The future of the Forex industry - page 36


If you don't spend your tax money wisely, no matter how much you pay, it won't do any good. There is not much to spend - to splurge on metal blinds and an alarm system on the windows. And let the guards work as guards, instead of loafing around in barracks. And you are still paying. People pay taxes, not small ones, why should they have to pay something else, where is your perfect logic?

You can address these questions directly to the reception desk of the Rosgvardia:

I was only talking about the financial and tax system... But I think that equipping all schools with additional physical protection will first require some kind of unified standards, and then they will calculate how much this program will cost the whole country and I think it will be no small thing.

And the position of socialists has always been to demand, demand, demand and get everything for free.

Realize that free and high quality at the same time can not happen.

Free doesn't mean actually free.


I am going to the Ministry of Finance tomorrow!

(I don't want to brag too much, especially so that I don't get sdeanoled, but I have been involved in a project related to the formation of the federal budget and some KPIs, in the public sector everything is quite conservative and perishable and frankly we cannot count on any progressivism...).

And who else to turn to, not the deputies. We are not really counting on money... The main thing is to ban all kinds of things! We should definitely ban the Internet, computer games, hunting rifles and anything else - full-time schooling, for example.


I have nothing against Jews - the smartest people. I suspect you are one of them. One thing I don't like is that they often answer a question with a question).

Будущее у Forex индустрии
Будущее у Forex индустрии
  • 2021.05.11
Какое будущее у Forex, в том виде, в котором мы его привыкли воспринимать...
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Who else to turn to, not the MPs. We don't really hope for money... The main thing is to ban all sorts of bans! We must ban the Internet, computer games, hunting rifles and anything else - full-time schooling, for example.

The main thing is to ban thinking, and then we'll get on with it!


The main thing is to forbid thinking, then we'll get on with our lives!

...and we'll all be vegetables, like in Gianni Rodari's fairy tale. Are you ready to become Senor Tomato?)


I have nothing against Jews - the smartest people. I suspect you are one of them. One thing I don't like is that they often answer a question with a question).

No one should know who a Drimmer is, no one! 😁

Yes, you are completely right that the state should increase the welfare and protection of citizens by solving those problems that individuals could not solve individually, there is no argument with that, it's trivial.

Yes, you can fully demand accountability from the state in terms of how your taxes are spent, but in practice you will not get much out of it now, especially in the Northern Eurasia region, which still has a very long and torturous road ahead of it to truly democratize and hold its citizens accountable.

At the same time it would be logical that a person joining the state would have more advantages as a result than without the state.

Otherwise, if the state takes more than it gives, what for the hell is the need of it?

Therefore, if a person feels that a particular state is not fulfilling its functions well, he has three possibilities:

  1. try to change the state in a legal way (by voting or by electing himself and starting to change things)
  2. risk changing this state through protest/rebellion/revolution (the right of uprising arising from natural law, but usually not mentioned in laws).
  3. Leave this state and choose another, better one (actually the easiest way, but also the hardest).

Unfortunately, as I wrote earlier, there is probably nowhere on the planet that has an effective system that allows citizens to decide what to finance and to what extent.

Of course there are earmarked taxes, but that's not enough.

Moreover, such crowdfunding should not only be federal, but also regional and even city, then the residents themselves will be able to influence how the city budget will be spent, how much police they need, etc.

By the way, the people's budget/initiative financing projects were in the Russian Duma, let's see what happens next... The cities already have some on their websites, you can google "people's budget" - that's where you can write your proposals.


And my logic is exactly flawless, I show with the utmost clarity by your example that socialists always demand something, but do not want to pay for it.

Just don't worry, you and your capitalist friends will be given the opportunity to pay donations for good causes above income tax, you will feel the sweetness of patronage. Well, we poor socialists, unlike the wealthy capitalists, cannot do charity and are only willing to pay taxes).


...and we'll all become vegetables, just like in Gianni Rodari's fairy tale. Are you ready to become Senor Tomato?)

That was irony on my part, but sometimes it seems that the authorities of one (biggest) country would really like it to be so.


But don't worry, you and your capitalist friends will be given the opportunity to pay donations for good causes above the income tax, you will feel the sweetness of philanthropy. Well, unlike wealthy capitalists we poor socialists cannot do charity and are only willing to pay taxes).

So far so good, and the so-called "left turn" is being taken over by corporations and built into the current system.

Anyway understand the main point: no matter what flags are bandied about - the more successful and valuable are always rewarded more than the rest.

Poor socialists are always complaining about life and demanding handouts from the state or from capitalists - instead of starting to work themselves and create something new.


No one should know who is a deathwatch, no one! 😁

Yes, you are absolutely right that the state should improve the welfare and protection of citizens by solving those problems that individuals could not solve individually, there is no argument with that, it is trivial.

Yes, you can fully demand accountability from the state in terms of how your taxes are spent, but in practice you will not get much out of it now, especially in the Northern Eurasia region, which still has a very long and torturous road ahead of it to truly democratize and hold its citizens accountable.

At the same time it would be logical that a person joining the state would have more advantages as a result than without the state.

Otherwise, if the state takes more than it gives, what for the hell is the need of it?

Therefore, if a person feels that a particular state is not fulfilling its functions well, he has three possibilities:

  1. try to change the state in a legal way (by voting or by electing himself and starting to change things)
  2. risk changing this state through protest/rebellion/revolution (the right of uprising arising from natural law, but usually not mentioned in laws).
  3. Leave this state and choose another, better one (actually the easiest way, but also the hardest).

Unfortunately, as I wrote earlier, there is probably nowhere on the planet that has an effective system that allows citizens to decide what to finance and to what extent.

Of course there are earmarked taxes, but that's not enough.

Moreover, such crowdfunding should not only be federal, but also regional and even city, then the residents themselves will be able to influence how the city budget will be spent, how much police they need, etc.

By the way, the people's budget/initiative financing projects were in the Russian Duma, let's see what happens next... For cities, there are already some on websites, you can Google "people's budget" - that's where you can write your proposals.

There you go, quite a reasonable and thorough answer. I will only give some comments.

There is no such thing as a state without it, unless you choose the fate of Robinson).

The state will never give more than it takes in, because in order to perform state functions it is necessary to maintain the administrative apparatus.

This suits only cosmopolitans. Patriots do not accept it. By the way I have a son who has been living in Germany for more than 20 years. I am a bad parent, I failed to bring up a patriot). I joke when talking to him on Skype: "German tanks are already in the Baltics, and you are in the den of the enemy. Ready to do good for the homeland and become Stirlitz #2?")