My approach. The core is the engine. - page 57

Реter Konow:

I would have published a free version by now if there was any constructive feedback. But I see widespread, glaring and little-explained negativity. And on all sides. This is the phenomenon I'm trying to understand.

Peter, a year and a half ago I wrote to you in private:

There is no phenomenon. There is an obviousness that you refuse to understand.
The obviousness is that you are using outdated programming methods and fundamentally do not want to learn new ones, either because of laziness, or because of extreme conservatism, or simply because of protest behavior, rooted in childhood.

Реter Konow:

You need to know C#. You need to know how to write a DLL. You need to organize and think about the interaction between the form and the MT-application.

Let's lay out all the steps and see if everything is as simple as you say. I'm interested in it myself.

Can you please send me the DLL code?

I am a bad teacher, but I am a quick learner )))).

Ok, I'll try to explain in detail:

1. Download C# compiler, I downloaded SharpDevelop , I chose Downloads for SharpDevelop 5 (Frameworks 2.0 to 4.5.1) = 14 MB

2. Install it and run it.

3. Create new project: File - New - Solution - C# folder - Class Library

4. Add visual form: File - New -New file (press Create file inside project) - C# folder - Windows Applications folder - Form

5. Now the project is ready, open the form designer, add buttons, checkboxes, tabs, gridlines... ...all your standard Windows stuff

6. In the file with the name of our project write the basic code:

namespace Mylib
        /// <summary>
        /// Description of TestClass.
        /// </summary>
        public class TestClass
        static Form1 f=new Form1();
        public static void Run()

7. Press F8 and look for your ready-made .dll on the disk in your project folder

In MT5 we write an Expert Advisor to call the form:

#import "Mylib.dll"
int OnInit()
void OnTick()

launch it, use a ready-made window with control elements, then make button handlers in MQL ( where convenient in OnTick() or OnTimer() ) and a class in C# that will return what a user has pressed on demand

I've attached the source code of the Expert Advisor and .dll, today I'm too lazy to sit near the computer, tomorrow I will figure out why this form does not work in the Strategy Tester, but, as I wrote, there is a lot of information on the web, for personal use, it couldn't be easier ;)

Files:  11 kb
Igor Makanu:

hmm, I'm not a good teacher, but I'm a quick learner )))

OK, I'll try to elaborate:

1. You download the compiler////.

Do you think he needs it to learn (thank you, by the way, for the concise and accurate instructions)?

He's about to start talking about why his approach is better and this one is useless.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Do you think he needs it to learn (thank you, by the way, for the short and precise instructions)?

He's about to start talking about why his approach is better and this one is useless.

I don't know, maybe you're right!

but I'm taking the path of least resistance... I didn't have a bad idea, I saw a question for myself and answered it, the rule in forums is always: you ask me, I'll ask you)))

Vitalii Ananev:
Why don't you, Peter, do the same thing using OOP. I don't understand why you don't use its possibilities and don't even try to grasp the OOP principles. The profession of an IT specialist in itself presupposes that this very specialist is constantly engaged in self-education. Since technologies don't stand still new programming languages appear and PC capacities are growing. In general, progress does not stand still. But you with your programming style are stuck at the level of 2000 and you propose other programmers to return to the level of those ragged years. I've said it many times and I'll repeat it once again. Try to do all this using RPF.

Who cares if the same thing is done with or without OOP. What's already been done (

Nikolai Semko:

Peter, a year and a half ago I wrote to you in private:

There is no phenomenon. There is an obviousness that you refuse to understand.
And the obviousness is that you are using outdated programming methods and fundamentally do not want to learn new ones, either because of laziness, or because of extreme conservatism, or simply because of protest behavior, which has its roots in childhood.

Nikolai, you got carried away and it's not clear why. I can fantasise:

1. You are qualified as a psychiatrist, but you have not recited the Hippocratic Oath.

2. You got a little carried away and are ready to apologise to Peter for your completely unethical judgement.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Nikolai, you got carried away and it's not clear why. I can fantasise:

1. You are qualified as a psychiatrist, but you have not recited the Hippocratic Oath.

2. You are in a bit of a pickle and you are ready to apologise to Peter for your completely unethical judgement.

In civilised countries of the world there is a very high level of psychologisation of the population (in the sense of interest in and understanding of psychology), so. in general it is nothing special when one person tries to understand the behaviour of another and argues about it, and in general it is no secret that all behaviour patterns are rooted in childhood, it does not surprise or offend anyone and everyone is cool about it.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Who cares if the same thing is done with or without OOP. What has already been done (

Generally speaking, it makes no difference if you don't frantically try to prove all the advantages of your approach and complete failure of OOP in principle.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

In civilized countries of the world there is a very high level of psychologization of the population (in the sense of interest in and understanding of psychology), therefore. in general, there is nothing special when one person tries to understand the behaviour of another and argues about it, and in general it is no secret that all features of behaviour have their roots in childhood, this will not surprise or offend anyone, and everyone is at ease with this.

Let me speculate about the place where a good man was born - for example, Nikolai Semko - and what he was born with. We are a civilised country.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Generally speaking, it makes no difference if you don't frantically try to prove all the advantages of your approach and the complete failure of OOP in principle.

If you try, will it make a difference? Table - where's the OOP?

Put it another way, hot OOP guys. Make two tables. First one - without OOP, second one - with it. The main thing is not to mix it up.