Looking for patterns - page 9


The inadequate one has appeared.

I'm sorry, I'm leaving.

Uladzimir Izerski:

No one will draw. It can come out to its own detriment. A vacuum is quickly filled.

Depends on 1) who has access to such opportunities, 2) and what are the obstacles? What are the obstacles?

Uladzimir Izerski:

The value of a currency is finite and cannot fall or rise indefinitely. Unlike a currency pair.

That's true. But still not an absolute argument.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

This picture of you right here:

reminds me very much of my own market time...

Perhaps the Grail awaits you, now that you've seen it. So be it... Amen.

Uladzimir Izerski:

The inadequate one has appeared.

All right, I'm sorry, I'm leaving.

Come on, ignore it. There can be noise of varying nature at any frequency. If it weren't for filters, there'd be nowhere to step in this limitless space. :)

Vitaliy Maznev:

Come on, ignore it. There can be noise of varying nature at any frequency. If it weren't for filters, there'd be nowhere to step in this limitless space. :)

I'm with you, but I'll only be reading).

Vladimir Baskakov:
Patterns are only in your mind. Not in reality.

There is nothing at all in the real world. You don't exist and I don't exist. AndUladzimir Izerski: nonexistent :)

An emptiness in which nothing is reflected from nothing.


There is nothing at all in the real world. You don't exist and I don't exist. And Uladzimir Izerski: nonexistent :)

An emptiness in which nothing is reflected from nothing.

"There is no me, I have left Russia!"



There is nothing at all in the real world. You don't exist and I don't exist. AndUladzimir Izerski: nonexistent :)

An emptiness in which nothing is reflected from nothing.

Where did you get this information? I don't think I told it to anybody).
Maxim Romanov:
Where did you get this information? I don't think I've told anyone that)

while it's snowing, it's not until spring :-)

Maxim Romanov:
The field is such that knowledgeable people are reluctant to share knowledge because it is not profitable to educate their competitors).
But okay, here's another pattern. If we take the market as a source of entropy, and two people trade against each other, the probability of winning is greater for the one who has more money. For example, two people are playing, one has $100, the other $10000. Then the other one will come up with $1000, and he will also divest the one who has more money. So the one who has more money will win. Hence, the abstract strategy: if you find a specific participant and trade against him, then you can earn more money, even if the market is random. By the way, those who have access to certain information do not disdain this algorithm at the exchange.

More than 100 years ago the Lanchester equation appeared. Two sides in a conflict shoot at each other. Each faction has a certain initial strength and a fixed effective rate of fire of its fighters. The effective rate of fire is the product of the number of rounds fired per minute by a fighter and his probability of hitting the target with a single shot. Question: at what ratio of parameters will the relative (%) strength of the sides decrease equally? In other words, what parameter ratio would make the groupings equal.

This equation is:

N1^2*E1=N2^2*E2, where:

N1, N2 are the number of groupings;

E1, E2 - their effective velocity.

Grouping number is very similar to deposit size.

I don't insist on using the model where every successful shot reduces the number of enemies shooting at me, but I don't welcome phrases like: ". Whoever has more money will win...". ".

Well, if you or anyone else tries to create something similar to Lanchester's equation, albeit quite primitive, but market-oriented, I would be happy to join in, but at the moment it's just a lot of chatter.