How and where best to post real account monitoring for all forum members to see? - page 8

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Oleg, during this time I made sure that, the model describes all the processes in the universe, including the moments of formation of minerals, elements of Mendeleev's periodic system, the passage and transformation of current and setting voltage in transformers, gold leaching from ores, the processes of development of society. the laws of caronavirus spread in China, Russia, USA, European countries and worldwide and everything imaginable, the nature and cause of the phenomenon TIME was found out, it appeared different for each process, there is a global time for In brief. I have to call these functions as functions of Her Majesty Nature, Allah or God. It remains to identify these regularities for the right processes, everyone will find an inexhaustible source for research.

Literary hyperbole

Translated from the Greek, "parabola" is comparison, comparison, ellipse is lapse, omission, "hyperbole" is exaggeration.

Etymologically the word hyperbole is of Greek origin: hyper - through, over and bole - throwing. Then in the 18th century it came to be used in Latin hyperbole - exaggeration.

Language as a phenomenon constantly uses the same words for different concepts. And while in mathematics the word "hyperbole" is used in its original Greek meaning, the Latin version of the word began to be used in literature to denote a stylistic device of excessive exaggeration of any properties of the depicted object, phenomenon, etc., in order to enhance the impression.

In stylistics, hyperbole is used to enhance the expressiveness of speech. The word has an antonym of litote, i.e. a deliberate understatement (a boy with a finger, a man with a marigold, an inch girl). And there is a synonym for exaggeration.

Hyperbole is a figurative expression, which contains an exaggeration of the size, power, meaning of any object or phenomenon. For example: "At one hundred and forty the sunset was blazing" (Mayakovsky). Hyperbole is used to increase the emotional impact on the reader, as well as to highlight those or other sides of the depicted phenomenon. For example: "And the nuclei were hindered by a mountain of bloody bodies" (M. Yu. Lermontov). Or in N. V. Gogol: "The trousers as wide as the Black Sea"; "The mouth as big as the arch of the General Staff". Hyperbole assumes the greatest role in satire. Hyperbole may be idealizing or destructive.

Examples of stylistic hyperbole

The explanatory dictionary of Russian practises mathematical and stylistic hyperbola as words-amonyms, but on the basis of the above mentioned facts we may speak about the similarity of the notions of hyperbola in mathematics and literature.

For instance, in "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich Quarrelled" by Nikolai Gogol the main artistic means of expression is hyperbole, the use of which adds satirical effect to the whole work. For example, "Ivan Ivanovich has a somewhat fearful character. Ivan Nikiforovich, on the contrary. His trousers are so tightly folded that if they were too big, they could fit the whole courtyard with its barn and outbuildings.

With Gogol, hyperbole is generally a favourite means of expression. For example, in the story "Taras Bulba" the author uses the following hyperbole: "The entire surface of the earth seemed like a green-golden ocean on which millions of different colours splashed..."; "It blew cold eyelids and spread out closer, closer and finally covered half of the entire surface of the earth..."; "...the Zaporozhets, like a lion, stretched out on the road. His proudly thrown back chub covered half an inch of ground".

В переводе с греческого «парабола» — сопоставление, сравнение, эллипс — выпадение, опущение, «хиперболе» — преувеличение. Этимологически слово гипербола имеет греческое происхождение: hyper — через, сверх и bole — бросок, метание. Далее в 18 веке оно стало использоваться в латинском языке hyperbole — преувеличение. Язык как явление постоянно...
Олег avtomat:

Literary hyperbole

In Greek, "parabola" is comparison, comparison, ellipse is lapse, omission, "hyperbole" is exaggeration.

Etymologically the word hyperbole is of Greek origin: hyper - through, over and bole - throwing. Then in the 18th century it came to be used in Latin hyperbole - exaggeration.

Language as a phenomenon constantly uses the same words for different concepts. And while in mathematics the word "hyperbole" is used in its original Greek meaning, the Latin version of the word began to be used in literature to denote a stylistic device of excessive exaggeration of any properties of the depicted object, phenomenon, etc., in order to enhance the impression.

In stylistics, hyperbole is used to enhance the expressiveness of speech. The word has an antonym of litote, i.e. a deliberate understatement (a boy with a finger, a man with a marigold, an inch girl). And there is a synonym for exaggeration.

Hyperbole is a figurative expression, which contains an exaggeration of the size, power, meaning of any object or phenomenon. For example: "At one hundred and forty the sunset was blazing" (Mayakovsky). Hyperbole is used to enhance the emotional impact on the reader, as well as to highlight those or other sides of the phenomenon being depicted. For example: "And the nuclei were hindered by a mountain of bloody bodies" (M. Yu. Lermontov). Or in N. V. Gogol: "The trousers as wide as the Black Sea"; "The mouth as big as the arch of the General Staff". Hyperbole assumes the greatest role in satire. Hyperbole may be idealizing or destructive.

Examples of stylistic hyperbole

The explanatory dictionary of Russian practises mathematical and stylistic hyperbola as words-amonyms, but on the basis of the above mentioned facts we can speak about the similarity of the notions of hyperbola in mathematics and literature.

For instance, in "The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich Quarrelled" by Nikolai Gogol the main artistic means of expression is hyperbole, the use of which adds satirical effect to the whole work. For example, "Ivan Ivanovich has a somewhat fearful character. Ivan Nikiforovich, on the contrary. His trousers are so tightly folded that if they were too big, they could fit the whole courtyard with its barn and outbuildings.

With Gogol, hyperbole is generally a favourite means of expression. For example, in the story "Taras Bulba" the author uses the following hyperbole: "The entire surface of the earth seemed like a green-golden ocean on which millions of different colours splashed..."; "It blew cold eyelids and spread out closer, closer and finally covered half of the entire surface of the earth..."; "...Zaporozhets, like a lion, stretched out on the road. His thrown down proudly his chub covered the half-arch of the ground".

I understand this passage this way: I have hyperbolic fold of character, with elements of maximalism, i.e. exaggeration of insignificant effect to the sky. I apologise if I have misunderstood this pathos.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

I understand this passage as follows: I have a hyperbolic temperament, with elements of maximalism, i.e. exaggerating an insignificant effect to the skies. I apologise if I have misunderstood this pathos.

No, it is not that global.

But you can't call it other than hyperbole, and it cannot be perceived otherwise.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Oleg, during this time I made sure that, the model describes all the processes in the Universe, including the moments of formation of minerals, elements of Mendeleev's periodic system, current flow and transformation and setting voltage in transformers, gold leaching from ores, society development processes. the laws of caronavirus distribution in China, Russia, USA, European countries and in the whole world and everything what can be imagined, the nature and reason of phenomenon TIME was found out, it appeared different for each process, and there is global time for every process. In brief. I have to call these functions as functions of Her Majesty Nature, Allah or God. It remains to identify these regularities for the right processes, everyone will find an inexhaustible source for research.

Vladimir Baskakov:
There will be a fiasco, that's 100%. There's no reason to think otherwise.

Don't worry. Vladimir, this is just an experiment, with a minimum risk of only 60 c.u. Until when will we be shy and afraid of the market!

Hello Yusuf! With your conviction/confidence it would be more profitable to bet and/or sell options, have you thought about that?

Unfortunately I am not familiar with options, how do they differ from currency pairs? Enlighten me briefly please. Where are they traded. to get to them? Included, so far, in the trading process gold and 4 other currency pairs, 6 instruments in total are involved. In order to take some load off the UPU server, I minimized all the windows in it, as the UPU owners advised earlier.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:


Yusufhoja, I don't understand a bit, pardon my curiosity.

You are opening orders after a certain time one after the other and claiming an NPA. If that is the case then you have N is an open order. But this does not fit into the concept of your assertions. Kindly bother to refute it. I'll be on the chink.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Yusufhoja, I don't understand a bit, pardon my curiosity.

You are opening orders after a certain time one after the other and claiming NNB. If that is the case then you have N is an open order. But this does not fit into the concept of your assertions. Kindly bother to refute it. I'll be on the chink.

1. Now, ideally, the number of open positions can be up to 1800 at a time. Only ATS can cope with such a load. So far no remarks from broker or VPS owners.

2. please refer to Oleg's explanations, he has laid everything out there

Как и где лучше разместить мониторинг реального счета для всеобщего обозрения участникам форума?
Как и где лучше разместить мониторинг реального счета для всеобщего обозрения участникам форума?
  • 2020.12.12
Торговля ведется на ВПС наа EUR/USD постоянным лотом 0,01, депозитом 60 у.е...
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Please refer to Oleg's explanations, he has it all laid out there

The most convenient moment))) I have been seeing for more than a decade abstruse charts, which have nothing to do with real trading. But the pompousness there is great.

I am interested to hear from you concretely.

The formula P+H=B. This is a fantasy of your mind or you may implement such a formula.

But it seems that order opening is performed according to one formula and order closing - according to another one.

So the question arises. Isn't it a tricky trick? And what is it leading to? The logic is broken.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with options, how do they differ from currency pairs? Enlighten me briefly, please. Where are they traded. to get to them? Included, so far, in the trading process gold and 4 other currency pairs, 6 instruments in total are involved. To take some load off the UPU server I minimized all the windows in it, as previously advised by UPU owners.

Briefly) Option is one of the derivative financial instruments. They are traded on exchanges (though there are also off-exchange providers), in Russia on the MosExchange. It differs from currency pairs in that when you sell an option, the buyer pays you a premium and you undertake to sell/buy the underlying asset at a certain price in the future and vice versa when you buy. The option buyer only risks the premium with unlimited profits, the option seller receives the premium with unlimited risk, in short)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:
By the way, it would be interesting to analyse the differences between the models. From both perspectives)

The model is the same, its currents are different.