Quantum analysis Duca - page 16

You are lying again. Why do you have an upper chart with quotes of 1.1280 and a lower chart of 1.0795 ??? Different currency pairs?

Let's try to clarify how things stand with quantum time. Let's take an ordinary graph and include period separators:

As we see the period separators are placed at the same distance, by astronomical time.All is well.

Now let's try with the quantum graph:

And what do we see? Everything is not in order at all. All the intervals are different. When the market is active, the day is long, and when it is a holiday and the stockbrokers are resting, it is very short. The time axis "breathes", expands and contracts, adapting to the current market dynamics.

So, as Munchausen said, time on earth and time in the sky do not run the same way. And the speed of time movement is determined by the speed of change of material parameter, in our case quantum price. It is because of its temporal plasticity that the quantum graph fits so precisely into calculated quantum channels, in its natural environment.

We will return to peculiarities of quantum time more than once, but for our introductory talk it is enough.

The problem of weekends and holidays is certainly there, there is no arguing with that. While there is no trade, the economy and the world are still awake and doing something. Some potential is building up.

But what's the point of setting the scale from the rate ? well there will be an "achilles and turtle"... of course you can put different scales, including tricky dynamic scales. But these are just coordinate transformations, affine and not so much. Games with graphs.

what do currencies and economics have to do with it ? show me the basis

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Interesting backstory about Dukascopi, if true

but usually researchers don't open financial institutions, they don't have the stomach for it.

And why isn't there anything about quantum analysis on the pages

If I read the story correctly, Duca the author of this theory was the father of that Duca who discovered Dukascopi, but whether this story can be believed at all is unknown...


It's "true space" nonsense of course .....

but somehow, by some miracle, there is one great concept in this fantasy mana-theory of Duk's, though the author himself kills it by destroying the time factor...


It's exactly the opposite. Duca introduces the concept of true, personal time of a dynamic process. Every dynamical object in our universe has its own, individual space-time.
Evgeny Belyaev:

So once again, the topic is flooded, and I thought I was going to get Duke's grail.

All in vain.


The plant.

But... I'm the one who should have said it!


Well yeah lost the time structure super heh just atas

Not lost, found. Imagine coming out of the laughing room and seeing yourself in a normal, not crooked, mirror.
It's exactly the opposite. Duka introduces the concept of true, personal time of a dynamic process. Every dynamic object in our universe has its own, individual space-time.

This is of course a very interesting approach, but the chart stretches and shrinks, so what should a normal trader who lives in linear time do with it?

Not lost, found. Imagine coming out of the laughing room and seeing yourself in a normal, not crooked, mirror.

From a metaphysical point of view I would agree with this, and even with non-linear time, moreover, I would suggest that time is not considered as a structure with arbitrary metrics and proscriptive dimensionality... but in practice graphs are usually linear and the law of the square root of time is satisfied for ordinary time, not for renko charts...


From a metaphysical point of view I would agree with this, and even with non-linear time, moreover, I would suggest that time is not considered as a structure with arbitrary metrics and proscriptive dimensionality... but in practice the graphs are usually linear and the law of the square root of time is satisfied for normal time, not for renko charts...

excluding, however, weekends... yes...


This is of course a very interesting approach, but the chart stretches and shrinks, so what should a normal trader who lives in linear time do with it?

You do nothing. :) It's analogous to the tic-tac-toe methodology, where there is no time indicator.