Bitcoin miner - page 19

Intel и AMD объединились для создания лучшей интегрированной графики для PC
Intel и AMD объединились для создания лучшей интегрированной графики для PC
  • 2017.11.08
  • Сергей Грэй
Как мы все прекрасно знаем, на протяжении долгих лет корпорации AMD и Intel были достаточно серьёзными соперниками в сфере создания микропроцессоров для настольных компьютеров. Но когда речь заходила о процессорах для ноутбуков, здесь всегда властвовала Intel, а AMD в данном секторе выступала достаточно скромно. И вот здесь в голову приходит...

Great, of course, but that doesn't mean it will be suitable for computing mining algorithms, and yes

and the cost would probably be high....

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Now that's interesting)

As it turns out, not very.... (result on previous page)


As it turns out, not so much.... (result on previous page)

A negative result is also a result. Statistics, even if they are bad, are also useful.

Thank you!

Vitaly Muzichenko:

A negative result is also a result. Statistics, even if they are bad, are also useful.

Thank you!

You're welcome... :)

Although, of course, statistics are hard to count(Bitcoin's exchange rate jumps a lot....)


All EVGAs in Regard were sold out, only one left 62730 rubles (weak for mining against the same class EVGA, though very good too)!


Meanwhile ...

Bitcoin jumped to $8000 as the news broke

Официально: хардфорк биткоина SegWit2x отменяется | ForkLog
Официально: хардфорк биткоина SegWit2x отменяется | ForkLog
Как стало известно из обращения разработчиков и лиц, так или иначе имевших отношение у проекту, ожидавшийся в середине ноября хардфорк SegWit2x отменяется. Соответствующее обращение распространили Майк Белш (BitGo), Венсес Касарес (Xapo), Джихан Ву (Bitmain), Джефф Гарзик (главный разработчик SegWit2x), Питер Смит ( и Эрик...
Igor Volodin:

Meanwhile ...

Bitcoin jumped to $8000 as the news broke

Thanks!!!! This is the SECOND VERY good news for me.

The thing is, before buying it (and it's not small money!) I

considered whether it was a worthwhile investment (I knew about the split).

But made up my mind nonetheless.

As soon as I bought the equipment, and was on my way home, I got a call from a friend and

said, about the Chicago exchange (Bitcoin futures opening. The first VERY important news for this business).

And now you've made me happy (and I was wondering why Bitcoin at $7770).

So that's why all the video cards sold out today :):):)


Funny... :)

But if you're not interested, I don't have to write anything, I just answered Alexei's question...

Thank you, the information is interesting and, most importantly, specific. So far I, not taking into account possible force majeure, see only one limitation. It's impossible to ramp up capacity for a decent income at home. So far I can see an income at the level of the average Russian wage. For further growth, you have to physically go outside your living space. This is my purely deliberate opinion )

Keep on writing about how things are going, you're doing a good job, concrete and without water.)


Thanks!!!! This is the SECOND VERY good news for me.

The thing is, before I bought it (and it's not small money!) I

considered the justification of this investment (I knew about the separation).

But made up my mind nonetheless.

As soon as I bought the equipment, and was on my way home, I got a call from a friend and

said, about the Chicago exchange (Bitcoin futures opening. The first VERY important news for this business).

And now you've made me happy (and I was wondering why Bitcoin at $7770).

So that's why all the video cards were sold out today :):):)

Here, there's still one left ))

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Thank you, the information is interesting and, most importantly, specific. So far, without taking into account possible force majeure, I see only one limitation. It is impossible to ramp up capacity to generate a decent income at home. So far I can see an income at the level of the average Russian wage. For further growth, you have to physically go outside your living space. This is my purely deliberate opinion )

Keep writing as you go, you're doing well, very concrete and without any water )


You're right, there are 4 things you need to do to make a serious living:

1. Cheap electricity.

2. A big cool ventilated room.

3. A competently designed and set up Rigi.

4. Enough money to buy equipment