Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 158

Sergey Golubev #:

2014 ...
I graduated from KTI in 1982 and I don't know the current university at all.
Have you seen my picture there?
was it ... hanging there...

And where you probably drink coffee - there was military training there ...

On the first floor, maybe. Mtsakanyan was taking his final exams.
Vladimir Baskakov #:
On the first floor, I think. Mtsakanyan was taking his final exams.
Military training was in the basement, where the cafe is now.
I do not remember Mtsakanyan (we did not have him).
I remember Shmoylov (I passed his theoretical mechanics exams back in the first year, but he still made me attend his lectures).
Also, we students used to run to lectures by a lecturer on Kant at KSU.
I lived 100 metres from Kart's grave at the time, and we used to run to Kaliningrad University for his lectures.
"The Thing In Itself :)

And also the Literary Theatre ...
Did you go to the Literary Theatre at KSU?

In the early 80s it was better than KVN...
I remember, a student comes on stage in a police cap (Gimbitsky, the son of the then head of the Investigation Department of Internal Affairs of the Kaliningrad region),
and throws a red folder on a rope into the hall.

He hooks it ... and - caught no one (on the red folder) ...
And leaves ... says "no bite today"

He was called for an encore.


So - our entertainment was -

  • "the frying pan,"
  • lectures on Kant, and
  • literary theatre.

And now you watch TV... and think -
either they're all crazy or I'm already dead and living in a parallel reality ...


That's it.

Sergey Golubev #:

And also the Literary Theatre ...
Did you go to the Literary Theatre at KSU?

In the early 80s it was better than KVN...
I remember, a student comes on stage in a police cap (Gimbitsky, the son of the then head of the Investigation Department of Internal Affairs of the Kaliningrad region),
and throws a red folder on a rope into the hall.

He hooks it ... and - caught no one (on the red folder) ...
And leaves ... says "no bite today"

He was called for an encore.


So - our entertainment was -

  • "the frying pan,"
  • lectures on Kant, and
  • literary theatre.
Everything is changing, young people have different interests now. Danya Milohin, Mongenstern, these are the authorities
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Everything is changing, young people have different interests now. Dania Milohin, Mongenstern, these are the authorities

It's not interests.
It's money.
"Stupid" money.

Because now (and before) there is no causal link between events such as -

  • graduation (even with honours) from an institution of higher learning,
  • work in this field.

So now, if a person has graduated with a degree in accounting, it does not mean that he will work as an accountant.
There is no connection here.

Here, I apologize for the off-topic on this thread -
the clan-based system of management (or more precisely, the Yeltsin-Gaidar system, i.e. the system of the 90s) has not yet been cancelled.
Changes to our constitution - yes, I agree, it's like "the last nail in the 90s system". But theoretically.
That is - evolutionarily ... that is, it's the same people who uninstalled the system that uninstalled it...

The NATO base in Baltiysk... under-constructed... Were you there? The ruins are already there...
And the old cemetery in Kaliningrad... where you don't look when you were born... look when you died... all in the 90's.
That's the revolutionary way.
And now we have an evolutionary ...

I gave you examples of how we lived as students in the closed city of Kaliningrad.
And it was better than what you were living as students in your time ...

Despite the fact that there is already multinationality now, even too much -
RTR TV Kaliningrad, the announcers - with a Ukrainian accent you cannot even say that at all if RTR Moscow, right? and this is the second channel you watch our TV?

Sergey Golubev #:

It's not interests.
It's money.
"Stupid" money.

Because now (and before) there is no causal link between events such as -

  • graduation (even with honours) from an institution of higher learning,
  • work in this field.

So now, if a person has graduated with a degree in accounting, it does not mean that he will work as an accountant.
There is no connection here.

Here, I apologize for the off-topic on this thread -
the clan-based system of management (or more precisely, the Yeltsin-Gaidar system. i.e. the system of the 90s) has not yet been cancelled.
Changes to our constitution - yes, I agree, it's like "the last nail in the 90s system". But theoretically.
That is - evolutionarily ... that is, it's the same people who uninstalled the system that uninstalled it...

The NATO base in Baltiysk... under-constructed... Have you been there?
And the old cemetery in Kaliningrad... where you don't look when you were born... look when they died... all - the 90s.
That's the revolutionary way.
And now we have an evolutionary ...

I gave you examples of how we lived as students in the closed city of Kaliningrad.
And it was better than you lived as students ...

Despite the fact that there is already multinationality, even too much -
RTR TV Kaliningrad, the announcers - with a Ukrainian accent, which cannot even be said at all if RTR Moscow, right? and this is the second channel our television?

I do, there was one loudmouth on it, and it was removed. I'd rather not say anything about our TV, the Soviet one was much better.

We were 21 per cent according to the last census (Russians born in Kaliningrad Oblast) ...

My internet was down, I went out to the staircase and there was a man there, trying to pull some wires.
I asked him a question. He answered me something in German, I did not understand German.
I'm lucky he speaks English.
He lives in our house.

There are also many nationalities living there.


Okay... or we'll get into politics.

Vladimir Baskakov #:
I see there was one loudmouth there, and it was well cleared up. I'd rather not say anything about our TV, the Soviet one was much better.
Yeah, there was an impostor.
He's gone.