You have a technical mind, don't you? - page 25

Uladzimir Izerski:

Is there a process in the atom or not?

И. Newton didn't bother to go into the atom, I think, but argued.

He did not yet know about virtual particles in the vacuum.
Maxim Romanov:
He didn't yet know about virtual particles in a vacuum.


So the smartest scientists today know bits and pieces about the world. BUT claim!!!

For a long time I have been thinking about what matter is and came to the conclusion that a particle is a wave. But the amplitude of the wave is so high that due to finite speed of light, it creates a rarefaction region in space. That is, the wave itself creates a region of reduced pressure and is reflected from the interface between normal and reduced pressure. That's how you get a particle. The wave gets trapped in a confined volume. But, reflections from the interface happen with a loss of energy outside and when the amplitude of the wave falls off, the particle disintegrates. This is a simplified version.
Uladzimir Izerski:


So the smartest scientists today know bits and pieces about the world. BUT they do!!!

But at least they're moving progress forward somehow.
Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

No process, no time. E. Newton.

I totally agree.

Hegel (if I am not mistaken), said that "the world is a process".

However, it is better to reason further, because dialectical thinking yet I do not own.

I think, to understand the World, we need not so much Science, how many "upgrade" our own intellect.

Progress, progress... It will eventually destroy the world. At least in the logic of today's world.
Реter Konow:

I totally agree.

Hegel (if I am not mistaken), said that "the world is a process".

However, it is better to reason further, because I do not yet know dialectical thinking.

I think, to understand the World, we need not so much Science, as an "upgrade" of our own intellect.

Or to get rid of dogma.

Uladzimir Izerski:
Progress, progress... It will eventually destroy the world. At least in the logic of today's world.
Destroy our ecosystem, yes, that's 100%. But in order to do that, we need to explore other planets. The main thing is to do it faster than we destroy our own. And if we don't develop, sooner or later the planet itself will die and so will the sun. So there's only one way out: evolve. We just need to make less iPhones, weapons, clothes, spinners and other junk and invest more in science and environmental improvements.
Uladzimir Izerski:

Or get rid of dogma.

However, the absence of dogma forces one to strain one's own mind and build one's own conclusions. It is more difficult than repeating the platitudes.

Many would probably prefer dogma).

Maxim Romanov:
Destroy our ecosystem, yes, that's 100%. But in order to do that, we need to develop other planets. The main thing is to do it faster than we destroy our own. And if we don't develop, sooner or later the planet itself will die and so will the sun. So there's only one way out: evolve. Just need to make less iPhones, weapons, clothes, spinners and other junk and invest more in science and environmental improvements.

And to understand that, there is a unit of time allocated to all these processes.