Talking about the PLO in the lounge


Since I'm constantly accused of seducing and leaving all the women in St. Petersburg over 18 and under 90 and starting to maniac beyond, and one of the forum users on my birthday on December 23 was hysterical about how much he hates me, I decided to start a socially useful
and chaste branch.

And today's rant about whether one can live without vodka, pussy and rock and roll PLO makes one wonder if the crybabies are right, and life is not a fun adventure but a heavy burden. Maybe the PLO was actually invented by the evil replictoids with the help of the traitor to humanity Bjorn Straustrup?


Let's start with a question from the wilyGeorge Merts in today's threadsr*ch who decided to turn the conversation from subtle inspired scolding to grossly boring matters. But the question is just right.

By the way, I don't really understand why programmers with experience don't hesitate to ask "silly" questions like "How does the CObject class from the Standard Library work " and newbies are "shy"...


We answer the provocation in cold blood:

Those who have experience will not ask such questions )))))))) For it is the parent class that does nothing. Its job is to provide a single parent for all offspring. And for what purpose?

Let's take a look at the class, for it is quite small. As you can see, it has 4 virtual functions which, as it should be in the parent class, do nothing.

class CObject
   CObject          *m_prev;               // previous item of list
   CObject          *m_next;               // next item of list

                     CObject(void): m_prev(NULL),m_next(NULL)            {                 }
                    ~CObject(void)                                       {                 }
   //--- methods to access protected data
   CObject          *Prev(void)                                    const { return(m_prev); }
   void              Prev(CObject *node)                                 { m_prev=node;    }
   CObject          *Next(void)                                    const { return(m_next); }
   void              Next(CObject *node)                                 { m_next=node;    }
   //--- methods for working with files
   virtual bool      Save(const int file_handle)                         { return(true);   }
   virtual bool      Load(const int file_handle)                         { return(true);   }
   //--- method of identifying the object
   virtual int       Type(void)                                    const { return(0);      }
   //--- method of comparing the objects
   virtual int       Compare(const CObject *node,const int mode=0) const { return(0);      }

When I saw Alexey's avatar, I thought it was going to be about women again... and I wasn't mistaken

There are still some fundamental people and things left on the forum


Talking about the PLO swath )

Shall we begin?


Waiting for Peter Knaw or whatever his nickname is.
popcorn, I'm waiting for the shit :)

Alexey Oreshkin:

Waiting for Peter Knee or whatever the name is.
Got some popcorn, I'm waiting for the shit :)

Alexei, did you see the word "valenki" and immediately associate it with the person you are waiting for in this thread?


But no personal insults...

Artyom Trishkin:

But no personal insults...

OK, no one has been insulted yet, but we'll keep that in mind for the future)


Next, the class provides reading and writing of two private fields (remember what they are below)m_prev andm_next.

   //--- methods to access protected data
   CObject          *Prev(void)                                    const { return(m_prev); }
   void              Prev(CObject *node)                                 { m_prev=node;    }
   CObject          *Next(void)                                    const { return(m_next); }
   void              Next(CObject *node)                                 { m_next=node;    }

Firstly, for those who forgot or didn't know. The private field, which is placed after the declaration of the private section: is not visible from the outside and serves only for access inside the class.

   CObject          *m_prev;               // previous item of list
   CObject          *m_next;               // next item of list

Fields (this is how the OOP jargon calls variables) that are in the public section: , i.e. public, as the name implies, are visible from the outside. Let's deal with protected: section later.

So,m_prev andm_next

are needed to create array-type classes in the future, but they will work on different principles. Let's not go deep into the subject now. We'll skip pictures and remember.

There is nothing else this class can do. There is a constructor and a destructor, of course.

As you may have noticed, forgetful Matakwots didn't include the most important field m_get_bablo. If we need it, we can inherit from CObject and include m_get_many_many_big_bablo field!


Disclamer:if the codes which will be published in this thread by me won't work, it means that someone else wrote them.

well, if it does work, then sure, it's mine )))

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

When I saw Alexey's avatar, I thought it was going to be about women again... and I wasn't mistaken

There are still some fundamental people and things on the forum

Maxim, have you already accepted or what? I clearly wrote, "I've decided to start a socially useful

and chaste thread. "

Why are you all seeing broads?))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Since I'm constantly accused of seducing and dumping all the women in St. Petersburg over 18 and under 90 and started maniacing outside the city as well.

And today's bickering about whether it's possible to live without vodka, broads and rock'n'roll PLO, made me think that maybe crybabies are right, and life is not a fun adventure, but a heavy burden. Maybe the PLO was really invented by the evil replictoids with the help of the traitor to humanity Bjorn Straustrup?

So you're from St Petersburg. How are the physics and mathematics buildings in the village of Temyashkino still standing? By the way, who do you think the replictoids are - all of us, who type on the forums, or do you call so the reptiloids?

Artyom Trishkin:

But no personal insults...

Artem, here's a request. To you and all respected moderators. Jokes in our community, including my address, I welcome. And look, so far marked only the old guard, we know each other.

But here crybabies go away plz, or I'll leave and go to another forum. Plan to write here about serious things, but with some humor of course. And crybabies are just spreading lies and destraction.


ZS, left for 20 minutes, then continue. What to write about in general, what do you think? I have some thoughts, I'd like to hear yours.