The future of the Forex industry - page 30


Again - would the definition of a decent salary be?

Your option?

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

You're persistent) So you're the one twisting and pulling. Admit that radicalism is an extreme measure involving violence. But radicalism does not equal violence.

Well I wasn't calling for violence, why are you trying to attribute that to me?

And you know for a fact that in the world of photography in 2008 the picture of Eviction from housing won and that is radicalism.

And in 2017 World Press Photo was won by the terrorist who killed the Russian ambassador to Turkey, so what?

And what is your definition of market correction? Is that how you interpret the law? Your descriptions are anecdotal, you can't build a theory on them.

Market correction, as even schoolchildren already know, is a complex of monetary methods according to Friedman + methods of stimulating aggregate demand according to Keynes + local fiscal methods + possibly protectionism or antiprotectionism in foreign trade + well, and state target programs, they all have now, and the antimonopoly legislation itself.

My descriptions are the way the world works now, I'm sorry if this is a revelation to you...

It's like, to be rich you have to earn more. So earning or organizing productions or a better foundation?

Suddenly yes, you have to earn more 😁 How else? Wait for a miracle?

Yes, you can have a foundation if you have the capacity and competence.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Your definition?

So I didn't use this adjective "worthy" at all, I don't have to define it, especially since everyone has different needs and the level of worthiness will be different, and I am asking for a definition to finally make it clear that people with a quasi-socialist approach try to use a relative concept as an absolute 😁 kind of Socratic trick I have that 😉


You are claiming someone else's profits again 😁 Oh, come on...

You don't want to realise that the enterprise doesn't belong to you and the products of the enterprise don't belong to you and the profits aren't yours...

Until new laws are created, yes, but I am suggesting that the laws should be changed to be fairer.

Even under socialism the profits of the socialist factory never belong to the workers, realize that.

Soviet socialism is not the pinnacle of perfection. We must move on and create a better and more harmonious society. In which no revolutionary situations should arise. And this is only possible with a fair distribution of income and decent wages.

And it is not fair if the profits are given to the workers - why should they be? - They don't create the product, but the entire complex taken as a whole, while the workers are just the servants.

So why should they participate in the production of the product. If the entrepreneur does not want to share the profits, let him automate production and use robots. You can't get rid of hired labour completely, though, because robots and automatons can break down and need someone to repair them.


Denis Nikolaev:

Not all of them, they should have opportunities to develop and grow in their careers

They have them, they just need to work hard and start moving in that direction.





You don't want to realise that the company doesn't belong to you, the products of the company don't belong to you and the profits aren't yours...

Until new laws are created yes, but what I am suggesting is that the laws should be changed to be fairer.

They are already quite fair, you just are not among the beneficiaries 😆

When(if) you become a capitalist you will quickly change your mind...

Only the tax system is unfair (in my opinion).

Even under socialism the profits of the socialist factory never belong to the workers, realise that.

Socialism during the USSR era is not the pinnacle of perfection. We must move on and create a better and more harmonious society. In which no revolutionary situations should arise. And this is only possible with a fair distribution of income and decent wages.

So define what is a decent wage, and most importantly, why are you worthy of it? 😀

(an unexpected question that people usually do not ask themselves)

If you don't get paid enough, whose fault is that?

And it wouldn't be fair if the profits were given to the workers - why should they be? - They do not create the product, but the entire complex as a whole, while the workers just maintain it.

For that reason, they would take part in producing the product.

Only as attendants (if it is at a factory); if the design bureau does not have every engineer of Tupolev level, so why pay them more, especially from net profit?

Realize that employees already receive a salary for their contribution (labour) and they are not entitled to more, the profit belongs to the owners.

If the entrepreneur does not want to share the profits, let him automate production and use robots. Although it will not be possible to get rid of hired labour completely, because robots and automatic machines can break down and need someone to repair them.

So far, biorobots are economically more profitable 😂😆🤣

But what you're really forgetting is that when you signed the employment contract the parties agreed that the employee would do this and that and the employer would pay this much per hour/day/month or in proportion to the amount of work, and now you come and demand more - on what basis are you getting paid more?

If you think that you are not being paid enough, the problem is in you, start to develop and offer society and the market something more valuable.


This is a deep misconception, the collective will not be able to earn this money outside the company, realise that.

Just like an entrepreneur cannot make money without the collective. And when he earns 10 times as much, it's kind of normal, but when he earns thousands, it's more like exploitation of man by man. If we are talking about production, for example, rather than financial bubbles.
Alexey Gureyev:
In the same way, an entrepreneur cannot make money without a collective.

There is a big difference 😀

employees can easily be replaced by others

But an entrepreneur or key expert cannot be replaced or is much harder to replace

And when he earns 10 times as much, it's kind of normal, but when he earns thousands, it's more like exploitation of man by man. If we are talking about production, for example, rather than financial bubbles.

The specific number doesn't matter, a brilliant actor can earn thousands of times more than his make-up artist.

Only competition is common between the market and wolves, but it would be strange to call a wolf pack a market, besides why would you want a market without laws?

Why not, a wolf pack is a radical market)