Bitcoin miner - page 26


No, it's all clear - it's just interesting to consider your specific example (especially since you decided so quickly - it took a few days between the creation of the topic and the miner, which prompted this step)?

I'm a grown man, I have everything, I do not earn bad money on the Exchange, there is an income

I'm a mature guy, I have everything, I earn good money on the Exchange, I have income that I need to master, and FORTS has its own limit (for my strategies).

I can afford to risk such a sum without serious damage to my budget.


Nothing. cloud agents are not available on opencl devices. This is what stopped the cloud agent service from developing towards non-tradeable tasks.

I understand OpenCl was only enabled for systems withNvidia Tesla, based on one of Renat's comments from 2013 :

It's been a long time since then, nothing has changed?

MQL5 Cloud Network: Вы все еще считаете?
MQL5 Cloud Network: Вы все еще считаете?
  • 2013.01.02
Скоро будет год с момента, когда была запущена сеть распределенных вычислений MQL5 Cloud Network.
Igor Volodin:

It's been a long time since then, hasn't anything changed?

A question for the developers, particularly Renat, I don't follow.

Ошибка программиста заморозила на криптокошельках 280 миллионов долларов
Ошибка программиста заморозила на криптокошельках 280 миллионов долларов
  • 2017.11.09
  • Вячеслав Ларионов
Программист с ником devops199, работавший со своими смарт-контрактами Parity, по ошибке удалил библиотеку, обеспечивающую работу кошельков, зарегистрированных с середины лета по настоящий момент. Теперь в кошельках заморожено около 280 миллионов долларов в эфировом эквиваленте, которые, похоже, уже не удастся восстановить. Сервис...

Just under 24 hours to the first (working) payment

What about electricity? Is it even counted separately for the farm?


prostotrader, can you just get bitcoins yourself as a result of mining?

Yes, payment on NiceHash is only in Bitcoins, and you are mining DIFFERENT currencies.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

What about electricity? Is it even counted separately for the farm?

There are socket wattmeters (no more than 16A 3.5 kW)


What is the official bitcoin website?

Where is the best place to get a bitcoin wallet?

Is Nyshash a mining pool?

What mining pools are there?


2. it depends on where you will mine (if NiceHash, they have their own wallet for Bitcoins)

3. I also think it is possible to buy and rent out more power there.

4. Search the Internet - there are many of them...


What is the official bitcoin website?
Биткойн - P2P деньги с Открытым кодом
Биткойн - P2P деньги с Открытым кодом
Биткойн - это инновационная сеть платежей и новый вид денег. Используя P2P технологию, Биткойн функционирует без какого-либо контролирующего органа или центрального банка; обработка транзакций и эмиссия осуществляются коллективно участниками сети. Биткойн имеет открытый исходный...

What is the official bitcoin website?

two fixed addresses for establishing connections are initially sewn into the code, check for yourself and be surprised: and second one has been out of service for a long time). Figuratively speaking, the whole Bitcoin network's communications system rests on a certain rusty nail in the department of a dubious website.Also, the Bitcoin administration is very curious about this: even though this topic has already arisen, they are trying to sweep the issue under the carpet and remove it from the discussion threads in every way possible.