Looking for patterns - page 2

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Eugene, great! How to put it to good use now

Trade only what you can spare :)

Vitaliy Maznev:

Only trade what you can spare :)

Vitaly, yes there is logic. I agree. More patterns? You probably know more!

The one who speaks does not know. The one who knows does not speak. )
Aleksei Stepanenko:

Vitaly, yes there is logic. I agree. More regularities? You surely know more!

Everyone knows a lot of things, Alexei. Only there is absolutely no way to use it. Another basic human pattern is that in spite of experience, knowledge and rational conclusions, at the most critical moment it goes against it all. And the sources of such dissonance are too difficult to find. If only because they are so hard for the mind that it will inevitably deny them. :)

Vitaliy Maznev:

If only because they are so hard on the mind that it will inevitably deny them. :)

You make a good point. I guess the desire not to go out of our comfort zone makes us pay any price to save our psyche. That price is lost money.

The one who speaks does not know. The one who knows does not speak. )
Gregory, why? Words do not always convey nonsense. There is no exact knowledge in our business, but there is experience, a knack, a trained eye. You can talk about some ideas, if you want to, of course.
Aleksei Stepanenko:

You make a good point. Probably the desire not to go out of our comfort zone makes us pay any price to save our psyche. That price is lost money.

I don't know about the comfort zone. I'm not even sure if everyone here is in that zone. But from what I understand, you are looking for options for success. And success depends very little on ability and knowledge. The secret of success, for the most part, is in the layout. And the layout is an external factor. Even if you understand the world around you, you do not control it. The more cognitive a person is, the less successful he is. Because the knower inevitably bumps into the fundamental order of the environment and its limiters.

About losses, probably the most sensible solution in our field is to clearly understand their probability and limit the risks. That is, in my opinion, the key point. The rest depends very little on us.

Vitaliy Maznev:

The more a person learns, the less successful they are

Both agree and disagree. Knowledge is aggravating, I agree. But the main thing is to look outside the box. Where a man wise by experience does not see options, the young girl easily gets 3 million followers on all sorts of Instagram, not knowing anything about the problems that really exist around. And the man can, if he relaxes and looks at the world not through the eyes of a pragmatist. And if he can't, at least let him try and make a breakthrough, because life is only one.

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Eugene, great! How to put it to good use now

It's very simple. If you have traded, do not wait until you sell, but withdraw the money and go on holiday to the sea. And when you come back rested, with fresh brains, you may trade again).

Aleksei Stepanenko:

Both agree and disagree. Knowledge is aggravating, I agree. But it's the out-of-the-box perspective that counts. Where a man of manly experience does not see options, the young girl easily gets 3 million followers on any Instagram, not knowing anything about the problems that really exist around. And a man can, if he relaxes and looks at the world not through the eyes of a pragmatist.

It is not knowledge that is aggravating. Rather, it is the side factors that aggravate it. And the fact that a young and inexperienced girl easily succeeds against the background of hundreds of wise people - this again, confirms the idea that it is not experience, abilities or achievements that are behind success, but rather external factors.

I have, in principle, been into optimisation in the past. I have a general idea of how resources are promoted. So, if 10 years ago you could use a simple program for 10 minutes to display almost any page in the top Google for the required query, today requires investing immeasurable money to get much less than the result. So if you're really looking for a pattern, start with the global fundamentals. The initial setup is already set up in such a way that the ultimate beneficiaries are clearly defined. So that at least you don't have to worry about why some infant easily achieves what it takes you years to achieve in vain. :)