Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 97

broke up with a girl in a restaurant

Electrification is penetrating the pick-up market (watch from the middle of the video)


The first time I came across a code withdrawal from KodoBase:


Maximus Decius Myridius, general of the northern armies of the Roman Empire.


And all the help he's given in the forum...

What the hell is the answer from the hospital?

Maxim Kuznetsov:

And all the man in the forum helped...

what the hell is the reply from the hospital?

Send a picture of some medical equipment.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

And all the man in the forum helped...

What the hell's the answer from the hospital?

Does this character's nickname happen to be "Cheops"?

Maxim Kuznetsov:

And I've only helped one person in the forum...

what the hell's the answer from the hospital?

Geez, I sent a class to the codebase a month or two ago for the definition of stroke, and they still don't publish it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Geez, I sent the stroke class to the codebase a month or two ago, and they still don't publish it.

So publishing is automatic. After saving the edits between "Text" and "Comments", a button like "Send for verification" appears. If the check is successful, the button changes to "Publish". You need to manually click on it.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

And you've only helped one person in the forum...

What the hell's the answer from the hospital?

Nothing. First time you've dealt with inadequacies? No emotion, ignorance or blocking price.