Bitcoin miner - page 41

Dmitriy Skub:

There are cooler things. Here, melcosoft gave us the thing:

It supports parallel operation (multi-threading) and graphics cards (from 1 and more) and distributed computing (multi-computing).

Interesting, I missed something about the news. Interestingly, due to the focus on networking, C++/C# is somehow not at the top of the list, with BrainScript and Pyton being mentioned more often. Although I've just done a purely cursory glance at the link.

I don't know what BrainScript is at all; I remember Pyton as a simple language for WEB. I've got an acquaintance who creates virtual reality in it, while my friends write neurons for stock trading.

In short, the situation in programming world is similar to the one when in Middle Ages a good scientist knew all sciences, then only some related to his field, and now it is usually a narrow field in a single one.

Soon the world will be divided into narrow specialists, the service sector and the lumpen on welfare ))

Mihail Marchukajtes:

Mining is certainly a good thing. But there's a much more efficient use of a farm with a return on more than a bit. Maybe that's a bit of a mouthful, but if you manage to run a Java application on CUDA, it won't take you long to get a return on your investment... I'm sure....

Any knowledge of running applications on CUDA?

What do you want to do?

What do you want to do?

All NVidia miners use CUDA and the source code (of almost any miner) is freely downloadable.

Added by

Bitcoin, the most popular and most expensive cryptocurrency, surpassed the $10,000 mark on Tuesday: according to, as of 14:15 Moscow time, bitcoin reached $10,02 thousand, setting a new historical record. Bitcoin has gained more than 10 times its value since the beginning of the year and its capitalization exceeded $167bn. The total capitalization of the cryptocurrency market has exceeded $310bn.

Read more on RBC:
Exceeded 10,000 !
Курс биткоина превысил $10 тыс.
Курс биткоина превысил $10 тыс.
Курс биткоина взлетел до $10 тыс. благодаря притоку на рынок новых денег и ожиданиям скорого запуска фьючерсов на эту криптовалюту. Эксперты оптимистичны по поводу перспектив биткоина, хотя не исключают временной коррекции
Alexey Volchanskiy:

Interesting, I missed something about the news. Interestingly, due to the focus on networking, C++/C# is somehow not at the top of the list, with BrainScript and Pyton being mentioned more often. Although I've just done a purely cursory glance at the link.

I don't know what BrainScript is at all; I remember Pyton as a simple language for WEB. I've got an acquaintance who creates virtual reality in it and my am friends are writing stock trading neurons.

In short, the situation in programming world is similar to the one when in Middle Ages a good scientist knew all sciences, then only some related to his field, and now it is usually a narrow field in a single one.

Soon the world will be divided into narrow specialists, the service sector and the lumpen on welfare ))

Well, CNTK is actually written in C++. And python is now a full-fledged OOP language with Sharp-level features.

Don't get clever, and don't spread nonsense...


Here they are, the concrete money made from mining

What about you? Just words devoid of any common sense!

That's the cost of 8 video cards...
Dmitriy Skub:
Well, CNTK is actually written in C++. And python is now a full-fledged OOP language with Sharp-level capabilities.

Is it still an interpreter or did they bolt on a normal compiler? I haven't used it for ten years.

Renat Akhtyamov:
That's the cost of 8 video cards...

Yeah no, the whole rig (8 video cards + mum + CPU + RAM + SSD + W10 + 2BP + 8 raisers + cage + Wi-fi adapter + HDMI emulator) and only 450$

Alexey Volchanskiy:
In short, the situation in the programming world is similar to the one when in the Middle Ages a good scientist knew all the sciences, then only some related to his field, and now usually a narrow field in some one.

The more qualified a specialist is, the narrower the field he or she works in.

A complete specialist knows everything about nothing).


And the final touch to the report - all withdrawals in RUR from the exchange to my card of earnings up to27.11.2017 until 13:26


Rubles change at the MSK exchange


I found a description for my home computer - how to start mining

I'm getting about a cent an hour.

I don't even believe the simpletrader has more.


And the final touch to the report - all withdrawals in RUR from the exchange to my card of earnings up to27.11.2017 until 13:26


Rubles change at the MSK exchange

That's it, I have to put a scalper on crypto )) Why, the volatility there is good. But I understand only CFDs or indices on forex? I must try to use demo this week.

I may try to use some forex in my trading account, but I have not got any tips on how to use it.)

If bitcoin or other crypto would not walk in a channel, but go up or down, it would be a fairy tale. In the meantime, it is so. And there is no need to put a rig.

Question to the author of this thread, is the rig at home or in another room? If at home, it's a finish.