Charles Dow's theory - page 66

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Yes, your unsubstantiated claims have forced me to leave the forum voluntarily, But, your persistence and activity, in the PM, even after saying goodbye to the forum, obliges me, to return and punish your impunity to the society of civilized participants in a dignified, civilized manner!

And what offended you so much?
Stop spoiling ideas. It is one thing to discuss and, as they say, do what they can. It is another thing to criticise. The choice is yours.

Hi guys, I actually got banned due to bad internet. Attempting to reply to Doctor in a timely manner, resulted in me replying several times and getting SPAM, which is prohibited. But apparently adequate our moderators figured it out and removed the ban, so thank them very much. We have a lot to do, really could have been suspended for a month. Got to be careful with the internet, it turns out. Suddenly noticed that, the ban has been lifted. Keeping up the good work. Ask away.

Теория Чарльза Доу
Теория Чарльза Доу
  • 2021.01.10
Уважаемые трейдеры...
Evgeniy Chumakov:

Question to the author.

Is the _Forecast_v12 indicator which is published in this thread - different from the indicators ?

Or are they all the same? Which one is more relevant?

Eugene, hello, all the indicators are absolutely the same, except for some points that are not relevant The indicator turns out to have many secrets, that even I, become aware of in connection with the surfacing of the PNB problem! I will tell you all about them in detail and it will surprise you, as it surprised me. It has turned from a simple indicator into a powerful analyzer of Forex trading situations! It is based on the formulas given below and contains all three P H B functions. We will try to make the most of this circumstance. Listen carefully, ask not understandable meta in time, do not ask silly questions, like whether you wrote the article yourself, etc. We will need brave and ingenious programmers to create a powerful Forex market analysis tool using the power and power of the PNB functions from the eodor indicator. I realize that not everyone had time to master the properties of the NSA described in the depths of this thread. It's not too late to find out what you're talking about by rereading the posts. Further it will be even more difficult to understand anything. Do not scold them, but correct errors if they are available. Only they were able to figure out the maze of formulas as far back as 2011. I heard a rumor that the code was written by some "not literate" coders1 I beg you to find out what have faced Alexey and Vladislav first, when they volunteer to create this indicator in front of forum users at that time and handle it with honor. Go through the formulas and know that they are found nowhere else and are the crowning glory of the whole article, and it comes out, of the whole PNB strategy.They are absolutely accurate, time-tested and meet all the requirements of the laws of logic.

The indicator, by various conditional transitions, considers three scenarios of the market situation. I will show it by examples on this thread I will show where and how to extract all three functions of PNB from its code, the order of the trading process, the lifetime of market impulses, their sign and magnitude, the system potential - how much the price moves the strength of the impulse and much more. If you don't want to learn PNB, don't rack your brains - it is not for everyone. The rest of you, you will understand PNB later. I ask everyone to actively help me in this noble cause of mastering the new method of analysis of the Forex market, Feel free to ask questions in the course of discussions, first several times read this thread. I hope for the appearance of adequate traders and programmers, some of them I will assign or rather ask to do some segments of a big job. With the permission of the moderators, I open the page where everyone can join the team of pioneers of a new strategy of trading with the PNB. Let's be worthy of this folk recognition, comrades! Some people praise it, others criticize it, while others do not want to see and/or hear about it. In this ambiguous environment, we must show the strength and power of the PNB, which contains in its depths, the code of the indicator! Do not take it as an advertisement.

PS - The indicator code contains, implicitly, the proof of Dow's first theorem "The market takes into account everything!"

Charles Dow's Theorem

Теория Чарльза Доу
Теория Чарльза Доу
  • 2021.01.10
Уважаемые трейдеры...

Page of the team for the implementation of PNB as a trading strategy in the market:

!. Sultoov Yusufkhoja-developer, 73, Lomonosov Moscow MITHT, Moscow, 1966-72, assistant professor at GMIT.

2. trader

3. programmer



Publish the formulas for calculating the forecast. Guys will take, for example, a waving machine, change the formula in it to yours, and you will have an indicator. And you will be on your way to the Expert Advisor.

From the article. definition of the order of the trading process, n, the momentum life time, tau and the system potential D=beta*tau:

Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Универсальная регрессионная модель для прогнозирования рыночной цены
Рыночная цена складывается в результате устойчивого равновесия между спросом и предложением, а те, в свою очередь, зависят от множества экономических, политических и психологических факторов. Непосредственный учет всех составляющих осложнен как различием природы, так и причиной воздействия этих факторов. На основании разработанной регрессионной модели в статье сделана попытка прогнозирования рыночной цены.




What, not clear in the formulas, ask.

For those who are looking for rationality in this topic:

Here is Sultonov'sprediction for data which, relative to forex, is elementary to predict.

You can draw your own conclusions.

По вашему мнению, коронавирус - это (возможен выбор нескольких вариантов ответа):
По вашему мнению, коронавирус - это (возможен выбор нескольких вариантов ответа):
  • 2020.03.22
Необычная эпидемия, Обычная эпидемия, Инструмент внутриполитической борьбы в Китае, Информационный феномен...
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

What is not clear in the formulas, please ask.

There are three questions on P+H+B=1, please tell me:

Is it possible to change the past?

Does the future exist now?

Does anyone know the future?

No formulas, just your vision in words, the philosophical content of your equality.

Thank you.