The future of the Forex industry - page 34

Guys, there's nothing you can do here. You can't defend yourself against one embittered man who's been quiet before. What can you do? Nothing.
Andrei Trukhanovich:

Labelling is the easiest way to do it.

Tell me what you have done in this direction and what your successes are, apart from posts here, since you accuse me of indifference

Good for you, the best defence is a good offence). If there are posts, it means I'm not indifferent and I try to figure it out before I do anything about it.

Konstantin Nikitin:

Well, the EVOLUTION movement as such was not discussed. That is another topic of conversation and has nothing to do with crises and revolutions. There has always been and will always be an evolutionary movement. And crises and revolutionary tendencies often slow it down, rather than speed it up.

Crises are a necessary phenomenon inherent to evolution, invariant to the environment, see for example the ecosystem theory of evolution, which distinguishes crises of the biocoenosis, in the economy - similarly - it has its own structural crises, and the crisis is a bad phenomenon, but after it there may be a sudden growth, it is typical for sociodemocratic economic systems, that is, the crisis is a transformational process - a transition to something better.


I can see that you are intelligent and know a lot, unlike me, a clumsy old man). I want an answer to a question I cannot answer myself. I am under the impression of the latest terrorist attack in Kazan. I am not a specialist in safety and security, but I kind of understand that this terrorist attack could have been prevented and I think that many people realise that.

After a similar terrorist attack in Kerch, the following measures should have been implemented in all schools for security:

  • Each school should have two guards and both armed. One directly at the entrance, the other in the security room should keep video surveillance of the approaches to the school with cameras (the perpetrator was carrying a shotgun openly);
  • a blind metal shutter must be installed in the entrance hall that closes when the panic button is pressed;
  • the first guard who has recognised the danger will press the alarm button, the shutters will be closed and both guards will defend access to the school until the law enforcers arrive.

The question is why these activities have not been carried out? Or maybe some of them have, but in this case they have not.

I cannot understand, is it really because of money savings? But children are the most expensive thing we have. Why spend them on something else if we cannot protect our children? Maybe there are other reasons, I rack my brain and find no answer. It is so hard to see how our children are dying because of us adults who cannot protect them( That is why I am asking you and all the other forum users for help.

Columbines happen in blessed America too, no one is immune...

Turning a school into a bunker is pretty tough, and a schizoid maniac will always find another way in, through a window etc.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

They write:

As "Base" reports, the school had no security guards, not just the Federal Guard Service, but even a PSC. To be more precise, there was a PSC, but they left last year because they... weren't being paid. That's why there was a poor janitor sitting at the entrance.

The janitor (not the janitor!) actually survived. But it was also interesting: the janitor, as it should have been, first pressed the "emergency button" (no reaction), then, hearing gunshots, started calling to the police - and NO ONE picked up the phone! The police were eventually called by a woman on the street.

It's typical Russian carelessness, slovenliness, lack of concern and a desire to save money on our children's safety. They save a penny compared to spending on other, much less important, items, and end up losing children's lives.(((( And now various high officials are walking around the school, trampling the tracks and interfering with the investigation. They create PR for themselves by portraying their concern and sympathy. It used to be necessary to go around schools and check how security is organised.


This is typical Russian carelessness, slovenliness, indifference and desire to save money on our children's safety. Saving pennies compared to spending on other much less important items, and we end up losing children's lives.(((

Send your children to a public school where security is better organized, but you will now say that why should I pay more, right?


Columbines happen in blessed America too, no one is immune...

Turning a school into a bunker is pretty tough, and a schizoid maniac will always find another way in, through a window etc.

It's no problem to put alarms on windows.


Send your kids to a public school with better security, but you are going to say why should I pay more, right?

The state has to take care of the safety of all children, not just those who are willing to pay for it. It taxes everyone, not just the rich.


Putting an alarm on the windows is not a problem.

The state has an obligation to keep all children safe, not just those who are willing to pay for it. It taxes everyone, not just the rich.

You probably have a problem with the state and in particular with the way the collected taxes are spent - and you are not alone.


You probably have a problem with the state and in particular with the way the collected taxes are spent - and you are not alone.

You are right, there should be a prioritisation of what it should be spent on and ensuring the safety of children should be at the top of the list.


You are right, there should be prioritisation of what they should be spent on and ensuring the safety of children should be at the top of the agenda.

Now let's get back to my point that started this long discussion:

transcendreamer 2021.05.08 13:56

Impossible to disagree with this, the system of unconditional taxation is inherently flawed as it does not allow members of society to vote on what the collected funds will be spent on (only very indirectly through elections) and historically comes from tribute/poland/tribute/etc

It would be nicer and fairer to replace this tax archaism with a system of paid public services, charging for those public/state goods and in exactly the proportion in which they are used by each member of society, but it's a long way off now 😕🙁