Talking about the PLO in the lounge - page 14

Renat Fatkhullin:

Stop arguing about OOP.

This is long gone and it was possible to argue "procedural vs object-oriented" about 20 years ago. Now it's just ridiculous and does not even count as flaming.

A tale, as Volchansky likes to do: 1995-1996, I'm writing a networking project, the supervisor comes up and asks, "Can you write with classes? - Of course, I do, and here is the code.

OOP vs FP is now a different kind of confrontation. Many OOP adepts have already given up and begun to defect to the opponents. Besides, FP has a serious evidential mathematical basis. The PLO has none of this.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Well, if the moderators are asleep, they will be.) And the OOP course is already in full swing. But not here. It makes no sense to start something serious here.

Where is it going on?

Vasiliy Sokolov:

There is now a different kind of confrontation, PLO vs FP. Many OOP supporters have already given up and are beginning to defect to their opponents. Besides, the OP has a serious evidence-based mathematical basis. The PLO has none of this.

But when it exceeds the 0.000x-1.0% level of created code and projects, only then it will be possible to discuss it seriously.

For now it is a strongly applied direction with exorbitant overheads on resources.

All the "evidentiary math" pales before the inability to learn, total laziness and ignorance of quality. So nothing changes. Vaughn can't even comprehend OOP.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Well, if the moderators are asleep, they will be.) And the OOP course is already in full swing. But not here. There is no sense to start something serious here.

Well... You are the one who has set the direction of your own thread. And the moderators are supposed to persuade you to stick to that direction...

Artyom Trishkin:

Oh, well... You set the direction of your own thread. And the moderators are supposed to tell you to stick to the direction you set, not talk about girls...

Artem, you're wrong. What can you do without girls? - The girls are all ours :-))

And seriously, here is what I want to discuss. There is a class where the copy constructor is written and the assignment operator is overridden. Question. When should they be and should they be different?

Dennis Kirichenko:

Artem, you're wrong. What can you do without girls? - The girls are all ours :-))

But seriously, here is what I want to discuss. There is a class where the copy constructor is written and the assignment operator is overridden. Question. When should they be and must they be different?

Overriding of operators does not give you anything but syntactic sugar. It is better to abandon this practice and use the Copy() or Clone() method instead of the assignment operator - plain and simple:

class CMyClass
   int m_state;
   CMyClass* Copy()
      CMyClass* obj = new CMyClass();
      obj.m_state = state;
      return obj;

Standard comparison characters are better left for pointers.

Artyom Trishkin:

Oh, well... You set the direction of your own thread. And it turns out the moderators have to persuade you to stick to the direction you set, not to talk over chicks

I wrote in post #10 "Artem, here's a request. To you and all respected moderators. I welcome jokes in our community, including jokes about me. And look, so far marked only the old guard, we know each other.

But here crybabies go away plz, or I'll leave and go to another forum. Plan to write here about serious things, but with some humor of course. And crybabies only breed rawness and destraction."

Well, there were hardly any crybabies, but the thread was instantly fucked anyway. I mean, you can discuss some OOP issues here, but I started the course elsewhere, the discipline is stricter there. If you are interested - write to me in person.

And since the idea failed (I foresaw it from the beginning) it's possible once about D.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Alexei, you need to be more specific and less vodka/girls and other enticements. I'm sure there are those who want to read you here already. You got off to a great start.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Overriding operators gives nothing but syntactic sugar. It is better to abandon this practice and use Copy() or Clone() method instead of assignment operator - simple and clear:

Standard comparison characters are better left for pointers.

It seems to me that there is no difference. And there are no pointers in MQL, so you can't confuse them.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Alexei, you need to be more specific and less vodka/girls and other enticements. I'm sure there are those who want to read you here already. You got off to a great start.

The only irrelevant post was tonight. So I wrote a post with examples of virtual functions a few days ago, so what. It was buried under a ton of slag. Not a single response on it. You can't create any courses here, it's a chat room ).

And the site hangs constantly, with 5 messages one cannot send, ok just wait, but it's sometimes just all crashed.