Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 156

15+ предметов, которые только в программу «Что? Где? Когда?» на опознание отправлять
15+ предметов, которые только в программу «Что? Где? Когда?» на опознание отправлять
Иногда на глаза попадается загадочная вещь, предназначение которой никак не можешь объяснить, но очень хочется: странный кухонный прибор, непонятный инструмент, старинный предмет одежды. К счастью, если самостоятельно опознать находку не удается, всегда можно отправиться за помощью в интернет, уж там-то найдутся ответы на любые вопросы.
Dmitry Fedoseev #:


I went out for a smoke and it came out that way, too.

that's in addition to the beehive.

no other associations came up


The world's only suspended tram runs in Wuppertal, Germany

Vladimir Karputov #:

The world's only suspended tram runs in Wuppertal, Germany

Yeah, and we beat them (riding on the 75 bus).
Vladimir Baskakov #:
Yeah, and we beat them (taking the 75 bus).
To our place in Svetlogorsk? :)
Sergey Golubev #:
To our place in Svetlogorsk? :)
I went to Rodniki, to Albatross
Vladimir Baskakov #:
I went to Rodniki, to Albatross

Yeah, Rodniki, right.

And I thought... Svetlogorsk... :)
It's the other way around.

I am in Svetlogorsk now.
Quiet, peaceful, no one walks (near Spar), quite quiet ...

Sergey Golubev #:

Yeah, Rodniki, right.

And I thought... Svetlogorsk... :)
It's the other way around.

I am in Svetlogorsk now.
Quiet, peaceful, no one walks (near Spar), quite quiet ...

It's always colder there
Vladimir Baskakov #:
It's always colder there.
Well, so to speak - third line to the sea ... always windy, everything blows ...
everything blows (even thoughts).
Sergey Golubev #:
Well, so to speak - third line by the sea ... always windy, everything blows ...
everything blows (even thoughts).
Brutal romance.