ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 88

Sergey Gridnev #:
Well, if we're talking about Sber which has risen to 130, its main shareholder is the RF, represented by the Ministry of Finance. So Sber is likely to pay the dividends as they go to the RF budget.

For the time being I am considering a BAY, but definitely with a withdrawal to a CU

It's down too low


wait for 03/03/2022

I think an upward spike is likely there

everything will be fine 😊
transcendreamer #:
Everything will be fine 😊

It would be good to clarify exactly who would benefit and when)

And it's also a good idea to clarify why EVERYTHING would be good.
Aleksey Nikolayev #:

It would be good to clarify exactly who would benefit and when.)

Well, it's clear. Who got in right and when they got out.

Sergey Gridnev #:
And it would also be nice to clarify why EVERYTHING will be good.

All that can be said here. That's my understanding.


Obviously, it will be good for those who buy fallen assets at a unique superprofitable price for the future, although some capitalists have already boasted in private chats that they closed yesterday, and it is true that there are issuers that just profit in one day, these are mostly steel companies like Severstal/Nornickel with a decent rebound, but they will be fine in the future, even better than oil companies, because it is worth noting that the steel sector is not subject to sanctions, At least for now, and oil companies with high prices will also feel fine, because in the world it is not so easy to refuse the resources of the commodity factor, so they will buy resources and continue, still relatively good will be those who have income in foreign currency, and which is obviously good for those who are somehow close to the exporters, and the rest will not be very good, because the sanctions will increase costs, will break some supply chains (it can be discussed separately, there are already obvious sectors and segments) and due to restrictions businesses will have to look for substitute supplies, business will of course transfer these costs to consumers, who will pay for the whole banquet and geopolitical ambitions, and the worst will be in factories as the labour market is usually not as elastic as rising consumer prices, hence a decline in purchasing power and a decline in retail turnover, plus the factor of rising import prices, and perhaps the market has not yet fully assessed the economic impact of sanctions (SWIFT disconnection for state banks and the Russian government). it is clear that financial markets and the entire modern capitalism is designed as a huge redistribution machine, a superstructure over the economy, but what if it was originally designed to create the opportunity for accelerated redistribution of income and accumulated funds from the weaker economic entities to the stronger ones.

- writing as usual from the factory from the night shift 😉


Oh and there were also some corporate bonds and notes on panic candles of 30-40% and some even more, someone liquidated positions in a wild frenzy at any price, and that too is a huge inefficiency factor...


There will be three bottoms. One has already been there and there are two more to go.


Should have developed their electronics.

AMD и Intel приостановили поставки своей продукции на территорию России
  • Тимофей Корнев
Крупнейшие американские производители процессоров Intel и AMD приостановят поставки своей продукции в Россию. Это может привести к дефициту серверов и росту их стоимости О том, что крупнейшие производители процессоров AMD и Intel приостановили поставки своей продукции в Россию, РБК рассказали два источника на ИТ-рынке. По словам одного из них...

The extent of the isolation can be appreciated:

Блокировка ЦБ РФ вернет российскую экономику на десятилетия в прошлое. Эксперты о новых санкциях
Блокировка ЦБ РФ вернет российскую экономику на десятилетия в прошлое. Эксперты о новых санкциях
Как скажутся принятые Западом меры на российской экономике? Сможет ли она избежать предсказанной ей судьбы и что произойдет с валютным рынком?
transcendreamer #:

The extent of the isolation can be appreciated:

Iran's central bank has been under sanctions for 20 years (the states pocketed 2 billion quid that belonged to the Central Bank of Iran). I am now interested in the retaliatory sanctions and how they will affect the market. So far, I think we should refrain from buying financial sectors and have a closer look at commodity producers and steel makers. Producers of fertilizers (e.g. Phosagro) feel fine. Europe wants to eat too, and due to higher gas prices, fertilizer prices have risen in Europe. They use natural gas to produce nitrogen fertilisers. (As an alternative to coke gas, a coal from which Europe has recently refused to actively use, and modification of production to a new raw material will cost large amounts of time and finances) A nitrogen is ammonium nitrate, ammonia and more raw materials for chemical industry - the production of nitric acid. Nitric acid is the basic component in production of explosives, sulphuric acid, soda and various solvents. So to destroy the agricultural sector and the chemical industry is not like shooting yourself in the foot, it is a direct shot in the head.