You have a technical mind, don't you? - page 24

Maxim Romanov:
I think the existence of matter without space is as possible as the existence of air bubble without water.
That is, without water, air spreads everywhere.
Matter is just a local perturbation of space.

And local space is in what?

Think heads. I'll go get a beer.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Only the laws of human behaviour are created by humans, and the laws of logic are already created by nature, or the universe if you like... 1>0.

1>0 is arithmetic, mathematicians tried to derive it from logic, but it proved impossible (Gödel theorems)

By the laws of logic I mean a more or less generally accepted set of statements.


It's been a long time since such an interesting thread.

Rereading some pages, I began to think again about the nature of Time. And here are some thoughts that occurred to me:

To begin with, the notion of Time is born from subjective experiences of an individual. I think nobody will argue with this. But it does not mean that Time does not exist by itself. Undoubtedly, Matter is subjected to action of Time, but at the same time it is immaterial.

What if Time is a derivative of Process? Process, besides being a successive change of states, is first of all a manifestation of Order.

Why? - Because if you take all the states of the Object and just "throw" them into Being, you will get chaos of states. There will be no Process.

Process needs consistency for existence. Its states should be ordered. In the order of apparition of states, Time is born.

Each state of Object is assigned a segment of Existence. That is, State is in Existence from Nonexistence and returns to it. This happens each iteration of cycle of change of States.

Time, is a "slice" of Existence, which is given to each Phenomenon or State. Gift to countless potential Phenomena and States in Nonexistence.


If humanity synchronises its time with the time in the atomАтомные_часы

then I can conclude that time exists and has always existed.

Didn't have time to go get a beer.((

Uladzimir Izerski:

And local space is in what?

Think heads. I'll go get a beer.

It's not in anything. Outside space there is no concept of what and when. There is absolute emptiness. And space is just an illusion. In fact, there is nothing.
Imagine... you are in a black room where there is nothing, the room is infinite, it is neither cold nor hot, there is no sound or gravity, you don't want to eat or drink or anything. There are no legs and no arms and no body. You are not sitting, just floating in the void, feeling nothing, immortal and have been there for about an eternity. There is absolutely nothing to do.
What next? The only thing to do is to start fantasizing. That's the answer to space, time, matter. We invented it all, it's all our imagination, so we don't get bored. It's not the first world we've invented and it won't be the last, it's really boring out there, so here we are. There is nothing else but this world, but we can always invent something else) Including the place where our space is, but why?
Maxim Romanov:
It's not in anything. Outside of space, there's no idea in what or when. There is absolute emptiness. And in general, space is just an illusion. There is really nothing.
Imagine... you are in a black room where there is nothing, the room is endless, it is neither cold nor hot, there is no sound or gravity, you don't want to eat or drink or anything. There are no legs and no arms and no body. You are not sitting, just floating in the void, feeling nothing, immortal and have been there for about an eternity. There is absolutely nothing to do.
What next? The only thing to do is to start fantasizing. That's the answer to space, time, matter. We invented it all, it's all our imagination, so we don't get bored. It's not the first world we've invented and it won't be the last, it's really boring out there, so here we are. There's nothing else but this world, but you can always invent something else) Including the place where our space is, but why?

I'm fed up with everything, I can't do without beer))

I can only assume that satellites are being launched into fantasy. It's already getting more interesting on a Sunday afternoon.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'm sick of it all, I can't do without a beer))

I can only assume that satellites are being launched into fantasy. It's already getting interesting on a Sunday afternoon.

We invented satellites, too, so we wouldn't be bored. And we invented forex. I do market research, develop theories, and others have developed satellites and invented space. We will be hanging out here for about an eternity, so there is enough work to do, we will study quantum physics...). The main thing is not to break this world, so we don't have to start all over again)
We still have to figure out what matter is, we're busy)
Реter Konow:

It's been a long time since such an interesting thread.

Rereading some pages, I began to think again about the nature of Time. And here are some thoughts that occurred to me:

To begin with, the notion of Time is born from subjective experiences of an individual. I think nobody will argue with this. But it does not mean that Time does not exist by itself. Undoubtedly, Matter is subjected to action of Time, but at the same time it is immaterial.

What if Time is a derivative of Process? Process, besides being a successive change of states, is first of all a manifestation of Order.

Why? - Because if you take all the states of the Object and just "throw" them into Being, you will get chaos of states. There will be no Process.

Process needs consistency for existence. Its states should be ordered. In the order of apparition of states, Time is born.

Each state of Object is assigned a segment of Existence. That is, State is in Existence from Nonexistence and returns to it. This happens each iteration of cycle of change of States.

Time, is a "slice" of Existence, which is given to each Phenomenon or State. A gift to countless potential Phenomena and States in Nonexistence.

No process, no time. E. Newton.

Now, from me: For every process time passes differently, there is no uniform notion of time. The course of time in each process depends on the stage of development of the process. A unit of time is allocated for birth and completion of each process, it is divided into stages of the process: Past, Present and Future and each of them has its function derived from the prime function, and the condition P+H+B=1 must always be obeyed, moreover, logics must be observed: P must be integral of H in time and prime function B, from which H and B derive. I am proud, that I have formulated, found mathematical formulas for P, H and B, obeying all mentioned requirements, and the transition from one process time to another must take place by means of time image in Laplace transform and posted here . I thought that until mankind would understand this fact, it would take more than one hundred years. Your reasoning shortens this period.

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Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

No process, no time. E. Newton.

Is there a process in the atom or is there no process?

И. I don't think Newton bothered to go into the atom, but argued.