My approach. The core is the engine. - page 58

Алексей Тарабанов:

If you try, will it make a difference? Table - where's the PLO?

Let's put it another way, hot OOP guys. Make two tables. First one - without OOP, second one - with it. The main thing is not to mix them up.

If you try, yes, there will be a difference.

Which tables?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

If you try, yes - there will be a difference.

Which tables?

Dimitri, any table. Either there will be no difference, or there will be a mistake.

Let me apologise to Nikolai, he to Pyotr, and you reflect on reality )

Алексей Тарабанов:

Dimitri, any. Either there will be no difference or there will be a mistake.

Let me apologize to Nikolai, he to Peter and you reflect on reality.)

Reflect on reality? No way! You have to be off the booze for two weeks.

If it's any table. I already have one, it's been done for a long time.

It's not for me to apologise or not to apologise to whom.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Make sense of reality? No way! You'd have to be sober for two weeks.

If it's any kind of chart. I already have one, it's been done for a while.

It's not for me to apologize or not to apologize to who.

Your OOP is lame, but your tables are good.

Alexei just bit into me after I told him when he called fxsabera an idler.
Kind of like revenge. :))
Me and Pyotr are old pals and we're not offended by reciprocal taunts for a long time.
Nikolai Semko:
Alexei just bit into me after I told him when he called fxsabera an idler.
Kind of like revenge. :))
We are long-time friends with Pyotr and we don't take offence at reciprocal taunts.

Nikolai, I wouldn't know.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Make sense of reality? No way! You'd have to be sober for two weeks.

If it's any kind of chart. I already have one, it's been done for a while.

It's not for me to apologize or not to apologize to who.

Tomorrow it's my birthday, the day after tomorrow - relaxation. If it's already done, don't come to me. Come back on the 14th or 15th...

Алексей Тарабанов:

Tomorrow is my birthday, the day after tomorrow is a relaxation. If it's already done, it's not for me. Come by on the 14th or 15th...

Alexei Tarabanov:

Nikolai, I wouldn't know.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Your OOP is lame and your tables are good.

Where is my OOP lame?

Алексей Тарабанов:
Happy birthday to you Alexey!
All the best!
Good term on this planet. I love simple numbers.