General - page 1019

  recipe for night scalper  (11   1 2)
from my study, a night scalper contains the most common filter - time filter - max spread - slippage any more filter that i miss out
USD consumer confidence is down and yet price of EUR/USD drop? Shouldn't the EURO rise in price instead of a drop in price?   
Hi, Is it possible to write a custom drawing tool for MT5 and add the button to be displayed in the drawing toolbar? Thanks Willem 
Hello,  i have my first account with signal from mql5 and i want to open another one and have difrent signal, how to make it? Can i dopen MT4 twice? How to make it? 
The pool of liquidity providers for MetaTrader 5 is expanding. In the wake of the brokers' interest in the platform, Just2Trade Online Ltd has released an integration solution based on the MetaTrader 5 Gateway to MetaTrader 5. According to Just2Trade Head of Operations Evgeny Zhilin, this is a...
Hi folks, I just tried to subscribe to a signal, but when I follow the steps in the terminal to subscribe, I get the following message: 'Subscription Failed. The signal subscription cannot be renewed, because new subscriptions are not allowed for the signal.'. Does anyone have any idea why this is
  help please  (5)
hello dear i a m newbee here  how can i get trading signals ?, is it for free or i have to pay ?? please thanks 
Hi, I want to know how to hide my signals properties  /?
Maybe someone has a good technical knowledge and can clarify. I entered the site of Metatrader4 and I did not find an email for me to ask my questions. I recently had a problem in a VPS and I decided to hire another from another country. The question is as follows. I want to open the same platform...
Looking for indicators that tell you when the pair is ranging. cheers
Everyone knows and sees the plethora of variations in the daily analyses when they are posted on websites. Usually it's all done on a handheld level (cheap) or a super contrived (in the opinion of the authors) automated black box based mode. I've met the developers of such non-trading analytical
  need help  (2)
any trader who subscribe mql signal service... please I need a little help
  NEEED help !!!!  (6)
hallo ,I am new and I need someone to help me learn the field of Forex thanks. 
I only have 2 requisite: 1 you're the coder, not an intermediary  2 you don't sell signals, EAs or indicators and will keep the strategy only to yourself. 3 you have to code management risk well   He who partners me will get money in no time, this strategy almost never lose, and if it does, you will...
Hey there,   I have been struggling for a few days with this simple but annoying problem. Is it possible to set up an alert which gives notifications everytime a candles makes 4 ticks in its body on the M5 chart? Would make my life much easier but I don't even know where to start it.  I would really...
Hi, Why customers username replaced by "Customer" in freelance ? We really need to check customers feedback, otherwise what is the point of leaving feedback for someone ? it was a good way to separate good customers from bad customers. if you're a developer what do you think about it
Hi, If I published an EA for free that user can understand it well and later after 2 months if set it's price  then what will happen peoples who downloaded as free they can use free until they finished their activation (is this correct?) Peoples who downloaded as free after changing as paid...
Hi I am new here! I do simple stochastic trading and I am looking for a altert/signal code that will alert me when the the 4 major USD pairs Reach above 80 or below 20.....can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you
When trying to deposit my paymentsfor providing agents in my MQL5 account to my paypal account I clicked ondeposit to account. Then I was given the option of paypal. By clicking onpaypal I believed my MQL5 balance will be deposited into my paypal account.Instead $63 were removed from my paypal...
  Counting  (4)
Hello, Is there a way to count green/red candles in a period?   
Hi, I would like to get in my trades the same lot size as my signal provider . How can I do that
Hi, Can anyone advice how do i become a seller of trade signals as i have just registered as a member. Tks, Yx
Hello All, This is a question that worries not only me, but any Forex trader I have come across! Why wide differences between DD (draw down) reported on MT4/5 terminal and online analyses platforms? Regrettably, my initial post was deleted - maybe because I provided links to outside analyses...
Hi when i click on "Free Demo" to test an EA, i have a window that pops up and shows "Yes i have Metatrader" or "No i have not "Metatrader" then if i click yes, it opens the default MT4 because i checked the wrong box and it automatically opens default MT4, but i wanna change that : how can i
Hi, I'm wondering, is it possible to add line break into the strings in ObjectSetText.....I know "\n" could achieve multiple lines in Comment, but it fails in ObjectSetText..... Thanks.
Hi all, I've done a quick search of the forum but can't find an answer. Basically a signal I have been following had a big loss and since then (about 48hrs) I've been getting the following error and no trades have been made. "Signal - synchronization failed, cannot get balance of signal provider
With the new MetaTrader 5 app for iPhone and iPad, it is now possible to login or register on using a Facebook account. Any user of this social network can access chats and a plethora of various services for MetaTrader 5 in just a few clicks. Among the large Facebook audience, a great...
With the new MetaTrader 5 app for iPhone and iPad, it is now possible to login or register on using a Facebook account. Any user of this social network can access chats and a plethora of various services for MetaTrader 5 in just a few clicks. Among the large Facebook audience, a great...