)
Profile rating was slashed in half today . Is this an indication of a warning for something i am not aware of ? (Which could be communicated via text instead of rating points)
Good afternoon my friends, My robot is in the testing phase and I have been testing various symbols for the mini index and I have a great divergence in the result between them, I will describe what I need and if anyone can help me please: 1) Robot makes short scalpers, so in this case I need all
I created a signal from a Demo Account , but I'm having issues with the existing history. Here's what happened: 1. At first, I thought that only the trades made after the creation of the signal would make part of it. Ok, honest mistake, I have seen a lot of people thinking this too. Turns out the
  Hello everyone.  (5)
I always get the following messages from my server: Autotrading disabled by server even though I just subscribed to a virtual server. How do I change that
Solution by Keith Watford ObjectCreate ( "Entry" , OBJ_HLINE , 0 , 0 , Ask); ObjectSet( "Entry" , OBJPROP_STYLE , STYLE_SOLID ); ObjectSet( "Entry" , OBJPROP_COLOR , clrGreen ); double DOT_P = ObjectGetDouble ( 0 , "Entry" , OBJPROP_PRICE ); datetime DOT_T = TimeCurrent () ; int x,y; if (
Hi all, I'm trying to build a simple cross alert ea, but I would like to make it for every pair in the same code. It is bugged because sometimes it alert me for crosses that doesn't exist, and also spam a lot.. I'm working with mql5 #property copyright "Copyright 2020, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
I accidentaly uploaded a old proof of identity and i need to upload a new one, how can i do it? As i cannot connect to moderators and etc
Hello, Anyone out there who can help me with MathAbs, I'm using a = MathAbs (a) ; All I get with compiling is "some operator expected" trigger_hedge = ( OrderClosePrice() - OrderOpenPrice() ) trigger_hedge= MathAbs (trigger_hedge); I've tried: int trigger_hedge = 0 ; double trigger_hedge
Hello, I have looked at both the iClose to get the close price and the iOpen for the open price.  I have also checked into using the MqlRates, but with no luck.  I am getting the error that the array is out of range with the MqlRates.  For the iClose and iOpen, I am getting 0 as the value. The...
Is there a way of exporting my mql5 payment transaction history together with my balance and my account details (such as login ID, email and maybe password) (or any subset of this)? Not particular if it is a csv or text file or other. Is it possible through the mql5 web or maybe even through the MT5
When I'm ready to copy a signal, I have just to pay for subscription? Are trades and funds automatically copied on my account
I have several account ,real /demo . Target use case is running previous version EA in real account, and some new future EA in demo account at the same time. But in real word ,As I do login to another account , the original account has been logout >,< How do I do this part. Note case2 One PC
Hey All - So, I signed up for a signal (and thankfully working quite well so far!) However I noticed that for whatever reason the trades from the signal are executed TWICE for me. As in, duplicate trades - if the signal opens 1 position, I'll open 2. I have it migrated to a VPS *and also* have my
Right now I have a MetaTrader 5 platform, I have a real account on this platform where a robot is active, this account is working through MetaTrader VPS Now can I connect another account to this MetaTrader platform to work on another vps? I ask this because it is necessary to log out of the
How can I see the chart of "EXPERT OPTION cryptocurrencies" in MetaTrader 5
Hello! Is there a way to get all the users that posted into the forum's particular topic? E.x. json response from would suit me quite well
unable to migrate vps, no whee to contact for this issue. status for vps is stopped. why cant I migrate? thanks in advance
Can anybody please tell me how i can turn off this irritating sound every time a i change a time frame
Hi, Thanks for all the great minds here on MQL5. Just wanted to send a shout out to all the developers/coders on MQL5
I come from Europe, trading in EUR. Can I follow a signal of a trader, who is only active in the Brazilian market and whoms base currency is BRL