Talking about the PLO in the lounge - page 12

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Such a need arises regularly. It is only desirable that the developers do this.

A simple example. For some reason, the developers did not consider it necessary to provide a horizontal coordinate grid for indicator charts. And, of course, they didn't provide an appropriate method for this).

This is another topic.

George Merts:

I too, back in the days of switching from real to secure mode, really hated that I couldn't access any physical memory address.

Don't confuse the two, memory delimitation is a completely different story.

Artyom Trishkin:
Yuriy Asaulenko:

Such a need arises regularly. It is only desirable that the developers do this.

A simple example. For some reason, the developers did not consider it necessary to provide a horizontal coordinate grid for indicator charts. Of course, they haven't provided an appropriate method for that).

This is another topic.
Hopefully, the application to the BOD about the grid has long been left?

Don't confuse the difference, the distinction in memory is from a completely different thread.

Why not? It is one and the same - isolating different parts of the system from each other to avoid conflicts. The essence is the same.
George Merts:
Why? Of the same - isolation of different parts of the system from each other to avoid conflicts. The essence is the same.

Encapsulation at OS level )


Stop arguing about OOP.

This is a thing of the past and arguing "procedural vs object-oriented" was possible 20 years ago. Now it's just ridiculous and not even flaming.

A fable, as Volchansky is fond of doing: 1995-1996, I was working on a network project, and my supervisor came up and asked me: "Can you write with classes? - Of course, I do, and here's the code.

... But why am I always talking about classes? I was passing by the metro station tonight, and you wouldn't believe it, a girl was sitting there crying. So I went over, offered to spend the night...
Maxim Dmitrievsky:
... But why am I always talking about classes? I was passing by the metro station tonight, and you wouldn't believe it, a girl was sitting there crying. So I went over, offered to spend the night...
Walking the other day. A 1000-ruble piece of paper rolls down the stairs. I wanted to pick it up, then I thought: if it was real, someone would have picked it up long ago.

It is amusing, of course, to read the arguments of the opponents of the PLO. I am reminded of a story by H.G. Wells called "Land of the Blind".

There's a dude there, a climber of sorts, who happened to be in a land of the blind isolated from the rest of the world. They were blind from birth. As a result, the dude wanted to cure his "sight" disease with a simple surgical procedure.
Here is a quote from this book:

"- А вот чем, - продолжал врач, отвечая на собственный вопрос. - Те
странные придатки, которые называются глазами и предназначены создавать на
лице приятную легкую впадину, у Боготы поражены болезнью, что  и  вызывает
осложнение  в  мозгу.  Они  у  него  сильно  увеличены,  обросли   густыми
ресницами, веки на них  дергаются,  и  от  этого  мозг  у  него  постоянно
раздражен, и мысли неспособны сосредоточиться.
   - Вот что? - удивился старый Якоб. - Вот оно как...
   - Думается, я с полным основанием могу утверждать, что для его  полного
излечения требуется произвести совсем простую  хирургическую  операцию,  а
именно удалить эти раздражающие тельца.
   - И тогда он выздоровеет?
   - Тогда он совершенно выздоровеет и станет примерным гражданином.
   - Да будет благословенна наука! - воскликнул старый Якоб  и  тотчас  же 
пошел поделиться с Нуньесом своей счастливой надеждой."

He got his feet out of there by force.

The same goes for all the arguments about the harmfulness of PLO.

How can you explain to a person born blind that the grass is green?

Those who argue about the harmfulness of OOP, at least, must first learn OOP programming and create at least a couple of large projects using this technology before you bring arguments.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
... But what am I talking about classes and classes? I'm passing by the metro station tonight, and you won't believe it, there's a girl sitting crying. So I went over and offered her a place to sleep...

You're a knight, just like me.)

On Friday I was on my way back from the store, bought some food and drinks. And again, all ditches dug, laid a pipe about 20 centimeters, it did not mark and in this place there are no lights, darkness. I could smell it, they were pumping non-distilled water through the pipe.

I'm walking along, I stumble over the pipe, and I'm flying forward. I used to do hand-to-hand fighting when I was young and we were trained for different falls, so I didn't break the vodka, saving it at the cost of my own jacket and dipped my head in, as I fell over in a deep muddy puddle with suspicious aromas. But I kept my hands with the bags up during the roll over.

I was lying on my back in the puddle, anxiously groping for bottles - they were intact! Suddenly a girl comes out of the darkness, I shout, - Watch out!!! But it's too late, she plans to attack me, I softened the blow with her body as much as I could, but still she snapped, and we both lay in a puddle on our backs, looking at the stars. Romance!

I said, "Let's get up already, you'll catch cold. I got up, covered in slime, - oh, I'm going home, eyes in panic. I said, there's my front door, let's go and try to scrub it off.

No way, it is useless to wipe it off, everything is soaked, I even washed my leather suede mittens, everything is in winter G. Ok, she and I have a synthetic jacket, if there was any fabric, only dry cleaning.

Took her to the bathroom for a wash, gave her a dressing gown, washed myself, all the clothes were thrown in the washer. I and her clothes got dirty, jeans and everything else, puddled in a puddle, the pigs must be envious. We soaked them, then put them in the washer, too.

Nothing, we had dinner, drank some drinks for such a merry acquaintance, left them in the guesthouse while everything dries.

Georges, if you say one word now, you're no longer my friend!