Charles Dow's theory - page 71

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Sorry, Yusuf. It may make sense to some, but it doesn't make sense to me. It is one thing to consider some physical process in time. There it is to try to extrapolate it, hoping that the process will not collide with another process in the future. And we are talking here about some probability of an event, based on past experience.

The other thing is time itself. What is this time? What formula can describe the concept of time? How can one unambiguously assert an event in the future?

Alexey, with your insistence on the concept of "TIME", you, have led to a thought that, PNB does not assume any pnsunition with this concept, nobody, including Einstein and some scientists, knew about the existence of PNB. Their inaccuracies in the calculations were "written off" to the "warp" of space and time, for which there was no basis. Scientists were divided into two camps - those who recognise the GTR and STO, they unreasonably, dismissed Isaac Newton as part of physics

Scientists are also human and it is inherent to them to make mistakes. They easily write off their misunderstandings and shortcomings to such fundamental concepts as space and time! They invented "warp", interjected gravity, Schroedinger waves, and many other perversions. It was as if they did not know that Her Majesty Nature chooses the simplest and most logical way to solve any problem! The mystery is simple: nature has an EMP for all occasions. But, the trouble is, people did not know and could not know about their objective existence before the famous article appeared. Einstein gagged all his authority, divided scientists into two camps. They, these scientists, themselves, do not understand anything about Nature; they are pushing humanity in the wrong direction. They are busy splitting Nobel Prize winners instead of clearly explaining the essence of the problem.

Till now nobody, intelligibly, can explain the essence of the concept "present tense". Everyone considered the present as a moment between the past and the future, there is such a song. They thought and still think that there is no present. There is only the past and the future. They have shown that they are sadly mistaken and the main thing in this triad is the present, which has its function and is the parent of the past and the future. It is neither an instant nor an eternity, all depends on the reference frame adopted. If we consider seconds - the present is one-second processes, if we consider bpres - one bar, millennia - one thousandth millennium - it's all present time! Couldn't tell the difference between vulgarity and history. PNB pointed out: past is a separate function, History is the sum of P+H. The future - has its own function. They must not be confused or substituted!

Gentlemen, it looks like our forum will blow up the scientific world with such, fundamental arguments about the truth, which the PNB have uncovered, be ready for all attacks of uninformed pseudo-scientists, PNB and computer with us!!! Let them first understand the PNB, get acquainted with its power and all-encompassing, simple logic I am always there, I will fight back any revisionist of any suit. The market is part of nature - we'll deal with it too.

I expect a fierce, blind attack on the PNB and the article as a whole by all the academies of the world, I ask you not to waver but to oppose facts, up to the appearance of the universe, the formation of elements, the presence of the characteristic equations confirmed by X-rays. They do not know anything about nature - let them keep silent until they master PNB! PNB with astonishing accuracy of measuring instruments found, or rather showed, dependence of heat capacity of reference copper on temperature. This is already on an electronic level1 Fortunately the revisionists did not reach there. The PNB have proved the validity of the experimental Ohm's Law by excluding the application of any correction factors, including them in their parameter and coefficients. PNB have eliminated numerous correction factors and graphs for power transformers, revealing the true dependence of power on temperature. Wherever I direct the PNB = everywhere it comes out a winner among thousands of researchers of the relevant problems. The FNB is a particular case of the curve and the dreaded 18-digit dependence, which only a computer understands! The ZNB is easily, "transformed into any function known in mathematics, but not in the usual form! Consequently, PNB crosses out all mathematics and physics.

Let them leave alone the speed of light, space and time, do not stick to Schrödinger's "non-existent waves", Einstein's authority, go back to Isaac Newton.

I mentioned that, the concept of time is akin to temperature and concentration. Thank goodness the revisionists have not gone so far as to mock these concepts - knowledge is lacking.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Alexey, by your insistence on the concept "TIME", you, have led to an idea that, PNB do not assume any pnsunitions with this concept, about existence of PNB nobody, including Einstein and some scientists knew. Their inaccuracies in the calculations were "written off" to the "warp" of space and time, for which there was no basis. Scientists were divided into two camps - those who recognise the GTR and STO, they unreasonably, dismissed Isaac Newton as part of physics

Scientists are also human and it is inherent to them to make mistakes. They easily write off their misunderstandings and shortcomings to such fundamental concepts as space and time! They invented "warp", interjected gravity, Schroedinger waves, and many other perversions. It was as if they did not know that Her Majesty Nature chooses the simplest and most logical way to solve any problem! The mystery is simple: nature has an EMP for all occasions. But, the trouble is, people did not know and could not know about their objective existence before the famous article appeared. Einstein gagged all his authority, divided scientists into two camps. They, these scientists, themselves, do not understand anything about Nature; they are pushing humanity in the wrong direction. They are busy splitting Nobel Prize winners instead of clearly explaining the essence of the problem.

Till now nobody, intelligibly, can explain the essence of the concept "present tense". Everyone considered the present as a moment between the past and the future, there is such a song. They thought and still think that there is no present. There is only the past and the future. They have shown that they are sadly mistaken and the main thing in this triad is the present, which has its function and is the parent of the past and the future. It is neither an instant nor an eternity, all depends on the reference frame adopted. If we consider seconds - the present is a process of one second; if we consider bpres - one bar; millennia - one thousand years, it's all present time! Couldn't tell the difference between vulgarity and history. PNB pointed out: past is a separate function, History is the sum of P+H. The future - has its own function. They must not be confused or substituted!

Gentlemen, it seems our forum will blow up the scientific world with such, fundamental arguments about the truth, which the PNB opened up, be ready for all attacks of uninformed pseudo-scientists, PNB and computer with us!!! Let them first understand the PNB, get acquainted with their power and inclusiveness, the simplicity of logic I am always there, I will fight back any revisionist of any suit. The market is part of nature - we'll deal with it too.

I expect a fierce, blind attack on the PNB and the article as a whole by all the academies of the world, I ask you not to waver and to oppose the facts, up to the appearance of the universe, the formation of elements, the presence of the characteristic equations confirmed by X-rays. If they do not know anything about nature, let them keep quiet until they master PNB!

Nikolai Semko:

I hope for understanding

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

I hope for understanding

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Can you confirm that the future is unknown and the past cannot be changed?


Orwell's 1984 describes it ;)

It's from ignorance of the essence of the past

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Can you confirm that the future is unknown and the past cannot be changed?

The past cannot be changed, the future depends on the present.

Nikolai Semko:

Trump has supporters. I have an even worse situation-no supporters except a soulless computer! The entire scientific world is against it.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Trump has supporters. I have an even worse situation-no supporters except a soulless computer! The entire scientific world is against it.

Because the theory is naked? How did you prove it?

Everyone already knows the PNB exists, but not among the three matches.

you could try Oleg's tractor with an EOR unit and have a sweepstakes)
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

The past is unchangeable, the future depends on the present.

And the present is the sample size... Therefore, you need to get the n -samples right in order to predict the future more successfully.