You have a technical mind, don't you? - page 20

Реter Konow:

Even though what I am claiming is impossible to disprove or prove, but:

  1. Time is immaterial. Time, is a dimension of Being. A scale of the Physical World, existing as a Law and not as an Object. Scale that measures cycles of change of states of Objects. Scale of Processes.

2. space, - Intangible. Space is also a dimension of Being. A sphere of phenomena of the material world in which physicalobjects reflect another form of relation between themselves. It is . Measurement, as a side of relation of Objects..

Beyond Physics, we will inevitably find pure Philosophy. )

How few of you reasonable people there are

Ivan Butko:

2. Does time have a temperature?

You don't even understand what temperature is. You do not know, for example, that it cannot be determined for a single molecule, but only for a large set of molecules (as a measure of their chaotic motion). At the same time you judge the foundations of physics. Or do you consider a molecule to be like time?)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

You don't even understand what temperature is. You do not know, for example, that it cannot be determined for a single molecule, but only for a large set of molecules (as a measure of their chaotic motion). At the same time you take it as a basis for physics. Or do you consider a molecule to be like time?)

Where's the face-palm emoticon?

Well, I wrote about material properties, and it is not only temperature.

Ivan Butko:
Where's the facepalm emoticon?

Well, I wrote about material properties, and it is not only temperature.

Materiality of time, as well as materiality of a molecule is learned indirectly, through theories and experiments (for a molecule and time they differ, of course). If you have any equations of motion, you cannot arbitrarily change time in them without changing their form, and experiments often consist of meticulously measuring time. This is what defines time as quite material in physics, not an exercise in meaningless scholasticism.

Ivan Butko:

It is possible to exist in two states - physical and non-physical.

You know from physics that physical means existing in reality. In reality, in short. Irrespective of the subject.

In the physical, there are objects that affect the reality around us. Space gives us volume, through volume there is matter, through matter there is field and matter.

And there are non-physical entities. They sort of exist, but they don't exist in material terms: communism, bravery, nastiness, politics, Cheburashka. Communism cannot be built with bricks, courage does not affect temperature, nastiness does not cause magnetic storms, and the Cheburashka cannot be touched with hands (children touch the down rag toy, not the character).
And there are two more entities that do not exist in material embodiment: information and time. I had a separate article about information on another resource, I will not talk about it now. But as far as time is concerned, answer yourself a question:

1. Can you touch time?

2. Does time have a temperature?

3. Does time have analog nature or discrete nature?

4. To which form of matter does time belong: field or material?

You will answer the first two questions negatively, the second two questions cannot be answered because time has no material properties, time has no physical properties. Time has no real properties at all. And if an object has no real properties can it have a real embodiment? No.

Time is just a comparative characteristic of processes. It has nothing to do with the real physical world. The human subject invented time; it is necessary for comparing of course of two processes: first process: the hand of clock goes one circle. The second process is any process of choice. Then these two processes are compared, how many times did the second process take place during the period of the first process (for passing of the circle by the hand). That's it. This is a subjective entity, and more often than not, a philosophical one. In material terms time is nothing, it is simply a derivative of the human thought process, or, more conveniently, a projection.

This is why I draw attention to the clarification of the question "does time exist?", because misunderstandings can arise from ignorance.

Involuntarily I remembered from my student days, very vividly, as if in reality: the phrase, boldly scrawled on the lid of the desk in the classroom,"The lecturer is delirious".

Such associations surfaced from the depths of time when reading this opus, providing information that something similar had already happened in the past. And taking into account the direction of the arrow of time, one can suppose that something similar will happen in the future.

You're all talking about the meaning of life, and the meaning is to go on.
Алексей Тарабанов:
You are all talking about the meaning of life, while the meaning is to continue it.
You need to philosophize a little, but all advisers and indicators)))
Aleksey Nikolayev:

The materiality of time, like the materiality of a molecule, is learned indirectly, through theories and experiments (for a molecule and time they are different, of course). If you have any equations of motion, you cannot arbitrarily change time in them without changing their form, and experiments often consist of meticulous measurement of time. This is what defines time as quite material in physics, not an exercise in meaningless scholasticism.

It's just water. And it's muddy, it's a puddle.

It has been clearly explained above that time has no material properties, I see no point in repeating it five times. Not to see obvious things is such a mess in the head.
Ivan Butko:
Water alone. And it's muddy, it's a puddle.

It has been made clear above that time has no material properties, so there is no point in repeating it five times. Not to see obvious things is such a mess in one's head

1) The motion of a material body is a physical phenomenon?

2) the motion of a material body has material properties?

3) the speed of motion of a material body has material properties?

4) the acceleration of motion of a material body has material properties?

What are your answers to these questions?