Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 77

Vladimir Zubov:
I just saw a cat meowing on someone's porch to be let in. Without a second thought, I went to the door, rang the bell, nodded to the cat, and walked on. It wasn't until I rounded the corner that I realised what I had done, hearing the owner yell: "Fucking hell! Sarah, the cat just rang the doorbell!"

:))))) credit...

If you open the cat's door and he won't come out, it means he's letting someone else in.
The one he looks at at night, staring into an empty corner.
Sergey Golubev:
If you open the cat's door and he won't come out, it means he's letting someone else in.
Someone he looks at at night, staring into an empty corner.

A hobgoblin???

Sergey Golubev:
If you open the cat's door and he won't come out, it means he's letting someone else in.
Someone else he looks at at night, staring into an empty corner.
Now I'm afraid to open the cat's door.....

A guy on the internet told me once:

Walking through town, I see an open window on the ground floor of a house. There's a cat sitting under the window, mewing. The smell of delicious borscht can be heard from the window. The guy felt sorry for the cat and threw it through the window. And only a few meters away he turns around to hear the cat squeal and sees the cat flying back out of the window.

And now let's figure out what the cat might have thought. For example. I am sitting in the street, sniffing borscht, not touching anyone Someone comes up and throws me into someone else's hut. They catch me there and throw me back in.... What a whiff of borscht...

Vladimir Karputov:

Grail found!


No, it's not :(

Sobering ))

Sergey Golubev:
If you open the cat's door and he won't come out, it means he's letting someone else in.
Someone he looks at at night, staring into an empty corner.

I ran away from my wife a long time ago and lived in a rented flat. I opened the door at night, and a dachshund was striding into the flat, so peculiarly. Clearly domestic, clean, everything is OK. She walked around, politely ate the offered piece of meat from the soup, drank and jumped on my bed at my feet. Well, the house was paneled, it was winter, I was freezing there myself.

The next morning I called the girl who lived before me, and we exchanged phone numbers just in case. Yes, she said his name was Kesha, he lived four floors down, he loved to visit, and he slept on my feet all the time. You let him out in the morning, he'll go out on his own and come home. Everyone knows him here.

He's lived there for a year and slept at my place more than once.)

Alexey Volchanskiy:

The next morning I called the girl who lived before me, and we exchanged phone numbers just in case. Yes, he said his name was Kesha, he lived four floors down, he loved to visit, and he slept on my feet all the time. You let him out in the morning, he'll go out on his own and come home. Everyone knows him here.

He lived there for a year and slept at my place more than once.)

What happened to the girl?
The thought came to mind that entering the market correctly is more difficult than shooting down a manoeuvring warhead. After all, it does not reverse direction and the price is easy.

Very soon