You have a technical mind, don't you? - page 30

Олег avtomat:

I don't care what you liked or disliked about it.

You demonstrate a lack of understanding. That's a fact.

Ooh. Who am I looking at?

Good evening, Oleg. Good to see you.

What understanding we have here without you:

Uladzimir Izerski:

Ooh. Who am I looking at?

Good evening, Oleg. Good to see you.

What understanding we have here without you:

We didn't have time to talk already went to bed.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Fight the booze!

That's right, alcohol is evil. That's why it's being destroyed. And drunkenness is a side effect of destroying

Uladzimir Izerski:

Before we had time to talk, he went to bed.

Oh, that Vladimir Izversky. He's gone off again.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Oh, that Vladimir Izversky. He's gone again. No, gentlemen.

No, colleagues, I haven't gone anywhere. Ask the most inconvenient questions. There will be answers. I'm still alive. )))))))))

Uladzimir Izerski:

No, colleagues, I haven't gone anywhere. Ask the most inconvenient questions. There will be answers. I'm still alive. )))))))))

0.5 doesn't affect my well-being)))

I'm looking forward to the hot questions.

I'll wait another ten minutes.

That's it.

Tomorrow is another day. Strong personalities are welcome in this thread, the rest can keep quiet (you can read) weaklings have no place here.

Maxim Romanov:
It's not in anything. Outside of space there is no concept of what or when. There is absolute emptiness. And space in general is only an illusion. There really is nothing.
Imagine... you are in a black room where there is nothing, the room is endless, it is neither cold nor hot, there is no sound or gravity, you don't want to eat or drink or anything. There are no legs and no arms and no body. You are not sitting, just floating in the void, feeling nothing, immortal and have been there for about an eternity. There is absolutely nothing to do.
What next? The only thing to do is to start fantasizing. That's the answer to space, time, matter. We invented it all, it's all our imagination, so we don't get bored. It's not the first world we've invented and it won't be the last, it's really boring out there, so here we are. There is nothing else but this world, but you can always invent something else) Including the place where our space is, but why?

It doesn't fill up any more.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The laws of physics - maybe. But logic is not physics, it is the science of correct human thinking (thinking is inseparable from man). You only continue to demonstrate your ignorance of physics and logic.

And you can't get into logic at all. For you, logic is the logic of statements, nothing more. And in fact it is a broader concept, the basis of which is the cause and effect relationship of everything. As written above, the process cannot end without starting.

Don't dwell on it, evolve