A man has become a billionaire. What is his purpose in life now? - page 12

Georgiy Merts:

We would do well to learn a thing or two from Iran.

And the attitude to family, and to women, and their cohesion.

I think you know what happens when a churka gets hurt and half a hundred churkas come running.

And when a Slav gets hurt, how many will run? His closest friends at best.

That's not exactly true. Iran used to be a secular country with a high level of education, freedom of speech and beautiful women in miniskirts. Now it is a prison and the Middle Ages.


it is boring to live with everything, have you ever thought that you do not have problems to solve every day, responsibilities, etc. the meaning of life is lost


Give me some examples, at least in this century.

It doesn't seem to have happened this century - Russia doesn't care about that, it just wants to survive on its own. But in the past, there were plenty.

Ruslan Kuznetsov:

It is boring to live with everything, have you ever thought that you do not have problems to solve every day, any responsibilities, etc. the meaning of life is lost

I, for example, enjoy a carefree life.

Sergey Vradiy:

Not really. Iran used to be a secular country with a high level of education, with freedom of speech and beauties in miniskirts. Now it is a prison and the Middle Ages.

Not "in the past was", but "at one time was". Yes, there was such a period. And it's over. The people, apparently, did not like it.


For me, for example, I like the carefree life.

I was once in the States on a month-long business trip to Silicon Valley. I almost died of boredom during that month. It's more fun here.)

Sergey Vradiy:

Not really. Iran used to be a secular country with a high level of education, with freedom of speech and beauties in miniskirts. Now it is a prison and the Middle Ages.

Recently I watched an Iranian film "The Salesman", the actors are Iranian, but the French were involved in the making, so it's a professionally made film.

The plot is criminal: a husband and his wife rent another flat and in that flat, the wife is beaten up by someone when she's in the shower. The husband is looking for his attacker.

Along the way this banal plot goes into detail.

Before them, there was a woman living in this flat "who was frequently visited by men". While I was trying to determine her occupation, it turns out that the wording "A woman who was frequented by men" is not just for fun, it is not an attempt to confuse the viewer, and naming a woman's occupation in plain language is unacceptable in all the characters in the film without exception, as it will DENY her.

The husband is about to file a police report, but then it turns out that the wife herself opened the door on the intercom to the assailant as she mistook him for her husband. And the husband abandons the idea of the police, as the nuance of opening the door could DESTROY him and his wife.

Moreover, it turns out that the assailant who beat his wife has left money behind. And then the husband can't even imagine the real course of events, as it might DESTROY his wife.

Eventually the husband finds his attacker and decides to kill him. But the assailant has a heart attack, so the husband decides to call the assailant's relatives to tell them what happened. And this is the climax of the film: the assailant tries in every way to talk him out of it, believing that it is better to die than to be so humiliated in front of his family.

This idea of society building on DAMNING-HONOR was just shocking in the face of all the cinematic slop from our screens.

And then I remembered that there was an 'honour slave' in our history, that people were willing to die for honour. And not only in our country, but in France too. But honour died with the arrival of such concepts as "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". And now this slogan, along with "freedom of speech" is the main weapon to keep the ochlos (the trash) in line with attempts to bring about basic social justice.


For some reason I feel closer to this "prison and medievalism" than to the current Western freedom based on human rights, including scum.

СанСаныч Фоменко:


And then I remembered that there was a 'slave of honour' in our history, that people were willing to die for honour. And not only in our country, but in France too. But honour died with the arrival of such concepts as "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". And now, this slogan, together with "freedom of speech" is the main weapon to keep the ochlos (the trash) in check from trying to establish basic social justice.

Yes, the slogan:"Soul to God, heart to woman, duty to the Motherland, honour to no one! "is now out of fashion.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I recently watched an Iranian film called The Salesman, the actors are Iranian but the French were involved in the making, so it's a professionally made film.

The plot is criminal: a husband and his wife rent another flat and in that flat, the wife is beaten up by someone while she is in the shower. The husband is looking for his attacker.

Along the way this banal plot goes into detail.

Before them, there was a woman living in this flat "who was frequently visited by men". While I was trying to determine her occupation, it turns out that the wording "A woman who was frequented by men" is not just for fun, it is not an attempt to confuse the viewer, and naming a woman's occupation in plain language is unacceptable in all the characters in the film without exception, as it will DENY her.

The husband is about to file a police report, but then it turns out that the wife herself opened the door on the intercom to the assailant as she mistook him for her husband. And the husband abandons the idea of the police, as the nuance of opening the door could DESTROY him and his wife.

Moreover, it turns out that the assailant who beat his wife has left money behind. And then the husband can't even imagine the real course of events, as it might DESTROY his wife.

Eventually the husband finds his attacker and decides to kill him. But the assailant has a heart attack, so the husband decides to call the assailant's relatives to tell them what happened. And this is the climax of the film: the assailant tries in every way to talk him out of it, believing that it is better to die than to be so humiliated in front of his family.

This idea of society building on DAMNING-HONOR was just shocking in the face of all the cinematic slop from our screens.

And then I remembered that there was an 'honour slave' in our history, that people were willing to die for honour. And not only in our country, but in France too. But honour died with the arrival of such concepts as "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". And now this slogan, along with "freedom of speech" is the main weapon to keep the ochlos (the trash) in line with attempts to bring about basic social justice.


Somehow I feel closer to this "prison and medievalism" than the current Western freedom based on human rights, including scum.

It's not honour, it's clamped down on complexes. I was once asked by a DC in Israel to do a series of webinars on algotrading, like 10 of them. I used to get used to questions, people were asking questions and organizing meetings, in short, I was very active.

But here I tell you and a dead silence, not one comment, not one question. I asked them if something was unclear. Ask me questions. And silence... I then told the owner of the TC, - do not get upset, all webinars are satisfied, and do not ask questions, because they are afraid of appearing to the neighbours a fool who does not understand something. It's such a national characteristic of the Jews here.

Is that an honour as well? No, it's idiocy and internal nerdiness!

Alexey Volchanskiy:

It's not honour, it's a clamped down complex. I was once asked by a broker from Israel to hold a series of webinars on algotrading, about 10 of them. At that time I was running a lot of webinars, and I was used to receiving a lot of questions and people getting together to arrange things, in short, I was very active.

But here I tell you and a dead silence, not one comment, not one question. I asked them if something was unclear. Ask me questions. And silence... I then told the owner of the DC, - do not get upset, all webinars are satisfied, and do not ask questions, because they are afraid of appearing to the neighbours a fool who does not understand something. It's such a national characteristic of the Jews here.

Is that an honour as well? No, it's stupidity and inward nerdiness!

You're twisting... Nothing to do with my thinking at all.