Metatrader 4/5 MACOS ???? - page 7


how do you know if it's profitable or not until you code it?

I'm sure the tester in the full version of MACOS will work faster using the HFS file system ...and? Many users will switch to Hackintosh over time very quickly to effectively opt the robots

Nah. Personally, I'm not going to spend five times the money on a new gnarly computer just out of sheer pomp. Windows is popular because it's not expensive compared to the poncey axis. In general they gave you the right answer: if you want to have fun with it, just sit there, if you don't want to work with Windows, just go ahead.

Vladimir Karputov:

Nope. Personally, I'm not going to spend five times as much money on a new snapper computer just for show-offs. Windows is popular because it does not cost that much in relation to a flashy axis. So they gave you the right answer. If you want to survive with braggy hardware, just sit tight, if you don't want to work with Windows.

another Cossack....

What don't you like?) ? I built it myself from scratch - see the screenshot (have you ever seen such a video card on the original iMac?) ). I downloaded MACOS and put it on my computer ! This is not Apple tech - Ponce Zero! Only crutch but the name of MT4 works in the emulator as if it was coded by an alky ... you don't know what to tell a windows fan

i work in video editors and write music - they fly on macOS ... ... Windows is a real bummer for those areas ...


oh another cossack....

What's the point )))) ? I built it myself from scratch - see the screenshot (have you ever seen such a video card on the original iMac - I haven't)). ). I downloaded MACOS and put it on my computer ! This is not Apple tech - Ponce Zero! Only a crutch but the name of MT4 there as it works in the emulator as if an alky had coded it!

Citizen Baby, please address your interlocutor with respect.

Vladimir Karputov:

Citizen Child, please treat your interlocutor with respect.

Why do you get a kick out of writing that Hackintosh is PONTS?


It's as if no one here has seen any other OS apart from windos.

Vladimir Karputov:

Nope. Personally, I'm not going to spend five times as much money on a new gadget just for the sake of showing off. Windows is popular because it does not cost too much comparing to a flashy axis. Well, they gave you the right answer. If you want to survive with stupid axes, just sit there, if you don't want to work with Windows, just go ahead.

Windows is just a paid system and you are being sold together with it.

The other systems are free, you can easily install them on any machine. You don't even need to install it. You just boot from a stick in 2 minutes and start working.

Can you boot Windows like that? If you try to install vindos from a flash drive, it will spend half a day panting and asking for your personal data, and then it will ask for registration, otherwise it will not start.


oh another cossack....

What's the point )))) ? I built it myself from what I had - see the screenshot (have you ever seen such a video card on the original iMac - I haven't)). ). I downloaded MACOS and put it on my computer ! This is not Apple tech - Ponce Zero! Only crutch but the name of MT4 works in the emulator as if it was coded by an alky ... you don't know what to tell a windows fan

i work in video editors and write music - they fly on macOS ... Windows is a lame duck in these areas...

There you go. Now you can see the ponce, and it was immediately evident in the first post. I will allow myself to quote:
"We (developers and people who by their financial wealth will afford to use Apple hardware)are just begging you -develop... "
In the beginning cool ... And now ... ... I've built myself where I can...

Guy Kawasaki - this guy came up with the mantra for Apple. That if you use Apple, you are the elite.
Apple people do not even know that they are victims of clever marketing. More precisely, they are not victims, but their ponces.
I have nothing against iPhones and macbooks. Good technology is reliable and it requires less thinking. That's why my wife uses them. I, a pauper, would rather have a Windows.

Nikolai Semko:

Guy Kawasaki - this guy came up with the mantra for Apple. That if you use Apple you are an elite.
Apple people don't even know that they are victims of clever marketing. More precisely, they are not the victims, but their pretentiousness.
I have nothing against iPhones and macbooks. Good technology is reliable and it requires less thinking. That's why my wife uses them. I, a pauper, would rather have a Windows.

What does the iPhone and the macbook have to do with it? I thought it was about the operating system?

It's about windos:


I didn't ban you, so please don't poo-poo my Skype.

Artem, that's funny. Whose Skype to download - the one who banned? Pioneer, you're responsible for everything.

People have forgotten the word UNIX, but they discuss kernel builds quite confidently. And they have been selling Windows builds in Mitino for a long time now. It turns out that it is OK to build a shell, too.

Today a child told me: you know, English, French, Chinese and gymnastics are the easiest ones for me. Only in P.E. she is lazy. She was the one who did figure skating for five years and left with 1 junior.